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!7 sS iconID = /*#1101425*/#1101427; static double delay = 10.0, timeout = 10.0; // change for fast computers static int consecutiveFailsThreshold = 3; // TODO: change if loading sS osBotName = "Stefan's OS."; sbool v6; static int consecutiveFails; static volatile S status; static TrayIcon trayIcon; svoid activateOS { sendOpt("Stefan'S OS", "activate frames"); } sS osProgramID; p { // TODO osProgramID = or(get(args, 0), #1016005); S homeDir = get(args, 0); if (isAbsolutePath(homeDir)) _userHome = args[0]; print("Home: " + _userHome); // TODO: put "Restart OS Now" in consoleMemoryView()'s popup menu bot(stefansOS_watchDogBotName()); trayIcon = installTrayIcon(iconID, dropSuffix(".", stefansOS_watchDogBotName()), r showConsole, "Restart OS Now", r restartOSNow, "Show Watch Dog Window", r showConsole, "Hide Watch Dog Window", r hideConsole, "Exit Watch Dog", rThread cleanKill); consoleIcon(iconID); //printWithDateAndTimeInThisThread(); doEvery(delay, r { bool ok = false; pcall { long time = sysNow(); S s = sendOptWithTimeout(timeout, osBotName, "swing latency"); if (isInteger(s)) { hideConsole(); ok = true; consecutiveFails = 0; setStatus("Stefan's OS OK - Swing latency " + s + " ms, " + (sysNow()-time) + " ms"); //v6 = isProgramRunning(#1016478); S progID = evalWithTimeoutOrNull(timeout, func -> S { send("Stefan's OS", "program id") }); if (isSnippetID(progID)) osProgramID = or(progID, osProgramID); } else showConsole(); consoleStatus(ok ? "OK" : "FAIL"); } if (!ok) { ++consecutiveFails; printAndProgramLog(status = "Stefan's OS fail #" + consecutiveFails + " of " + consecutiveFailsThreshold); S stackTraces = sendOptWithTimeout(timeout, osBotName, "stack traces"); if (nempty(stackTraces)) { stackTraces = unquote(stackTraces); print(stackTraces); saveTextFile(newFile(stefansOS_watchDogStackTracesDir(), "stack-trace-" + ymd_minus_hms() + ".txt"), stackTraces); } pcall { osFailActivity(); } } }); hideConsole(); quickRestartOnSocketLoss(); sleep(); } svoid osFailActivity { if (consecutiveFails >= consecutiveFailsThreshold) restartOSNow(); } svoid restartOSNow { printAndProgramLog("RESTARTING STEFAN'S OS " + (v6 ? "v6" : "v5") + "."); consecutiveFails = 0; hardKillStefansOS(); nohupJavax(osProgramID); } answer { if "status" ret status; } // TODO svoid quickRestartOnSocketLoss { /*int port = getVMPortForBot(osBotName); if (port != 0) talkTo(port);*/ } svoid setStatus(S status) { printAndProgramLog(main.status = status); setTrayIconToolTip(trayIcon, status); }
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Snippet ID: | #1019683 |
Snippet name: | Watch Dog for Stefan's OS [external part, see #1019696] |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1019683/38 |
Text MD5: | ea58e9d6de587da921c012bddea60f05 |
Transpilation MD5: | 03600803d0e3f4b3a09cb1862f55bcc5 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax |
Type: | JavaX source code (desktop) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2020-06-14 17:26:41 |
Source code size: | 2888 bytes / 101 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 555 / 10794 |
Version history: | 37 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |