(function(glob) { var undefined = {}.a; function definition(Q) { /** @author Matt Crinklaw-Vogt */ function PipeContext(handlers, nextMehod, end) { this._handlers = handlers; this._next = nextMehod; this._end = end; this._i = 0; } PipeContext.prototype = { next: function() { // var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); // args.unshift(this); this.__pipectx = this; return this._next.apply(this, arguments); }, _nextHandler: function() { if (this._i >= this._handlers.length) return this._end; var handler = this._handlers[this._i].handler; this._i += 1; return handler; }, length: function() { return this._handlers.length; } }; function indexOfHandler(handlers, len, target) { for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var handler = handlers[i]; if (handler.name === target || handler.handler === target) { return i; } } return -1; } function forward(ctx) { return ctx.next.apply(ctx, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); } function coerce(methodNames, handler) { methodNames.forEach(function(meth) { if (!handler[meth]) handler[meth] = forward; }); } var abstractPipeline = { addFirst: function(name, handler) { coerce(this._pipedMethodNames, handler); this._handlers.unshift({name: name, handler: handler}); }, addLast: function(name, handler) { coerce(this._pipedMethodNames, handler); this._handlers.push({name: name, handler: handler}); }, /** Add the handler with the given name after the handler specified by target. Target can be a handler name or a handler instance. */ addAfter: function(target, name, handler) { coerce(this._pipedMethodNames, handler); var handlers = this._handlers; var len = handlers.length; var i = indexOfHandler(handlers, len, target); if (i >= 0) { handlers.splice(i+1, 0, {name: name, handler: handler}); } }, /** Add the handler with the given name after the handler specified by target. Target can be a handler name or a handler instance. */ addBefore: function(target, name, handler) { coerce(this._pipedMethodNames, handler); var handlers = this._handlers; var len = handlers.length; var i = indexOfHandler(handlers, len, target); if (i >= 0) { handlers.splice(i, 0, {name: name, handler: handler}); } }, /** Replace the handler specified by target. */ replace: function(target, newName, handler) { coerce(this._pipedMethodNames, handler); var handlers = this._handlers; var len = handlers.length; var i = indexOfHandler(handlers, len, target); if (i >= 0) { handlers.splice(i, 1, {name: newName, handler: handler}); } }, removeFirst: function() { return this._handlers.shift(); }, removeLast: function() { return this._handlers.pop(); }, remove: function(target) { var handlers = this._handlers; var len = handlers.length; var i = indexOfHandler(handlers, len, target); if (i >= 0) handlers.splice(i, 1); }, getHandler: function(name) { var i = indexOfHandler(this._handlers, this._handlers.length, name); if (i >= 0) return this._handlers[i].handler; return null; } }; function createPipeline(pipedMethodNames) { var end = {}; var endStubFunc = function() { return end; }; var nextMethods = {}; function Pipeline(pipedMethodNames) { this.pipe = { _handlers: [], _contextCtor: PipeContext, _nextMethods: nextMethods, end: end, _pipedMethodNames: pipedMethodNames }; } var pipeline = new Pipeline(pipedMethodNames); for (var k in abstractPipeline) { pipeline.pipe[k] = abstractPipeline[k]; } pipedMethodNames.forEach(function(name) { end[name] = endStubFunc; nextMethods[name] = new Function( "var handler = this._nextHandler();" + "handler.__pipectx = this.__pipectx;" + "return handler." + name + ".apply(handler, arguments);"); pipeline[name] = new Function( "var ctx = new this.pipe._contextCtor(this.pipe._handlers, this.pipe._nextMethods." + name + ", this.pipe.end);" + "return ctx.next.apply(ctx, arguments);"); }); return pipeline; } createPipeline.isPipeline = function(obj) { return obj instanceof Pipeline; } var utils = (function() { return { convertToBase64: function(blob, cb) { var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function(e) { cb(e.target.result); }; fr.onerror = function(e) { }; fr.onabort = function(e) { }; fr.readAsDataURL(blob); }, dataURLToBlob: function(dataURL) { var BASE64_MARKER = ';base64,'; if (dataURL.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) == -1) { var parts = dataURL.split(','); var contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1]; var raw = parts[1]; return new Blob([raw], {type: contentType}); } var parts = dataURL.split(BASE64_MARKER); var contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1]; var raw = window.atob(parts[1]); var rawLength = raw.length; var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(rawLength); for (var i = 0; i < rawLength; ++i) { uInt8Array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i); } return new Blob([uInt8Array.buffer], {type: contentType}); }, splitAttachmentPath: function(path) { var parts = path.split('/'); if (parts.length == 1) parts.unshift('__nodoc__'); return parts; }, mapAsync: function(fn, promise) { var deferred = Q.defer(); promise.then(function(data) { _mapAsync(fn, data, [], deferred); }, function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }); return deferred.promise; }, countdown: function(n, cb) { var args = []; return function() { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) args.push(arguments[i]); n -= 1; if (n == 0) cb.apply(this, args); } } }; function _mapAsync(fn, data, result, deferred) { fn(data[result.length], function(v) { result.push(v); if (result.length == data.length) deferred.resolve(result); else _mapAsync(fn, data, result, deferred); }, function(err) { deferred.reject(err); }) } })(); var requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem; var persistentStorage = navigator.persistentStorage || navigator.webkitPersistentStorage; var FilesystemAPIProvider = (function(Q) { function makeErrorHandler(deferred, finalDeferred) { // TODO: normalize the error so // we can handle it upstream return function(e) { if (e.code == 1) { deferred.resolve(undefined); } else { if (finalDeferred) finalDeferred.reject(e); else deferred.reject(e); } } } function getAttachmentPath(docKey, attachKey) { docKey = docKey.replace(/\//g, '--'); var attachmentsDir = docKey + "-attachments"; return { dir: attachmentsDir, path: attachmentsDir + "/" + attachKey }; } function readDirEntries(reader, result) { var deferred = Q.defer(); _readDirEntries(reader, result, deferred); return deferred.promise; } function _readDirEntries(reader, result, deferred) { reader.readEntries(function(entries) { if (entries.length == 0) { deferred.resolve(result); } else { result = result.concat(entries); _readDirEntries(reader, result, deferred); } }, function(err) { deferred.reject(err); }); } function entryToFile(entry, cb, eb) { entry.file(cb, eb); } function entryToURL(entry) { return entry.toURL(); } function FSAPI(fs, numBytes, prefix) { this._fs = fs; this._capacity = numBytes; this._prefix = prefix; this.type = "FileSystemAPI"; } FSAPI.prototype = { getContents: function(path, options) { var deferred = Q.defer(); path = this._prefix + path; this._fs.root.getFile(path, {}, function(fileEntry) { fileEntry.file(function(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function(e) { var data = e.target.result; var err; if (options && options.json) { try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { err = new Error('unable to parse JSON for ' + path); } } if (err) { deferred.reject(err); } else { deferred.resolve(data); } }; reader.readAsText(file); }, makeErrorHandler(deferred)); }, makeErrorHandler(deferred)); return deferred.promise; }, // create a file at path // and write `data` to it setContents: function(path, data, options) { var deferred = Q.defer(); if (options && options.json) data = JSON.stringify(data); path = this._prefix + path; this._fs.root.getFile(path, {create:true}, function(fileEntry) { fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) { var blob; fileWriter.onwriteend = function(e) { fileWriter.onwriteend = function() { deferred.resolve(); }; fileWriter.truncate(blob.size); } fileWriter.onerror = makeErrorHandler(deferred); if (data instanceof Blob) { blob = data; } else { blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/plain'}); } fileWriter.write(blob); }, makeErrorHandler(deferred)); }, makeErrorHandler(deferred)); return deferred.promise; }, ls: function(docKey) { var isRoot = false; if (!docKey) {docKey = this._prefix; isRoot = true;} else docKey = this._prefix + docKey + "-attachments"; var deferred = Q.defer(); this._fs.root.getDirectory(docKey, {create:false}, function(entry) { var reader = entry.createReader(); readDirEntries(reader, []).then(function(entries) { var listing = []; entries.forEach(function(entry) { if (!entry.isDirectory) { listing.push(entry.name); } }); deferred.resolve(listing); }); }, function(error) { deferred.reject(error); }); return deferred.promise; }, clear: function() { var deferred = Q.defer(); var failed = false; var ecb = function(err) { failed = true; deferred.reject(err); } this._fs.root.getDirectory(this._prefix, {}, function(entry) { var reader = entry.createReader(); reader.readEntries(function(entries) { var latch = utils.countdown(entries.length, function() { if (!failed) deferred.resolve(); }); entries.forEach(function(entry) { if (entry.isDirectory) { entry.removeRecursively(latch, ecb); } else { entry.remove(latch, ecb); } }); if (entries.length == 0) deferred.resolve(); }, ecb); }, ecb); return deferred.promise; }, rm: function(path) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var finalDeferred = Q.defer(); // remove attachments that go along with the path path = this._prefix + path; var attachmentsDir = path + "-attachments"; this._fs.root.getFile(path, {create:false}, function(entry) { entry.remove(function() { deferred.promise.then(finalDeferred.resolve); }, function(err) { finalDeferred.reject(err); }); }, makeErrorHandler(finalDeferred)); this._fs.root.getDirectory(attachmentsDir, {}, function(entry) { entry.removeRecursively(function() { deferred.resolve(); }, function(err) { finalDeferred.reject(err); }); }, makeErrorHandler(deferred, finalDeferred)); return finalDeferred.promise; }, getAttachment: function(docKey, attachKey) { var attachmentPath = this._prefix + getAttachmentPath(docKey, attachKey).path; var deferred = Q.defer(); this._fs.root.getFile(attachmentPath, {}, function(fileEntry) { fileEntry.file(function(file) { if (file.size == 0) deferred.resolve(undefined); else deferred.resolve(file); }, makeErrorHandler(deferred)); }, function(err) { if (err.code == 1) { deferred.resolve(undefined); } else { deferred.reject(err); } }); return deferred.promise; }, getAttachmentURL: function(docKey, attachKey) { var attachmentPath = this._prefix + getAttachmentPath(docKey, attachKey).path; var deferred = Q.defer(); var url = 'filesystem:' + window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/persistent/' + attachmentPath; deferred.resolve(url); // this._fs.root.getFile(attachmentPath, {}, function(fileEntry) { // deferred.resolve(fileEntry.toURL()); // }, makeErrorHandler(deferred, "getting attachment file entry")); return deferred.promise; }, getAllAttachments: function(docKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var attachmentsDir = this._prefix + docKey + "-attachments"; this._fs.root.getDirectory(attachmentsDir, {}, function(entry) { var reader = entry.createReader(); deferred.resolve( utils.mapAsync(function(entry, cb, eb) { entry.file(function(file) { cb({ data: file, docKey: docKey, attachKey: entry.name }); }, eb); }, readDirEntries(reader, []))); }, function(err) { deferred.resolve([]); }); return deferred.promise; }, getAllAttachmentURLs: function(docKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var attachmentsDir = this._prefix + docKey + "-attachments"; this._fs.root.getDirectory(attachmentsDir, {}, function(entry) { var reader = entry.createReader(); readDirEntries(reader, []).then(function(entries) { deferred.resolve(entries.map( function(entry) { return { url: entry.toURL(), docKey: docKey, attachKey: entry.name }; })); }); }, function(err) { deferred.reject(err); }); return deferred.promise; }, revokeAttachmentURL: function(url) { // we return FS urls so this is a no-op // unless someone is being silly and doing // createObjectURL(getAttachment()) ...... }, // Create a folder at dirname(path)+"-attachments" // add attachment under that folder as basename(path) setAttachment: function(docKey, attachKey, data) { var attachInfo = getAttachmentPath(docKey, attachKey); var deferred = Q.defer(); var self = this; this._fs.root.getDirectory(this._prefix + attachInfo.dir, {create:true}, function(dirEntry) { deferred.resolve(self.setContents(attachInfo.path, data)); }, makeErrorHandler(deferred)); return deferred.promise; }, // rm the thing at dirname(path)+"-attachments/"+basename(path) rmAttachment: function(docKey, attachKey) { var attachmentPath = getAttachmentPath(docKey, attachKey).path; var deferred = Q.defer(); this._fs.root.getFile(this._prefix + attachmentPath, {create:false}, function(entry) { entry.remove(function() { deferred.resolve(); }, makeErrorHandler(deferred)); }, makeErrorHandler(deferred)); return deferred.promise; }, getCapacity: function() { return this._capacity; } }; return { init: function(config) { var deferred = Q.defer(); if (!requestFileSystem) { deferred.reject("No FS API"); return deferred.promise; } var prefix = config.name + '/'; persistentStorage.requestQuota(config.size, function(numBytes) { requestFileSystem(window.PERSISTENT, numBytes, function(fs) { fs.root.getDirectory(config.name, {create: true}, function() { deferred.resolve(new FSAPI(fs, numBytes, prefix)); }, function(err) { console.error(err); deferred.reject(err); }); }, function(err) { // TODO: implement various error messages. console.error(err); deferred.reject(err); }); }, function(err) { // TODO: implement various error messages. console.error(err); deferred.reject(err); }); return deferred.promise; }, isAvailable: function() { return requestFileSystem != null; } } })(Q); var indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.OIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB; var IDBTransaction = window.IDBTransaction || window.webkitIDBTransaction || window.OIDBTransaction || window.msIDBTransaction; var IndexedDBProvider = (function(Q) { var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; var convertToBase64 = utils.convertToBase64; var dataURLToBlob = utils.dataURLToBlob; function IDB(db) { this._db = db; this.type = 'IndexedDB'; var transaction = this._db.transaction(['attachments'], 'readwrite'); this._supportsBlobs = true; try { transaction.objectStore('attachments') .put(Blob(["sdf"], {type: "text/plain"}), "featurecheck"); } catch (e) { this._supportsBlobs = false; } } // TODO: normalize returns and errors. IDB.prototype = { getContents: function(docKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var transaction = this._db.transaction(['files'], 'readonly'); var get = transaction.objectStore('files').get(docKey); get.onsuccess = function(e) { deferred.resolve(e.target.result); }; get.onerror = function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }; return deferred.promise; }, setContents: function(docKey, data) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var transaction = this._db.transaction(['files'], 'readwrite'); var put = transaction.objectStore('files').put(data, docKey); put.onsuccess = function(e) { deferred.resolve(e); }; put.onerror = function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }; return deferred.promise; }, rm: function(docKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var finalDeferred = Q.defer(); var transaction = this._db.transaction(['files', 'attachments'], 'readwrite'); var del = transaction.objectStore('files').delete(docKey); del.onsuccess = function(e) { deferred.promise.then(function() { finalDeferred.resolve(); }); }; del.onerror = function(e) { deferred.promise.catch(function() { finalDeferred.reject(e); }); }; var attachmentsStore = transaction.objectStore('attachments'); var index = attachmentsStore.index('fname'); var cursor = index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(docKey)); cursor.onsuccess = function(e) { var cursor = e.target.result; if (cursor) { cursor.delete(); cursor.continue(); } else { deferred.resolve(); } }; cursor.onerror = function(e) { deferred.reject(e); } return finalDeferred.promise; }, getAttachment: function(docKey, attachKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var transaction = this._db.transaction(['attachments'], 'readonly'); var get = transaction.objectStore('attachments').get(docKey + '/' + attachKey); var self = this; get.onsuccess = function(e) { if (!e.target.result) { deferred.resolve(undefined); return; } var data = e.target.result.data; if (!self._supportsBlobs) { data = dataURLToBlob(data); } deferred.resolve(data); }; get.onerror = function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }; return deferred.promise; }, ls: function(docKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); if (!docKey) { // list docs var store = 'files'; } else { // list attachments var store = 'attachments'; } var transaction = this._db.transaction([store], 'readonly'); var cursor = transaction.objectStore(store).openCursor(); var listing = []; cursor.onsuccess = function(e) { var cursor = e.target.result; if (cursor) { listing.push(!docKey ? cursor.key : cursor.key.split('/')[1]); cursor.continue(); } else { deferred.resolve(listing); } }; cursor.onerror = function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }; return deferred.promise; }, clear: function() { var deferred = Q.defer(); var finalDeferred = Q.defer(); var t = this._db.transaction(['attachments', 'files'], 'readwrite'); var req1 = t.objectStore('attachments').clear(); var req2 = t.objectStore('files').clear(); req1.onsuccess = function() { deferred.promise.then(finalDeferred.resolve); }; req2.onsuccess = function() { deferred.resolve(); }; req1.onerror = function(err) { finalDeferred.reject(err); }; req2.onerror = function(err) { finalDeferred.reject(err); }; return finalDeferred.promise; }, getAllAttachments: function(docKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var self = this; var transaction = this._db.transaction(['attachments'], 'readonly'); var index = transaction.objectStore('attachments').index('fname'); var cursor = index.openCursor(IDBKeyRange.only(docKey)); var values = []; cursor.onsuccess = function(e) { var cursor = e.target.result; if (cursor) { var data; if (!self._supportsBlobs) { data = dataURLToBlob(cursor.value.data) } else { data = cursor.value.data; } values.push({ data: data, docKey: docKey, attachKey: cursor.primaryKey.split('/')[1] // TODO }); cursor.continue(); } else { deferred.resolve(values); } }; cursor.onerror = function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }; return deferred.promise; }, getAllAttachmentURLs: function(docKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); this.getAllAttachments(docKey).then(function(attachments) { var urls = attachments.map(function(a) { a.url = URL.createObjectURL(a.data); delete a.data; return a; }); deferred.resolve(urls); }, function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }); return deferred.promise; }, getAttachmentURL: function(docKey, attachKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); this.getAttachment(docKey, attachKey).then(function(attachment) { deferred.resolve(URL.createObjectURL(attachment)); }, function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }); return deferred.promise; }, revokeAttachmentURL: function(url) { URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, setAttachment: function(docKey, attachKey, data) { var deferred = Q.defer(); if (data instanceof Blob && !this._supportsBlobs) { var self = this; convertToBase64(data, function(data) { continuation.call(self, data); }); } else { continuation.call(this, data); } function continuation(data) { var obj = { path: docKey + '/' + attachKey, fname: docKey, data: data }; var transaction = this._db.transaction(['attachments'], 'readwrite'); var put = transaction.objectStore('attachments').put(obj); put.onsuccess = function(e) { deferred.resolve(e); }; put.onerror = function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }; } return deferred.promise; }, rmAttachment: function(docKey, attachKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var transaction = this._db.transaction(['attachments'], 'readwrite'); var del = transaction.objectStore('attachments').delete(docKey + '/' + attachKey); del.onsuccess = function(e) { deferred.resolve(e); }; del.onerror = function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }; return deferred.promise; } }; return { init: function(config) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var dbVersion = 2; if (!indexedDB || !IDBTransaction) { deferred.reject("No IndexedDB"); return deferred.promise; } var request = indexedDB.open(config.name, dbVersion); function createObjectStore(db) { db.createObjectStore("files"); var attachStore = db.createObjectStore("attachments", {keyPath: 'path'}); attachStore.createIndex('fname', 'fname', {unique: false}) } // TODO: normalize errors request.onerror = function (event) { deferred.reject(event); }; request.onsuccess = function (event) { var db = request.result; db.onerror = function (event) { console.log(event); }; // Chrome workaround if (db.setVersion) { if (db.version != dbVersion) { var setVersion = db.setVersion(dbVersion); setVersion.onsuccess = function () { createObjectStore(db); deferred.resolve(); }; } else { deferred.resolve(new IDB(db)); } } else { deferred.resolve(new IDB(db)); } } request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) { createObjectStore(event.target.result); }; return deferred.promise; }, isAvailable: function() { return indexedDB != null && IDBTransaction != null; } } })(Q); var LocalStorageProvider = (function(Q) { return { init: function() { return Q({type: 'LocalStorage'}); } } })(Q); var openDb = window.openDatabase; var WebSQLProvider = (function(Q) { var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; var convertToBase64 = utils.convertToBase64; var dataURLToBlob = utils.dataURLToBlob; function WSQL(db) { this._db = db; this.type = 'WebSQL'; } WSQL.prototype = { getContents: function(docKey, options) { var deferred = Q.defer(); this._db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql('SELECT value FROM files WHERE fname = ?', [docKey], function(tx, res) { if (res.rows.length == 0) { deferred.resolve(undefined); } else { var data = res.rows.item(0).value; if (options && options.json) data = JSON.parse(data); deferred.resolve(data); } }); }, function(err) { consol.log(err); deferred.reject(err); }); return deferred.promise; }, setContents: function(docKey, data, options) { var deferred = Q.defer(); if (options && options.json) data = JSON.stringify(data); this._db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO files (fname, value) VALUES(?, ?)', [docKey, data]); }, function(err) { console.log(err); deferred.reject(err); }, function() { deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise; }, rm: function(docKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); this._db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql('DELETE FROM files WHERE fname = ?', [docKey]); tx.executeSql('DELETE FROM attachments WHERE fname = ?', [docKey]); }, function(err) { console.log(err); deferred.reject(err); }, function() { deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise; }, getAttachment: function(fname, akey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); this._db.transaction(function(tx){ tx.executeSql('SELECT value FROM attachments WHERE fname = ? AND akey = ?', [fname, akey], function(tx, res) { if (res.rows.length == 0) { deferred.resolve(undefined); } else { deferred.resolve(dataURLToBlob(res.rows.item(0).value)); } }); }, function(err) { deferred.reject(err); }); return deferred.promise; }, getAttachmentURL: function(docKey, attachKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); this.getAttachment(docKey, attachKey).then(function(blob) { deferred.resolve(URL.createObjectURL(blob)); }, function() { deferred.reject(); }); return deferred.promise; }, ls: function(docKey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var select; var field; if (!docKey) { select = 'SELECT fname FROM files'; field = 'fname'; } else { select = 'SELECT akey FROM attachments WHERE fname = ?'; field = 'akey'; } this._db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql(select, docKey ? [docKey] : [], function(tx, res) { var listing = []; for (var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; ++i) { listing.push(res.rows.item(i)[field]); } deferred.resolve(listing); }, function(err) { deferred.reject(err); }); }); return deferred.promise; }, clear: function() { var deffered1 = Q.defer(); var deffered2 = Q.defer(); this._db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql('DELETE FROM files', function() { deffered1.resolve(); }); tx.executeSql('DELETE FROM attachments', function() { deffered2.resolve(); }); }, function(err) { deffered1.reject(err); deffered2.reject(err); }); return Q.all([deffered1, deffered2]); }, getAllAttachments: function(fname) { var deferred = Q.defer(); this._db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql('SELECT value, akey FROM attachments WHERE fname = ?', [fname], function(tx, res) { // TODO: ship this work off to a webworker // since there could be many of these conversions? var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < res.rows.length; ++i) { var item = res.rows.item(i); result.push({ docKey: fname, attachKey: item.akey, data: dataURLToBlob(item.value) }); } deferred.resolve(result); }); }, function(err) { deferred.reject(err); }); return deferred.promise; }, getAllAttachmentURLs: function(fname) { var deferred = Q.defer(); this.getAllAttachments(fname).then(function(attachments) { var urls = attachments.map(function(a) { a.url = URL.createObjectURL(a.data); delete a.data; return a; }); deferred.resolve(urls); }, function(e) { deferred.reject(e); }); return deferred.promise; }, revokeAttachmentURL: function(url) { URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, setAttachment: function(fname, akey, data) { var deferred = Q.defer(); var self = this; convertToBase64(data, function(data) { self._db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO attachments (fname, akey, value) VALUES(?, ?, ?)', [fname, akey, data]); }, function(err) { deferred.reject(err); }, function() { deferred.resolve(); }); }); return deferred.promise; }, rmAttachment: function(fname, akey) { var deferred = Q.defer(); this._db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql('DELETE FROM attachments WHERE fname = ? AND akey = ?', [fname, akey]); }, function(err) { deferred.reject(err); }, function() { deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise; } }; return { init: function(config) { var deferred = Q.defer(); if (!openDb) { deferred.reject("No WebSQL"); return deferred.promise; } var db = openDb(config.name, '1.0', 'large local storage', config.size); db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS files (fname unique, value)'); tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS attachments (fname, akey, value)'); tx.executeSql('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS fname_index ON attachments (fname)'); tx.executeSql('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS akey_index ON attachments (akey)'); tx.executeSql('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS uniq_attach ON attachments (fname, akey)') }, function(err) { deferred.reject(err); }, function() { deferred.resolve(new WSQL(db)); }); return deferred.promise; }, isAvailable: function() { return openDb != null; } } })(Q); var LargeLocalStorage = (function(Q) { var sessionMeta = localStorage.getItem('LargeLocalStorage-meta'); if (sessionMeta) sessionMeta = JSON.parse(sessionMeta); else sessionMeta = {}; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() { localStorage.setItem('LargeLocalStorage-meta', JSON.stringify(sessionMeta)); }); function defaults(options, defaultOptions) { for (var k in defaultOptions) { if (options[k] === undefined) options[k] = defaultOptions[k]; } return options; } var providers = { FileSystemAPI: FilesystemAPIProvider, IndexedDB: IndexedDBProvider, WebSQL: WebSQLProvider // LocalStorage: LocalStorageProvider } var defaultConfig = { size: 10 * 1024 * 1024, name: 'lls' }; function selectImplementation(config) { if (!config) config = {}; config = defaults(config, defaultConfig); if (config.forceProvider) { return providers[config.forceProvider].init(config); } return FilesystemAPIProvider.init(config).then(function(impl) { return Q(impl); }, function() { return IndexedDBProvider.init(config); }).then(function(impl) { return Q(impl); }, function() { return WebSQLProvider.init(config); }).then(function(impl) { return Q(impl); }, function() { console.error('Unable to create any storage implementations. Using LocalStorage'); return LocalStorageProvider.init(config); }); } function copy(obj) { var result = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) { result[key] = obj[key]; }); return result; } function handleDataMigration(storageInstance, config, previousProviderType, currentProivderType) { var previousProviderType = sessionMeta[config.name] && sessionMeta[config.name].lastStorageImpl; if (config.migrate) { if (previousProviderType != currentProivderType && previousProviderType in providers) { config = copy(config); config.forceProvider = previousProviderType; selectImplementation(config).then(function(prevImpl) { config.migrate(null, prevImpl, storageInstance, config); }, function(e) { config.migrate(e); }); } else { if (config.migrationComplete) config.migrationComplete(); } } } /** * * LargeLocalStorage (or LLS) gives you a large capacity * (up to several gig with permission from the user) * key-value store in the browser. * * For storage, LLS uses the [FilesystemAPI](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebGuide/API/File_System) * when running in Chrome and Opera, * [IndexedDB](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/IndexedDB) in Firefox and IE * and [WebSQL](http://www.w3.org/TR/webdatabase/) in Safari. * * When IndexedDB becomes available in Safari, LLS will * update to take advantage of that storage implementation. * * * Upon construction a LargeLocalStorage (LLS) object will be * immediately returned but not necessarily immediately ready for use. * * A LLS object has an `initialized` property which is a promise * that is resolved when the LLS object is ready for us. * * Usage of LLS would typically be: * ``` * var storage = new LargeLocalStorage({size: 75*1024*1024}); * storage.initialized.then(function(grantedCapacity) { * // storage ready to be used. * }); * ``` * * The reason that LLS may not be immediately ready for * use is that some browsers require confirmation from the * user before a storage area may be created. Also, * the browser's native storage APIs are asynchronous. * * If an LLS instance is used before the storage * area is ready then any * calls to it will throw an exception with code: "NO_IMPLEMENTATION" * * This behavior is useful when you want the application * to continue to function--regardless of whether or * not the user has allowed it to store data--and would * like to know when your storage calls fail at the point * of those calls. * * LLS-contrib has utilities to queue storage calls until * the implementation is ready. If an implementation * is never ready this could obviously lead to memory issues * which is why it is not the default behavior. * * @example * var desiredCapacity = 50 * 1024 * 1024; // 50MB * var storage = new LargeLocalStorage({ * // desired capacity, in bytes. * size: desiredCapacity, * * // optional name for your LLS database. Defaults to lls. * // This is the name given to the underlying * // IndexedDB or WebSQL DB or FSAPI Folder. * // LLS's with different names are independent. * name: 'myStorage' * * // the following is an optional param * // that is useful for debugging. * // force LLS to use a specific storage implementation * // forceProvider: 'IndexedDB' or 'WebSQL' or 'FilesystemAPI' * * // These parameters can be used to migrate data from one * // storage implementation to another * // migrate: LargeLocalStorage.copyOldData, * // migrationComplete: function(err) { * // db is initialized and old data has been copied. * // } * }); * storage.initialized.then(function(capacity) { * if (capacity != -1 && capacity != desiredCapacity) { * // the user didn't authorize your storage request * // so instead you have some limitation on your storage * } * }) * * @class LargeLocalStorage * @constructor * @param {object} config {size: sizeInByes, [forceProvider: force a specific implementation]} * @return {LargeLocalStorage} */ function LargeLocalStorage(config) { var deferred = Q.defer(); /** * @property {promise} initialized */ this.initialized = deferred.promise; var piped = createPipeline([ 'ready', 'ls', 'rm', 'clear', 'getContents', 'setContents', 'getAttachment', 'setAttachment', 'getAttachmentURL', 'getAllAttachments', 'getAllAttachmentURLs', 'revokeAttachmentURL', 'rmAttachment', 'getCapacity', 'initialized']); piped.pipe.addLast('lls', this); piped.initialized = this.initialized; var self = this; selectImplementation(config).then(function(impl) { self._impl = impl; handleDataMigration(piped, config, self._impl.type); sessionMeta[config.name] = sessionMeta[config.name] || {}; sessionMeta[config.name].lastStorageImpl = impl.type; deferred.resolve(piped); }).catch(function(e) { // This should be impossible console.log(e); deferred.reject('No storage provider found'); }); return piped; } LargeLocalStorage.prototype = { /** * Whether or not LLS is ready to store data. * The `initialized` property can be used to * await initialization. * @example * // may or may not be true * storage.ready(); * * storage.initialized.then(function() { * // always true * storage.ready(); * }) * @method ready */ ready: function() { return this._impl != null; }, /** * List all attachments under a given key. * * List all documents if no key is provided. * * Returns a promise that is fulfilled with * the listing. * * @example * storage.ls().then(function(docKeys) { * console.log(docKeys); * }) * * @method ls * @param {string} [docKey] * @returns {promise} resolved with the listing, rejected if the listing fails. */ ls: function(docKey) { this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.ls(docKey); }, /** * Remove the specified document and all * of its attachments. * * Returns a promise that is fulfilled when the * removal completes. * * If no docKey is specified, this throws an error. * * To remove all files in LargeLocalStorage call * `lls.clear();` * * To remove all attachments that were written without * a docKey, call `lls.rm('__emptydoc__');` * * rm works this way to ensure you don't lose * data due to an accidently undefined variable. * * @example * stoarge.rm('exampleDoc').then(function() { * alert('doc and all attachments were removed'); * }) * * @method rm * @param {string} docKey * @returns {promise} resolved when removal completes, rejected if the removal fails. */ rm: function(docKey) { this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.rm(docKey); }, /** * An explicit way to remove all documents and * attachments from LargeLocalStorage. * * @example * storage.clear().then(function() { * alert('all data has been removed'); * }); * * @returns {promise} resolve when clear completes, rejected if clear fails. */ clear: function() { this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.clear(); }, /** * Get the contents of a document identified by `docKey` * TODO: normalize all implementations to allow storage * and retrieval of JS objects? * * @example * storage.getContents('exampleDoc').then(function(contents) { * alert(contents); * }); * * @method getContents * @param {string} docKey * @returns {promise} resolved with the contents when the get completes */ getContents: function(docKey, options) { this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.getContents(docKey, options); }, /** * Set the contents identified by `docKey` to `data`. * The document will be created if it does not exist. * * @example * storage.setContents('exampleDoc', 'some data...').then(function() { * alert('doc written'); * }); * * @method setContents * @param {string} docKey * @param {any} data * @returns {promise} fulfilled when set completes */ setContents: function(docKey, data, options) { this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.setContents(docKey, data, options); }, /** * Get the attachment identified by `docKey` and `attachKey` * * @example * storage.getAttachment('exampleDoc', 'examplePic').then(function(attachment) { * var url = URL.createObjectURL(attachment); * var image = new Image(url); * document.body.appendChild(image); * URL.revokeObjectURL(url); * }) * * @method getAttachment * @param {string} [docKey] Defaults to `__emptydoc__` * @param {string} attachKey key of the attachment * @returns {promise} fulfilled with the attachment or * rejected if it could not be found. code: 1 */ getAttachment: function(docKey, attachKey) { if (!docKey) docKey = '__emptydoc__'; this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.getAttachment(docKey, attachKey); }, /** * Set an attachment for a given document. Identified * by `docKey` and `attachKey`. * * @example * storage.setAttachment('myDoc', 'myPic', blob).then(function() { * alert('Attachment written'); * }) * * @method setAttachment * @param {string} [docKey] Defaults to `__emptydoc__` * @param {string} attachKey key for the attachment * @param {any} attachment data * @returns {promise} resolved when the write completes. Rejected * if an error occurs. */ setAttachment: function(docKey, attachKey, data) { if (!docKey) docKey = '__emptydoc__'; this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.setAttachment(docKey, attachKey, data); }, /** * Get the URL for a given attachment. * * @example * storage.getAttachmentURL('myDoc', 'myPic').then(function(url) { * var image = new Image(); * image.src = url; * document.body.appendChild(image); * storage.revokeAttachmentURL(url); * }) * * This is preferrable to getting the attachment and then getting the * URL via `createObjectURL` (on some systems) as LLS can take advantage of * lower level details to improve performance. * * @method getAttachmentURL * @param {string} [docKey] Identifies the document. Defaults to `__emptydoc__` * @param {string} attachKey Identifies the attachment. * @returns {promose} promise that is resolved with the attachment url. */ getAttachmentURL: function(docKey, attachKey) { if (!docKey) docKey = '__emptydoc__'; this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.getAttachmentURL(docKey, attachKey); }, /** * Gets all of the attachments for a document. * * @example * storage.getAllAttachments('exampleDoc').then(function(attachEntries) { * attachEntries.map(function(entry) { * var a = entry.data; * // do something with it... * if (a.type.indexOf('image') == 0) { * // show image... * } else if (a.type.indexOf('audio') == 0) { * // play audio... * } else ... * }) * }) * * @method getAllAttachments * @param {string} [docKey] Identifies the document. Defaults to `__emptydoc__` * @returns {promise} Promise that is resolved with all of the attachments for * the given document. */ getAllAttachments: function(docKey) { if (!docKey) docKey = '__emptydoc__'; this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.getAllAttachments(docKey); }, /** * Gets all attachments URLs for a document. * * @example * storage.getAllAttachmentURLs('exampleDoc').then(function(urlEntries) { * urlEntries.map(function(entry) { * var url = entry.url; * // do something with the url... * }) * }) * * @method getAllAttachmentURLs * @param {string} [docKey] Identifies the document. Defaults to the `__emptydoc__` document. * @returns {promise} Promise that is resolved with all of the attachment * urls for the given doc. */ getAllAttachmentURLs: function(docKey) { if (!docKey) docKey = '__emptydoc__'; this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.getAllAttachmentURLs(docKey); }, /** * Revoke the attachment URL as required by the underlying * storage system. * * This is akin to `URL.revokeObjectURL(url)` * URLs that come from `getAttachmentURL` or `getAllAttachmentURLs` * should be revoked by LLS and not `URL.revokeObjectURL` * * @example * storage.getAttachmentURL('doc', 'attach').then(function(url) { * // do something with the URL * storage.revokeAttachmentURL(url); * }) * * @method revokeAttachmentURL * @param {string} url The URL as returned by `getAttachmentURL` or `getAttachmentURLs` * @returns {void} */ revokeAttachmentURL: function(url) { this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.revokeAttachmentURL(url); }, /** * Remove an attachment from a document. * * @example * storage.rmAttachment('exampleDoc', 'someAttachment').then(function() { * alert('exampleDoc/someAttachment removed'); * }).catch(function(e) { * alert('Attachment removal failed: ' + e); * }); * * @method rmAttachment * @param {string} docKey * @param {string} attachKey * @returns {promise} Promise that is resolved once the remove completes */ rmAttachment: function(docKey, attachKey) { if (!docKey) docKey = '__emptydoc__'; this._checkAvailability(); return this._impl.rmAttachment(docKey, attachKey); }, /** * Returns the actual capacity of the storage or -1 * if it is unknown. If the user denies your request for * storage you'll get back some smaller amount of storage than what you * actually requested. * * TODO: return an estimated capacity if actual capacity is unknown? * -Firefox is 50MB until authorized to go above, * -Chrome is some % of available disk space, * -Safari unlimited as long as the user keeps authorizing size increases * -Opera same as safari? * * @example * // the initialized property will call you back with the capacity * storage.initialized.then(function(capacity) { * console.log('Authorized to store: ' + capacity + ' bytes'); * }); * // or if you know your storage is already available * // you can call getCapacity directly * storage.getCapacity() * * @method getCapacity * @returns {number} Capacity, in bytes, of the storage. -1 if unknown. */ getCapacity: function() { this._checkAvailability(); if (this._impl.getCapacity) return this._impl.getCapacity(); else return -1; }, _checkAvailability: function() { if (!this._impl) { throw { msg: "No storage implementation is available yet. The user most likely has not granted you app access to FileSystemAPI or IndexedDB", code: "NO_IMPLEMENTATION" }; } } }; LargeLocalStorage.contrib = {}; function writeAttachments(docKey, attachments, storage) { var promises = []; attachments.forEach(function(attachment) { promises.push(storage.setAttachment(docKey, attachment.attachKey, attachment.data)); }); return Q.all(promises); } function copyDocs(docKeys, oldStorage, newStorage) { var promises = []; docKeys.forEach(function(key) { promises.push(oldStorage.getContents(key).then(function(contents) { return newStorage.setContents(key, contents); })); }); docKeys.forEach(function(key) { promises.push(oldStorage.getAllAttachments(key).then(function(attachments) { return writeAttachments(key, attachments, newStorage); })); }); return Q.all(promises); } LargeLocalStorage.copyOldData = function(err, oldStorage, newStorage, config) { if (err) { throw err; } oldStorage.ls().then(function(docKeys) { return copyDocs(docKeys, oldStorage, newStorage) }).then(function() { if (config.migrationComplete) config.migrationComplete(); }, function(e) { config.migrationComplete(e); }); }; LargeLocalStorage._sessionMeta = sessionMeta; var availableProviders = []; Object.keys(providers).forEach(function(potentialProvider) { if (providers[potentialProvider].isAvailable()) availableProviders.push(potentialProvider); }); LargeLocalStorage.availableProviders = availableProviders; return LargeLocalStorage; })(Q); return LargeLocalStorage; } if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['Q'], definition); } else { glob.LargeLocalStorage = definition.call(glob, Q); } }).call(this, this);
From http://tantaman.github.io/LargeLocalStorage/dist/LargeLocalStorage.js
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Snippet ID: | #1018990 |
Snippet name: | LargeLocalStorage.js |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1018990/2 |
Text MD5: | 9e71c922ae158003f28ddc3f96b577d3 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / web |
Type: | Document |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2018-10-19 16:43:38 |
Source code size: | 50103 bytes / 1889 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 299 / 100 |
Version history: | 1 change(s) |
Referenced in: | -