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< > BotCompany Repo | #1015971 // dm_fieldLiveValue - live-value for a field in DynModule. should also work with transient fields

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Compilation Failed (16746L/101K).

// TODO: use weak reference to live value - or make each of them only once

static SimpleLiveValue dm_fieldLiveValue(DynModule module default dm_current_mandatory(), S fieldName) {
  lock module.lock;
  temp module.enter(); // for dm_watchField
  Class type = getFieldType(module, fieldName);
  final SimpleLiveValue value = new(type, get(module, fieldName));
  dm_watchField(fieldName, r {
    ifdef dm_fieldLiveValue_debug
      print("dm_fieldLiveValue: setting " + fieldName);
    O o = get(module, fieldName);
    ifdef dm_fieldLiveValue_debug
      print("dm_fieldLiveValue: setting " + fieldName + " = " + o);
    ifdef dm_fieldLiveValue_debug
      print("dm_fieldLiveValue: setting " + fieldName + " done");
  value.onChange(r {
    ifdef dm_fieldLiveValue_debug
      print("dm_fieldLiveValue: setting 2 " + fieldName + " = " + value!);
    module.setField(fieldName, value!);
    ifdef dm_fieldLiveValue_debug
      print("dm_fieldLiveValue: setting 2 " + fieldName + " done");
  ret value;

static SimpleLiveValue dm_fieldLiveValue(S fieldName, DynModule module) {
  ret dm_fieldLiveValue(module, fieldName);

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Snippet ID: #1015971
Snippet name: dm_fieldLiveValue - live-value for a field in DynModule. should also work with transient fields
Eternal ID of this version: #1015971/19
Text MD5: 3347e7cafefa2ca274688b5d7dd1a50c
Transpilation MD5: 818ed4290d9711abe09efa8376e1507a
Author: stefan
Category: javax / stefan's os
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-01-29 04:20:00
Source code size: 1279 bytes / 36 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 651 / 819
Version history: 18 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]