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< > BotCompany Repo | #1015046 // Headless Racer AI to find lines in image - see #1015013 [OK]

JavaX module [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Download Jar. Uses 3874K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (13345L/101K/345K).


// too brave
// rewrite Submission = BackgroundPlus<RenderableWithHints>.

static double thresholdPercent = 0.02; // quit when less than 0.02% improvement (absolute)
static int thresholdRounds = 5000;  // the last 5000 rounds

static double maxLineThickness = 0.15;

sS describeResult() {
  Submission s =!;
  ret "Image " + imageID + " shows " + nlJoin_and(map thingToText(s.things))
    + " on a " + ai_rgbToEnglish(s.background) + " background"
    + " (accuracy: " + formatScore(game.percentScore()) + ")";

sS thingToText(O o) {
  if (o instanceof LineWithColor) {
    LineWithColor l = cast o;
    ret "a " + ai_rgbToEnglish(l.color) + ", " + l.width + " pixel wide line with angle " + iround(mod(l.angle(), 180)) + "°";
  ret "an unknown object";

svoid _onLoad {
  showTheImage = showRepro = false;

static Pair<S, Double> imageToCode(fS imageID, final int lines) {
  ret imageToCode(imageID, lines, 0);

// returns code, score
// lineWidth can be 0 (don't care)
static Pair<S, Double> imageToCode(fS imageID, final int lines, int lineWidth) {
  main.lines = lines;
  if (lineWidth > 0)
    randomLineWithColor_minLineWidth = randomLineWithColor_maxLineWidth = lineWidth;
  randomLineWithColor_maxThickness = maxLineThickness;

  new AI_Racer ai;
  final new L<Double> scores;
  Game game = null;
  double score = 0;
  print("\nCalculating (image size: " + img.getWidth() + "x" + img.getHeight() + ")...\n");
  final new Flag end;
  final new Flag keepGoing;
  while (!end.isUp()) {
    game = scoreAI(ai);
    if (isRepro != null && empty(scores))
      addToWindowWithMargin(isRepro, jcenteredbuttons(
        "OK", r { disableButton(); end.raise(); },
        "Keep Going", r { disableButton(); keepGoing.raise(); }
    score = game.percentScore();
    print(l(scores)*rounds + " rounds. Score: " + formatScore(score));
    int lookback = thresholdRounds/rounds;
    int i = l(scores)-lookback-1;
    if (i >= 0)
      //if (score < max(0.01, scores.get(i))*(1+thresholdPercent/100)) {
      if (!keepGoing.isUp() && score < scores.get(i)+thresholdPercent) {
        print("No more improvement, exiting after " + l(scores)*rounds + " rounds");

  final Game _game = game;
  fS code = game.bestCode();
  S out = hijackPrint_tee(r {
    print("Was looking for " + n2(lines, "line") + ".");
    printAsciiHeading("Best code for image " + imageID + " (" + formatScore(_game.percentScore()) + ", " + lUtf8(code) + " bytes, " + l(scores)*rounds + " rounds)");
    printIndent(javaTokWordWrap(80, code));
    S resultDescription = describeResult();
    printIndent(javaTokWordWrap(80, resultDescription));
  appendToFile(newFile(javaxDataDir(), "Image Recognition", "results.txt"), out + "\n\n");
  ret pair(code, score);

static int lines = 8;

!include #1015048 // AI Game & API

sclass Submission extends BackgroundPlus<LineWithColor> {
  *() {}
  *(BackgroundPlus<LineWithColor> b) { copyFields(b, this); check(); }

  void check {
    assertEqualsQuick(main.lines, l(things));


sS lastLetter;

static RGBImage makeImage() {
  lastLetter = randomUpperCaseLetterNotEqualTo(lastLetter);
  ret randomLetterImage(lastLetter, #1004568, 100);


static BufferedImage renderImage1(Submission s) {
  ret renderRenderable(w, h, s);

static BufferedImage renderWithHints(Submission s) {
  ret renderRenderable_withHints(w, h, s);

// Test AIs. Just add your own here //

AI_Random_abstract > AI_Random {
  Submission guess() {
    ret Submission(randomBackgroundPlusLines(w, h, lines));

AI_RandomWithVariation_abstract > AI_RandomWithVariation {
  AI_RandomWithVariation() { super(new AI_Random); }
  Submission vary(Submission s) {
    ret varyBackgroundPlusLines(s, w, h);

!include #1014957 // AI_Racer

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Snippet ID: #1015046
Snippet name: Headless Racer AI to find lines in image - see #1015013 [OK]
Eternal ID of this version: #1015046/75
Text MD5: 01edaa9c2ca6177e4d91f174666b6a69
Transpilation MD5: 62d6cc0a7aa64ec9aa3585872703dbc4
Author: stefan
Category: javax / a.i.
Type: JavaX module
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2018-10-06 19:12:15
Source code size: 4244 bytes / 142 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 724 / 4200
Version history: 74 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]