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static Set<Thread> evalWithTimeout_inTime = synchroSet(); static Set<Thread> evalWithTimeout_allThreads = newWeakHashSet(); static new ThreadLocal<S> evalWithTimeout_threadName; static <A> Either<A, Thread> evalWithTimeout(double timeoutSeconds, IF0<A> r) { ret (Either) evalWithTimeout(timeoutSeconds, (O) r); } // Either calculation result or Thread with timed-out computation // Tries to interrupt thread after timeout // Errors are rethrown. static Either<O, Thread> evalWithTimeout(int timeoutMS, O r) { ret evalWithTimeout(toSeconds(timeoutMS), r); } // timeoutSeconds may be infinity() static Either<O, Thread> evalWithTimeout(double timeoutSeconds, O r) { final new Flag done; final new Flag doneWaiting; final new Var var; final new Var<Throwable> error; // copy redirected print handler to new thread var printer = print_byThread()!; Thread t = newThread(getAndClearThreadLocal(evalWithTimeout_threadName), r { try { temp tempSetTL(print_byThread(), printer); try { var.set(callF(r)); } finally { evalWithTimeout_allThreads.remove(currentThread()); } } catch e { error.set(e); if (doneWaiting.isUp()) printStackTrace_inPossiblyCancelledThread(e); } finally { done.raise(); } }); beforeDelegatingToThread(t); try { startThread(t); evalWithTimeout_inTime.add(t); evalWithTimeout_allThreads.add(t); try { done.waitUntilUp(timeoutSeconds); doneWaiting.raise(); } finally { evalWithTimeout_inTime.remove(t); } // timeout! cancel/interrupt and return thread object if (!done.isUp()) { print("Cancelling thread (timeout)"); cancelAndInterruptThread(t); ret either2(t); } // thread ended with error if (error! != null) rethrow(error!); // thread ended naturally ret either1(var!); } finally { afterDelegatingToThread(t); } }
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Snippet ID: | #1009329 |
Snippet name: | evalWithTimeout |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1009329/31 |
Text MD5: | 01a22a0ed1af1dc1a3602a509fa5c3dc |
Transpilation MD5: | 1ce81210b409401124570312331bf7bb |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax |
Type: | JavaX fragment (include) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2022-03-25 22:48:43 |
Source code size: | 2042 bytes / 73 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 668 / 816 |
Version history: | 30 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |