Transpiled version (2534L) is out of date.
static bool structure_showTiming, structure_checkTokenCount; static S structure(O o) { ret structure(o, new structure_Data); } static S structure(O o, structure_Data d) { new StringWriter sw; d.out = new PrintWriter(sw); structure_go(o, d); S s = str(sw); if (structure_checkTokenCount) { print("token count=" + d.n); assertEquals("token count", l(javaTokC(s)), d.n); } ret s; } static void structure_go(O o, structure_Data d) { structure_1(o, d); while (nempty(d.stack)) popLast(d.stack).run(); } static void structureToPrintWriter(O o, PrintWriter out) { new structure_Data d; d.out = out; structure_go(o, d); } // leave to false, unless unstructure() breaks static boolean structure_allowShortening = false; static class structure_Data { PrintWriter out; int stringSizeLimit; int shareStringsLongerThan = 20; bool noStringSharing; new IdentityHashMap<O, Integer> seen; //new BitSet refd; new HashMap<S, Int> strings; new HashSet<S> concepts; HashMap<Class, L<Field>> fieldsByClass = new HashMap; new HashMap<Class, Field> persistenceInfo; int n; // token count new L<Runnable> stack; // append single token structure_Data append(S token) { out.print(token); ++n; ret this; } structure_Data append(int i) { out.print(i); ++n; ret this; } // append multiple tokens structure_Data append(S token, int tokCount) { out.print(token); n += tokCount; ret this; } // extend last token structure_Data app(S token) { out.print(token); ret this; } structure_Data app(int i) { out.print(i); ret this; } } static void structure_1(final Object o, final structure_Data d) ctex { if (o == null) { d.append("null"); ret; } Class c = o.getClass(); bool concept = false; ifclass Concept concept = o instanceof Concept; endif L<Field> lFields = d.fieldsByClass.get(c); if (lFields == null) { // these are never back-referenced (for readability) if (o instanceof Number) { PrintWriter out = d.out; if (o instanceof Integer) { int i = ((Int) o).intValue(); out.print(i); d.n += i < 0 ? 2 : 1; ret; } if (o instanceof Long) { long l = ((Long) o).longValue(); out.print(l); out.print("L"); d.n += l < 0 ? 2 : 1; ret; } if (o cast Short) { short s = o.shortValue(); d.append("sh "); out.print(s); d.n += s < 0 ? 2 : 1; ret; } if (o instanceof Float) { d.append("fl ", 2); quoteToPrintWriter(str(o), out); ret; } if (o instanceof Double) { d.append("d(", 3); quoteToPrintWriter(str(o), out); d.append(")"); ret; } if (o instanceof BigInteger) { out.print("bigint("); out.print(o); out.print(")"); d.n += ((BigInteger) o).signum() < 0 ? 5 : 4; ret; } } if (o instanceof Boolean) { d.append(((Boolean) o).booleanValue() ? "t" : "f"); ret; } if (o instanceof Character) { d.append(quoteCharacter((Character) o)); ret; } if (o instanceof File) { d.append("File ").append(quote(((File) o).getPath())); ret; } // referencable objects follow Int ref = d.seen.get(o); if (o instanceof S && ref == null) ref = d.strings.get((S) o); if (ref != null) { /*d.refd.set(ref);*/ d.append("t").app(ref); ret; } if (!o instanceof S) d.seen.put(o, d.n); // record token number else { S s = d.stringSizeLimit != 0 ? shorten((S) o, d.stringSizeLimit) : (S) o; if (!d.noStringSharing) { if (d.shareStringsLongerThan == Int.MAX_VALUE) d.seen.put(o, d.n); if (l(s) >= d.shareStringsLongerThan) d.strings.put(s, d.n); } quoteToPrintWriter(s, d.out); d.n++; ret; } if (o cast Set) { /*O set2 = unwrapSynchronizedSet(o); if (set2 != o) { d.append("sync"); o = set2; } TODO */ if (o instanceof TreeSet) { d.append(isCISet_gen(o) ? "ciset" : "treeset"); structure_1(new ArrayList(o), d); ret; } // assume it's a HashSet or LinkedHashSet d.append(o instanceof LinkedHashSet ? "lhs" : "hashset"); structure_1(new ArrayList(o), d); ret; } S name = c.getName(); if (o instanceof Collection && !startsWith(name, "main$") /* && neq(name, "main$Concept$RefL") */) { // it's a list if (name.equals("java.util.Collections$SynchronizedList") || name.equals("java.util.Collections$SynchronizedRandomAccessList")) { if (unwrapSynchronizedList(o/List) instanceof LinkedList) d.append("syncLL"); else d.append("sync"); } else if (name.equals("java.util.LinkedList")) d.append("ll"); d.append("["); final int l = d.n; final Iterator it = ((Collection) o).iterator(); d.stack.add(r { if (!it.hasNext()) d.append("]"); else { d.stack.add(this); if (d.n != l) d.append(", "); structure_1(, d); } }); ret; } if (o instanceof Map && !startsWith(name, "main$")) { if (o instanceof LinkedHashMap) d.append("lhm"); else if (o instanceof HashMap) d.append("hm"); else if (o cast TreeMap) d.append(isCIMap_gen(o) ? "cimap" : "tm"); else if (name.equals("java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap")) d.append("sync"); else if (name.equals("java.util.Collections$SynchronizedSortedMap")) { d.append("sync tm", 2); } d.append("{"); final int l = d.n; final Iterator it = ((Map) o).entrySet().iterator(); d.stack.add(new Runnable() { bool v; Map.Entry e; public void run() { if (v) { d.append("="); v = false; d.stack.add(this); structure_1(e.getValue(), d); } else { if (!it.hasNext()) d.append("}"); else { e = (Map.Entry); v = true; d.stack.add(this); if (d.n != l) d.append(", "); structure_1(e.getKey(), d); } } } }); ret; } if (c.isArray()) { if (o instanceof byte[]) { d.append("ba ").append(quote(bytesToHex((byte[]) o))); ret; } final int n = Array.getLength(o); if (o instanceof bool[]) { S hex = boolArrayToHex((bool[]) o); int i = l(hex); while (i > 0 && hex.charAt(i-1) == '0' && hex.charAt(i-2) == '0') i -= 2; d.append("boolarray ").append(n).app(" ").append(quote(substring(hex, 0, i))); ret; } S atype = "array", sep = ", "; if (o instanceof int[]) { //ret "intarray " + quote(intArrayToHex((int[]) o)); atype = "intarray"; sep = " "; } d.append(atype).append("{"); d.stack.add(new Runnable() { int i; public void run() { if (i >= n) d.append("}"); else { d.stack.add(this); if (i > 0) d.append(", "); structure_1(Array.get(o, i++), d); } } }); ret; } if (o instanceof Class) { d.append("class(", 2).append(quote(((Class) o).getName())).append(")"); ret; } if (o instanceof Throwable) { d.append("exception(", 2).append(quote(((Throwable) o).getMessage())).append(")"); ret; } if (o instanceof BitSet) { BitSet bs = (BitSet) o; d.append("bitset{", 2); int l = d.n; for (int i = bs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bs.nextSetBit(i+1)) { if (d.n != l) d.append(", "); d.append(i); } d.append("}"); ret; } // Need more cases? This should cover all library classes... if (name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.")) { d.append("j ").append(quote(str(o))); ret; // Hm. this is not unstructure-able } ifclass Lisp if (o instanceof Lisp) { d.append("l(", 2); final Lisp lisp = cast o; structure_1(lisp.head, d); final Iterator it = lisp.args == null ? emptyIterator() : lisp.args.iterator(); d.stack.add(r { if (!it.hasNext()) d.append(")"); else { d.stack.add(this); d.append(", "); structure_1(, d); } }); ret; } endif /*if (name.equals("main$Lisp")) { fail("lisp not supported right now"); }*/ S dynName = shortDynamicClassName(o); if (concept && !d.concepts.contains(dynName)) { d.concepts.add(dynName); d.append("c "); } // serialize an object with fields. // first, collect all fields and values in fv. TreeSet<Field> fields = new TreeSet<Field>(new Comparator<Field>() { public int compare(Field a, Field b) { ret stdcompare(a.getName(), b.getName()); } }); Class cc = c; while (cc != Object.class) { for (Field field : getDeclaredFields_cached(cc)) { S fieldName = field.getName(); if (fieldName.equals("_persistenceInfo")) d.persistenceInfo.put(c, field); if ((field.getModifiers() & (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC | java.lang.reflect.Modifier.TRANSIENT)) != 0) continue; fields.add(field); // put special cases here...? } cc = cc.getSuperclass(); } // TODO: S fieldOrder = getOpt(c, "_fieldOrder"); lFields = asList(fields); // Render this$1 first because unstructure needs it for constructor call. for (int i = 0; i < l(lFields); i++) { Field f = lFields.get(i); if (f.getName().equals("this$1")) { lFields.remove(i); lFields.add(0, f); break; } } ifdef structure_debug print("Saving fields for " + c + ": " + lFields); endifdef d.fieldsByClass.put(c, lFields); } // << if (lFields == null) else { // ref handling for lFields != null Int ref = d.seen.get(o); if (ref != null) { /*d.refd.set(ref);*/ d.append("t").app(ref); ret; } d.seen.put(o, d.n); // record token number } Field persistenceInfoField = cast d.persistenceInfo.get(c); Map<S, O> persistenceInfo = persistenceInfoField == null ? null : (Map) persistenceInfoField.get(o); ifdef structure_debug print("persistenceInfo for " + c + ": " + persistenceInfo); endifdef new LinkedHashMap<S, O> fv; for (Field f : lFields) { Object value; try { value = f.get(o); } catch (Exception e) { value = "?"; } if (value != null && (persistenceInfo == null || !Boolean.FALSE.equals(persistenceInfo.get(f.getName())))) fv.put(f.getName(), value); ifdef structure_debug else print("Skipping null field " + f.getName() + " for " + identityHashCode(o)); endifdef } S name = c.getName(); String shortName = dropPrefix("main$", name); if (startsWithDigit(shortName)) shortName = name; // for anonymous classes // Now we have fields & values. Process fieldValues if it's a DynamicObject. // omit field "className" if equal to class's name if (concept && eq(fv.get("className"), shortName)) fv.remove("className"); if (o instanceof DynamicObject) { putAll(fv, (Map) fv.get("fieldValues")); fv.remove("fieldValues"); shortName = shortDynamicClassName(o); fv.remove("className"); } S singleField = fv.size() == 1 ? first(fv.keySet()) : null; d.append(shortName); d.n += countDots(shortName)*2; // correct token count ifdef structure_debug print("Fields for " + shortName + ": " + fv.keySet()); endifdef final int l = d.n; final Iterator it = fv.entrySet().iterator(); d.stack.add(r { if (!it.hasNext()) { if (d.n != l) d.append(")"); } else { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); d.append(d.n == l ? "(" : ", "); d.append((S) e.getKey()).append("="); d.stack.add(this); structure_1(e.getValue(), d); } }); }
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Snippet ID: | #1009411 |
Snippet name: | structure function (v14, new list+map serializing) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1009411/55 |
Text MD5: | 62949110e5c50a43ab64fb19caba977b |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax |
Type: | JavaX fragment (include) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2019-08-27 22:20:22 |
Source code size: | 12560 bytes / 407 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 689 / 888 |
Version history: | 54 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |