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< > BotCompany Repo | #1005726 // Split text into characters with table of characters and MD5s

JavaX source code [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (9242L/64K/215K).


static BWImage img;
static ImageSurface is2;
static float threshold = 0.99f; // for horizontalAutoSplit
static JTable table;
static JTextField tfText;
static L<Rect> split;
static L<BWImage> characters;


concept Result {
  BWImage inputImage;
  float horizontalSplitThreshold;
  L<BWImage> characters;
  //Bool splitOK;
  S text;

p {
  if (img == null)
    img = getBWImageFromClipboard();
  if (img == null)
    img = loadBWImage("#1005702");

svoid update() {
  RGBImage vis = visualize().toRGB();
  if (is2 == null) {
    is2 = showZoomedImage(vis);
    addToWindowAndPack(is2, liveSliderZeroToOne(threshold/10000f*9999f, voidfunc(float x) {
      threshold = x*10000f/9999f;
  } else
  // show table
  new L<L> data;
  characters = new L;
  for (Rect r : split) {
    BWImage clip = img.clip(r);
    data.add(ll(clip.getBufferedImage(), md5OfBWImage(clip)));
  bool first = table == null;
  table = showTableWithImages("Characters + MD5", splitAtSpace("Character MD5"), data, table);
  if (first) {
    addToWindow(table, centerAndEast(
      withLabel("Text:", tfText = new JTextField),
      jbutton("Save result", "saveResult")));
    onEnter(tfText, "saveResult");

svoid saveResult {
  S text = tfText.getText();
  /*if (l(text) != l(characters))
    messageBox("Character count doesn't match! " + l(text) + " vs " + l(characters));
  else*/ {
    Result result = cnew(Result,
      inputImage := img, horizontalSplitThreshold := threshold,
      +characters, +text);
    messageBox("Result saved! id: " +;

static BWImage visualize() {
  BWImage im = new BWImage(img);
  for (Rect r : split = horizontalAutoSplit(img, threshold)) {
    r = autoCropOfBWImage(img, r);
    darkenBWImagePart(im, r);
  ret im;

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1005711

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Snippet ID: #1005726
Snippet name: Split text into characters with table of characters and MD5s
Eternal ID of this version: #1005726/1
Text MD5: 127c68bd71dfc2fcd2a27e256b604f78
Transpilation MD5: 566160e7cde37c0d4ec57af031d98435
Author: stefan
Category: javax / ocr
Type: JavaX source code
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-12-18 00:18:28
Source code size: 1998 bytes / 81 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 466 / 1034
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