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< > BotCompany Repo | #1012001 // Java Gnome Test (OK, requires libjava-gnome-java)

JavaX source code (desktop) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar

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lib 1012002 // gtk-4.1.jar

 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Operational Dynamics Consulting Pty Ltd, and Others
 * The code in this file, and the program it is a part of, are made available
 * to you by the authors under the terms of the "GNU General Public Licence,
 * version 2" See the LICENCE file for the terms governing usage and
 * redistribution.
 * Copyright (c) 2008      Nathan Strum
 * The image sketch is included with java-gnome with permission of its author
 * for the express purpose of illustrating this example.

import org.freedesktop.cairo.Context;
import org.freedesktop.cairo.PdfSurface;
import org.freedesktop.cairo.Surface;
import org.gnome.gdk.Pixbuf;
import org.gnome.gtk.Gtk;
import org.gnome.gtk.PaperSize;
import org.gnome.gtk.Unit;
import org.gnome.pango.FontDescription;
import org.gnome.pango.Layout;
import org.gnome.pango.LayoutLine;
import org.gnome.pango.Rectangle;

sS text = "Lorem Ipsum";

 * Some poor kid sitting through latin class doodling on his lined paper.
 * This is an example of using Pango to render text along side Cairo drawing
 * primitives, and using Cairo's PdfSurface back end to produce a PDF that can
 * subsequently be previewd or printed to paper.
 * The blue lines actually represent the baseline of the font (the calls to
 * Context's showLayout() draw LayoutLines with their baseline at the current
 * Cairo point); if you go to a high level of zoom you'll see the overshoot
 * that some glyphs are designed with. The red line is the left margin, and
 * unlike the baseline (which is just an arbitrary point midway into the
 * font's extents), nothing bleeds left past the margin line.
 * @author Andrew Cowie
 * @author Nathan Strum
p {
        final Surface surface;
        final Context cr;
        final Layout layout;
        final FontDescription desc;
        final String[] paras;
        final LayoutLine first;
        final PaperSize paper;
        final double pageWidth, pageHeight;
        final double topMargin, leftMargin, rightMargin;
        final Rectangle rect;
        final double[] holes;
        double y, v, b;
        final Pixbuf pixbuf;


        paper = PaperSize.getDefault();
        pageWidth = paper.getWidth(Unit.POINTS);
        pageHeight = paper.getHeight(Unit.POINTS);
        topMargin = 25;
        leftMargin = 45;
        rightMargin = 20;

        File pdfFile = programFile("rendered.pdf");
        surface = new PdfSurface(f2s(pdfFile), pageWidth, pageHeight);
        cr = new Context(surface);

        cr.moveTo(leftMargin, topMargin);

        layout = new Layout(cr);
        desc = new FontDescription("Liberation Serif, 12");

         * Before we start rendering, we need some information about the line
         * height. Given that all lines are going to be rendered in the same
         * font, we can get the metrics of a piece of arbitrary text and then
         * use that height to do the line spacing for both the text and the
         * lines.

        first = layout.getLineReadonly(0);
        rect = first.getExtentsLogical();
        v = rect.getHeight();
        b = rect.getAscent();

         * Draw the horizontal rules in blue. These will cunningly be drawn on
         * the font baseline, and given that the LayoutLines below will be
         * drawn with reference to this latitude it will end up looking like
         * the person writing is very good at staying between the lines.

        y = topMargin + b;
        while (y < pageHeight) {
            cr.moveTo(0, y);
            cr.lineTo(pageWidth, y);

            y += v;

        cr.setSource(0, 0, 199.0 / 255.0);

         * Draw a vertical red line as the left margin rule.

        cr.moveTo(leftMargin, 0);
        cr.lineTo(leftMargin, pageHeight);
        cr.setSource(255.0 / 255.0, 0.0, 0.0);

         * Now draw the "holes" making this three-hole punched lined paper.
         * The holes array are fractions of the page height which is where we
         * will draw the circles with arc(). We wil preserve the path so we
         * can use it again to full with white, making it look like the paper
         * was punched out.

        holes = new double[] {
                1.0 / 7.0, 1.0 / 2.0, 6.0 / 7.0


        for (double hole : holes) {
            cr.arc(leftMargin / 2.0, pageHeight * hole, leftMargin / 4.0, 0.0, 2 * Math.PI);

            cr.setSource(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

            cr.setSource(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

         * And finally we lay out the words. Given some source text, split it
         * up into individual paragraphs. Pango's Layout is capable of doing
         * multiple paragraphs at once, but this allows us to control the
         * spacing between paragraphs.

        paras = text.split("\n");

         * Set a width for the Layouts. This will kick-off word wrapping. And
         * reset the source colour so that the text will be black.

        layout.setWidth(pageWidth - (leftMargin + rightMargin));

        cr.setSource(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

         * We did the lines first so that the typeset text will be over the
         * ruled lines. We go to the trouble of drawing the lines
         * individually, making it easier to keep things aligned with the
         * baselines of the rules that we've already drawn.

        y = topMargin + b;
        for (String para : paras) {

            for (LayoutLine line : layout.getLinesReadonly()) {
                y += v;

                cr.moveTo(leftMargin, y);

            y += v; // blank line between paras

         * Of course, what student in latin class is paying attention? None in
         * the history of western civilization, we're quite sure. So to
         * complete our example we have a doodle at the bottom of the page.

        pixbuf = new Pixbuf(f2s(loadImageAsFile(#1009664)));
        cr.setSource(pixbuf, pageWidth - pixbuf.getWidth() - 10, pageHeight - pixbuf.getHeight() + 50);

         * Finally, flush the drawing out to the Surface and through it on out
         * to the PDF document. This is very important! If you don't reach
         * this point the file on disk will be incomplete and won't render in
         * a PDF viewer.

        print("Made: " + f2s(pdfFile));

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Snippet ID: #1012001
Snippet name: Java Gnome Test (OK, requires libjava-gnome-java)
Eternal ID of this version: #1012001/10
Text MD5: 5e925ca19bea15f5f1616f55b4592952
Transpilation MD5: 53c7c9422d12eb96e29ea89d0bfcb481
Author: stefan
Category: javax / linux
Type: JavaX source code (desktop)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2017-11-15 20:18:00
Source code size: 7121 bytes / 211 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 437 / 1038
Version history: 9 change(s)
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