Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (21360L/161K).
!7 module LocalSnippets > DynObjectTable<Snippet> { visualize { JComponent c = super.visualize(); ret withCenteredButtons(centerAndEastWithMargins(c, vstackWithSpacing( makeBold(tableDependentButton(table, "RUN", rThread { dm_addDynamicModuleDialog2(selected().id) })), tableDependentButton(table, "Edit", rThread { dm_editSnippet(selected().id) }), tableDependentButton(table, "Transpile", rThread { transpileLocalSnippet(selected().id); updateList(); }), tableDependentButton(table, "Rename...", rThread { fS id = selected().id; inputText("Rename Snippet " + id, getSnippetTitle(id), voidfunc(S title) enter { renameSnippet(id, title); updateList(); }); }) , tableDependentButton(table, "Delete", rThread { if (confirmOKCancel("Delete snippet " + snippetWithTitle(selected()) + "? It will be backed up.")) { deleteLocalSnippet(selected().id); infoBox("Snippet deleted!"); updateList(); } }), )), "New program...", r addSnippet); } start { itemToMap = func(Snippet s) -> Map { litorderedmap( "ID" :=, "Title" := unnull(s.title), "Type" := s.type, "Lines" := str(numberOfLinesInFile(localSnippetFile(, "Transpiled" := isLocalSnippetTranspiled( ? "yes" : "no") }; doEveryAndNow(5.0, r updateList); } void updateList enter { setData(listLocalSnippets()); } void addSnippet enter { final JTextField tfTitle = jtextfield(); showFormTitled("Create local snippet", "Title", tfTitle, "Type", "Dynamic Module", rThread { long id = newLocalSnippetID(); File f = localSnippetFile(id); assertFalse(fileExists(f)); saveTextFile(f, newModuleText()); setFileInfoField(f, "Title", gtt(tfTitle)); setLocalSnippetType(id, snippetType_dynModule()); updateList(); }); } }
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Snippet ID: | #1019992 |
Snippet name: | My Programs [Personal Program List] |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1019992/29 |
Text MD5: | a381594a066ea66bce2861defa211336 |
Transpilation MD5: | 339dcab2005c5ca995685e004e114778 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax |
Type: | JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2018-12-18 16:39:15 |
Source code size: | 2131 bytes / 68 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 451 / 3949 |
Version history: | 28 change(s) |
Referenced in: | #1020324 - dm_myProgramsModule |