//FILENAME: gazelle/main.java package gazelle; import java.util.*; import java.util.zip.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.lang.ref.*; import java.lang.management.*; import java.security.*; import java.security.spec.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; import java.math.*; import loadableUtils.utils.BetterThreadLocal; import x30_pkg.x30_util; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.VF1; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.l; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.indexOf; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.getOpt; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.setOpt; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.callOpt; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.get; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.assertTrue; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.isTrue; import x30_pkg.x30_util.DynamicObject; import loadableUtils.utils; import loadableUtils.utils.CloseablesHolder; import loadableUtils.utils.WithTimestamp; import static loadableUtils.utils.fail; import static loadableUtils.utils.javaCompileToJar_localLibraries; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_current_mandatory; import static loadableUtils.utils.match; import static loadableUtils.utils.getField; import static loadableUtils.utils.fieldType; import static loadableUtils.utils.struct; import static loadableUtils.utils.structure; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_current_generic; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_current_mandatory_generic; import static loadableUtils.utils.cset; import static loadableUtils.utils.DynamicObject_loading; import static loadableUtils.utils.rethrow; import static loadableUtils.utils.concepts_internStringsLongerThan; import static loadableUtils.utils.realMC_tl; import loadableUtils.utils.F0; import loadableUtils.utils.F1; import loadableUtils.utils.IF0; import loadableUtils.utils.IF1; import loadableUtils.utils.IVF1; import loadableUtils.utils.IVF2; import loadableUtils.utils.Matches; import loadableUtils.utils.Q; import loadableUtils.utils.structure_Data; import loadableUtils.utils.structure_ClassInfo; import loadableUtils.utils.MultiSet; import loadableUtils.utils.Concept; import loadableUtils.utils.Concepts; import loadableUtils.utils.RC; import loadableUtils.utils.IConceptIndex; import loadableUtils.utils.IFieldIndex; import loadableUtils.utils.DynModule; import loadableUtils.utils.Pt; import loadableUtils.utils.SecretValue; import static loadableUtils.utils.dynamicObjectIsLoading_threadLocal; import loadableUtils.utils.HCRUD; import loadableUtils.utils.HCRUD_Data; import loadableUtils.utils.HCRUD_Concepts; import loadableUtils.utils.ValueConverterForField; import loadableUtils.utils.DefaultValueConverterForField; import loadableUtils.utils.OrError; import loadableUtils.utils.HTML; import static loadableUtils.utils.appendParamsToURL; import static loadableUtils.utils.litset; import static loadableUtils.utils.printStackTrace; import static loadableUtils.utils.loadJQuery2; import static loadableUtils.utils.cget; import static loadableUtils.utils.javaTok; import static loadableUtils.utils.getConcept; import static loadableUtils.utils.toTokCondition; import static loadableUtils.utils.targetBlank; import static loadableUtils.utils.b; import static loadableUtils.utils.i; import static loadableUtils.utils.n; import static loadableUtils.utils.p; import static loadableUtils.utils.findConceptWhere; import static loadableUtils.utils.addParamToURL; import static loadableUtils.utils.match2; import static loadableUtils.utils.trueOrNull; import static loadableUtils.utils.empty; import static loadableUtils.utils.containsAngleBracketVars; import static loadableUtils.utils.list; import static loadableUtils.utils.hasMethod; import static loadableUtils.utils.toUtf8; import static loadableUtils.utils.cic; import static loadableUtils.utils.remove; import static loadableUtils.utils.emptyList; import static loadableUtils.utils.programID; import static loadableUtils.utils.hselect; import static loadableUtils.utils.print_byThread; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptsWhere; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_makeModule; import static loadableUtils.utils.charAt; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptWhere; import static loadableUtils.utils.tok_identifiersInOrder; import static loadableUtils.utils.grabValueAndCancel; import static loadableUtils.utils.simpleDateFormat; import static loadableUtils.utils.toArray; import static loadableUtils.utils.cloneList; import static loadableUtils.utils.defaultTimerName; import static loadableUtils.utils.regexp; import static loadableUtils.utils.ping; import static loadableUtils.utils.cmp; import static loadableUtils.utils.formatFunctionCall; import static loadableUtils.utils.ahref_onClick; import static loadableUtils.utils.getDBProgramID; import static loadableUtils.utils.countConceptsCI; import static loadableUtils.utils.div_center; import static loadableUtils.utils.divUnlessEmpty; import static loadableUtils.utils.parseLong; import static loadableUtils.utils.uniqCI2; import static loadableUtils.utils.js_setRedirect; import static loadableUtils.utils.massageArgsForVarArgsCall; import static loadableUtils.utils.eqOneOf; import static loadableUtils.utils.joinWithBR; import static loadableUtils.utils.javaxDataDir; import static loadableUtils.utils.substring; import static loadableUtils.utils.toSeconds; import static loadableUtils.utils.getConceptOpt; import static loadableUtils.utils.hhtml; import static loadableUtils.utils.appendBracketed; import static loadableUtils.utils.aGlobalID; import static loadableUtils.utils.removeSubList; import static loadableUtils.utils.javaTokForJFind_array; import static loadableUtils.utils.boostHashCombine; import static loadableUtils.utils.formatDoubleArrowMap_horizontallyAligned; import static loadableUtils.utils.thinAProgramsBackups; import static loadableUtils.utils.tempSetTL; import static loadableUtils.utils.pnl; import static loadableUtils.utils.hPopDownButton; import static loadableUtils.utils.hcenter3; import static loadableUtils.utils.shortClassNameIs; import static loadableUtils.utils.shortName; import static loadableUtils.utils.camelCase; import static loadableUtils.utils.instancesOf; import static loadableUtils.utils.getProgramID; import static loadableUtils.utils.swic; import static loadableUtils.utils.unnull; import static loadableUtils.utils.findTranslators2; import static loadableUtils.utils.joinWithComma; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptsWithFieldGreaterThan_sorted; import static loadableUtils.utils.replaceDollarVars; import static loadableUtils.utils.tdTop; import static loadableUtils.utils.subList; import static loadableUtils.utils.formatDouble; import static loadableUtils.utils.evalWithTimeoutOrFail; import static loadableUtils.utils.addAll; import static loadableUtils.utils.getVar; import static loadableUtils.utils.ahref; import static loadableUtils.utils.serveJSON_breakAtLevels; import static loadableUtils.utils.unlock; import static loadableUtils.utils.replaceVars; import static loadableUtils.utils.last; import static loadableUtils.utils.warn; import static loadableUtils.utils.isStringList; import static loadableUtils.utils.plural; import static loadableUtils.utils.trimAll; import static loadableUtils.utils.getClassLoader; import static loadableUtils.utils.htmldecode_dropAllTags; import static loadableUtils.utils.addIfNotNull; import static loadableUtils.utils.distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts; import static loadableUtils.utils.startQ; import static loadableUtils.utils.filterKeys; import static loadableUtils.utils.pair; import static loadableUtils.utils.hbutton; import static loadableUtils.utils.parseInt; import static loadableUtils.utils.lastIndexOf; import static loadableUtils.utils.parseFirstLong; import static loadableUtils.utils.litciset; import static loadableUtils.utils.joinWithSpace; import static loadableUtils.utils.doAfter; import static loadableUtils.utils.printIndent; import static loadableUtils.utils.put; import static loadableUtils.utils.replaceSublist; import static loadableUtils.utils.fileNotEmpty; import static loadableUtils.utils.emptyObjectArray; import static loadableUtils.utils.deleteConcepts; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptID; import static loadableUtils.utils.isSubclassOf; import static loadableUtils.utils.joinSubList; import static loadableUtils.utils._hashCode; import static loadableUtils.utils.className; import static loadableUtils.utils.hjs_copyToClipboard; import static loadableUtils.utils.iround; import static loadableUtils.utils.listPlus; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_ownResource; import static loadableUtils.utils.small; import static loadableUtils.utils.h2_title; import static loadableUtils.utils.sortedIC; import static loadableUtils.utils.addAnchorToURL; import static loadableUtils.utils.pcallF; import static loadableUtils.utils.replace; import static loadableUtils.utils.ownResource; import static loadableUtils.utils.findCodeTokens; import static loadableUtils.utils.regexpFirstGroupIC; import static loadableUtils.utils.wrapInDiv; import static loadableUtils.utils.hjs; import static loadableUtils.utils.ciSet; import static loadableUtils.utils.getClassName; import static loadableUtils.utils.sortedByCalculatedFieldDesc; import static loadableUtils.utils.iterateWithIndex1; import static loadableUtils.utils.sleepSeconds; import static loadableUtils.utils.values; import static loadableUtils.utils.unicodeFromCodePoint; import static loadableUtils.utils.parseLongOpt; import static loadableUtils.utils.toObjectArray; import static loadableUtils.utils.loadTextFile; import static loadableUtils.utils.mapValues; import static loadableUtils.utils.clear; import static loadableUtils.utils.hbody; import static loadableUtils.utils.call_withVarargs; import static loadableUtils.utils.stringIf; import static loadableUtils.utils.third; import static loadableUtils.utils.hsansserif; import static loadableUtils.utils.div_vbar; import static loadableUtils.utils.javaTokWithAngleBrackets; import static loadableUtils.utils.javaCompile_overInternalBot; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptsWhereCI; import static loadableUtils.utils.callF; import static loadableUtils.utils.eqic_gen; import static loadableUtils.utils.trim; import static loadableUtils.utils.replaceAngleBracketVars_curly; import static loadableUtils.utils.phraseCache; import static loadableUtils.utils.roundToInt; import static loadableUtils.utils.htitle_h2; import static loadableUtils.utils.isStaticMethod; import static loadableUtils.utils.paramsPlus; import static loadableUtils.utils.pre_htmlencode; import static loadableUtils.utils.hscript; import static loadableUtils.utils.exceptionToStringShort; import static loadableUtils.utils.toString; import static loadableUtils.utils.stepAllWithTimeout; import static loadableUtils.utils.sortedByConceptIDDesc; import static loadableUtils.utils.joinNemptiesWithColon; import static loadableUtils.utils.joinNemptiesWithSpace; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptsWhereIC; import static loadableUtils.utils.lithashset; import static loadableUtils.utils.dropLoadableUtilsPackageFromStruct; import static loadableUtils.utils.setOpt_findField; import static loadableUtils.utils.hashCode; import static loadableUtils.utils.newFileOutputStream; import static loadableUtils.utils.shortClassName; import static loadableUtils.utils.postProcess; import static loadableUtils.utils.htextfield; import static loadableUtils.utils.hhidden; import static loadableUtils.utils.length; import static loadableUtils.utils.print; import static loadableUtils.utils.mapPairs; import static loadableUtils.utils.identityHashCode; import static loadableUtils.utils.lock; import static loadableUtils.utils.firstToLower; import static loadableUtils.utils.htmlEncode2_gen; import static loadableUtils.utils.simpleSpacesTrim_javaTok; import static loadableUtils.utils.isSubtypeOf; import static loadableUtils.utils.hpostform; import static loadableUtils.utils.loadFunction_cached; import static loadableUtils.utils.litlist; import static loadableUtils.utils.toMS; import static loadableUtils.utils.map; import static loadableUtils.utils.isStringCollection; import static loadableUtils.utils.max; import static loadableUtils.utils.addParamsToURL; import static loadableUtils.utils.f2s; import static loadableUtils.utils.asCIMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.md5; import static loadableUtils.utils.javaValueToHTML; import static loadableUtils.utils.isTrue_getOpt; import static loadableUtils.utils.isConceptList; import static loadableUtils.utils.getThreadLocal; import static loadableUtils.utils.sort; import static loadableUtils.utils.htmlEncode_quote; import static loadableUtils.utils.indexConceptFieldIC; import static loadableUtils.utils.jextract; import static loadableUtils.utils.hotwire_makeClassLoader; import static loadableUtils.utils.deref; import static loadableUtils.utils.matchesToMapUsingVarList_ciMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.dbBot; import static loadableUtils.utils.putAll; import static loadableUtils.utils.dropSuffix; import static loadableUtils.utils.cForwardAndBackRefsWithFieldIndicator; import static loadableUtils.utils.objectsWhereCI; import static loadableUtils.utils.getStringOpt; import static loadableUtils.utils.pIfNempty; import static loadableUtils.utils.removeAll; import static loadableUtils.utils.elapsedSeconds_sysNow; import static loadableUtils.utils.pairsA; import static loadableUtils.utils.checkFieldsIC; import static loadableUtils.utils.swic_notSame; import static loadableUtils.utils.uncurly; import static loadableUtils.utils.min; import static loadableUtils.utils.arraycopy; import static loadableUtils.utils.htmlTable2_noHtmlEncode; import static loadableUtils.utils.parseSecondLong; import static loadableUtils.utils.cloneMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.ifThenElse; import static loadableUtils.utils.jsQuote; import static loadableUtils.utils.htmlEncode2_nlToBr; import static loadableUtils.utils.ymd_minus_hms; import static loadableUtils.utils.unlisted; import static loadableUtils.utils.hsnippetimg_scaleToWidth; import static loadableUtils.utils.tempAdd; import static loadableUtils.utils.compileRegexp; import static loadableUtils.utils.evalWithTimeout; import static loadableUtils.utils.dbLock; import static loadableUtils.utils.lookupPossiblyCI; import static loadableUtils.utils.strOrNull; import static loadableUtils.utils.concatMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.isAngleBracketVar; import static loadableUtils.utils._close; import static loadableUtils.utils.starsToAngleBracketedNumbers; import static loadableUtils.utils.countPred; import static loadableUtils.utils.close_pcall; import static loadableUtils.utils.wrapPatternSyntaxException; import static loadableUtils.utils._entrySet; import static loadableUtils.utils.first; import static loadableUtils.utils.span; import static loadableUtils.utils.litorderedmap; import static loadableUtils.utils.multiSetToPairsByPopularity; import static loadableUtils.utils.objectToMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.renderEqualsCommaProperties; import static loadableUtils.utils.hjs_autoExpandingTextAreas; import static loadableUtils.utils.hmobilefix; import static loadableUtils.utils.printVars_str; import static loadableUtils.utils.hotwire; import static loadableUtils.utils.span_title; import static loadableUtils.utils.hNotificationPopups; import static loadableUtils.utils.firstNotNull; import static loadableUtils.utils.score; import static loadableUtils.utils.quote; import static loadableUtils.utils.htmlEncode_nlToBr_withIndents; import static loadableUtils.utils.htmlTable2; import static loadableUtils.utils.llNonNulls; import static loadableUtils.utils.contains; import static loadableUtils.utils.countConceptsWhereCI; import static loadableUtils.utils.uniqCI; import static loadableUtils.utils.jsonEncodeMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.sleep; import static loadableUtils.utils.allConcepts; import static loadableUtils.utils.isB; import static loadableUtils.utils.uniquifyCI; import static loadableUtils.utils.close; import static loadableUtils.utils.isFile; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptWhereIC; import static loadableUtils.utils.swing; import static loadableUtils.utils.findEndOfBracketPart; import static loadableUtils.utils._getClass; import static loadableUtils.utils.indentStructureString_firstLevels; import static loadableUtils.utils.add; import static loadableUtils.utils.ciMultiMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.mapKeys; import static loadableUtils.utils.clearTokens; import static loadableUtils.utils.subBot_serve500; import static loadableUtils.utils.saveTextFile; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptWhereCI; import static loadableUtils.utils.pnlToString; import static loadableUtils.utils.emptyDoubleArray; import static loadableUtils.utils.lines; import static loadableUtils.utils.unquote; import static loadableUtils.utils.nempty; import static loadableUtils.utils.isEmpty; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_os; import static loadableUtils.utils.serveText; import static loadableUtils.utils.sortByConceptID; import static loadableUtils.utils.vm_busListenersByMessage_live; import static loadableUtils.utils.shorten; import static loadableUtils.utils.jfindAll; import static loadableUtils.utils.litmap; import static loadableUtils.utils.weakSet; import static loadableUtils.utils.myClassLoader; import static loadableUtils.utils.findConceptsWhereCI; import static loadableUtils.utils.jfind_preprocess; import static loadableUtils.utils.hrefresh; import static loadableUtils.utils.fileInSameDir; import static loadableUtils.utils.synchronizedSet; import static loadableUtils.utils.countConceptsWhereIC; import static loadableUtils.utils.beforeVerticalBar; import static loadableUtils.utils.isIdentifier; import static loadableUtils.utils.getTimeZone; import static loadableUtils.utils.dropTrailingSlashIfNemptyAfterwards; import static loadableUtils.utils.neq; import static loadableUtils.utils.all; import static loadableUtils.utils.paramsPlus_inFront; import static loadableUtils.utils.inputText; import static loadableUtils.utils.regexpMatcherIC; import static loadableUtils.utils.uniq; import static loadableUtils.utils.nullIfEmpty; import static loadableUtils.utils.isSafeStandardFunction; import static loadableUtils.utils.indent; import static loadableUtils.utils.angleBracketVarsToStars; import static loadableUtils.utils.derefRef; import static loadableUtils.utils.dbBotStandardName; import static loadableUtils.utils.joinNempties; import static loadableUtils.utils.keySet; import static loadableUtils.utils.optCast; import static loadableUtils.utils.emptyIntArray; import static loadableUtils.utils.reversed; import static loadableUtils.utils.stdcompare; import static loadableUtils.utils.eqGetOneOf; import static loadableUtils.utils.done2_always; import static loadableUtils.utils.isInstance; import static loadableUtils.utils.regexpReplace; import static loadableUtils.utils.programFile; import static loadableUtils.utils.dropFirstAndLast; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_doEvery; import static loadableUtils.utils.setOptAllDyn_pcall; import static loadableUtils.utils.onIndividualConceptChange_notOnAllChanged; import static loadableUtils.utils.pcallOpt; import static loadableUtils.utils.nonNulls; import static loadableUtils.utils.hinputfield; import static loadableUtils.utils.asCIMultiSet; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_getModule; import static loadableUtils.utils.deleteConcept; import static loadableUtils.utils.replaceAngleBracketVars; import static loadableUtils.utils.litobjectarray; import static loadableUtils.utils.getMainBot; import static loadableUtils.utils.strOrEmpty; import static loadableUtils.utils.call; import static loadableUtils.utils.cnew; import static loadableUtils.utils.uniqCI_returnIfNew; import static loadableUtils.utils.run; import static loadableUtils.utils.isInteger; import static loadableUtils.utils.indexConceptFieldDesc; import static loadableUtils.utils.cdelete; import static loadableUtils.utils.ciMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.flexMatchIC_iterate; import static loadableUtils.utils.now; import static loadableUtils.utils.smartTimerTask; import static loadableUtils.utils.csetIfUnset; import static loadableUtils.utils.hsubmit; import static loadableUtils.utils.eqicOneOf; import static loadableUtils.utils.htitle; import static loadableUtils.utils.lastException; import static loadableUtils.utils.splitAtSpace; import static loadableUtils.utils.htmlEncode2; import static loadableUtils.utils.optPar; import static loadableUtils.utils.javaxCachesDir; import static loadableUtils.utils.h1_title; import static loadableUtils.utils.singleObjectMethodProxy; import static loadableUtils.utils.sameSnippetID; import static loadableUtils.utils.compareIC; import static loadableUtils.utils.callFAll; import static loadableUtils.utils.listZip; import static loadableUtils.utils.match3_withIntsAndIDs; import static loadableUtils.utils.getClass; import static loadableUtils.utils.syncIdentityHashSet; import static loadableUtils.utils.containsKey; import static loadableUtils.utils.jsonEncode; import static loadableUtils.utils.regexpMatcher; import static loadableUtils.utils.collectionMutex; import static loadableUtils.utils.joinNemptiesWithVBar; import static loadableUtils.utils.mapGet; import static loadableUtils.utils.parseSnippetID; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptFields; import static loadableUtils.utils.firstToUpper; import static loadableUtils.utils.asList; import static loadableUtils.utils.getType; import static loadableUtils.utils.endsWith; import static loadableUtils.utils.listSet; import static loadableUtils.utils.vmBus_send; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_getStem; import static loadableUtils.utils.set; import static loadableUtils.utils.hselect_list; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_rEnter; import static loadableUtils.utils.loadLibraryOrSrcLib; import static loadableUtils.utils.callOpt_getCache; import static loadableUtils.utils.sfu; import static loadableUtils.utils.getAndClearThreadLocal; import static loadableUtils.utils.getStackTrace; import static loadableUtils.utils.javax; import static loadableUtils.utils.isQuoted; import static loadableUtils.utils.emptyCharArray; import static loadableUtils.utils.hhiddenMulti; import static loadableUtils.utils.isFalse; import static loadableUtils.utils.eq; import static loadableUtils.utils.isDigit; import static loadableUtils.utils.hinlinepostform; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_callOS; import static loadableUtils.utils.isDirectory; import static loadableUtils.utils.hform; import static loadableUtils.utils.h2; import static loadableUtils.utils.h3; import static loadableUtils.utils.random; import static loadableUtils.utils.trimSubstring; import static loadableUtils.utils.md5OrNull; import static loadableUtils.utils.pcallFAll; import static loadableUtils.utils.synchronizedMRUCache; import static loadableUtils.utils.getString; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptsFile; import static loadableUtils.utils.urlencode; import static loadableUtils.utils.hr; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_call; import static loadableUtils.utils.saveTiming_tl; import static loadableUtils.utils.join; import static loadableUtils.utils.fsI; import static loadableUtils.utils.odd; import static loadableUtils.utils.isInstanceOf; import static loadableUtils.utils.lmap; import static loadableUtils.utils.ahref_undecorated; import static loadableUtils.utils.javaTokForStructure; import static loadableUtils.utils.change; import static loadableUtils.utils.vmBus_query; import static loadableUtils.utils.assertEquals; import static loadableUtils.utils.joinMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.tlft; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_vmBus_onMessage; import static loadableUtils.utils.endsWithLetterOrDigit; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_startQ; import static loadableUtils.utils.ll; import static loadableUtils.utils.concatArrays; import static loadableUtils.utils.n2; import static loadableUtils.utils.lines_rtrim; import static loadableUtils.utils.second; import static loadableUtils.utils.replaceTokens; import static loadableUtils.utils.takeFirst; import static loadableUtils.utils.hparagraphs; import static loadableUtils.utils.codeTokensAsStringArray; import static loadableUtils.utils.hijackPrint; import static loadableUtils.utils.keys; import static loadableUtils.utils.uniqCI2_sync; import static loadableUtils.utils.smartIndexOf; import static loadableUtils.utils.assertIdentifier; import static loadableUtils.utils.ol; import static loadableUtils.utils.or; import static loadableUtils.utils.syncMRUCache; import static loadableUtils.utils.dropPunctuation; import static loadableUtils.utils.rtrim; import static loadableUtils.utils.iterator; import static loadableUtils.utils.assertNotNull; import static loadableUtils.utils.currentThread; import static loadableUtils.utils.transpileRaw; import static loadableUtils.utils.str; import static loadableUtils.utils.tempInterceptPrint; import static loadableUtils.utils.printWithIndent; import static loadableUtils.utils.appendRoundBracketed; import static loadableUtils.utils.hideCredentials; import static loadableUtils.utils.intRange; import static loadableUtils.utils.intern; import static loadableUtils.utils.asCISet; import static loadableUtils.utils.syncMapPut2_createLinkedHashMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.th; import static loadableUtils.utils.syncMapToPairs; import static loadableUtils.utils.tr; import static loadableUtils.utils.tt; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_moduleID; import static loadableUtils.utils.conceptIDOrNull; import static loadableUtils.utils.ul; import static loadableUtils.utils.programDir; import static loadableUtils.utils.or2; import static loadableUtils.utils.similarEmptyMap; import static loadableUtils.utils._get; import static loadableUtils.utils.div_alignRight; import static loadableUtils.utils.gazelle_allSyntacticPatternsFromInput; import static loadableUtils.utils.getConceptFieldCIIndex; import static loadableUtils.utils.ul_htmlEncode; import static loadableUtils.utils.checkFields; import static loadableUtils.utils.eqic; import static loadableUtils.utils.hpre_htmlencode; import static loadableUtils.utils.pairA; import static loadableUtils.utils.parseIntOpt; import static loadableUtils.utils._handleException; import static loadableUtils.utils.dropFirst; import static loadableUtils.utils.pairB; import static loadableUtils.utils.htitledSectionWithDiv; import static loadableUtils.utils.urldecode; import static loadableUtils.utils.nConcepts; import static loadableUtils.utils.dropPrefix; import static loadableUtils.utils.deAngleBracket; import static loadableUtils.utils.emptyMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.tok_integersInOrder; import static loadableUtils.utils.allToString; import static loadableUtils.utils.filter; import static loadableUtils.utils.getWeakRef; import static loadableUtils.utils.ensureConceptClassIsIndexed; import static loadableUtils.utils.ensureDBNotRunning; import static loadableUtils.utils.findStaticMethod; import static loadableUtils.utils.findBackRefs; import static loadableUtils.utils.nempties; import static loadableUtils.utils.htmlEncode_nlToBR; import static loadableUtils.utils.tok_findEndOfStatement; import static loadableUtils.utils.tag; import static loadableUtils.utils.syncL; import static loadableUtils.utils.htextarea; import static loadableUtils.utils.hhead; import static loadableUtils.utils.toLong; import static loadableUtils.utils.localTimeWithSeconds; import static loadableUtils.utils.hjs_selectize; import static loadableUtils.utils.concatLists; import static loadableUtils.utils.invokeMethod; import static loadableUtils.utils.isInQ; import static loadableUtils.utils.countTokens; import static loadableUtils.utils.sysNow; import static loadableUtils.utils.countConcepts; import static loadableUtils.utils.hPopDownButtonWithText; import static loadableUtils.utils.countWordsWithoutAngleBracketedAndStars; import static loadableUtils.utils.startsWith; import loadableUtils.utils.Var; import loadableUtils.utils.Scorer; import loadableUtils.utils.ITokCondition; import loadableUtils.utils.ConceptsRefChecker; import loadableUtils.utils.FixedRateTimer; import loadableUtils.utils.IterableIterator; import loadableUtils.utils.F2; import loadableUtils.utils.Flag; import loadableUtils.utils.StringBufferWithMaxSize; import loadableUtils.utils.IFieldsToList; import loadableUtils.utils.IF2; import loadableUtils.utils.DynNewBot2; import loadableUtils.utils._MethodCache; import loadableUtils.utils.DynGazelleRocks; import loadableUtils.utils.ConceptWithGlobalID; import loadableUtils.utils.MultiMap; import loadableUtils.utils.HTMLTabs; import loadableUtils.utils.BreadthFirstPathFinder_withLinkType; import loadableUtils.utils.ReliableSingleThread_Multi; import loadableUtils.utils.Steppable; import loadableUtils.utils.Pair; import loadableUtils.utils.HTMLFramer1; import loadableUtils.utils.JavaXClassLoader; import loadableUtils.utils.IntRange; import loadableUtils.utils.FieldIndicator; import loadableUtils.utils.JavaXClassLoaderWithParent2; import loadableUtils.utils.HDivWithVerticalExpandButton; import loadableUtils.utils.ConceptFieldIndexCI_withTopTen; import loadableUtils.utils.Timed; import loadableUtils.utils.CMissingObject; import loadableUtils.utils.SteppableAndIF0; import loadableUtils.utils.ConceptsShadowLogger; import loadableUtils.utils.ConceptClassesDependentValue; import loadableUtils.utils.RealmCopy; import loadableUtils.utils.ConceptShadow; import loadableUtils.utils.HTMLPopDownButton; import loadableUtils.utils.TransitiveHull; import loadableUtils.utils.CreatedDeletedChanged; import loadableUtils.utils.HTMLPaginator; import loadableUtils.utils.User; import loadableUtils.utils.UserPost; import loadableUtils.utils.Conversation; import loadableUtils.utils.ExecutedStep; import loadableUtils.utils.InputHandled; import static loadableUtils.utils.passwordSalt; import java.text.*; public class main { static public class GazelleBEATester extends GazelleBEA { } static public boolean _moduleClass_GazelleBEATester = true; static public String mainLibID = "#1030952"; static public String programID; static public void _onLoad_initUtils() { utils.__javax = javax(); } static public ThreadLocal dynamicObjectIsLoading_threadLocal() { return DynamicObject_loading; } static public class BEACalculations { public GazelleBEA mod; public BEACalculations(GazelleBEA mod) { this.mod = mod; } transient public int liveOutputDelay = 1000; transient public double algoTimeout = 30.0; public void reactAllInputsWithSomePatterns() { for (BEAObject input : mod.beaObjectsOfType("input")) { ReactInputWithSomePatterns r = new ReactInputWithSomePatterns(); r.input = input; r.ccOut = db_mainConcepts(); r.max = 10; r.start(); stepAllWithTimeout(10.0, r); } } public void reactAllInputsWithAllSyntacticPatterns() { for (BEAObject input : mod.beaList("input")) { ping(); for (BEAObject pattern : mod.beaList("Syntactic Pattern")) { ping(); { if (patternAlwaysMatches(pattern)) continue; } reactInputWithPattern(input, pattern); } } } public void reactAllInputsWithPattern(BEAObject pattern) { for (BEAObject input : mod.beaList("input")) { ping(); reactInputWithPattern(input, pattern); } } public boolean patternAlwaysMatches(BEAObject pat) { return isTrue_getOpt("alwaysMatches", pat); } public class ReactInputWithSomePatterns implements Steppable { public BEAObject input; public Concepts ccOut; public int max = 3, n; public Iterator patterns; public void start() { n = countConceptsWhereIC(ccOut, BEAObject.class, "input", input, "type", "match"); patterns = iterator(sortByConceptID(conceptsWhereIC(BEAObject.class, "type", "Pattern"))); } public boolean step() { if (n >= max) return false; if (!patterns.hasNext()) return false; if (reactInputWithPattern(input, patterns.next(), ccOut) != null) ++n; return true; } } public Pair> matchInputWithPatternList(String text, BEAObject patternList) { List patterns = (List) (cget("patterns", patternList)); for (BEAObject pattern : unnullForIteration(patterns)) { Map mapping = matchInputWithPattern(text, pattern); if (mapping != null) return pair(pattern, mapping); } return null; } public ThreadLocal matchInput_droppedPunctuation = new ThreadLocal(); public Map matchInputWithPattern(BEAObject input, BEAObject pattern) { String text = getString("text", input); return matchInputWithPattern(text, pattern); } public Map matchInputWithPattern(String text, BEAObject pattern) { String pat = getString("text", pattern); boolean punctuationOnly = isTrue_getOpt("punctuationOnly", pattern); if (pattern.typeIs("Syntactic Pattern")) return matchInputWithSyntacticPattern(text, pat, punctuationOnly); else if (eqic_gen(getOpt("subType", pattern), "PhraseCache")) return phraseCache(pat, text) ? litmap() : null; else return matchInputWithPattern(text, pat, punctuationOnly); } public Map matchInputWithSyntacticPattern(String text, String pat) { return matchInputWithSyntacticPattern(text, pat, false); } public Map matchInputWithSyntacticPattern(String text, String pat, boolean punctuationOnly) { pat = starsToAngleBracketedNumbers(pat); return matchInputWithPattern(text, pat, punctuationOnly); } public Map matchInputWithPattern(String text, String pat) { return matchInputWithPattern(text, pat, false); } public Map matchInputWithPattern(String text, String pat, boolean punctuationOnly) { Map mapping = flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_honorPunctuation_noBrackets_first(pat, text); if (mapping != null || punctuationOnly) return mapping; return null; } public BEAObject reactInputWithPattern(BEAObject input, BEAObject pattern) { return reactInputWithPattern(input, pattern, db_mainConcepts()); } public BEAObject reactInputWithPattern(BEAObject input, BEAObject pattern, Concepts ccOut) { if (input == null || pattern == null) return null; matchInput_droppedPunctuation.set(false); Map mapping = matchInputWithPattern(input, pattern); if (mapping == null) return null; BEAObject match = uniqCI(ccOut, BEAObject.class, "type", "Match", "input", input, "pattern", pattern); cset(match, "mapping", mapping, "droppedPunctuation", trueOrNull(matchInput_droppedPunctuation.get())); return match; } public Object serveAnalyzeInput(GazelleBEA.Req req) { Concepts ccOut = new Concepts(); BEAObject input = getConcept(BEAObject.class, parseLong(req.get("id"))); if (input == null) input = cnew(ccOut, BEAObject.class, "type", "Input", "text", req.get("q")); String text = getString("text", input); ReactInputWithSomePatterns r = new ReactInputWithSomePatterns(); r.input = input; r.ccOut = ccOut; r.max = 1000; r.start(); stepAllWithTimeout(10.0, r); Collection matches = conceptsWhereIC(ccOut, BEAObject.class, "type", "Match"); return h1_title("Analyze Input") + p("Input: " + b(htmlEncode_nlToBr_withIndents(text))) + p(empty(matches) ? "No matches" : "Matches") + ul_htmlEncode(matches); } public Object serveQueryPage(GazelleBEA.Req req) { return serveQueryPage(req, false); } public Object serveQueryPage(GazelleBEA.Req req, boolean withFrame) { String q = req.get("q"), algorithm = req.get("algorithm"); boolean dontRun = eq(req.get("dontRun"), "1"); boolean liveOutput = eq(req.get("liveOutput"), "1"); if (liveOutput) req.noSpam(); if (eqic(algorithm, "process input")) algorithm = "Process new input v3"; Map> algorithms = algorithms(); String output = empty(algorithm) || dontRun ? null : doAlgorithm(algorithms, algorithm, q, liveOutput); if (liveOutput) return jsonEncode(litorderedmap("answer", output)); String right = withFrame ? "" : mod.html_loggedIn(); Algorithm alg = callF(lookupPossiblyCI(algorithms, algorithm)); if (alg != null) { alg.q = q; alg.req = mod.currentReq(); } String centered = (withFrame ? "" : htitle_h2(ahref(mod.baseLink + "/", "Gazelle") + " Query" + htmlEncode2((empty(q) ? "" : ": " + q) + appendSquareBracketed(algorithm)))) + hscript(replaceVars("\r\n var sugLoading = false, sugTriggerAgain = false;\r\n\r\n function sugTrigger() {\r\n console.log(\"sugTrigger\");\r\n if (sugLoading) { sugTriggerAgain = true; return; }\r\n\r\n // get form data as JSON\r\n \r\n var data = {\r\n \"liveOutput\" : \"1\",\r\n \"q\": $(\"textarea[name=q]\").val(),\r\n \"algorithm\": $(\"select[name=algorithm]\").val(),\r\n \"algorithmID\": $(\"select[name=algorithmID]\").val(), // XXX: do this for all additional alg parameters\r\n };\r\n \r\n const url = \"/query\";\r\n console.log(\"Loading \" + url + \" with \" + data);\r\n sugLoading = true;\r\n $.post(url, data,\r\n function(result) {\r\n console.log(\"Suggestor result: \" + result);\r\n const answer = !result ? \"\" : JSON.parse(result).answer;\r\n if (answer) {\r\n $(\"#liveResult .sectionContents\").html(answer);\r\n $(\"#liveResult\").show();\r\n } else\r\n $(\"#liveResult\").hide();\r\n //$(\"#suggestorResult\").html(answer ? \"Suggestor says: \" + answer : \"\");\r\n }\r\n ).always(function() {\r\n console.log(\"sug loading done\");\r\n setTimeout(function() {\r\n sugLoading = false;\r\n if (sugTriggerAgain) { sugTriggerAgain = false; sugTrigger(); }\r\n }, liveOutputDelay);\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n $(document).ready(function() {\r\n $(\"textarea[name=q], input[name=q], select[name=algorithm]\").on('input propertychange change', sugTrigger);\r\n sugTrigger();\r\n });\r\n ", "liveOutputDelay", liveOutputDelay)) + hform(p("Query (Ctrl+Enter): " + htextarea(q, "id", "mainInput", "name", "q", "class", "auto-expand", "style", "width: 300px", "onkeydown", jquery_submitFormOnCtrlEnter(), "autofocus", dontRun || empty(q) ? true : null) + " " + (alg == null ? "" : alg.additionalInputs()) + "   Algorithm: " + hselect_list(keys(algorithms), algorithm, "name", "algorithm") + "   " + hbutton("Go"))); String content = (empty(right) ? "" : div_alignRight(right)) + div_center(centered) + htitledSectionWithDiv("Live Result", "", "id", "liveResult", "style", "display: none", "innerDivStyle", "max-height: 150px; overflow: auto") + (output == null ? "" : h3(algorithm) + output); if (withFrame) { req.framer.addInHead(hjs_handleScrollToAnchor()); req.framer.add(content); return mod.completeFrame(req); } else return hhtml(hhead(hmobilefix() + hsansserif() + loadJQuery2() + hjs_handleScrollToAnchor() + hjs_autoExpandingTextAreas() + mod.webSocketHeadStuff(req) + hNotificationPopups()) + hbody(content)); } public String doAlgorithm(Map> algorithms, String algorithm, String q, boolean liveMode) { GazelleBEA.Req req = mod.currentReq(); StringBufferWithMaxSize out = new StringBufferWithMaxSize(1000000); IF0 algo = lookupPossiblyCI(algorithms, algorithm); if (algo == null) out.append("Algorithm not found: " + algorithm); else { if (isB(evalWithTimeout(algoTimeout, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AutoCloseable __21 = mod.enter(); try { AutoCloseable __22 = tempSetTL(mod.currentReq, req); try { Algorithm alg = algo.get(); alg.liveMode = liveMode; alg.out = out; alg.q = q; alg.req = mod.currentReq(); alg.runIt(); } finally { _close(__22); } } finally { _close(__21); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp mod.enter();\r\n temp tempSetTL(mod.currentReq, req);\r\n Algo..."; } }))) out.append("\n[algorithm timeout]"); } return str(out); } public class Algorithm implements Runnable { public String q; public GazelleBEA.Req req; public Appendable out; public boolean liveMode = false; public Concepts localConcepts = db_mainConcepts(); public List nonMatches; public void run() { } public void runLiveMode() { } public String additionalInputs() { return ""; } public void appendHTML(String html) { appendHTML(this.out, html); } public void appendHTML(Appendable out, String html) { try { if (empty(html)) return; html = wrapInDiv(html, "style", "margin-top: 0.5em"); out.append(html).append("\n"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public void appendHTML_raw(String html) { try { out.append(html).append("\n"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public void appendText(String text) { appendText(this.out, text); } public void appendText(Appendable out, String text) { try { if (empty(text)) return; out.append(hpre_htmlencode(rtrim(text))); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public void appendTextBold(String text) { appendTextBold(this.out, text); } public void appendTextBold(Appendable out, String text) { try { if (empty(text)) return; out.append(b(hpre_htmlencode(rtrim(text)))); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public void allowSuggestingAnswer(BEAObject input) { if (input == null) return; String text = input.text(); String url = mod.baseLink + "/saveAnswer"; appendHTML(hpostform("Suggest an answer to " + htmlEncode_quote(text) + ": " + htextarea(text, "id", "suggestAnswer", "name", "text", "class", "auto-expand", "style", "width: 300px") + hhidden("inputID", input.id) + hhidden("redirect", "") + " " + hsubmit("Save answer") + " [Optional rewrite type: " + hinputfield("rewriteType", "style", "width: 100px") + " ]", "action", url, "onsubmit", js_setRedirect())); } public void allowSuggestingPattern(BEAObject input) { if (input == null) return; String text = input.text(); String url = mod.baseLink + "/savePattern"; appendHTML(hpostform("Suggest a pattern (with angle bracket vars): " + htextarea(text, "name", "text", "class", "auto-expand", "style", "width: 300px") + hhidden("fromInput", conceptIDOrNull(input)) + hhidden("userTyped", true) + hhidden("redirect", "") + " " + hsubmit("Save pattern"), "action", url, "onsubmit", js_setRedirect())); } public void allowSuggestingSyntacticPattern(BEAObject input) { if (input == null) return; String text = input.text(); String url = mod.baseLink + "/saveSyntacticPattern"; appendHTML(hpostform("Suggest a syntactic pattern (with * vars): " + htextarea(text, "name", "text", "class", "auto-expand", "style", "width: 300px") + hhidden("fromInput", conceptIDOrNull(input)) + hhidden("userTyped", true) + hhidden("redirect", "") + " " + hsubmit("Save syntactic pattern"), "action", url, "onsubmit", js_setRedirect())); } public BEAObject saveInput(String q) { if (userAgentIsBot(beaMod().currentUserAgent())) return null; Pair p = uniqCI2(BEAObject.class, "type", "Input", "text", q); BEAObject input = p.a; mod.saveUserAgent(input); if (p.b) { csetIfUnset(input, "createdBy", mod.user(mod.currentReq())); appendHTML("Input saved"); } return input; } public void runNonMatches() { if (nempty(nonMatches)) { appendHTML(hr()); callFAll(nonMatches); } } public void addNonMatch(Runnable r) { add(nonMatches, r); } public void runIt() { if (liveMode) runLiveMode(); else run(); runNonMatches(); } } public class ReverseInput extends Algorithm { public void run() { appendText(reversed(q)); } public void runLiveMode() { run(); } } public class TimeoutTest extends Algorithm { public void run() { sleepSeconds(120); } } public class RunPattern extends Algorithm { public void run() { BEAObject pattern = mod.beaGet(parseFirstLong(q)); if (pattern == null) { appendText("Pattern not found"); return; } appendText("Pattern: " + pattern); for (BEAObject input : mod.beaList("Input")) { String text = input.text(); Map mapping = matchInputWithPattern(input, pattern); if (mapping == null) addNonMatch(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { appendText("Checking Input: " + input + " - No match"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "appendText(\"Checking Input: \" + input + \" - No match\");"; } }); else { String result = "\n" + renderMappingAsText(mapping); appendText("Checking Input: " + input + result); allowStoringMatch(this, input, pattern, mapping); } } } } public String renderMappingAsText(Map mapping) { return indent(formatDoubleArrowMap_horizontallyAligned(mapping)); } public class FindRewrites extends Algorithm { public void run() { BEAObject match = mod.beaGet(parseFirstLong(q)); if (match == null || !match.typeIs("Match")) { appendText("Match not found"); return; } BEAObject pattern = (BEAObject) (cget("pattern", match)); BEAObject input = (BEAObject) (cget("input", match)); Map mapping = (Map) (get("mapping", match)); appendText("Match: " + match); appendText("Input: " + input); appendText("Pattern: " + pattern); appendText("Mapping:\n" + renderMappingAsText(mapping)); appendRewrites(this, input, input.text(), pattern, match, mapping); } } public List appendRewrites(Algorithm algo, BEAObject input, String inputText, BEAObject pattern, BEAObject match, Map mapping) { Collection rewrites = mod.beaBackRefs(pattern, "Rewrite"); List texts = new ArrayList(); for (BEAObject r : rewrites) { String text = r.text(); String textWithVars = text; if (pattern.typeIs("Syntactic pattern")) textWithVars = starsToAngleBracketedNumbers(text); String text2 = replaceAngleBracketVars_curly(textWithVars, mapping); algo.appendText(" Using pattern rewrite: " + text); algo.appendTextBold(" " + inputText + "\n" + " => " + text2); texts.add(text2); BEAObject existing = match == null || input == null ? null : conceptWhereIC(BEAObject.class, "type", "Rewrite", "input", input, "text", text2, "match", match, "patternRewrite", r, "label", "good"); if (existing != null) algo.appendHTML("Rewrite exists: " + mod.beaLinkHTML(existing)); else if (match == null) algo.appendText("[Can't save, no match]"); else if (input == null) algo.appendText("[Can't save, no input object]"); else algo.appendHTML(hinlinepostform(hhiddenMulti("action", "create", "f_type", "Rewrite", "f_text", text2, "f_input", input.id, "metaInfo_input", "concept", "f_match", match.id, "metaInfo_match", "concept", "f_patternRewrite", r.id, "metaInfo_patternRewrite", "concept", "f_label", "good") + hbutton("Good rewrite"), "target", "_blank", "action", mod.crudLink(BEAObject.class))); } return texts; } public class ProcessNewInput extends Algorithm { public void run() { BEAObject input = handleInput(this, q = trim(q), false); for (BEAObject pattern : mod.beaListAny("Pattern", "Syntactic Pattern")) { checkPattern(this, input, q, pattern); } } } public void checkPattern(Algorithm algo, BEAObject input, String q, BEAObject pattern) { Map mapping = matchInputWithPattern(q, pattern); if (mapping == null) algo.addNonMatch(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { algo.appendText("Checking Pattern: " + pattern + " - No match"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "algo.appendText(\"Checking Pattern: \" + pattern + \" - No match\");"; } }); else { String result = "\n" + renderMappingAsText(mapping); algo.appendText("Checking Pattern: " + pattern + result); if (input == null) { } else allowStoringMatch(algo, input, pattern, mapping); appendRewrites(algo, input, q, pattern, null, mapping); } } public class ProcessNewInput_v2 extends Algorithm { public void run() { q = trim(q); saveInput(q); BEAObject input = handleInput(this, q, false); if (input != null) { Collection rewrites = mod.beaBackRefs(input, "Rewrite"); BEAObject rewrite = random(rewrites); if (rewrite != null) appendHTML("My answer: " + b(htmlEncode2(rewrite.text())) + " " + ahref(mod.beaShortURL(rewrite), "[source]")); } allowSuggestingAnswer(input); allowSuggestingPattern(input); allowSuggestingSyntacticPattern(input); for (BEAObject pattern : syntacticPatternsSortedBySpecificityDesc()) { { if (patternAlwaysMatches(pattern)) continue; } Map mapping = matchInputWithPattern(q, pattern); if (mapping == null) addNonMatch(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { appendHTML("Checking Syntactic Pattern: " + mod.beaLinkHTML(pattern) + " - No match"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "appendHTML(\"Checking Syntactic Pattern: \" + mod.beaLinkHTML(pattern) + \" - No..."; } }); else { String result = "Grouped as: " + replaceAngleBracketVars_curly(starsToAngleBracketedNumbers(pattern.text()), mapping) + "\n" + renderMappingAsText(mapping); appendHTML(hr()); appendHTML("Checking Syntactic Pattern: " + mod.beaLinkHTML(pattern)); appendText(result); BEAObject match = null; if (input == null) { } else match = allowStoringMatch(this, input, pattern, mapping); MultiMap subInputRewrites = ciMultiMap(); for (String subInput : uniquifyCI(values(mapping))) if (!eqic(subInput, q)) { BEAObject subInputObj = handleInput(this, subInput, "Sub-Input", true); if (subInputObj != null) { List subRewrites = concatLists(conceptsWhereCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Rewrite", "input", subInputObj), conceptsWhereCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Rewrite", "isRewriteOf", subInputObj)); for (BEAObject r : subRewrites) appendHTML("  Sub-Rewrite found: " + r); subInputRewrites.putAll(subInput, subRewrites); } } appendRewrites(this, input, q, pattern, match, mapping); Map rewrittenMapping = mapValues(mapping, s -> { BEAObject rewrite = random(subInputRewrites.get(s)); return rewrite == null ? s : uncurly(rewrite.text()); }); String randomRewrite = replaceAngleBracketVars_curly(starsToAngleBracketedNumbers(pattern.text()), rewrittenMapping); if (neq(randomRewrite, q)) appendText("Random rewrite from sub-inputs: " + randomRewrite); } } } } public class ProcessNewInput_v3 extends Algorithm { public void run() { q = trim(q); saveInput(q); BEAObject input = handleInput(this, q, false); HTMLTabs tabs = new HTMLTabs(); { StringBuffer toTab = new StringBuffer(); Algorithm alg = new ProcessNewInput_v2(); alg.q = q; alg.out = toTab; alg.runIt(); tabs.add("Match input with patterns", toTab); } { StringBuffer toTab = new StringBuffer(); Algorithm alg = new SyntacticPatternFromInput(); alg.q = q; alg.out = toTab; alg.runIt(); tabs.add("Make syntactic pattern", toTab); } appendHTML(tabs.html()); } } public BEAObject allowStoringMatch(Algorithm algo, BEAObject input, BEAObject pattern, Map mapping) { BEAObject match = conceptWhereCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Match", "pattern", pattern, "input", input, "mapping", mapping); if (match != null) { algo.appendHTML("Match exists: " + mod.beaLinkHTML(match)); return match; } algo.appendHTML(joinWithSpace(storeMatchForm(input, pattern, "good"), storeMatchForm(input, pattern, "bad"))); return null; } public String storeMatchForm(BEAObject input, BEAObject pattern, String label) { return hinlinepostform(hhiddenMulti("pattern", pattern.id, "input", input.id, "label", label, "redirect", "") + hbutton(firstToUpper(label) + " match"), "action", mod.baseLink + "/storeMatch", "onsubmit", js_redirectAutoScroll2()); } public class MakeSyntacticPatterns extends Algorithm implements Runnable { public void run() { for (BEAObject p : mod.beaList("Pattern")) { appendText(p + " => " + makeSyntacticPattern(p)); } } } public String syntacticPatternText(BEAObject p) { return simpleSpacesTrim_javaTok(angleBracketVarsToStars(p.text())); } public BEAObject makeSyntacticPattern(BEAObject p) { if (p == null || !p.typeIs("Pattern") || empty(p.text())) return null; String text = syntacticPatternText(p); BEAObject sp = uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Syntactic Pattern", "text", text); cset(p, "syntacticPattern", sp); return sp; } public String processInputURL(String q) { return addParamsToURL(mod.baseLink + "/query", "q", q, "algorithm", "process input"); } public BEAObject handleInput(Algorithm algo, String q, boolean showProcessLink) { return handleInput(algo, q, "Input", showProcessLink); } public BEAObject handleInput(Algorithm algo, String q, String desc, boolean showProcessLink) { algo.appendHTML(hSingleRowTable_withSpacing((desc + ":"), tt(htmlEncode_nlToBr_withIndents(q)), !showProcessLink ? "" : targetBlank_noFollow(processInputURL(q), "Process"))); BEAObject input = mod.findInput(q); algo.appendHTML(inputHTML(input, desc, q)); return input; } public String inputHTML(BEAObject input, String q) { return inputHTML(input, "Input", q); } public String inputHTML(BEAObject input, String desc, String q) { return input != null ? (desc + " exists: ") + mod.beaLinkHTML(input) : !mod.requestAuthed() && !mod.allowAnonymousInputUpload ? null : hinlinepostform(hhiddenMulti("text", q, "redirect", "") + hbutton(("Save " + desc)), "action", mod.baseLink + "/saveInput", "onsubmit", js_setRedirect()); } public String syntacticPatternLinkHTML(BEAObject obj, String text) { return syntacticPatternLinkHTML(obj, text, null); } public String syntacticPatternLinkHTML(BEAObject obj, String text, BEAObject fromInput) { String desc = "Syntactic pattern"; return obj != null ? mod.beaLinkHTML(obj) : !mod.requestAuthed() ? null : hinlinepostform(hhiddenMulti("text", text, "fromInput", conceptIDOrNull(fromInput), "redirect", "") + hbutton(("Save " + (firstToLower(desc)))), "action", mod.baseLink + "/saveSyntacticPattern", "onsubmit", js_setRedirect()); } public class SyntacticPatternFromInput extends Algorithm implements Runnable { public void run() { BEAObject input = handleInput(this, q, false); if (countTokens(q) > 10) { appendText("Input too long to extract syntactic patterns"); return; } String q2 = dropPunctuation(q); List data = new ArrayList(); for (String pat : sortedIC(gazelle_allSyntacticPatternsFromInput(q))) { Map mapping = matchInputWithSyntacticPattern(q2, pat); BEAObject obj = conceptWhereIC(BEAObject.class, "type", "Syntactic Pattern", "text", pat); Map row = litorderedmap("Syntactic Pattern", htmlEncode2(pat), "In database", syntacticPatternLinkHTML(obj, pat, input)); for (Map.Entry __19 : _entrySet(mapping)) { String key = __19.getKey(); String val = __19.getValue(); row.put("Argument " + key, htmlEncode2(val)); } data.add(row); } appendHTML(htmlTable2_noHtmlEncode(data)); } } public class ApplyTextFunctions extends Algorithm { public void run() { q = trim(q); saveInput(q); BEAObject input = handleInput(this, q, false); LinkedHashSet objectsMade = new LinkedHashSet(); for (BEAObject f : mod.beaList("JavaX Standard Function")) { try { addIfNotNull(objectsMade, reactFunctionWithInput(this, f, input)); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } appendHTML(h3("Results of function calls")); HCRUD crud = mod.makeCRUD(BEAObject.class, mod.currentReq()); HCRUD_Concepts crudData = (HCRUD_Concepts) (crud.data); crudData.listConcepts_firstStep = () -> objectsMade; appendHTML(crud.renderTable(true)); } } public class FindPath extends Algorithm { public BreadthFirstPathFinder_withLinkType pathFinder = new BreadthFirstPathFinder_withLinkType(); public BEAObject start, dest; public void run() { start = mod.beaGet(parseFirstLong(q)); dest = mod.beaGet(parseSecondLong(q)); if (start == null || dest == null) { appendText("Please supply object IDs of start and end"); return; } appendHTML("Looking for path from " + mod.beaToHTML(start) + " to " + mod.beaToHTML(dest)); pathFinder.getChildren = o -> cForwardAndBackRefsWithFieldIndicator(BEAObject.class, o); pathFinder.add(start); while (!pathFinder.nodeReached(dest) && pathFinder.step()) { } List> path = pathFinder.examplePathWithTypes(start, dest); if (path == null) appendText("No path found!"); else { appendHTML(b("Path found!")); appendHTML(ol(map(path, p -> { String html = mod.beaHTML(p.a); if (p.b == null) return html; String arrow = ifThenElse(p.b.forward, ">>", "<<"); return html + " " + htmlEncode2(joinNemptiesWithSpace(arrow, p.b.field, arrow)); }))); } } } public class ExecuteTextQuery extends Algorithm { public void run() { saveInput(q = trim(q)); appendHTML(h3("Result")); appendHTML(htmlEncode2(strOrEmpty(executeTextQuery(q)))); } } public class InputSummary extends Algorithm { public void run() { BEAObject mainInput = saveInput(q = trim(q)); Collection inputs = conceptsWhere(BEAObject.class, "type", "Input", "text", q); if (l(inputs) > 1) appendHTML("Note: Input appears " + l(inputs) + " times in the database: " + joinWithSpace(map(o -> mod.beaToHTML(o), inputs))); for (BEAObject input : inputs) { if (input != mainInput) { appendHTML(hr()); appendHTML("Input: " + input); } Collection rewrites = mod.beaBackRefs(input, "Rewrite"); if (empty(rewrites)) appendHTML(h3("No rewrites")); else for (Pair __17 : iterateWithIndex1(rewrites)) { int i = pairA(__17); BEAObject r = pairB(__17); appendHTML("Rewrite " + i + ": " + ahref(mod.beaURL(r), tok_dropCurlyBrackets(r.text()))); } } } } public class ApplyPatternList extends Algorithm { public String additionalInputs() { return hselect("patternListID", mapToKey(__62 -> conceptID(__62), mod.beaList("Pattern List")), req.get("patternListID")); } public void run() { BEAObject input = handleInput(this, q = trim(q), false); BEAObject patternList = mod.beaGet("patternListID", req); if (patternList == null) return; List patterns = (List) (cget("patterns", patternList)); appendHTML("Pattern list: " + mod.beaHTML(patternList)); for (BEAObject pattern : unnullForIteration(patterns)) { appendText("Trying pattern " + pattern); checkPattern(this, input, q, pattern); } } } public class ApplyAlgorithmObject extends Algorithm { public String additionalInputs() { return hselect("algorithmID", mapToKey(__63 -> conceptID(__63), concatLists(wideningListCast(Concept.class, list(BEARegExpReplacement.class)), wideningListCast(Concept.class, conceptsWhereIC(UserPost.class, "type", "JavaX Code (HTML Bot)")))), req.get("algorithmID")); } public void runLiveMode() { Concept algo = getConcept(parseLongOpt(req.get("algorithmID"))); appendHTML("Algorithm object: " + htmlEncode2_nlToBr(str(algo))); if (algo instanceof UserPost) { Object result = mod.callHtmlBot_dropMadeByComment(((UserPost) algo).id, req.params()); appendText("Result: " + result); } else if (algo instanceof BEARegExpReplacement) { Object result = ((BEARegExpReplacement) algo).apply(q); appendText("Result: " + result); } else if (algo == null) appendText("Algorithm object not found"); else appendText("Unknown algorithm object type: " + _className(algo)); } } public class ApplyRegExpReplacement extends Algorithm { public void run() { BEARegExpReplacement regExpReplacement = (BEARegExpReplacement) (mod.beaGet(q)); if (regExpReplacement == null) { appendText("Please enter reg exp replacement ID"); return; } appendHTML("Applying " + beaHTML(regExpReplacement)); for (BEAObject input : sortedByConceptIDDesc(mod.beaList("Input"))) { String text = input.text(); String replaced = regExpReplacement.apply(text); if (neq(text, replaced)) { appendHTML(hr()); appendText(" " + text + "\n=> " + replaced); appendPossibleRewrite(this, input, replaced, litmap("f_regularExpression", regExpReplacement.id, "metaInfo_regularExpression", "concept")); } } } } public class BackEndAlgorithm extends Algorithm { public String prefix() { return shortClassName(this) + ": "; } @Override public void appendText(String s) { printWithIndent(prefix(), s); } @Override public void appendHTML(String s) { appendText(htmlDecode_dropTags(s)); } @Override public void addNonMatch(Runnable r) { r.run(); } } public class MatchInputWithAllPatternLists extends Algorithm { public void run() { BEAObject input = saveInput(q); for (BEAObject patternList : sortedByConceptIDDesc(beaList("Pattern List"))) reactInputWithPatternList(this, input, q, patternList, 1, 2); } } public class RunTestCasesOnCodePost extends Algorithm { public String additionalInputs() { MultiSet ms = distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts_multiSet(BEAObject.class, "type"); List types = filter(pairsA(multiSetToPairsByPopularity(ms)), type -> cic(type, "test case")); return "Test case type: " + hselect_list("testCaseType", types, req.get("testCaseType")) + " " + hselect("algorithmID", mapToKey(__64 -> conceptID(__64), conceptsWhereIC(UserPost.class, "type", "JavaX Code (HTML Bot)")), req.get("algorithmID")); } public void run() { String testCaseType = req.get("testCaseType"); Concept algo = getConcept(parseLongOpt(req.get("algorithmID"))); Collection testCases = beaList(testCaseType); appendText(n2(testCases, "test case") + " found for type " + quote(testCaseType)); appendHTML("Algorithm object: " + htmlEncode2_nlToBr(str(algo))); if (!(algo instanceof UserPost)) return; Scorer scorer = new Scorer(); for (BEAObject testCase : testCases) { ping(); Map fields = toCIMap(objectToMap(testCase)); String input = str(getAny(fields, "input")); String expected = str(getAny(fields, "output", "result")); String result = str(mod.callHtmlBot_dropMadeByComment(algo.id, litmap("q", input))); boolean ok = eq(result, expected); appendText((ok ? "OK" : "BAD") + ": Input: " + quote(input) + ", expected output: " + quote(expected) + ", result: " + quote(result)); scorer.add(ok); } appendText(str(scorer)); } } public void reactInputWithPatternList(Algorithm algo, BEAObject input, String text, BEAObject patternList, int level, int recursionLevels) { Pair> match = matchInputWithPatternList(text, patternList); algo.appendHTML(hr()); algo.appendHTML(joinNemptiesWithColon(level == 1 ? beaHTML(patternList) : null, stringIf(match == null, "No match"))); if (match != null) { BEAObject pattern = match.a; Map mapping = match.b; algo.appendHTML("Matched as " + beaHTML(pattern)); algo.appendText(renderMappingAsText(mapping)); if (input != null) { BEAObject matchObj = uniqCI(algo.localConcepts, BEAObject.class, "type", "Match", "input", input, "patternList", patternList, "winningPattern", pattern, "mapping", mapping); algo.appendHTML("Match saved as: " + beaHTML(matchObj)); } if (level < recursionLevels) { algo.appendHTML_raw("
    "); for (Map.Entry __18 : _entrySet(mapping)) { String key = __18.getKey(); String subInput = __18.getValue(); if (!eqic(key, text)) { algo.appendHTML_raw("
  • "); algo.appendText("Processing sub-Input: " + subInput); reactInputWithPatternList(algo, null, subInput, patternList, level + 1, recursionLevels); algo.appendHTML_raw("
  • "); } } algo.appendHTML_raw("
"); } } } public int patternSpecificity(BEAObject pattern) { return countWordsWithoutAngleBracketedAndStars(pattern.text()); } public List syntacticPatternsSortedBySpecificityDesc() { return sortedByCalculatedFieldDesc(__42 -> patternSpecificity(__42), mod.beaList("Syntactic Pattern")); } public Object executeTextQuery(String s) { Matches m = new Matches(); if (match3_withIntsAndIDs("all references in field of object ", s, m)) { Object value = cget(mod.beaGet(m.unq(1)), m.unq(0)); return value instanceof Collection ? instancesOf(BEAObject.class, (Collection) value) : value instanceof BEAObject ? ll((BEAObject) value) : ll(); } return new QueryNotUnderstood(s); } static public class QueryNotUnderstood implements IFieldsToList { public String s; public QueryNotUnderstood() { } public QueryNotUnderstood(String s) { this.s = s; } public String toString() { return shortClassName_dropNumberPrefix(this) + "(" + s + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof QueryNotUnderstood)) return false; QueryNotUnderstood __23 = (QueryNotUnderstood) o; return eq(s, __23.s); } public int hashCode() { int h = 1528655894; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(s)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] { s }; } } public String beaToHTML(BEAObject o) { return mod.beaToHTML(o); } public String beaHTML(BEAObject o) { return mod.beaHTML(o); } public String beaURL(BEAObject o) { return mod.beaURL(o); } public boolean isSyntacticPattern(BEAObject pat) { return pat != null && pat.typeIs("Syntactic pattern"); } public String patternTextWithAngleBracketVars(BEAObject pat) { String text = pat.text(); return isSyntacticPattern(pat) ? starsToAngleBracketedNumbers(text) : text; } public boolean isCommentOrFeedback(BEAObject o) { return o != null && o.typeIsOneOf("Comment", "Useful", "Feedback"); } public String feedbackHTML(BEAObject o) { Collection l = filter(__43 -> isCommentOrFeedback(__43), mod.beaBackRefs(o)); return joinWithBR(map(l, c -> c.typeIs("Comment") ? ahref(beaURL(c), htmlEncode2(c.text())) : beaHTML(c))); } public String bestInputURL(String text) { text = trim(text); BEAObject input = mod.findInput(text); return input != null ? beaURL(input) : processInputURL(text); } public String bestInputHTML(String text) { if (empty(text)) return ""; return ahref(bestInputURL(text), span(htmlEncode2(text), "style", "background-color: #ccc")); } public String performRewrite(BEAObject rewrite, Map mapping) { String rewriteText = starsToAngleBracketedNumbers(rewrite.text()); return replaceAngleBracketVars(rewriteText, mapping); } public Pair exampleForPatternRewrite(BEAObject pattern, BEAObject rewrite) { String patText = patternTextWithAngleBracketVars(pattern); Set vars = collectAngleBracketVars(patText); Map mapping = mapToValues_ciMap(vars, var -> "$" + var); return pair(replaceAngleBracketVars(patText, mapping), performRewrite(rewrite, mapping)); } public class RegExpToPossibleSubInputs extends Algorithm implements IFieldsToList { public BEAObject input; public BEAObject regExp; public RegExpToPossibleSubInputs() { } public RegExpToPossibleSubInputs(BEAObject input, BEAObject regExp) { this.regExp = regExp; this.input = input; } public String toString() { return shortClassName_dropNumberPrefix(this) + "(" + input + ", " + regExp + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof RegExpToPossibleSubInputs)) return false; RegExpToPossibleSubInputs __16 = (RegExpToPossibleSubInputs) o; return eq(input, __16.input) && eq(regExp, __16.regExp); } public int hashCode() { int h = -208954156; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(input)); h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(regExp)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] { input, regExp }; } public void run() { String text = input.text(); String pat = regExp.text(); for (IntRange r : regexpFindRangesIC(pat, text)) appendHTML(beaHTML(csetAndReturn(uniq(localConcepts, BEAObject.class, "type", "Possible Sub-Input", "input", input, "characterRange", r, "text", substring(text, r)), "regExp", regExp, "byAlgorithm", shortName(this)))); } } public void appendPossibleRewrite(Algorithm algo, BEAObject input, String text) { appendPossibleRewrite(algo, input, text, null); } public void appendPossibleRewrite(Algorithm algo, BEAObject input, String text, Map moreInfo) { BEAObject existing = input == null ? null : conceptWhereIC(BEAObject.class, "type", "Rewrite", "input", input, "text", text, "label", "good"); if (existing != null) algo.appendHTML("Rewrite exists: " + mod.beaLinkHTML(existing)); else if (input != null) algo.appendHTML(joinWithSpace(map(ll("good", "bad"), label -> hinlinepostform(hhiddenMulti("action", "create", "f_type", "Rewrite", "f_text", text, "f_input", input.id, "metaInfo_input", "concept", "f_label", label, "redirectAfterSave", "") + hhiddenMulti(moreInfo) + hbutton(firstToUpper(label) + " rewrite", "onclick", js_redirectAutoScroll2()), "action", mod.crudLink(BEAObject.class))))); } public BEAObject reactFunctionWithInput(Algorithm algo, BEAObject f, BEAObject input) { String fName = getString("name", f); if (!isIdentifier(fName)) return null; if (!isSafeStandardFunction(fName)) { { if (algo != null) algo.addNonMatch(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { algo.appendText("Function " + fName + " not safe"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "algo.appendText(\"Function \" + fName + \" not safe\");"; } }); } return null; } BEAObject o = cnew(algo.localConcepts, BEAObject.class, "type", "Function Result", "function", f, "functionCalled", fName, "input", input, "calculating", true); print("Function result: " + o); try { Object holder = getStandardFunctionHolder(fName); Object result = evalWithTimeoutOrFail(10.0, () -> call(holder, fName, input.text())); if (!(result instanceof List) && isStringCollection(result)) result = asList((Collection) result); if (result == null) cset(o, "resultType", "null"); else if (result instanceof String) cset(o, "resultType", "string", "result", result); else if (isStringList(result)) cset(o, "resultType", "list of strings", "result", result); else cset(o, "result", "other" + appendRoundBracketed(className(result)), "result", shorten(1000, str(result))); } catch (Throwable e) { cset(o, "resultType", "error", "error", getStackTrace(e)); } cset(o, "calculating", null); return o; } public BEAObject convertSyntacticToSemanticMatch(BEAObject match, BEAObject semanticPattern) { BEAObject syntacticPattern = beaGet("pattern", match); BEAObject input = beaGet("input", match); String pat2 = syntacticPattern.text(); String pat1 = semanticPattern.text(); List vars = new ArrayList(); String pat2b = angleBracketVarsToStars(pat1, vars); String warning = eq(pat2, pat2b) ? null : "Patterns don't match: " + quote(pat2) + " / " + quote(pat2b); Map mapping = (Map) (cget("mapping", match)); Map mapping2 = mapKeys(mapping, key -> or(_get(vars, parseInt(key) - 1), key)); mapping2 = putKeysFirst(vars, mapping2); BEAObject match2 = uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Match", "input", input, "pattern", semanticPattern, "fromSyntacticMatch", match); cset(match2, "mapping", mapping2); return match2; } public Collection convertSyntacticToSemanticMatches(BEAObject match) { List out = new ArrayList(); BEAObject syntacticPattern = beaGet("pattern", match); for (BEAObject semanticPattern : mod.beaList("Pattern", "syntacticPattern", syntacticPattern)) { try { out.add(convertSyntacticToSemanticMatch(match, semanticPattern)); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } return out; } public Collection convertSyntacticToSemanticMatchesForWholePattern(BEAObject pattern) { if (pattern.typeIs("Syntactic Pattern")) return concatMap_lists(__65 -> convertSyntacticToSemanticMatches(__65), mod.beaList("Match", "pattern", pattern)); else { List out = new ArrayList(); BEAObject syntacticPattern = beaGet("syntacticPattern", pattern); if (syntacticPattern != null) for (BEAObject match : mod.beaList("Match", "pattern", syntacticPattern)) out.add(convertSyntacticToSemanticMatch(match, pattern)); return out; } } public BEAObject beaGet(String field, BEAObject o) { return mod.beaGet(field, o); } public Collection beaList(String type, Object... params) { return mod.beaList(type, params); } public int simpleObjectScore(BEAObject o) { int score = 0; if (eqic_gen(getOpt("label", o), "good")) ++score; else if (eqic_gen(getOpt("label", o), "bad")) --score; Collection l = findBackRefsWithField(BEAObject.class, "object", o); score += countWhereCI(l, "type", "Useful"); score -= countWhereCI(l, "type", "Bad"); return score; } public List sortedBySimpleObjectScore(int minScore, Collection l) { return sortedByCalculatedFieldDesc(__44 -> simpleObjectScore(__44), filter(l, o -> simpleObjectScore(o) >= minScore)); } public BEAObject createPatternListFromUsefulSyntacticPatterns() { List patterns = sortedBySimpleObjectScore(0, beaList("Syntactic Pattern")); return mod.autoMigrateToCustomClass(uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Pattern List", "byFunction", "createPatternListFromUsefulSyntacticPatterns", "patterns", patterns)); } public Map> algorithms() { return litorderedmap("Process new input v3", (IF0) () -> new ProcessNewInput_v3(), "Process new input v2", (IF0) () -> new ProcessNewInput_v2(), "Process new input", (IF0) () -> new ProcessNewInput(), "Run pattern", (IF0) () -> new RunPattern(), "Find rewrites for match", (IF0) () -> new FindRewrites(), "Reverse input (test algorithm)", (IF0) () -> new ReverseInput(), "Timeout test", (IF0) () -> new TimeoutTest(), "Syntactic pattern from input", (IF0) () -> new SyntacticPatternFromInput(), "Apply all text functions", (IF0) () -> new ApplyTextFunctions(), "Find Path", (IF0) () -> new FindPath(), "Execute text query", (IF0) () -> new ExecuteTextQuery(), "Make syntactic patterns for all patterns in DB", (IF0) () -> new MakeSyntacticPatterns(), "Input summary", (IF0) () -> new InputSummary(), "Apply pattern list", (IF0) () -> new ApplyPatternList(), "Apply regular expression replacement to all inputs", (IF0) () -> new ApplyRegExpReplacement(), "Match input with all pattern lists", (IF0) () -> new MatchInputWithAllPatternLists(), "Apply algorithm object", (IF0) () -> new ApplyAlgorithmObject(), "Run test cases on code post", (IF0) () -> new RunTestCasesOnCodePost()); } public void putAlgorithmsInDatabase() { for (String name : keys(algorithms())) uniq(BEAObject.class, "type", "Classic Query Algorithm", "name", name); } } abstract static public class GazelleBEA extends DynGazelleRocks { static public boolean _switchableField_mirrorBEAObjects = true; public boolean mirrorBEAObjects = false; static public boolean _switchableField_enableAutoRuns = true; public boolean enableAutoRuns = true; static public boolean _switchableField_enableNewBEAObjectNotis = true; public boolean enableNewBEAObjectNotis = true; static public boolean _switchableField_printAllConceptChanges = true; public boolean printAllConceptChanges = false; static public boolean _switchableField_useShadowLogger = true; public boolean useShadowLogger = false; static public boolean _switchableField_autoActivateDynamicObjects = true; public boolean autoActivateDynamicObjects = true; static public boolean _switchableField_reloadWhenMainLibUpdates = true; public boolean reloadWhenMainLibUpdates = false; static public boolean _switchableField_baseSystemVersion = true; public String baseSystemVersion = "1"; static public boolean _switchableField_backupFrequency = true; public int backupFrequency = 5; transient public boolean allObjectsActivated = false; transient public Throwable startError; public String activateOnlyTheseIDs; public String dontActivateTheseIDs; transient public ReliableSingleThread_Multi rstAutoRuns = dm_rstMulti(this, 1000, __37 -> performAutoRuns(__37)); transient public Q notificationQ; transient public ReliableSingleThread_Multi rstDistributeNewObject = dm_rstMulti(this, 1000, __38 -> distributeNewObject_impl(__38)); transient public Set newObjectsDistributed = weakSet(); transient public ReliableSingleThread_Multi rstUpdateBEAMirrors = dm_rstMulti(this, 100, c -> c.updateMirrorPost()); transient public ReliableSingleThread_Multi rstAutoActivateDynamicObjects = dm_rstMulti(this, 100, __39 -> autoActivateDynamicObject(__39)); transient public BEACalculations calculations = new BEACalculations(this); transient public BEACalculations calc = calculations; transient public int newFieldsToShow = 3; transient public boolean allowAnonymousInputUpload = true; static public boolean _switchableField_maxInputLength = true; public int maxInputLength = 50000; static public boolean _switchableField_mainDomainWithProtocol = true; public String mainDomainWithProtocol = "https://bea.gazelle.rocks"; static public boolean _switchableField_verboseQStartsAndStops = true; public boolean verboseQStartsAndStops = false; transient public ConceptClassesDependentValue inputsWithoutRewrites; transient public ConceptClassesDependentValue inputsWithoutMatches; transient public ConceptClassesDependentValue syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites; transient public Set deadClassPaths = syncLinkedHashSet(); transient public x30_pkg.x30_util.BetterThreadLocal beaThreadOwner = new x30_pkg.x30_util.BetterThreadLocal(); public boolean verboseClassLoading = false; transient public boolean saveAllQsAsInput = true; transient public boolean moveNavItemsToMisc = false; transient public boolean additionalCommandsForObjects = true; transient public boolean exportUsersInVM = false; transient public boolean quickDBReloadEnabled = false; public Concepts _getReloadData() { return db_mainConcepts(); } public void _setReloadData_early(Object data) { quickImportMainConcepts(data, () -> quickDBReloadEnabled); } public void init() { super.init(); botName = heading = adminName = "Gazelle"; enableVars = true; showTalkToBotLink = false; phoneNumberSpecialInputField = false; showMetaBotOnEveryPage = false; } public Class lookForClass(ClassLoader cl, String name) { try { if (!name.startsWith(DynClassName_mainPrefixForVM())) return null; if (verboseClassLoading) print("Looking for class " + name); DynClassName dcn = DynClassName_parse(name); if (dcn == null) dcn = DynClassName_parseOther(name); if (dcn == null) { vmBus_send("lookingForClass_noDCNParse", name); return null; } String subPath = vmClassNameToSubPath(dcn.fullClassNameForVM()); File byteCode = dcn.byteCodeFile(); vmBus_send("lookingForClass_haveByteCodeFile", byteCode); if (classLoaderContainsByteCodePath(cl, byteCode)) { vmBus_send("lookingForClass_haveByteCodePath", byteCode); return null; } boolean exists = fileExistsInInDirOrZip(byteCode, subPath); printVars("exists", exists, "subPath", subPath, "byteCode", byteCode); if (!exists) { vmBus_send("lookingForClass_subPathNotInByteCode", byteCode, subPath); throw fail("Class not found: " + subPath + " in " + byteCode); } addByteCodePathToClassLoader(cl, byteCode); assertTrue("Byte code added", classLoaderContainsByteCodePath(cl, byteCode)); vmBus_send("lookingForClass_byteCodePathAdded", byteCode); return (Class) call(cl, "super_findClass", name); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return null; } public void db() { main.db(); } public void startDB() { ClassLoader cl = dm_moduleClassLoader(); setOpt(cl, "verbose", verboseClassLoading); setFieldToIF1Proxy(cl, "findClass_extension", (IF1) name -> { vmBus_send("lookingForClass", cl, name); Class c = lookForClass(cl, name); vmBus_send("lookingForClass_result", cl, name, c); return c; }); Object classFinder = _defaultClassFinder(); db_mainConcepts().classFinder = new F1() { public Class get(String name) { try { AutoCloseable __32 = enter(); try { print("Deserializing class " + name); try { String name2 = dropPrefix(mcName() + "$", name); String mainPrefix = dotToDollar(DynClassName_mainPrefix()); if (name2.startsWith(mainPrefix)) { String vmName = DynClassName_parse(name2).fullClassNameForVM(); if (verboseClassLoading) print("Loading dynamic class " + vmName); Class c = classLoader_loadClass(module(), vmName); return c; } Class c = (Class) (callF(classFinder, name)); print("c", c); return c; } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); throw rethrow(e); } } finally { _close(__32); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp enter();\r\n print(\"Deserializing class \" + name);\r\n try {\r\n ..."; } }; db(); Concepts concepts = db_mainConcepts(); concepts.useBackRefsForSearches = true; concepts.newBackupEveryXMinutes = backupFrequency; fixConceptIDs(); inputsWithoutRewrites = new ConceptClassesDependentValue(litset(BEAObject.class), () -> countPred(beaList("Input"), c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Rewrite")))); inputsWithoutMatches = new ConceptClassesDependentValue(litset(BEAObject.class), () -> countPred(beaList("Input"), c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Match")))); syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites = new ConceptClassesDependentValue(litset(BEAObject.class), () -> countPred(beaList("Syntactic Pattern"), c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Rewrite")))); if (useShadowLogger) { ConceptsShadowLogger shadowLogger = new ConceptsShadowLogger(db_mainConcepts()); shadowLogger.install(); shadowLogger.writer = filePrintWriter_append(programFile("shadow.log")); dm_doEvery(10.0, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { shadowLogger.flush(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "shadowLogger.flush();"; } }); ownResource(shadowLogger); } if (printAllConceptChanges) printAllConceptChanges(); } public Map emergencyFlags() { return (Map) parseEqualsProperties(joinNemptiesWithEmptyLines(loadTextFile(programFile("gazelle-emergency-options.txt")), loadTextFile(javaxDataDir("gazelle-emergency-options.txt")))); } public void start() { try { start2(); } catch (Throwable e) { _handleException(e); startError = e; } } public void start2() { print("Module ID: " + dm_moduleID()); useBotNameAsModuleName = false; setOptAllDyn_pcall(module(), pnl("emergencyFlags", emergencyFlags())); change(); String name = actualMCDollar() + "BEAObject"; print("name", name); assertEquals(BEAObject.class, callF(defaultDefaultClassFinder(), name)); assertEquals(ConceptWithGlobalID.class, callF(defaultDefaultClassFinder(), mcDollar() + "ConceptWithGlobalID")); botDisabled = true; storeBaseClassesInStructure = true; super.start(); assertSameVerbose("miscMap me", db_mainConcepts().miscMapGet(DynNewBot2.class), this); assertSameVerbose("beaMod()", main.beaMod(), this); print("main concepts: " + db_mainConcepts() + ", count: " + db_mainConcepts().countConcepts()); print(renderConceptClassesWithCount(db_mainConcepts())); print("Inputs: " + n2(beaCount("Input"))); showCRUDToEveryone = true; dm_onSnippetTranspiled(mainLibID, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (reloadWhenMainLibUpdates) dm_reloadModule(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (reloadWhenMainLibUpdates)\r\n dm_reloadModule();"; } }); if (!enabled) return; if (exportUsersInVM) { dm_vmBus_answerToMessage("lookupGazelleUser", new F3() { public Object get(String name, String pw, String salt) { try { if (!eq(salt, passwordSalt())) return null; User user = conceptWhereCI(User.class, "name", name); if (user == null) return null; if (!eq(getVar(user.passwordMD5), hashPW(pw))) return null; return user; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (!eq(salt, passwordSalt())) null;\r\n User user = conceptWhereCI User..."; } }); } rstUpdateBEAMirrors.addAll(list(BEAObject.class)); newObjectsDistributed.addAll(list(BEAObject.class)); onIndividualConceptChange_notOnAllChanged(BEAObject.class, o -> { if (enableAutoRuns) rstAutoRuns.add(o); if (enableNewBEAObjectNotis && newObjectsDistributed.add(o)) rstDistributeNewObject.add(o); }); notificationQ = dm_startQ(); dm_doEvery(5 * 60.0, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { { AutoCloseable __33 = enter(); try { print(new ConceptsRefChecker(db_mainConcepts()).runAndFixAll()); } finally { _close(__33); } } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "{ temp enter();\r\n print(ConceptsRefChecker(db_mainConcepts()).runAndFixA..."; } }); setField("activateOnlyTheseIDs", nemptyLinesLL(loadTextFile(programDir("gazelle-activate-only")), loadTextFile(javaxDataDir("gazelle-activate-only")))); Set ids = activateOnlyTheseIDs(); Set antiIDs = dontActivateTheseIDs(); print("Object IDs to activate: " + (ids == null ? "ALL" : ids)); if (nempty(antiIDs)) print("Object IDs not to activate: " + (ids == null ? "ALL" : ids)); for (BEAObject bea : list(BEAObject.class)) if ((ids == null || contains(ids, bea.id)) && !contains(antiIDs, bea.id)) { callActivate(bea); } for (BEAObject o : cloneList(beaList("Live WebSocket"))) cdelete(o); allObjectsActivated = true; print("All objects activated"); } public void makeIndices() { super.makeIndices(); indexConceptClass(BSettings.class); indexConceptFieldDesc(BEAObject.class, "_modified"); indexConceptFieldCIWithTopTen(BEAObject.class, "type"); indexConceptFieldIC(BEAObject.class, "text"); indexConceptFieldIC(BEAObject.class, "purpose"); } public boolean isMaster(Req req) { return req == null ? null : req.masterAuthed; } @Override public List crudClasses(DynGazelleRocks.Req req) { return listPlus(super.crudClasses(req), BEAObject.class); } public Set hiddenCrudClasses() { Set set = super.hiddenCrudClasses(); addAll(set, Conversation.class, ExecutedStep.class, InputHandled.class); return set; } public String authFormHeading() { return h3(adminName); } transient public IF0 authFormMoreContent; public String authFormMoreContent() { return authFormMoreContent != null ? authFormMoreContent.get() : authFormMoreContent_base(); } final public String authFormMoreContent_fallback(IF0 _f) { return _f != null ? _f.get() : authFormMoreContent_base(); } public String authFormMoreContent_base() { return super.authFormMoreContent(); } @Override public void makeFramer(DynGazelleRocks.Req req) { super.makeFramer(req); if (!allObjectsActivated) req.framer.add(p("WARNING: Start failure")); if (startError != null) req.framer.add(pre_htmlEncode("WARNING: Start error\n\n" + renderStackTrace(startError))); req.framer.addInHead(hjs_selectize()); req.framer.addInHead(hjs_selectizeClickable()); req.framer.addInHead(hjs_autoExpandingTextAreas()); } @Override public HCRUD_Concepts crudData(Class c, DynGazelleRocks.Req _req) { Req req = (Req) _req; HCRUD_Concepts cc = super.crudData(c, req); if (c == BEAObject.class) { cc.lsMagic = true; cc.humanizeFieldNames = false; cc.convertConceptValuesToRefs = true; cc.itemName = () -> "BEA Object"; cc.addRenderer("meta_code", new HCRUD_Data.AceEditor(80, 20)); cc.titleForObjectID = id -> beaHTML(beaGet(toLong(id))); cc.isEditableValue = o -> cc.isEditableValue_base(o) && !eq(shortClassName(o), "MultiSet"); cc.conceptClassForComboBoxSearch = (info, query) -> { if (endsWith(info, "_nativeValue")) return Concept.class; return cc.conceptClassForComboBoxSearch_base(info, query); }; cc.comboBoxSearchBaseItems = (info, query) -> { Matches m = new Matches(); printVars("comboBoxSearchBaseItems", "info", info); if (jMatchStart("type=", info, m)) { var l = beaList(m.unq(0)); print("Got " + nItems(l)); return cc.comboBoxItems(l); } return cc.comboBoxSearchBaseItems_base(info, query); }; cc.massageItemMapForUpdate = (o, map) -> { if (!isMaster(req)) { Object createdByOld = cget("createdBy", o); if (createdByOld != null || map.get("createdBy") != user(req)) map.remove("createdBy"); } }; cc.onCreate.add(o -> cset(o, "createdBy", currentUser())); cc.getObjectForDuplication = id -> { BEAObject o = beaGet(toLong(id)); Map item = cc.getObjectForDuplication_base(id); item.put("createdBy", req.auth.user.get()); item.put("meta_createdFrom", o); item = or((Map) pcallOpt(cget("cleanObjectForDuplication", websiteEnhancersObject()), "cleanObjectForDuplication", o, item), item); return item; }; cc.emptyObject = () -> { Map item = cc.emptyObject_base(); item.put("type", ""); return item; }; Set deletableRefs = litciset("Match"); cc.objectCanBeDeleted = id -> { BEAObject o = (BEAObject) (cc.conceptForID(id)); return userCanEditObject(user(req), o) && all(findBackRefs(BEAObject.class, o), x -> contains(deletableRefs, x.type())); }; cc.actuallyDeleteConcept = o -> { deleteConcepts(filter(findBackRefs(BEAObject.class, o), o2 -> contains(deletableRefs, o2.type()))); cdelete(o); }; } return cc; } public boolean newLinkTargetBlank_base(Class c) { return super.newLinkTargetBlank_base(c) || c == BEAObject.class; } @Override public HCRUD makeCRUD(Class c, DynGazelleRocks.Req req, HTMLFramer1 framer) { HCRUD crud = super.makeCRUD(c, req, framer); HCRUD_Concepts data = (HCRUD_Concepts) (crud.data); crud.showOnlySelected = true; crud.showSearchField = true; if (data.customFilter == null) crud.descending = true; crud.cleanItemIDs = true; if (c == BEAObject.class) { crud.allowFieldRenaming = true; var renderValue_old = crud.renderValue; crud.renderValue = (field, value) -> { String html = crud.renderValue_fallback(renderValue_old, field, value); return addShowMoreButton(html); }; crud.haveSelectizeClickable = true; crud.cellColumnToolTips = true; crud.unshownFields = litset("mirrorPost", "globalID"); crud.uneditableFields = litset("log"); crud.showTextFieldsAsAutoExpandingTextAreas = true; crud.duplicateInNewTab = true; crud.customizeACEEditor = ace -> { ace.onKeyDown = "function(event) { " + jquery_submitFormOnCtrlEnter() + " }"; }; HCRUD_Concepts cc = (HCRUD_Concepts) (crud.data); String typeFilter = req.get("type"); if (nempty(typeFilter)) cc.addCIFilter("type", typeFilter); crud.renderCmds = map -> { BEAObject o = getConcept(BEAObject.class, crud.itemIDAsLong(map)); if (o == null) return ""; List cmds = new ArrayList(); addAll(cmds, allToString(optCast(Collection.class, pcall(o, "cmds")))); if (fileNotEmpty(javaSourceFileForObject(o))) cmds.add(targetBlank(baseLink + "/javaSource?id=" + o.id, "Show Java source")); for (String field : ll("text", "what", "type")) { String text = getStringOpt(o, field); if (nempty(text)) cmds.add(targetBlank_noFollow(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/query", "q", text, "algorithm", "process input"), "Use field " + quote(field) + " as query")); } if (o.typeIs("Input")) { cmds.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(crudLink(BEAObject.class), "cmd", "new", "title", "Add Pattern For Input", "f_type", "Pattern", "f_text", getStringOpt("text", o), "f_shouldMatch", o.id, "metaInfo_shouldMatch", "concept"), "Add pattern")); cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/query", "q", o.text(), "algorithm", "Apply all text functions"), "Apply all text functions")); } if (o.typeIs("Pattern")) cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/query", "q", o.id, "algorithm", "Run pattern"), "Try-run pattern against all inputs")); if (o.typeIsOneOf("Pattern", "Syntactic Pattern")) { cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/reactAllInputsWithPattern", "patternID", o.id), "React pattern with all inputs")); cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/convertSyntacticToSemanticMatchesForWholePattern", "patternID", o.id), "Convert all syntactic matches to semantic matches")); } if (o.typeIs("Match")) { cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/query", "q", o.id, "algorithm", "Find rewrites for match"), "Find rewrites")); if (beaTypeIs(beaGet("pattern", o), "Syntactic Pattern")) cmds.add(ahref(appendParamsToURL(baseLink + "/convertSyntacticToSemanticMatches", "matchID", o.id), "Convert to semantic matches")); } cmds.add(targetBlank(addParamsToURL(crudLink(BEAObject.class), "cmd", "new", "newField1_name", "inReferenceTo", "newField1_type", "BEAObject", "newField1_conceptValue", o.id), "Reference this")); cmds.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/markUseful", "redirect", beaShortURL(o), "objectID", o.id), "Mark useful")); cmds.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/markBad", "redirect", beaShortURL(o), "objectID", o.id), "Mark bad")); cmds.add(addCommentHTML(o)); if (o.typeIsOneOf("Script", "Step in script") || eqic(beforeVerticalBar(o.type()), "Instruction")) cmds.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/runInstruction", "instruction", o.id), "Run")); if (o.typeIs("Function Result")) { if (eqic(cget("resultType", o), "string")) cmds.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/convertResultToInput", "result", o.id), "Convert to input")); } if (o.typeIs("Auto Run")) cmds.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/performAutoRunOnAllObjects", "autoRun", o.id), "Run on all objects")); if (o.getClass() != BEAObject.class) cmds.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/migrateToBase", "id", o.id), "Migrate to BEAObject")); cmds.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/performAutoRuns", "onObject", o.id), "Perform auto runs on this object")); framer.addInHead(hjs_copyToClipboard()); cmds.add(ahref_onClick(formatFunctionCall("copyToClipboard", jsQuote(o.globalIDStr())), "Copy global ID [" + o.globalIDStr() + "]")); List items = llNempties(crud.renderCmds_base(map), !o.typeIsOneOf("Input", "Pattern", "Syntactic Pattern") ? null : addRewriteHTML(o), !canAutoMigrate(o) ? null : ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/autoMigrate", "id", o.id), "Auto-migrate to " + shortClassName(defaultCustomClass(o)))); if (isObjectWithCode(o) && isMasterAuthed(req)) { String link = baseLink + "/activateDynamicObject?id=" + o.id; if (!codeHashUpToDate(o)) if (cget("meta_codeHash", o) == null) items.add(ahref(link, "Compile new code", "title", "Object has not been compiled yet")); else items.add(ahref(link, "Compile changed code", "title", "Code has changed afer last compilation")); else if (compileErrorInObject(o)) items.add("Code error. " + ahref(link, "Compile again", "title", "Object has code errors - maybe recompiling fixes them?")); else if (o.customCodeLoaded()) items.add(ahref(link, "Compile again", "title", "Custom code is loaded. Click if you want to recompile anyway")); else items.add(ahref(link, "Compile & load")); } if (additionalCommandsForObjects) { if (hasMethodNamed(o, "html")) items.add(targetBlank(beaMod().baseLink + "/beaHTML/" + o.id, "Show HTML")); if (nempty(getStringOpt("meta_code", o))) items.add(targetBlank(addParamsToURL(beaMod().baseLink + "/beaHTML/249697", "obj", o.id, "field", "meta_code"), "Show code")); String codeState = getStringOpt("meta_codeState", o); if (swic(codeState, "error")) items.add(targetBlank(addParamsToURL(beaMod().baseLink + "/beaHTML/249697", "obj", o.id, "field", "meta_codeState"), "Show compile error")); boolean master = beaMod().isMasterAuthed(); if (hasMethod(o, "_activate")) { boolean active = isTrue(pcallOpt(o, "_active")); boolean shouldActivate = isTrue(getOpt(o, "meta_shouldActivate")); if (active != shouldActivate) items.add("Warning: Object is semi-activated"); else if (active) items.add("Object is active"); else items.add("Object is inactive"); if (master) { if (!active || !shouldActivate) items.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(beaMod().baseLink + "/activateObject", "id", o.id), "ACTIVATE")); if (active || shouldActivate) items.add(ahref(addParamsToURL(beaMod().baseLink + "/deactivateObject", "id", o.id), "DEACTIVATE")); } } if (master) { List methodCalls = new ArrayList(); for (Method method : methodsSortedByNameIC(allLiveMethodsBelowClass(o, BEAObject.class))) { Map params = litorderedmap("id", o.id, "name", method.getName()); boolean incomplete = false, problem = false; var types = method.getParameterTypes(); for (int i = 1; i <= l(types); i++) { var argType = types[i - 1]; incomplete = true; if (eq(argType, String.class)) params.put("arg" + i, "putArgHere"); else if (isSubclassOf(argType, BEAObject.class)) params.put("conceptArg" + i, "putArgHere"); else { params.put("arg" + i, "missingConverterProblem"); problem = true; } } String url = addParamsToURL("/callAnyMethod", params); String html = method.getName(); if (problem) html += appendBracketed("probably can't call, need converter"); else if (incomplete) html += appendBracketed("fill in parameters first"); methodCalls.add(targetBlank(url, html)); } if (nempty(methodCalls)) items.add(hPopDownButtonWithText("Call a method", methodCalls)); } } try { addAll(items, o.directCmds()); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } try { addAll(items, (List) callOpt(getWebsiteEnhancer("commandsForObject"), "commandsFor", o)); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } items.add(hPopDownButton(cmds)); return joinNemptiesWithVBar(items); }; cc.massageItemMapForList = (item, map) -> { BEAObject o = (BEAObject) item; if (o.typeIs("Input")) { Collection matches = objectsWhereNotIC(objectsWhereCI(findBackRefs(o, BEAObject.class), "type", "match"), "label", "bad"); ((Map) map).put("Best Matches", new HTML(hparagraphs(lmap(__45 -> matchDescHTML(__45), takeFirst(3, matches))))); } String idField = crud.idField(); Object id = ((Map) map).get(idField); if (id instanceof String) ((Map) map).put(idField, new HTML(ahref(beaShortURL(o), id))); if (o.typeIs("Function Result")) { Object value = getOpt("result", o); ((Map) map).put("result", new HTML(javaValueToHTML(value))); } if (o.typeIs("Match")) { Map mapping = o.mapping(); if (mapping != null) ((Map) map).put("mapping", new HTML(joinWithBR(map(mapping, (k, v) -> htmlEncode2(k) + "=" + calculations.bestInputHTML(v))))); } if (o.getClass() != BEAObject.class) ((Map) map).put("Java Class", dropPrefix(actualMCDollar(), className(o))); if (eq(req.get("showSimpleObjectScore"), "1")) ((Map) map).put("Simple object score", calculations.simpleObjectScore(o)); o.massageItemMapForList(((Map) map)); }; crud.massageFormMatrix = (map, matrix) -> { for (int i = 1; i <= newFieldsToShow; i++) { String nf = "newField" + i; String key = (nf + "_conceptValue"); BEAObject refValue = beaGet(req.get(key)); String refSelector = crud.renderInput(key, cc.makeConceptsComboBox(key, BEAObject.class), refValue) + hjs("$(\"[name=" + key + "]\").hide()"); String nativeSelector = crud.renderInput((nf + "_nativeValue"), cc.makeConceptsComboBox((nf + "_nativeValue"), Concept.class), null) + hjs("$(\"[name=" + nf + "_nativeValue]\").hide()"); List types = ll("String", "BEAObject", "Bool", "Native"); String toggleVis = "\r\n $(\"[name=" + nf + "_value]\").toggle(value == \"String\" || value == \"Bool\");\r\n $(\"#" + nf + "_refBox\").toggle(value == \"BEAObject\");\r\n $(\"#" + nf + "_nativeSel\").toggle(value == \"Native\");\r\n "; String type = req.get((nf + "_type")); String typeSelector = hselect_list(types, type, "name", (nf + "_type"), "onchange", "var value = this.value;" + toggleVis); if (nempty(type)) typeSelector += hscript("(function(value) {" + toggleVis + "})(" + jsQuote(type) + ")"); matrix.add(ll("Add field:
" + htextfield((nf + "_name"), req.get((nf + "_name")), "title", "New field name"), htmlTable2_noHtmlEncode(ll(ll(crud.renderTextField((nf + "_value"), "", 40) + span(refSelector, "id", (nf + "_refBox"), "style", "display: none"), span(nativeSelector, "id", (nf + "_nativeSel"), "style", "display: none"), "Type", typeSelector)), "noHeader", true, "tableParams", litobjectarray("style", "width: 100%")))); } }; crud.preprocessUpdateParams = params -> { params = cloneMap(params); params = mapValues(params, v -> eq(v, "") ? null : v); for (int i = 1; i <= max(newFieldsToShow, 10); i++) { String nf = "newField" + i; String name = trim(params.get((nf + "_name"))), type = params.get((nf + "_type")), refValue = params.get((nf + "_conceptValue")), nativeValue = params.get((nf + "_nativeValue")), value = params.get((nf + "_value")); if (eqic(type, "BEAObject")) { value = refValue; params.put("metaInfo_" + name, "concept"); } else if (eqic(type, "Native")) { value = nativeValue; params.put("metaInfo_" + name, "concept"); } else if (eqic(type, "Bool")) params.put("metaInfo_" + name, "bool"); if (eq(value, "")) value = null; if (nempty(name)) params.put(crud.fieldPrefix + name, value); } return params; }; if (!isMasterAuthed(req)) cc.objectCanBeEdited = id -> userCanEditObject(user(req), (BEAObject) cc.conceptForID(id)); } return crud; } public boolean userCanEditObject(User user, BEAObject o) { return user != null && (user.isMaster || cget("createdBy", o) == user); } @Override public Object servePossiblyUserlessBotFunction(DynGazelleRocks.Req req, String function, Map data, User user) { if (eq(function, "beaExport")) { Collection ids = concatLists(tok_integersAsLongs(urldecode(req.subURI)), tok_integersAsLongs(req.get("ids"))); var objects = map(__46 -> beaGet(__46), ids); return serveJSON_breakAtLevels(2, "result", map(objects, obj -> litorderedmap("id", obj.id, "gid", str(obj.globalID()), "struct", obj.structureString()))); } return super.servePossiblyUserlessBotFunction(req, function, data, user); } @Override public Object serveBotFunction(DynGazelleRocks.Req req, String function, Map data, User user) { if (eq(function, "beaList")) { long changedAfter = toLong(data.get("changedAfter")); double pollFor = min(bot_maxPollSeconds, toLong(data.get("pollFor"))); long startTime = sysNow(); if (changedAfter > 0 && changedAfter == now()) sleep(1); Collection objects; while (true) { objects = changedAfter == 0 ? list(BEAObject.class) : conceptsWithFieldGreaterThan_sorted(BEAObject.class, "_modified", changedAfter); if (nempty(objects) || pollFor == 0 || elapsedSeconds_sysNow(startTime) >= pollFor) return serveJSON_breakAtLevels(2, "result", map(objects, obj -> litorderedmap("gid", str(obj.globalID()), "struct", obj.structureString()))); sleep(bot_pollInterval); } } return super.serveBotFunction(req, function, data, user); } @Override public Object serveOtherPage2(DynGazelleRocks.Req req) { return serveOtherPage2((Req) req); } public Object serveOtherPage2(Req req) { { Object __31 = super.serveOtherPage2(req); if (__31 != null) return __31; } String uri = dropTrailingSlashIfNemptyAfterwards(req.uri); Matches m = new Matches(); if (swic_notSame(uri, "/beaCRUD/", m)) return renderBEAObjectTable(req, urldecode(m.rest())); if (eq(uri, "/inputs")) return renderBEAObjectTable(req, "input"); if (eq(uri, "/syntacticMatchesTable")) return hrefresh(baseLink + "/matchesTable?syntacticOnly=1"); if (eq(uri, "/matchesTable")) { boolean syntacticOnly = eq("1", req.get("syntacticOnly")); List list = new ArrayList(); for (BEAObject match : beaList("Match")) { BEAObject input = cgetOpt(BEAObject.class, match, "input"); BEAObject pat = cgetOpt(BEAObject.class, match, "pattern"); if (syntacticOnly && !calculations.isSyntacticPattern(pat)) continue; { if (calculations.patternAlwaysMatches(pat)) continue; } Map mapping = match.mapping(); if (input == null || pat == null || mapping == null) continue; list.add(match); } list = sortedByCalculatedFieldDesc(list, match -> conceptID(cgetBEA("input", match))); HTMLPaginator paginator = new HTMLPaginator(); paginator.processParams(req.params()); paginator.baseLink = addParamsToURL(baseLink, filterKeys(req.params(), p -> eq(p, "syntacticOnly"))); paginator.max = l(list); req.framer.add(divUnlessEmpty(paginator.renderNav())); list = subList(list, paginator.visibleRange()); List data = new ArrayList(); for (BEAObject match : list) { BEAObject input = cgetOpt(BEAObject.class, match, "input"); BEAObject pat = cgetOpt(BEAObject.class, match, "pattern"); Map mapping = match.mapping(); String patText = calculations.patternTextWithAngleBracketVars(pat); List tok = javaTokWithAngleBrackets(patText); BitSet bs = new BitSet(); tok = replaceAngleBracketVars(tok, mapping, bs); for (Pair __26 : bitSetStreaksAndNonStreaks(bs, l(tok))) { IntRange r = pairA(__26); boolean b = pairB(__26); String t = joinSubList(tok, r); replaceTokens(tok, r, b ? formatSubInput(input, t, "obj" + match.id) : htmlEncode2(t)); } String boldenedInput = join(tok); data.add(litorderedmap("Input", aname("obj" + match.id, joinWithBR(ahref(beaURL(input), htmlEncode2_str(call(input, "text"))), boldenedInput)), "Pattern", ahref(beaURL(pat), htmlEncode2(pat.text())), "DB object", beaHTML_justID(match), "Feedback", joinNemptiesWithSpace(calculations.feedbackHTML(match), addCommentHTML(match, "defaultComment", "good match", "redirectAfterSave", req.uriWithParams(), "text", "+")))); } req.framer.title = syntacticOnly ? "Syntactic matches table" : "Matches table"; req.framer.add(p()); req.framer.add(htmlTable2_noHtmlEncode(data)); return completeFrame(req); } if (eq(uri, "/rewritesTable")) { List data = new ArrayList(); for (BEAObject input : beaList("Input")) for (BEAObject r : beaBackRefs(input, "Rewrite")) data.add(litorderedmap("Input", input.text(), "Rewrite", tok_dropCurlyBrackets(r.text()), "Rewrite Type", getOpt("rewriteType", r))); req.framer.title = "Rewrites table"; req.framer.add(p()); req.framer.add(htmlTable2(data)); return completeFrame(req); } if (eq(uri, "/patternRewritesTable")) { List data = new ArrayList(); for (BEAObject pat : beaListAny("Pattern", "Syntactic Pattern")) for (BEAObject r : beaBackRefs(pat, "Rewrite")) if (cget("isRewriteOf", r) == pat) { Pair example = calculations.exampleForPatternRewrite(pat, r); data.add(litorderedmap("Pattern", ahref(beaURL(pat), htmlEncode2(pat.text())), "Rewrite", ahref(beaURL(r), htmlEncode2(tok_dropCurlyBrackets(r.text()))), "Example", joinWithBR(htmlEncode2(example.a), htmlEncode2("=> " + example.b)), "Rewrite Type", htmlEncode2_str(getOpt("rewriteType", r)), "Cmds", hPopDownButton(targetBlank(conceptEditLink(r), "Edit")))); } req.framer.title = "Pattern rewrites table"; req.framer.add(p()); req.framer.add(htmlTable2_noHtmlEncode(data)); return completeFrame(req); } if (eq(uri, "/syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites")) { HCRUD crud = makeBEAObjectCRUD(req, "Syntactic Pattern"); HCRUD_Concepts data = (HCRUD_Concepts) (crud.data); IF1 prev = data.customFilter; data.customFilter = list -> { list = filter(list, c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Rewrite"))); return postProcess(prev, list); }; crud.customTitle = "Syntactic patterns without rewrites"; return serveCRUD(req, BEAObject.class, crud); } if (eq(uri, "/inputsWithoutRewrites")) { HCRUD crud = makeBEAObjectCRUD(req, "input"); HCRUD_Concepts data = (HCRUD_Concepts) (crud.data); IF1 prev = data.customFilter; data.customFilter = list -> { list = filter(list, c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Rewrite"))); return postProcess(prev, list); }; crud.customTitle = "Inputs without rewrites"; return serveCRUD(req, BEAObject.class, crud); } if (eq(uri, "/inputsWithRewrites")) { HCRUD crud = makeBEAObjectCRUD(req, "input"); HCRUD_Concepts data = (HCRUD_Concepts) (crud.data); IF1 prev = data.customFilter; data.customFilter = list -> { list = filter(list, c -> nempty(beaBackRefs(c, "Rewrite"))); return postProcess(prev, list); }; crud.customTitle = "Inputs with rewrites"; return serveCRUD(req, BEAObject.class, crud); } if (eq(uri, "/inputsWithoutMatches")) { HCRUD crud = makeBEAObjectCRUD(req, "input"); HCRUD_Concepts data = (HCRUD_Concepts) (crud.data); IF1 prev = data.customFilter; data.customFilter = list -> { list = filter(list, c -> empty(beaBackRefs(c, "Match"))); return postProcess(prev, list); }; crud.customTitle = "Inputs without matches"; return serveCRUD(req, BEAObject.class, crud); } if (eq(uri, "/patterns")) return renderBEAObjectTable(req, "pattern"); if (eq(uri, "/syntacticPatterns")) return renderBEAObjectTable(req, "Syntactic Pattern"); if (eq(uri, "/matches")) return renderBEAObjectTable(req, "match"); if (eq(uri, "/rewrites")) return renderBEAObjectTable(req, "rewrite"); if (eq(uri, "/aiTasks")) return renderBEAObjectTable(req, "AI Task"); if (eq(uri, "/query")) return calculations.serveQueryPage(req); if (eq(uri, "/queryHome")) return calculations.serveQueryPage(req, true); if (eq(uri, "/saveInput")) { if (userAgentIsBot(currentUserAgent())) return "You're a bot"; String text = trim(req.get("text")); String info = trim(req.get("info")); String uncleanedText = trim(req.get("uncleanedText")); if (empty(text)) return subBot_serve500("Input empty"); if (l(text) > maxInputLength) return subBot_serve500("Input too long"); BEAObject input = uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Input", "text", text, "createdBy", user(req)); saveUserAgent(input); if (nempty(info) || nempty(uncleanedText)) cnew(BEAObject.class, "type", "Input Source", "input", input, "source", info, "uncleanedText", uncleanedText); return hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), baseLink + "/")); } if (eq(uri, "/markUseful")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("objectID", req); if (o == null) return subBot_serve500("Object not found"); uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Useful", "object", o, "createdBy", user(req)); return hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), baseLink + "/")); } if (eq(uri, "/markBad")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("objectID", req); if (o == null) return subBot_serve500("Object not found"); uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Bad", "object", o, "createdBy", user(req)); return hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), baseLink + "/")); } if (eq(uri, "/saveAnswer")) { String text = trim(req.get("text")); String rewriteType = or2(trim(req.get("rewriteType")), "Suggested Answer"); long inputID = toLong(req.get("inputID")); BEAObject input = beaGet(inputID); if (input == null) return subBot_serve500("Input not found"); if (empty(text)) return subBot_serve500("Text empty"); if (l(text) > maxInputLength) return subBot_serve500("Text too long"); uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Rewrite", "text", text, "isRewriteOf", input, "rewriteType", rewriteType, "createdBy", user(req)); return hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), baseLink + "/")); } if (eq(uri, "/javaSource")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("id", req); return serveText(loadTextFile(javaSourceFileForObject(o))); } if (startsWith(uri, "/beaHTML/", m)) { req.noSpam(); String rest = m.rest(); int i = smartIndexOf(rest, "/"); BEAObject o = beaGet(takeFirst(i, rest)); req.subURI = substring(rest, i + 1); req.makers.add(o); IF0 result = call_optional(o, "html", req); if (result != null) return result.get(); result = call_optional(o, "html", req.webRequest); if (result != null) return result.get(); return call(o, "html"); } if (!inMasterMode(req)) return null; if (eq(uri, "/uploadInputs")) return serveUploadTexts(req, "Input"); if (eq(uri, "/uploadPatterns")) return serveUploadTexts(req, "Pattern"); if (eq(uri, "/analyzeInput")) return calculations.serveAnalyzeInput(req); if (eq(uri, "/allBEATypes")) { return h2_title("All object types") + ul(renderObjectTypes()); } if (eq(uri, "/storeMatch")) { BEAObject pattern = beaGet(req.get("pattern")); BEAObject input = beaGet(req.get("input")); String label = req.get("label"); BEAObject match = calculations.reactInputWithPattern(input, pattern); if (match == null) return "Couldn't match"; cset(match, "label", label); return hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), beaObjectURL(match))); } if (eq(uri, "/saveSyntacticPattern") || eq(uri, "/savePattern")) { String type = cic(uri, "syntactic") ? "Syntactic Pattern" : "Pattern"; String text = req.get("text"); BEAObject fromInput = beaGet(req.get("fromInput")); BEAObject pat = uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", type, "text", text, "createdBy", user(req)); csetIfUnset(pat, "fromInput", fromInput); if (fromInput != null) calculations.reactInputWithPattern(fromInput, pat); return hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), baseLink + "/")); } if (eq(uri, "/runInstruction")) { BEAObject o = beaGet(req.get("instruction")); runInstruction(o); return hrefresh(beaObjectURL(o)); } if (eq(uri, "/convertResultToInput")) { BEAObject result = beaGet(req.get("result")); if (result == null) return subBot_serve500("Object not found"); String text = unquote(getString("result", result)); if (l(text) > maxInputLength) return subBot_serve500("Input too long"); BEAObject input = uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Input", "text", text); uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Input Source", "input", input, "source", result); return hrefresh(beaShortURL(input)); } if (eq(uri, "/setWordType")) { BEAObject r = beaGet(req.get("resultID")); String wordType = assertNempty(req.get("wordType")); List result = assertStringList(cget("result", r)); for (String s : result) uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Word type", "word", s, "wordType", wordType); return "OK"; } if (eq(uri, "/reload")) { dm_reloadModuleIn(3); return "Reloading module in 3"; } if (eq(uri, "/performAutoRuns")) { BEAObject o = beaGet(req.get("onObject")); if (o == null) return "Object not found"; rstAutoRuns.add(o); return hrefresh(beaURL(o)); } if (eq(uri, "/reactAllInputsWithAllSyntacticPatterns")) { return str(returnTimed(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { calculations.reactAllInputsWithAllSyntacticPatterns(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "calculations.reactAllInputsWithAllSyntacticPatterns();"; } })); } if (eq(uri, "/reactAllInputsWithPattern")) { BEAObject pat = beaGet(req.get("patternID")); if (pat == null) return "Pattern not found"; return str(returnTimed(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { calculations.reactAllInputsWithPattern(pat); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "calculations.reactAllInputsWithPattern(pat);"; } })); } if (eq(uri, "/storeSubInput")) { BEAObject input = beaGet(req.get("input")); if (input == null) return "Input not found"; String text = req.get("text"); String type = eqic(req.get("label"), "good") ? "Sub-Input" : "Bad Sub-Input"; BEAObject o = uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", type, "input", input, "text", text, "createdBy", currentUser()); return hrefresh(or2(req.get("redirect"), beaURL(o))); } if (eq(uri, "/performAutoRunOnAllObjects")) { BEAObject autoRun = beaGet("autoRun", req); performAutoRunOnAllObjects(autoRun); return "OK"; } if (eq(uri, "/autoMigrate")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("id", req); if (o == null) return "Object not found"; String url = beaURL(o); return hsansserif() + "Migrated " + beaHTML(o) + " to " + className(autoMigrateToCustomClass(o)) + hrefresh(1.0, url); } if (eq(uri, "/migrateToBase")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("id", req); if (o == null) return "Object not found"; String url = beaURL(o); return hsansserif() + "Migrated " + beaHTML(o) + " to " + className(autoMigrateToBase(o)) + hrefresh(1.0, url); } if (eq(uri, "/convertSyntacticToSemanticMatches")) { BEAObject match = beaGet("matchID", req); if (match == null) return "Match not found"; return ul_htmlEncode2(calculations.convertSyntacticToSemanticMatches(match)); } if (eq(uri, "/convertSyntacticToSemanticMatchesForWholePattern")) { BEAObject pat = beaGet("patternID", req); if (pat == null) return "Pattern not found"; return ul_htmlEncode2(calculations.convertSyntacticToSemanticMatchesForWholePattern(pat)); } if (eq(uri, "/createPatternListFromUsefulSyntacticPatterns")) return hrefresh(beaURL(calc.createPatternListFromUsefulSyntacticPatterns())); if (eq(uri, "/createConceptShadows")) return createConceptShadows(); if (eq(uri, "/compareConceptShadows")) { if (conceptShadows == null) return createConceptShadows(); List newShadows = allConceptShadows(); List> diff = diffConceptShadows(conceptShadows, newShadows); return subBot_serveText(nDiffs(diff) + ":\n\n" + pnlToString(diff)); } if (eq(uri, "/includeScript")) { String snippetID = req.get("id"); Object wired = hotwire(snippetID); return "Wired: " + wired; } if (eq(uri, "/dependents")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("id", req); return ul(lmap(__47 -> htmlEncode2_str(__47), objectWithDependents(o))); } if (eq(uri, "/prototypeUsers")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("id", req); return ul(lmap(__48 -> htmlEncode2_str(__48), prototypeUsers(o))); } if (eq(uri, "/activateObject")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("id", req); if (o == null) return "Object not found"; cset(o, "meta_shouldActivate", true); callActivate(o); return "Object activated." + hrefresh(1.0, beaURL(o)); } if (eq(uri, "/deactivateObject")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("id", req); if (o == null) return "Object not found"; cset(o, "meta_shouldActivate", false); callDeactivate(o); return "Object deactivated." + hrefresh(1.0, beaURL(o)); } if (eq(uri, "/reactivateDynamicObject")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("id", req); if (o == null) return "Object not found"; long id = o.id; reactivateAndMigratePrototypeUsers(o); return "OK" + hrefresh(1.0, beaURL(id)); } if (eq(uri, "/activateDynamicObject")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("id", req); if (o == null) return "Object not found"; compileAndLoadObject(o); o = beaGet("id", req); String url = or2(req.get("redirect"), beaURL(o)); return hsansserif() + "Migrated " + beaHTML(o) + " to " + className(o) + hrefresh(1.0, url); } if (eq(uri, "/callAnyMethod")) { BEAObject o = beaGet("id", req); if (o == null) return "Object not found"; String name = req.get("name"); boolean showPrints = eq("1", req.get("showPrints")); List args = new ArrayList(); for (Map.Entry __27 : _entrySet(req.params())) { String key = __27.getKey(); String val = __27.getValue(); List groups = regexpExtractGroups("^(arg|conceptArg)(\\d+)$", key); if (groups != null) { int idx = parseInt(second(groups)); String type = first(groups); Object arg = eq(type, "conceptArg") ? getConcept(parseLong(val)) : val; listSet(args, idx - 1, arg); } } String arg = req.get("arg"); if (arg != null) listSet(args, 0, arg); String result = hijackPrintPlusResult_text(() -> { try { return call(o, name, toObjectArray(args)); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); return null; } }); return serveText("Result of " + o + " . " + name + "(" + joinWithComma(args) + "):\n" + result); } if (eq(uri, "/download")) return subBot_serveFileWithName("gazelle-database." + ymd_minus_hms() + ".gz", conceptsFile()); if (eq(uri, "/errorSource")) return subBot_serveText(loadTextFile(transpilerErrorSourceFile())); if (eq(uri, "/changeUserPassword")) { String name = req.get("name"), newPW = req.get("newPW"); if (empty(name)) return "Need 'name' parameter (user name)"; if (empty(newPW)) return "Need 'newPW' parameter"; User user = conceptWhereCI(User.class, "name", name); cset(user, "passwordMD5", new SecretValue(hashPW(newPW))); return "Password for " + htmlEncode2(user) + " updated!"; } return null; } transient public List conceptShadows; public Object createConceptShadows() { long _startTime_28 = sysNow(); String profile = profileThisThreadToString(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { conceptShadows = allConceptShadows(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "conceptShadows = allConceptShadows();"; } }); done2_always("Make shadows", _startTime_28); return subBot_serveText(n2(conceptShadows, "shadow") + " made in " + lastTiming_formatted() + "\n\n" + profile); } public HCRUD makeBEAObjectCRUD(Req req, String type) { HCRUD crud = makeCRUD(BEAObject.class, req); crud.baseLink = req.uri(); HCRUD_Concepts data = (HCRUD_Concepts) (crud.data); data.itemName = () -> firstToUpper(type); data.addCIFilter("type", eqic(type, "(no type)") ? null : type); if (eqicOneOf(type, "Input", "Pattern", "AI Task")) { IF0> prev = data.emptyObject; data.emptyObject = () -> { Map item = data.emptyObject_fallback(prev); item.put("text", ""); return item; }; } return crud; } public Object renderBEAObjectTable(Req req, String type) { HCRUD crud = makeBEAObjectCRUD(req, type); return serveCRUD(req, BEAObject.class, crud); } public Object serveUploadTexts(Req req, String type) { String inputs = req.get("text"); List output = new ArrayList(); if (nempty(inputs)) { for (String text : tlft(inputs)) { Pair p = uniqCI2_sync(BEAObject.class, "type", type, "text", text); if (cget("uploadedBy", p.a) == null) cset(p.a, "uploadedBy", req.auth.user); output.add(type + " " + (p.b ? "added" : "exists") + " (ID " + p.a.id + "): " + text); } } return h2("Upload " + plural(type)) + hpostform(p(plural(type) + " (one per line):") + p(htextarea(inputs, "name", "text")) + pIfNempty(htmlEncode_nlToBR(lines(output))) + hsubmit("Upload " + plural(type))); } public Collection beaObjectsOfType(String type) { return conceptsWhereCI(BEAObject.class, "type", type); } public void reactAllInputsWithSomePatterns() { calculations.reactAllInputsWithSomePatterns(); } transient public IF0 navDiv; public String navDiv() { return navDiv != null ? navDiv.get() : navDiv_base(); } final public String navDiv_fallback(IF0 _f) { return _f != null ? _f.get() : navDiv_base(); } public String navDiv_base() { return div_vbar(newNavLinks(), "style", "margin-bottom: 0.5em"); } transient public IF0> newNavLinks; public List newNavLinks() { return newNavLinks != null ? newNavLinks.get() : newNavLinks_base(); } final public List newNavLinks_fallback(IF0> _f) { return _f != null ? _f.get() : newNavLinks_base(); } public List newNavLinks_base() { HCRUD crud = makeCRUD(BEAObject.class, currentReq()); int inputsWithoutRewrites = this.inputsWithoutRewrites.get(); int inputsWithoutMatches = this.inputsWithoutMatches.get(); int syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites = this.syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites.get(); String allObjectTypesLink = ahref(baseLink + "/allBEATypes", "All object types"); return ll(ahref(baseLink + "/query", "Query"), ahref(baseLink + "/newSearch", span_title("New BEA-based searched in development", "New Search (dev.)")), beaNavLink("Input", crud), beaNavLink("Pattern", crud), beaNavLink("Syntactic Pattern", crud), ahref(baseLink + "/syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites", n2(syntacticPatternsWithoutRewrites) + " Syntactic patterns w/o rewrites"), beaNavLink("Match", crud), beaNavLink("Rewrite", crud), beaNavLink("AI Task", crud), ahref(baseLink + "/inputsWithoutMatches", n2(inputsWithoutMatches) + " Inputs w/o matches"), ahref(baseLink + "/inputsWithoutRewrites", n2(inputsWithoutRewrites) + " Inputs w/o rewrites"), inlineSwappable("navDiv_allObjectTypes", this, () -> allObjectTypesLink + " " + hPopDownButton(listPlus(renderObjectTypes(10), allObjectTypesLink))), new HTMLPopDownButton(ahref(baseLink + "/stats", "Stats"), !isMasterAuthed() ? null : ahref(baseLink + "/download", "DB download"), !isMasterAuthed() ? null : ahref(baseLink + "/refchecker", "Reference checker"), ahref(baseLink + "/inputsWithRewrites", "Inputs with rewrites"), ahref(baseLink + "/rewritesTable", "Rewrites table"), ahref(baseLink + "/patternRewritesTable", "Pattern rewrites table"), ahref(baseLink + "/matchesTable", "Matches table"), ahref(baseLink + "/matchesTable?syntacticOnly=1", "Syntactic matches table"), ahref("https://gazelle.rocks/htmlBot/238410", "Classic Gazelle")).width(350).height(500).html()); } public String beaNavLink(String type, HCRUD crud) { return beaNavLink(type, crud, beaCount(type)); } public String beaNavLink(String type, HCRUD crud, int count) { String plural = firstToLower(plural(type)); String link = baseLink + "/" + camelCase(plural); return ahref(link, n2(count) + " " + firstToUpper(plural)) + (!crud.actuallyAllowCreate() ? "" : " " + ahref(addParamToURL(link, "cmd", "new"), "+")); } public String beaObjectURL(BEAObject o) { return conceptLink(o, currentReq()); } public String matchDescHTML(BEAObject m) { try { BEAObject pat = cget("pattern", m); Map mapping = (Map) (cget("mapping", m)); return ahref_undecorated(crudLink(m), htmlEncode2(quote(getString("text", pat))) + "
  with " + renderEqualsCommaProperties(mapping)); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return htmlEncode2(str(m)); } public Collection beaList() { return list(BEAObject.class); } public Collection beaList(String type, Object... params) { return conceptsWhereCI(BEAObject.class, paramsPlus_inFront(params, "type", type)); } public Collection beaListAny(String... types) { return concatLists(lmap(__49 -> beaList(__49), litciset(types))); } public Collection beaListAny(Collection types) { return concatLists(lmap(__50 -> beaList(__50), asCISet(types))); } public BEAObject beaGet(long id) { return getConceptOpt(BEAObject.class, id); } public BEAObject beaGet(String id) { return beaGet(parseFirstLong(id)); } public boolean beaTypeIs(BEAObject o, String type) { return o != null && o.typeIs(type); } public BEAObject beaGet(String key, Req req) { return beaGet(req.get(key)); } public BEAObject beaGet(String field, BEAObject o) { return cgetBEA(field, o); } public BEAObject cgetBEA(String field, BEAObject o) { return (BEAObject) cget(field, o); } public BEAObject beaGet(BEAObject o, String field) { return cgetBEA(o, field); } public BEAObject cgetBEA(BEAObject o, String field) { return cgetBEA(field, o); } public String beaToHTML(BEAObject o) { return beaLinkHTML(o); } public String beaHTML(BEAObject o) { return beaLinkHTML(o); } public String beaLinkHTML(BEAObject o) { return o == null ? null : ahref(conceptLink(o), htmlEncode2_nlToBr(str(o))); } public String beaHTML_targetBlank(BEAObject o) { return o == null ? null : targetBlank(conceptLink(o), htmlEncode2_nlToBr(str(o))); } public String beaHTML_justID(BEAObject o) { return o == null ? null : ahref(beaShortURL(o), o.id); } public String beaFullURL(BEAObject o) { return o == null ? null : mainDomainWithProtocol + beaURL(o); } public String beaURL(long id) { return baseLink + "/" + id; } public String beaURL(BEAObject o) { return beaShortURL(o); } public String beaShortURL(BEAObject o) { return o == null ? null : baseLink + "/" + o.id; } public Collection beaBackRefs(BEAObject o, String type) { return objectsWhereCI(findBackRefs(BEAObject.class, o), "type", type); } public Collection beaBackRefs(BEAObject o) { return findBackRefs(BEAObject.class, o); } transient public IF1 serveDefaultPage; @Override public Object serveDefaultPage(DynGazelleRocks.Req req) { return serveDefaultPage != null ? serveDefaultPage.get(req) : serveDefaultPage_base(req); } final public Object serveDefaultPage_fallback(IF1 _f, DynGazelleRocks.Req req) { return _f != null ? _f.get(req) : serveDefaultPage_base(req); } public Object serveDefaultPage_base(DynGazelleRocks.Req req) { HTMLFramer1 framer = req.framer; framer.add(centerGazelleLogo()); return completeFrame(req); } public String centerGazelleLogo() { return hcenter3(hsnippetimg_scaleToWidth(200, "#1102967", 200, 110, "title", "Gazelle"), "style", "margin-top: 100px"); } public String html_loggedIn() { User user = user(currentReq()); return user == null ? ahref(baseLink + "/", "Log in") : "Logged in as " + htmlEncode2(user.name); } transient public IVF1 distributeNewObject_impl; public void distributeNewObject_impl(BEAObject o) { if (distributeNewObject_impl != null) distributeNewObject_impl.get(o); else distributeNewObject_impl_base(o); } final public void distributeNewObject_impl_fallback(IVF1 _f, BEAObject o) { if (_f != null) _f.get(o); else distributeNewObject_impl_base(o); } public void distributeNewObject_impl_base(BEAObject o) { if (newObjectIsWorthNotification(o)) distributeNewObject_impl_noCheck(o); } transient public IF1 newObjectIsWorthNotification; public boolean newObjectIsWorthNotification(BEAObject o) { return newObjectIsWorthNotification != null ? newObjectIsWorthNotification.get(o) : newObjectIsWorthNotification_base(o); } final public boolean newObjectIsWorthNotification_fallback(IF1 _f, BEAObject o) { return _f != null ? _f.get(o) : newObjectIsWorthNotification_base(o); } public boolean newObjectIsWorthNotification_base(BEAObject o) { return !o.typeIsOneOf("Match", "Live WebSocket"); } transient public IVF1 distributeNewObject_impl_noCheck; public void distributeNewObject_impl_noCheck(BEAObject o) { if (distributeNewObject_impl_noCheck != null) distributeNewObject_impl_noCheck.get(o); else distributeNewObject_impl_noCheck_base(o); } final public void distributeNewObject_impl_noCheck_fallback(IVF1 _f, BEAObject o) { if (_f != null) _f.get(o); else distributeNewObject_impl_noCheck_base(o); } public void distributeNewObject_impl_noCheck_base(BEAObject o) { distributeNotification("New object: " + o); } public void performAutoRuns(BEAObject o) { AutoCloseable __34 = enter(); try { for (BEAObject autoRun : beaList("Auto Run")) { if (!isTrue(getOpt("enabled", autoRun))) { print("Not enabled: " + autoRun); continue; } performAutoRunOnObject(autoRun, o); } } finally { _close(__34); } } public void performAutoRunOnAllObjects(BEAObject autoRun) { for (BEAObject o : list(BEAObject.class)) performAutoRunOnObject(autoRun, o); } public void performAutoRunOnObject(BEAObject autoRun, BEAObject o) { ping(); String type = getString("onChangedObjectOfType", autoRun); if (!o.typeIs(type)) return; print("Running " + autoRun); BEAObject procedure = (BEAObject) (cget("procedure", autoRun)); String internalCode = getString("internalCode", procedure); printVars_str("internalCode", internalCode, "o", o); if (eqic(internalCode, "convertInputToPattern")) { String text = o.text(); if (!containsAngleBracketVars(text)) { print("No angle bracket vars"); return; } BEAObject p = uniqCI_returnIfNew(BEAObject.class, "type", "Pattern", "text", text); cset(p, "fromInput", o, "byProcedure", procedure, "byAutoRun", autoRun); print("p", p); } else if (eqic(internalCode, "convertInputToSyntacticPattern")) { String text = o.text(); if (!containsStars(text)) { print("No stars"); return; } BEAObject p = uniqCI_returnIfNew(BEAObject.class, "type", "Syntactic Pattern", "text", text); cset(p, "fromInput", o, "byProcedure", procedure, "byAutoRun", autoRun); print("p", p); } else if (eqic(internalCode, "dropPunctuationFromPattern")) { String text = o.text(); String text2 = dropPunctuation(text); if (eq(text, text2)) return; BEAObject p = uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", o.type(), "text", text2); cset(o, "withoutPunctuation", p); } else if (eqic(internalCode, "makeSyntacticPattern")) { print("sp", calculations.makeSyntacticPattern(o)); } else if (eqic(internalCode, "runFunctionOnInput")) { print("runFunctionOnInput"); BEAObject function = beaGet(o, "function"); BEAObject input = beaGet(o, "input"); if (function == null || input == null) { print("Missing parameters"); return; } if (cget("result", o) != null) { print("Has result"); return; } BEAObject result = calculations.reactFunctionWithInput(calculations.new BackEndAlgorithm(), function, input); print("result", result); if (result != null) { cset(result, "request", o); cset(o, "result", result); } } else print("Unknown internal code"); } public BEAObject findInput(String text) { return conceptWhereIC(BEAObject.class, "type", "Input", "text", text); } public String addRewriteHTML(BEAObject o) { return ahref(addParamsToURL(crudLink(BEAObject.class), "cmd", "new", "title", "Add Rewrite", "f_type", "Rewrite", "f_text", getStringOpt("text", o), "f_isRewriteOf", o.id, "metaInfo_isRewriteOf", "concept"), "Add Rewrite"); } @Override public Object serveIntegerLink(DynGazelleRocks.Req req, long id) { BEAObject o = getConceptOpt(BEAObject.class, id); if (o != null) return htitle(str(o)) + hrefresh(conceptLink_long(o)); return super.serveIntegerLink(req, id); } public void distributeTestNotification() { distributeNotification("It is " + localTimeWithSeconds()); } public void distributeNotification(String text) { notificationQ.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { String jsCode = "window.createNotification({ theme: 'success', showDuration: 3000 })(" + jsonEncodeMap("message", text) + ");"; sendJavaScriptToAllWebSockets(jsCode); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "/*for (User user)\r\n if (nemptyAfterTrim(user.notificationSetting))\r\n ..."; } }); } public void sendJavaScriptToAllWebSockets(String jsCode) { for (Pair p : syncMapToPairs(webSockets)) { pcall(p.a, "send", jsonEncodeMap("eval", jsCode)); } } public void runInstruction(BEAObject o) { if (o == null) return; try { BEAObject instruction = o; if (o.typeIs("Step in script")) instruction = (BEAObject) cget(o, "instruction"); if (instruction.typeIs("Instruction | List objects by type")) { saveInstructionResult(o, beaList(getString("typeToList", instruction))); return; } if (instruction.typeIs("Instruction | List object types")) { saveInstructionResult(o, distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts(BEAObject.class, "type")); return; } if (instruction.typeIs("Instruction | Filter list by text starting with")) { BEAObject scriptRun = cgetBEA("scriptRun", o); if (scriptRun == null) throw fail("Need to be run as part of script"); List steps = scriptRunSteps(scriptRun); int idx = indexOf(steps, o); if (idx < 0) throw fail("Step not found in script run"); List list = firstNotNull(map(reversed(takeFirst(steps, idx)), step -> optCast(List.class, cget("data", cgetBEA("result", step))))); String prefix = getString("prefix", instruction); List filtered = filter(list, obj -> swic(obj.text(), prefix)); saveInstructionResult(o, filtered); return; } if (instruction.typeIs("Script")) { BEAObject script = instruction; BEAObject scriptRun = cnew(BEAObject.class, "type", "Script Run", "script", script); int i = 0; List steps = new ArrayList(); while ((instruction = (BEAObject) cget(instruction, "step" + (++i))) != null) { BEAObject step = cnew(BEAObject.class, "type", "Step in script", "step", i, "scriptRun", scriptRun, "instruction", instruction); steps.add(step); } cset(scriptRun, "steps", steps); return; } cnew(BEAObject.class, "type", "Instruction Error", "instruction", o, "error", "Unknown instruction type"); } catch (Throwable e) { cnew(BEAObject.class, "type", "Instruction Error", "instruction", o, "error", getStackTrace(e)); } } public BEAObject saveInstructionResult(BEAObject instruction, Object data) { BEAObject result = cnew(BEAObject.class, "type", "Instruction Result", "instruction", instruction, "data", data); cset(instruction, "result", result); return result; } public List scriptRunSteps(BEAObject scriptRun) { return (List) cget("steps", scriptRun); } public String addCommentHTML(BEAObject o, Object... __) { String redirectAfterSave = (String) (optPar("redirectAfterSave", __)); String defaultComment = (String) (optPar("defaultComment", __)); String text = optPar("text", __, "Add comment"); return ahref(addParamsToURL(crudLink(BEAObject.class), "cmd", "new", "title", "Add Comment", "f_type", "Comment", "f_on", o.id, "f_text", unnull(defaultComment), "redirectAfterSave", redirectAfterSave, "autofocus", "f_text", "metaInfo_on", "concept"), text); } public String formatSubInput(BEAObject input, String text, String anchor) { String redirect = addAnchorToURL(currentReq.get().uriWithParams(), anchor); int goodCount = countConceptsCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Sub-Input", "input", input, "text", text); int badCount = countConceptsCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Bad Sub-Input", "input", input, "text", text); return calculations.bestInputHTML(text) + " " + small(joinNemptiesWithSpace(ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/storeSubInput", "label", "good", "text", text, "input", input.id, "redirect", redirect), unicode_thumbsUp()), goodCount == 0 ? "" : n2(goodCount), ahref(addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/storeSubInput", "label", "bad", "text", text, "input", input.id, "redirect", redirect), unicode_thumbsDown()), badCount == 0 ? "" : n2(badCount))); } public List renderObjectTypes() { return renderObjectTypes(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } public List renderObjectTypes(int max) { MultiSet ms = distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts_multiSet(BEAObject.class, "type"); return mapPairs(takeFirst(max, multiSetToPairsByPopularity(ms)), (type, count) -> { String _type = or2(type, "(no type)"); return n2(count) + " " + ahref(baseLink + "/beaCRUD/" + urlencode(_type), htmlEncode2(_type)); }); } public BEAObject autoMigrateToBase(BEAObject o) { return migrateToClass(o, BEAObject.class); } public BEAObject autoMigrateToCustomClass(BEAObject o) { return migrateToClass(o, defaultCustomClass(o)); } public BEAObject migrateToClass(BEAObject o, Class targetClass) { if (o == null || o._concepts != db_mainConcepts()) return null; if (targetClass != null && targetClass != _getClass(o)) { BEAObject newObject = unlistedCopyToClass_withConverter_pcall(targetClass, o); beaCallOpt(newObject, "_fixAfterMigration", o); return replaceConceptAndUpdateRefs(o, newObject); } return o; } public void setCodeState(BEAObject o, long timestamp, String codeHash, Object state) { if (empty(state)) state = null; cset(o, "meta_codeState", state); } public String codeForObject(BEAObject o) { return getStringOpt("meta_code", o); } public String actualCodeHash(BEAObject o) { return md5OrNull(codeForObject(o)); } public boolean codeHashUpToDate(BEAObject o) { return eq(actualCodeHash(o), getStringOpt("meta_codeHash", o)); } public boolean compileErrorInObject(BEAObject o) { return swic(getStringOpt("meta_codeState", o), "error."); } public boolean isDependentOn(BEAObject a, BEAObject b) { return contains(optCast(Concept.RefL.class, getOpt("meta_dependsOnCode", a)), b); } public Collection objectWithDependents(BEAObject o) { return stepAllAndGet(new TransitiveHull<>(x -> filter(y -> isDependentOn(y, x), list(BEAObject.class)), o)); } public void compileAndLoadObject(BEAObject o) { dm_mediumRefreshTranspiler(); Collection withDependents = objectWithDependents(o); print("Dependents for " + o + ": " + withDependents); for (BEAObject x : withDependents) compileAndLoadObject_withoutDependents(x); } public Class protoClass(BEAObject o) { BEAObject proto = cget("meta_prototype", o); Class protoClass = null; if (proto != null) { if (!isActivatedDynamicObject(proto)) throw fail("Prototype not activated: " + proto); protoClass = proto.getClass(); } return protoClass; } public String setCodeHash(BEAObject o) { String code = codeForObject(o); String codeHash = empty(code) ? null : md5(code); cset(o, "meta_codeHash", codeHash); return codeHash; } public void compileAndLoadObject_withoutDependents(BEAObject o) { try { print("compileAndLoadObject_withoutDependents", o); assertSame(db_mainConcepts(), o._concepts); ClassLoader cl = dm_moduleClassLoader(); long timestamp = now(); setCodeState(o, timestamp, null, "Compiling"); String codeHash = null; transpileAndCompileForHotwiring_src.set(null); try { Class protoClass = protoClass(o); codeHash = setCodeHash(o); String code = codeForObject(o); if (empty(code)) { if (protoClass != null) { o = migrateToClass(o, protoClass); setCodeState(o, timestamp, null, "Migrated to proto class " + shortClassName(protoClass)); callActivate(o); } else { o = autoMigrateToBase(o); setCodeState(o, timestamp, null, null); } return; } actualCompile(o); reactivateAndMigratePrototypeUsers(o); print("Done compiling"); } catch (Throwable e) { cset(o, "meta_javaClass", null); setCodeState(o, timestamp, codeHash, "Error. " + exceptionToStringShort(e)); throw rethrow(e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public void setCodeHashAndActualCompile(BEAObject o) { setCodeHash(o); actualCompile(o); } public void actualCompile(BEAObject o) { Class protoClass = protoClass(o); cset(o, "meta_codeSafety", null); DynClassName dcn = new DynClassName(o.id, aGlobalID(), o.id); cset(o, "meta_javaClass", dcn.fullClassName()); String code = codeForObject(o); List tok = javaTok(code); String baseClass = "BEAObject"; List implementedInterfaces = new ArrayList(); for (int i : jfindAll(tok, "implements", (_tok, nIdx) -> { String left = get(_tok, nIdx - 1); return !(isIdentifier(left) || eq(left, ">")); })) { int iSemi = tok_findEndOfStatement(tok, i) - 1; List tokWhat = subList(tok, i + 1, iSemi); String className; if (nCodeTokens(tokWhat) == 3 && eq(tokWhat.get(3), "from")) { className = tokWhat.get(1); className = "B" + tokWhat.get(5) + "." + className; } else className = join(dropFirstAndLast(tokWhat)); className = expandShortClassRef(className); implementedInterfaces.add(className); clearTokens(tok, i, iSemi + 2); } int tokIdx; if ((tokIdx = jfind_any(tok, "extends ;", "extends .;", "extends ..;")) > 0) { int j = indexOf(tok, ";", tokIdx); baseClass = joinSubList(tok, tokIdx + 2, j - 1); baseClass = expandShortClassRef(baseClass); clearTokens(tok, tokIdx, j + 2); } if ((tokIdx = jfind(tok, "extends from *;")) > 0) { String className = tok.get(tokIdx + 2); baseClass = expandShortClassRef("B" + parseFirstLong_regexp(tok.get(tokIdx + 6)) + "." + className); int j = indexOf(tok, ";", tokIdx); clearTokens(tok, tokIdx, j + 2); } if ((tokIdx = jfind(tok, "extends <> from ;")) > 0) { String className = tok.get(tokIdx + 2); int j = indexOf(tok, ";", tokIdx); baseClass = expandShortClassRef("B" + tok.get(j - 2) + "." + className) + joinSubList(tok, tokIdx + 4, j - 5); clearTokens(tok, tokIdx, j + 2); } List imports = new ArrayList(); while ((tokIdx = jfind(tok, "import from ;")) > 0) { String className = tok.get(tokIdx + 2); String name = expandShortClassRef("B" + tok.get(tokIdx + 6) + "." + className); imports.add("import " + name + ";"); int j = indexOf(tok, ";", tokIdx); clearTokens(tok, tokIdx, j + 2); } String global = getGlobalCode(tok); code = join(tok); String src = lines(imports) + "mainPackage " + dcn.makePackageName() + "\n" + "mainClassName " + dcn.makeMainClassName() + "\n" + "concept " + dcn.makeBEAClassName() + " extends " + (protoClass == null ? baseClass : protoClass.getName().replace("$", ".")) + (empty(implementedInterfaces) ? "" : " implements " + joinWithComma(implementedInterfaces)) + " {\n" + code + "\n}\n" + global + "\n" + customCodePostlude(); ClassLoader cl = dm_moduleClassLoader(); var files = filesFromClassLoader(cl); print("Compiling with " + n2(files, "byte code path")); javaCompileToJar_localLibraries.set(files); File bytecode; List libs = new ArrayList(); try { bytecode = transpileAndCompileForHotwiring(src, libs); libs.remove(str(parseSnippetID(mainLibID))); print("libs", libs); } finally { String javaSrc = transpileAndCompileForHotwiring_src.get(); saveTextFile(javaSourceFileForObject(o), javaSrc); List dependencies = new ArrayList(); for (String id : tok_identifiers(javaTok(javaSrc))) { long objID = regexpToLongIC("^b_?(\\d+)", id); if (objID != 0 && objID != o.id) dependencies.add(getConceptOrMarkMissingObject(BEAObject.class, objID)); } cset(o, "meta_libraries", nullIfEmpty(joinWithSpace(libs))); cset(o, "meta_dependsOnCode", nullIfEmpty(dependencies)); } renameFileVerbose(bytecode, dcn.byteCodeFile()); cset(o, "meta_javaClass", dcn.fullClassName()); } public void reactivateAndMigratePrototypeUsers(BEAObject o) { var p = reactivateDynamicObject(o); if (p == null) throw fail("Activation of " + o.id + " failed. " + getOpt("meta_codeState", o)); File deadPath = byteCodePathForClass(o); print("New dead class path: " + deadPath + " (total: " + n2(deadClassPaths) + ")"); deadClassPaths.add(deadPath); o = p.a; assertNotNull("Activated object", o); String codeHash = getStringOpt("meta_codeHash", o); long timestamp = now(); setCodeState(o, timestamp, codeHash, "Custom code loaded"); print("Custom code loaded"); migratePrototypeUsers(o); } public String expandShortClassRef(String name) { List groups = regexpGroups("^B(\\d+)(\\..+)$", name); if (groups != null) { long baseID = parseLong(first(groups)); BEAObject baseObj = beaGet(baseID); name = mainClassNameForObject(baseObj) + second(groups); if (empty(name)) throw fail("Referenced object doesn't have a Java class: " + baseID); } return name; } public void migratePrototypeUsers(BEAObject o) { for (BEAObject derivative : prototypeUsers(o)) { try { print("Migrating prototype user " + derivative + " of " + o + " to new base class " + o.getClass()); migrateToClass(derivative, o.getClass()); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } } public boolean basedOnUnactivatedPrototype(BEAObject o) { BEAObject proto = optCast(BEAObject.class, cget("meta_prototype", o)); return proto != null && !isActivatedDynamicObject(proto); } public Collection prototypeUsers(BEAObject o) { TransitiveHull th = new TransitiveHull<>(x -> filter(conceptsWhere(BEAObject.class, "meta_prototype", x), d -> empty(codeForObject(d))), o); return setMinus_inPlace(stepAllAndGet(th), o); } public Pair reactivateDynamicObject(BEAObject o) { try { return reactivateDynamicObject_impl(o); } catch (Throwable e) { _handleException(e); cset(o, "meta_javaClass", null); cset(o, "meta_codeState", exceptionToStringShort(e)); return null; } } public boolean isActivatedDynamicObject(BEAObject o) { return startsWith(className(o), packagePrefix()); } public Pair reactivateDynamicObject_impl(BEAObject o) { try { assertNotNull(o); assertSame(db_mainConcepts(), o._concepts); DynClassName dcn = dcnForObject(o); if (dcn == null) { cset(o, "meta_codeState", null); return pair(o, false); } File byteCode = dcn.byteCodeFile(); loadObjectsLibraries(o); dm_addByteCodePathToModuleClassLoader(byteCode); String fullName = dcn.fullClassNameForVM(); print("fullName", fullName); ClassLoader cl = dm_moduleClassLoader(); Class targetClass = cl.loadClass(fullName); print("targetClass", targetClass); assertNotNull("Class not found: " + fullName, targetClass); o = migrateToClass(o, targetClass); assertNotNull("autoMigrated", o); callActivate(o); cset(o, "meta_codeState", "[" + formatGMTWithMilliseconds_24() + "] " + "Custom code reloaded"); return pair(o, true); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public File javaSourceFileForObject(BEAObject o) { return programFile("BEA Java Sources/" + o.id + ".java"); } public File byteCodeFile(DynClassName name) { return name == null ? null : programFile("Object ByteCode/" + name.objectID + "-" + name.globalID + ".jar"); } public DynClassName dcnForObject(BEAObject o) { String javaClassName = getString("meta_javaClass", o); return DynClassName_parse(javaClassName); } public File byteCodeFileForObject(BEAObject o) { DynClassName dcn = dcnForObject(o); return dcn == null ? null : dcn.byteCodeFile(); } public BEAObject autoMigrateUnlistedOrKeep(BEAObject o) { return canAutoMigrate(o) ? unlistedCopyToClass_withConverter(defaultCustomClass(o), o) : o; } public boolean canAutoMigrate(BEAObject o) { return o != null && !eqOneOf(defaultCustomClass(o), _getClass(o), null); } public Class defaultCustomClass(BEAObject o) { if (o == null) return null; BEAObject entry = conceptWhereCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Auto Custom Class", "forType", o.type()); if (entry == null) return null; String className = getString("toClassName", entry); Class c = findClassThroughDefaultClassFinder(className); return c; } public String queryLink(String algorithm, String q) { return addParamsToURL(baseLink + "/query", "algorithm", algorithm, "q", q); } public String currentUserAgent() { Req req = currentReq(); if (req == null) return null; return mapGet(req.webRequest.headers(), "user-agent"); } public void saveUserAgent(BEAObject input) { String userAgent = currentUserAgent(); if (nempty(userAgent) && !userAgentIsBot(userAgent)) uniqCI2(BEAObject.class, "type", "Input Source", "input", input, "userAgent", userAgent); } public boolean isObjectWithCode(BEAObject o) { return o != null && o.hasCustomCode(); } public boolean createdByMasterUser(BEAObject o) { User user = optCast(User.class, cget("createdBy", o)); return user != null && user.isMaster; } public void autoActivateDynamicObject(BEAObject o) { if (!autoActivateDynamicObjects) return; String code = codeForObject(o); if (empty(code)) return; if (!createdByMasterUser(o)) return; String codeState = getString("meta_codeState", o); String time = leadingAngleBracketStuff(codeState); long timestamp = empty(time) ? 0 : parseDateWithMillisecondsGMT(time); if (o._modified <= timestamp) return; String hash = getString("meta_codeHash", o); if (eq(hash, md5(code))) return; print("Auto-activating dynamic object: " + o); compileAndLoadObject(o); sleepSeconds(1); } public String customCodePostlude() { return "!include early #1031282\n\n"; } public String makeJavaClassName(BEAObject o) { return aGlobalID(); } public String packagePrefix() { return "dyn.b_"; } public String makePackageName(BEAObject o) { return packagePrefix() + o.id; } public BEAObject websiteEnhancersObject() { Collection l = beaList("Live Website Enhancers"); if (l(l) > 1) warn("Multiple Live Website Enhancers: " + l); return first(l); } public BEAObject getWebsiteEnhancer(String key) { return beaGet(websiteEnhancersObject(), key); } public String newLinkForCRUD(HCRUD crud, Class c) { if (c == User.class) return baseLink + "/register"; else return super.newLinkForCRUD(crud, c); } public String callHTMLFixer(Object caller, String html) { BEAObject fixer = beaGet("htmlFixer", websiteEnhancersObject()); return or((String) callOpt(fixer, "fixHTML", html, caller), html); } @Override public Object html3(DynGazelleRocks.Req req) { return html3((Req) req); } public Object html3(Req req) { assertSame(realMC(), mc()); assertSame(main.beaMod(), me()); vmBus_send("logMethodCall", this, "html3", req); vmBus_send("html3", this, req); BHTTPRequest reified = null; if (reifyHTTPRequests()) reified = cnew(BHTTPRequest.class, "type", "Live HTTP Request", "req", req, "uri", req.uri(), "ip", req.webRequest.clientIP(), "user", user(req)); long time = sysNow(); try { return html4(req); } finally { time = sysNow() - time; if (reified != null) cset(reified, "type", "Past HTTP Request", "processingTime", time); } } public Object html4(Req req) { if (saveAllQsAsInput && !cic(req.uri(), "/live") && user(req) != null) { String text = trim(req.get("q")); if (nempty(text)) { BEAObject input = uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Input", "text", text); uniqCI(BEAObject.class, "type", "Input Source", "input", input, "source", "Web Request (q parameter)"); } } Object response = html5(req); if (response instanceof String) response = routeThroughAll(pagePostProcessors, ((String) response)); return response; } transient public List> pagePostProcessors = syncL(); public Object html5(Req req) { String uri = req.uri(); for (BEAObject rewrite : filter(__51 -> createdByMasterUser(__51), beaList("Live URL Rewrite"))) { try { String input = getString("input", rewrite); vmBus_send("testingURLRewrite", rewrite, uri); if (eq(uri, input)) { vmBus_send("applyingURLRewrite", rewrite, uri); String output = getString("output", rewrite); return hrefresh(output); } } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } return super.html3(req); } public void cleanMeUp_deactivateBEAObjects() { Collection objects = filter(beaList(), o -> hasMethod(o, "_deactivate")); print("Deactivating " + nObjects(objects) + " for shutdown"); for (BEAObject bea : objects) pcallOpt(bea, "_deactivate"); if (nempty(objects)) print("Done"); } public DynClassName DynClassName_parse(String className) { className = replace(className, "$", "."); List groups = regexpFirstGroups("^dyn\\.b_(\\d+)_([a-z]+)\\.B(\\d+)\\$?(.*)", className); if (verboseClassLoading) printVars("DynClassName_parse", "className", className, "groups", groups); if (groups == null) return null; return new DynClassName(parseLong(first(groups)), second(groups), parseLong(third(groups)), fourth(groups)); } public DynClassName DynClassName_parseOther(String className) { className = replace(className, "$", "."); List groups = regexpFirstGroups("^dyn\\.b_(\\d+)_([a-z]+)\\.(.*)", className); if (verboseClassLoading) printVars("DynClassName_parseOther", "className", className, "groups", groups); if (groups == null) return null; return new DynClassName(parseLong(first(groups)), second(groups), 0, third(groups)); } public String DynClassName_mainPrefix() { return "dyn."; } public String DynClassName_mainPrefixForVM() { return "dyn."; } public class DynClassName { public long compileBaseObjectID; public String globalID; public long objectID; public String innerClass; public DynClassName(long compileBaseObjectID, String globalID, long objectID) { this.objectID = objectID; this.globalID = globalID; this.compileBaseObjectID = compileBaseObjectID; } public DynClassName(long compileBaseObjectID, String globalID, long objectID, String innerClass) { this.innerClass = innerClass; this.objectID = objectID; this.globalID = globalID; this.compileBaseObjectID = compileBaseObjectID; } public String makePackageName() { return dropDotSuffix(DynClassName_mainPrefix()); } public String makeMainClassName() { return "b_" + compileBaseObjectID + "_" + globalID; } public String makeBEAClassName() { return joinNempties("$", objectID == 0 ? "" : "B" + objectID, innerClass); } public String fullClassName() { return joinWithDot(makePackageName(), makeMainClassName(), makeBEAClassName()); } public String fullClassNameForVM() { return makePackageName() + "." + makeMainClassName() + "$" + makeBEAClassName(); } public File byteCodeFile() { return programFile("Object ByteCode/" + baseSystemVersion + "/" + compileBaseObjectID + "/" + globalID + ".jar"); } } public String mainClassNameForObject(BEAObject o) { if (o == null) return null; String fullBaseClass = getString("meta_javaClass", o); return takeFirst(fullBaseClass, lastIndexOf(fullBaseClass, ".")); } public void loadObjectsLibraries(BEAObject o) { List libs = splitAtSpace_trim(getString("meta_libraries", o)); if (addLibrariesToClassLoader(dm_moduleClassLoader(), libs)) print("Loaded libs for " + o + ": " + libs); } public void callActivate(BEAObject bea) { if (getBoolOpt("meta_shouldActivate", bea, true)) { loadObjectsLibraries(bea); pcallOpt(bea, "_activate"); } } public void callDeactivate(BEAObject bea) { pcallOpt(bea, "_deactivate"); } public void onNewWebSocket(WebSocketInfo ws) { super.onNewWebSocket(ws); Req req = (Req) (ws.req); String uri = ws.uri; BEAObject reifiedWebSocket = null; if (webSocketsToBEA()) { long _startTime_29 = sysNow(); var webRequest = req == null ? null : req.webRequest; var cookie = cookieFromWebRequest(webRequest); User user = user(req); reifiedWebSocket = cnew(webSocketClass, "webSocketInfo", ws, "type", "Live WebSocket", "uri", uri, "user", user); ws.dbRepresentation = reifiedWebSocket; ws.eval(replaceDollarVars("$(\".webSocketPlaceholder\").html($html);", "html", jsQuote(beaHTML(reifiedWebSocket)))); done2_always("Reify WebSocket", _startTime_29); } Matches m = new Matches(); if (startsWith(uri, "/beaHTML/", m)) { BEAObject handler = beaGet(m.rest()); if (handler != null) { print("Have WebSocket " + reifiedWebSocket + "/" + ws + " at " + uri + " for " + handler); if (!handler._isAlive()) { print("HAndler not alive!?"); return; } cset(reifiedWebSocket, "handler", handler); beaPcall(handler, "useWebSocket", ws); } } } transient public Class webSocketClass = BWebSocket.class; public void onWebSocketClose(WebSocketInfo ws) { super.onWebSocketClose(ws); cdelete((Concept) ws.dbRepresentation); } transient public TimedCache webSocketsToBEA_cache = new TimedCache<>(10.0, () -> webSocketsToBEA_load()); public boolean webSocketsToBEA() { return webSocketsToBEA_cache.get(); } public Boolean webSocketsToBEA_load() { return getBoolOpt("webSocketsToBEA", liveGazelleSettings()); } transient public TimedCache reifyHTTPRequests_cache = new TimedCache<>(10.0, () -> reifyHTTPRequests_load()); public boolean reifyHTTPRequests() { return reifyHTTPRequests_cache.get(); } public Boolean reifyHTTPRequests_load() { return getBoolOpt("reifyHTTPRequests", liveGazelleSettings()); } public BSettings gazelleSettings() { return conceptWhere(BSettings.class); } public BEAObject liveGazelleSettings() { return first(filter(__52 -> createdByMasterUser(__52), beaList("Live Gazelle Settings"))); } public Object withFrame(String html) { return serveWithNavigation(html); } public Object serveWithNavigation(String html) { var framer = framer(); framer.add(html); return completeFrame(); } @Override public Object completeFrame_base(DynGazelleRocks.Req req) { if (nempty(((Req) req).makers)) ((Req) req).framer.addNavItem(hPopDownButtonWithText("Page by", map(((Req) req).makers, o -> { if (o instanceof BEAObject) return beaHTML_targetBlank(((BEAObject) o)); return htmlEncode2(shortenStr(o, 40)); }))); return super.completeFrame_base(((Req) req)); } public List> renderStats_base() { return listPlusItems_inPlace(super.renderStats_base(), ll("Live / dead class paths", n2(classLoaderPathsCount(dm_moduleClassLoader())) + " / " + n2(deadClassPaths))); } transient public IVF2 makeNavItems; @Override public void makeNavItems(DynGazelleRocks.Req req, HTMLFramer1 framer) { if (makeNavItems != null) makeNavItems.get(req, framer); else makeNavItems_base(req, framer); } final public void makeNavItems_fallback(IVF2 _f, DynGazelleRocks.Req req, HTMLFramer1 framer) { if (_f != null) _f.get(req, framer); else makeNavItems_base(req, framer); } public void makeNavItems_base(DynGazelleRocks.Req req, HTMLFramer1 framer) { super.makeNavItems(req, framer); if (moveNavItemsToMisc) { var navItems = cloneList(framer.navItems); framer.clearNavItems(); String webSocketPlaceholder = span("", "class", "webSocketPlaceholder"); framer.addNavItem(hPopDownButtonWithText("Misc", map(navItems, ni -> framer.renderNavItem(ni))) + " " + webSocketPlaceholder); } if (findConcept(CMissingObject.class) != null) framer.addNavItem(makeClassNavItem(CMissingObject.class, req)); } transient public int showMoreThreshold = 500; transient public int showMoreHeight = 250; transient public IF1 addShowMoreButton; public String addShowMoreButton(String html) { return addShowMoreButton != null ? addShowMoreButton.get(html) : addShowMoreButton_base(html); } final public String addShowMoreButton_fallback(IF1 _f, String html) { return _f != null ? _f.get(html) : addShowMoreButton_base(html); } public String addShowMoreButton_base(String html) { if (l(html) < showMoreThreshold) return html; return new HDivWithVerticalExpandButton(showMoreHeight, html).html(); } public boolean deleteQsWhenEmpty() { BSettings settings = gazelleSettings(); return settings != null && settings.deleteQsWhenEmpty; } public Set activateOnlyTheseIDs() { if (empty(activateOnlyTheseIDs)) return null; return mapToLinkedHashSet(__66 -> parseLong(__66), tok_integers(activateOnlyTheseIDs)); } public Set dontActivateTheseIDs() { if (empty(dontActivateTheseIDs)) return null; return mapToLinkedHashSet(__67 -> parseLong(__67), tok_integers(dontActivateTheseIDs)); } public GazelleBEA beaMod() { return this; } public Object beaCall(BEAObject c, String method, Object... args) { return cCall(c, method, args); } public Object beaCallOpt(BEAObject c, String method, Object... args) { return cCallOpt(c, method, args); } public Object beaPcall(BEAObject c, String method, Object... args) { return cPcall(c, method, args); } public Object beaCall(Concept.Ref ref, String method, Object... args) { return cCall(ref, method, args); } public Object beaPcall(Concept.Ref ref, String method, Object... args) { return cPcall(ref, method, args); } public Object beaCall(long id, String method, Object... args) { return cCall(beaMod().beaGet(id), method, args); } public Object beaPcall(long id, String method, Object... args) { return cPcall(beaMod().beaGet(id), method, args); } public Object beaCallOpt(long id, String method, Object... args) { return cCallOpt(beaMod().beaGet(id), method, args); } public
A beaGet(Class c, String key, GazelleBEA.Req req) { return optCast(c, beaGet(key, req)); } public String beaHTMLURL(BEAObject o) { return o == null ? null : beaMod().baseLink + "/beaHTML/" + o.id; } public String beaHTML(Object o) { if (o instanceof BEAObject) return beaHTML(((BEAObject) o)); return htmlEncode2(o); } public BEAObject beaGetOpt(long id) { return getConceptOpt(BEAObject.class, id); } static public Collection beaDeleteType(String type) { return deleteConceptsWhereIC(BEAObject.class, "type", type); } public int beaCount(String type) { return countConceptsWhereCI(BEAObject.class, "type", type); } public BEAObject beaNew(Object... __) { __ = prependParamIfOddCount("type", __); return cnew(BEAObject.class, __); } public String getGlobalCode(List tok) { Var global = new Var<>(""); int idx; while ((idx = jfind_any(tok, "global {", "exports {")) >= 0) { int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx + 2); global.set(joinSubList(tok, idx + 3, j - 1)); clearTokens(tok, idx, j + 1); } return global.get(); } public String getGlobalCode(BEAObject o) { return getGlobalCode(javaTok(codeForObject(o))); } public AutoCloseable beaEnter(BEAObject o) { if (o == null) return null; return combineAutoCloseables(tempSetTL(beaThreadOwner, o), enter()); } public JComponent visualize() { JComponent _c = super.visualize(); addControls(); return _c; } public void addControls() { } transient public IF1 beaObjectToString_long; public String beaObjectToString_long(BEAObject o) { return beaObjectToString_long != null ? beaObjectToString_long.get(o) : beaObjectToString_long_base(o); } final public String beaObjectToString_long_fallback(IF1 _f, BEAObject o) { return _f != null ? _f.get(o) : beaObjectToString_long_base(o); } public String beaObjectToString_long_base(BEAObject o) { return beaObjectToString_long_static(o); } static public String beaObjectToString_long_static(BEAObject o) { if (o == null) return "null"; String type = strOrNull(cget("type", o)); String s = or2(type, "(no type)"); s += " " + o.id; s += appendBracketed(strOrNull(getOpt("label", o))); if (eqic(type, "Match")) s += " " + getOpt("mapping", o); boolean enabled = eq(true, getOpt("enabled", o)); if (enabled) s += " [enabled]"; String purpose = getStringOpt("purpose", o); if (nempty(purpose)) s += " " + quote(purpose); String text = or2(o.text(), getStringOpt("name", o), getStringOpt("internalCode", o)); if (text != null) s += " " + quote(text); Object fc = getOpt("functionCalled", o); if (fc != null) s += " " + fc; Object result = getOpt("result", o); if (result != null) s += " = " + shorten_str(result); return s; } public boolean useErrorHandling() { return false; } public User findOrCreateUserForLogin(String name, String pw) { { User u = super.findOrCreateUserForLogin(name, pw); if (u != null) return u; } Object u = vmBus_query("lookupGazelleUser", name, pw, passwordSalt()); if (u == null) return null; String contact = getString("contact", u); var passwordMD5 = new SecretValue(hashPW(pw)); if (passwordMD5 == null) return null; boolean isMaster = getBoolOpt("isMaster", u); return cnew(User.class, "name", name, "contact", contact, "passwordMD5", passwordMD5, "isMaster", isMaster, "copiedFromMainDB", true); } public String conceptLink(Concept c) { if (c instanceof BEAObject) return beaShortURL(((BEAObject) c)); return super.conceptLink(c); } public String conceptLink_long(Concept c) { return super.conceptLink(c); } public Req newReq() { return new Req(); } public Req currentReq() { return (Req) currentReq.get(); } public class Req extends DynGazelleRocks.Req { public Set makers = syncCompactSet(); public void add(Object html) { framer.add(html); } } } static public class BEAObject extends ConceptWithGlobalID { public UserPost mirrorPost() { return (UserPost) cget("mirrorPost", this); } public void change() { super.change(); var mod = beaMod(); if (mod != null) { mod.rstUpdateBEAMirrors.add(this); if (mod.autoActivateDynamicObjects) mod.rstAutoActivateDynamicObjects.add(this); } } public void delete() { cdelete(mirrorPost()); pcallOpt(this, "_deactivate"); super.delete(); } public void updateMirrorPost() { GazelleBEA mod = beaMod(); if (isDeleted() || !mod.mirrorBEAObjects) return; if (mirrorPost() == null) cset(this, "mirrorPost", cnew(UserPost.class, "type", "BEA Object", "creator", mod.internalUser(), "botInfo", "BEA Mirror Bot")); String text = structureString(); cset(mirrorPost(), "title", str(this), "text", text); } public String structureString() { String text = "Error"; try { structure_Data data = new structure_Data() { public structure_ClassInfo newClass(Class c) { structure_ClassInfo info = super.newClass(c); if (c == Concept.Ref.class) { info.special = true; info.serializeObject = o -> { Concept cc = (Concept) (deref((Concept.Ref) o)); if (cc != null) append("CRef(id=" + cc.id + ", c=" + quote(dynShortClassName(cc)) + ")", 6); else append("CRef", 1); }; } return info; } public void setFields(structure_ClassInfo info, List fields) { if (isSubclassOf(info.c, BEAObject.class)) { removeAll(fields, getField(BEAObject.class, "refs"), getField(BEAObject.class, "backRefs")); } super.setFields(info, fields); } }; String struct = structure(this, data); struct = structure_convertTokenMarkersToExplicit(struct); struct = dropLoadableUtilsPackageFromStruct(struct); text = indentStructureString_firstLevels(1, struct); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return text; } public String toString() { return shorten(toString_long()); } public String toString_long() { var mod = beaMod(); if (mod != null) return mod.beaObjectToString_long(this); return "[NO MODULE] " + mod.beaObjectToString_long_static(this); } public boolean _isAlive() { return !_conceptsDefunctOrUnregistered(); } public boolean hasCustomCode() { return cget("meta_code", this) != null || cget("meta_prototype", this) != null; } public boolean customCodeLoaded() { String className = getStringOpt("meta_javaClass", this); return className != null && eq(replace(className(this), "$", "."), className); } public String type() { return getStringOpt("type", this); } public boolean typeIs(String type) { return eqic(type(), type); } public boolean typeIsAny(String... types) { return typeIsOneOf(types); } public boolean typeIsOneOf(String... types) { return eqicOneOf(type(), types); } public String text() { return getStringOpt("text", this); } public BEAObject input() { return (BEAObject) cget("input", this); } public BEAObject isRewriteOf() { return (BEAObject) cget("isRewriteOf", this); } public String inputText() { BEAObject input = or(input(), isRewriteOf()); return input == null ? null : input.text(); } public Map mapping() { return keysAndValuesToString(cgetOpt(Map.class, this, "mapping")); } public List directCmds() { return ll(); } public Collection allObjects() { return list(_concepts, BEAObject.class); } public String baseLink() { return beaMod().baseLink; } public BEAObject beaGet(String field, BEAObject o) { return beaMod().beaGet(field, o); } public BEAObject beaGet(long id) { return beaMod().beaGet(id); } public BEAObject beaGet(String field) { return beaMod().beaGet(field, this); } public Object beaCall(BEAObject c, String method, Object... args) { return cCall(c, method, args); } public Object beaCallOpt(BEAObject c, String method, Object... args) { return cCallOpt(c, method, args); } public Object beaPcall(BEAObject c, String method, Object... args) { return cPcall(c, method, args); } public Object beaCall(Concept.Ref ref, String method, Object... args) { return cCall(ref, method, args); } public Object beaPcall(Concept.Ref ref, String method, Object... args) { return cPcall(ref, method, args); } public Object beaCall(long id, String method, Object... args) { return cCall(beaMod().beaGet(id), method, args); } public Object beaPcall(long id, String method, Object... args) { return cPcall(beaMod().beaGet(id), method, args); } public Object beaCallOpt(long id, String method, Object... args) { return cCallOpt(beaMod().beaGet(id), method, args); } public A beaGet(Class c, String key, GazelleBEA.Req req) { return optCast(c, beaGet(key, req)); } public String beaHTMLURL(BEAObject o) { return o == null ? null : beaMod().baseLink + "/beaHTML/" + o.id; } public String beaHTML(Object o) { if (o instanceof BEAObject) return beaHTML(((BEAObject) o)); return htmlEncode2(o); } public BEAObject beaGetOpt(long id) { return getConceptOpt(BEAObject.class, id); } static public Collection beaDeleteType(String type) { return deleteConceptsWhereIC(BEAObject.class, "type", type); } public int beaCount(String type) { return countConceptsWhereCI(BEAObject.class, "type", type); } public BEAObject beaNew(Object... __) { __ = prependParamIfOddCount("type", __); return cnew(BEAObject.class, __); } public gazelle.main.GazelleBEA beaMod() { return _concepts == null ? main.beaMod() : (GazelleBEA) _concepts.miscMapGet(DynNewBot2.class); } public Collection beaAll() { return beaList(); } public Collection beaList() { return beaMod().beaList(); } public Collection beaListAny(String... types) { return beaMod().beaListAny(types); } public Collection beaList(String type, Object... params) { return beaMod().beaList(type, params); } public String beaHTML(BEAObject o) { return beaMod().beaHTML(o); } public String beaURL(BEAObject o) { return beaShortURL(o); } public String beaShortURL(BEAObject o) { return beaMod().beaURL(o); } public String fixHtml(String html) { return fixHTML(html); } public String htmlFixer(String html) { return fixHTML(html); } public String htmlFix(String html) { return fixHTML(html); } public String fixHTML(String html) { return beaMod().callHTMLFixer(this, html); } public boolean createdByMasterUser(BEAObject o) { return beaMod().createdByMasterUser(o); } public String myURI() { return beaMod().baseLink + "/beaHTML/" + id; } public void massageItemMapForList(Map map) { } public BEAObject beaGet(String key, GazelleBEA.Req req) { return beaMod().beaGet(key, req); } public BEAObject me() { return this; } public Object completeFrame(GazelleBEA.Req req) { return beaMod().completeFrame(req); } } static public class BEARegExp extends BEAObject { static final public String _fieldOrder = "text caseInsensitive"; public String text; public boolean caseInsensitive = true; public boolean valid() { return nempty(text); } public java.util.regex.Pattern compile() { return compileRegexpPossiblyIC_unicodeCase(text, caseInsensitive); } } static public class BEARegExpReplacement extends BEARegExp { public String replacement; public String apply(String text) { try { return regexpReplace_directWithRefs(compile().matcher(text), unnull(replacement)); } catch (Throwable e) { throw fail(format_quoted("Was searching * in * ", this.text, text)); } } public List directCmds() { return listPlus(super.directCmds(), !valid() ? "Note: not valid" : targetBlank(beaMod().queryLink("Apply regular expression replacement to all inputs", str(id)), "Apply to all inputs")); } } static public class BEAPatternList extends BEAObject { public RefL patterns = new RefL(); public String toString() { return super.toString() + ": " + nPatterns(patterns); } } static public GazelleBEA beaMod() { return (GazelleBEA) dm_current_mandatory(); } static public JavaXClassLoader hotwire_makeClassLoader(List files) { ClassLoader cl = myClassLoader(); return new JavaXClassLoaderWithParent2(null, files, cl, ll()); } static public class BWebSocket extends BEAObject { static final public String _fieldOrder = "webSocketInfo screenShot onScreenShotChanged"; transient public GazelleBEA.WebSocketInfo webSocketInfo; transient public WithTimestamp screenShot; transient public Set onScreenShotChanged = syncLinkedHashSet(); public void sendJavaScript(String js) { if (empty(js)) return; Object ws = getWeakRef(webSocketInfo.webSocket); call(ws, "send", jsonEncode(litorderedmap("eval", js))); } public void setScreenShot(WithTimestamp screenShot) { this.screenShot = screenShot; vmBus_send("screenShotChanged", this, screenShot); print("Listeners: " + cloneList(onScreenShotChanged)); pcallFAll(onScreenShotChanged); } } static public class BWithResources extends BEAObject { static final public String _fieldOrder = "resources q log activated meta_shouldActivate"; transient public CloseablesHolder resources = new CloseablesHolder(); transient public Q q = startQ(); public List> log; transient public boolean activated = false; public boolean meta_shouldActivate = true; public AutoCloseable enter() { return beaMod().beaEnter(this); } public void _handleException(Throwable e) { beaPrint(getStackTrace(e)); } public boolean _active() { return activated; } final public void _activate() { addToQ(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (activated) return; activated = true; _activateImpl(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (activated) return;\r\n activated = true;\r\n _activateImpl();"; } }); } public void _activateImpl() { } public void _deactivate() { addToQ(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { _deactivateImpl(); resources.close(); activated = false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "_deactivateImpl();\r\n resources.close();\r\n activated = false;"; } }); } public void _deactivateImpl() { } public void delete() { _deactivate(); waitForQToEmpty(q()); super.delete(); } public void addResource(AutoCloseable r) { resources.add(r); } public void clearBEAPrintLog() { inQ(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { log = null; change(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "log = null;\r\n change();"; } }); } public int maxBeaPrintLength() { return 10000; } public void beaPrint(Object o) { beaPrint("", o); } public void beaPrint(String s, Object o) { AutoCloseable __35 = enter(); try { inQ(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { String text = combinePrintParameters(s, o); text = shorten(maxBeaPrintLength(), text); if (log == null) log = new ArrayList(); synchronized (log) { truncateListFromStart(log, maxLogSize() - 1); printIndent(id + "|", text); log.add(new WithTimestamp(text)); } change(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "String text = combinePrintParameters(s, o);\r\n text = shorten(maxBeaPrint..."; } }); } finally { _close(__35); } } public int maxLogSize() { return getIntOpt("maxLogSize", this, 10); } public BWithResources me() { return this; } public void inQ(Runnable r) { if (r == null) return; if (isInQ(q)) r.run(); else addToQ(r); } public void addToQ(Runnable r) { if (r == null) return; getQ().add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AutoCloseable __36 = enter(); try { try { r.run(); } catch (Throwable e) { beaPrint(getStackTrace(e)); } } finally { _close(__36); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp enter(); \r\n try {\r\n r.run();\r\n } catch (Throwable e) {\r..."; } }); } public Q q() { return getQ(); } public Q getQ() { return q; } } static public class BSettings extends Concept { public boolean deleteQsWhenEmpty = false; } static public class BHTTPRequest extends BEAObject { transient public GazelleBEA.Req req; } static public AutoCloseable tempInterceptPrintIfNotIntercepted(F1 f) { return print_byThread().get() == null ? tempInterceptPrint(f) : null; } static volatile public Concepts mainConcepts; static public Concepts db_mainConcepts() { if (mainConcepts == null) mainConcepts = newConceptsWithClassFinder(getDBProgramID()); return mainConcepts; } static public void cleanMeUp_concepts() { if (db_mainConcepts() != null) db_mainConcepts().cleanMeUp(); } static public String unnullForIteration(String s) { return s == null ? "" : s; } static public Collection unnullForIteration(Collection l) { return l == null ? immutableEmptyList() : l; } static public List unnullForIteration(List l) { return l == null ? immutableEmptyList() : l; } static public int[] unnullForIteration(int[] l) { return l == null ? emptyIntArray() : l; } static public char[] unnullForIteration(char[] l) { return l == null ? emptyCharArray() : l; } static public double[] unnullForIteration(double[] l) { return l == null ? emptyDoubleArray() : l; } static public Map unnullForIteration(Map l) { return l == null ? immutableEmptyMap() : l; } static public Iterable unnullForIteration(Iterable i) { return i == null ? immutableEmptyList() : i; } static public A[] unnullForIteration(A[] a) { return a == null ? (A[]) emptyObjectArray() : a; } static public BitSet unnullForIteration(BitSet b) { return b == null ? new BitSet() : b; } static public Pt unnullForIteration(Pt p) { return p == null ? new Pt() : p; } static public Pair unnullForIteration(Pair p) { return p != null ? p : new Pair(null, null); } static public long unnullForIteration(Long l) { return l == null ? 0L : l; } static public Map flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_honorPunctuation_noBrackets_first(String pat, String input) { return grabValueAndCancel(new VF1>>() { public void get(VF1> onMatch) { try { flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_honorPunctuation_noBrackets_iterate(pat, input, onMatch); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_honorPunctuation_noBrackets_iterate(pat, input, o..."; } }); } static public String appendSquareBracketed(String b) { return empty(b) ? "" : "" + " [" + b + "]"; } static public String appendSquareBracketed(String a, String b) { return empty(b) ? a : a + appendSquareBracketed(b); } static public String jquery_submitFormOnCtrlEnter() { return "if ((event.keyCode == 10 || event.keyCode == 13) && event.ctrlKey) $(this).closest('form').submit();"; } static public String hjs_handleScrollToAnchor() { return hjs("\r\n $(window).on(\"load\", function() {\r\n var anchor = window.location.hash.substr(1);\r\n var match = anchor.match(/^scrollTo(\\d+)$/);\r\n if (match) {\r\n var y = parseInt(match[1]);\r\n console.log(\"Scrolling to \" + y);\r\n window.scrollTo(0, y);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n "); } static public boolean userAgentIsBot(String userAgent) { return cic(userAgent, "bot") || cic(userAgent, "crawler"); } static public String js_redirectAutoScroll2() { return "$(\"input[name=redirect], input[name=redirectAfterSave]\").val(window.location.toString().replace(/(#.+?)$/, \"\") + (window.scrollY == 0 ? \"\" : \"#scrollTo\" + Math.round(window.scrollY)));"; } static public String hSingleRowTable_withSpacing(Object... elements) { return hSingleRowTable_withSpacing(10, elements); } static public String hSingleRowTable_withSpacing(int spacing, Object... elements) { return tag("table", tr(join("", map(new F1() { public String get(Object x) { try { return td_top(x); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "td_top(x)"; } }, nonNulls(elements))))); } static public String targetBlank_noFollow(String link, Object contents, Object... params) { return tag("a", contents, paramsPlus(params, "href", link, "target", "_blank", "rel", "nofollow")); } static public String tok_dropCurlyBrackets(String s) { return join(tok_dropCurlyBrackets(javaTok(s))); } static public List tok_dropCurlyBrackets(List tok) { for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) { while (eqGetOneOf(tok, i, "{", "}")) { tokAppend(tok, i - 1, tok.get(i + 1)); removeSubList(tok, i, i + 2); } } return tok; } static public Map mapToKey(Iterable l, IF1 f) { return mapToKeys(l, f); } static public Map mapToKey(IF1 f, Iterable l) { return mapToKeys(f, l); } static public List wideningListCast(Class c, List l) { return (List) l; } static public Collection wideningListCast(Class c, Collection l) { return (Collection) l; } static public String _className(Object o) { return className(o); } static public String htmlDecode_dropTags(String html) { return htmldecode_dropAllTags(html); } static public MultiSet distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts_multiSet(Class c, String field) { return distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts_multiSet(db_mainConcepts(), c, field); } static public MultiSet distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts_multiSet(Concepts concepts, Class c, String field) { IFieldIndex index = concepts.getCIFieldIndex(c, field); if (index != null) return index.allValues_multiSet(); MultiSet set = ciMultiSet(); for (A x : concepts.list(c)) set.add((String) getOpt(x, field)); return set; } static public TreeMap toCIMap(Map map) { return asCIMap(map); } static public B getAny(Map map, A... keys) { for (A a : unnullForIteration(keys)) { B b = map.get(a); if (b != null) return b; } return null; } static public String shortClassName_dropNumberPrefix(Object o) { return dropNumberPrefix(shortClassName(o)); } static public Set collectAngleBracketVars(String s) { return collectAngleBracketVars(javaTokWithAngleBrackets(s)); } static public Set collectAngleBracketVars(List tok) { Set set = ciSet(); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) if (isAngleBracketVar(tok.get(i))) set.add(deAngleBracket(tok.get(i))); return set; } static public Map mapToValues_ciMap(Iterable l, Object f) { return mapToValues_ciMap(f, l); } static public Map mapToValues_ciMap(Object f, Iterable l) { Map map = ciMap(); if (l != null) for (String o : l) map.put(o, callF(f, o)); return map; } static public Map mapToValues_ciMap(Iterable l, IF1 f) { return mapToValues_ciMap(f, l); } static public List regexpFindRangesIC(String pat, String s) { Matcher m = regexpMatcherIC(pat, s); List l = new ArrayList(); while (m.find()) l.add(new IntRange(m.start(), m.end())); return l; } static public A csetAndReturn(A c, Object... values) { cset(c, values); return c; } static public Object getStandardFunctionHolder(String functionName) { for (Object o : mcAndUtils()) if (hasMethodNamed(o, functionName)) return o; return loadFunction_cached(functionName); } static public Map putKeysFirst(Map map, Object... keys) { Map m2 = litorderedmap(); Map remaining = cloneMap(map); for (Object key : keys) { if (remaining.containsKey(key)) { m2.put(key, remaining.get(key)); remaining.remove(key); } } m2.putAll(remaining); return m2; } static public Map putKeysFirst(List keys, Map map) { return putKeysFirst(map, toObjectArray(keys)); } static public List concatMap_lists(Object f, Iterable l) { return concatMap(f, l); } static public List concatMap_lists(Iterable l, Object f) { return concatMap(l, f); } static public List concatMap_lists(Object f, Object[] l) { return concatMap(f, l); } static public List concatMap_lists(Object[] l, Object f) { return concatMap(l, f); } static public > List concatMap_lists(Iterable l, IF1 f) { return concatMap(l, f); } static public > List concatMap_lists(IF1 f, Iterable l) { return concatMap(f, l); } static public List findBackRefsWithField(Concept c, Class type, String field) { return filter(findBackRefs(c, type), o -> cget(o, field) == c); } static public List findBackRefsWithField(Class type, Concept c, String field) { return findBackRefsWithField(c, type, field); } static public List findBackRefsWithField(Class type, String field, Concept c) { return findBackRefsWithField(c, type, field); } static public int countWhereCI(Collection c, Object... data) { int n = 0; if (c != null) for (Object x : c) if (checkFieldsIC(x, data)) ++n; return n; } static public ReliableSingleThread_Multi dm_rstMulti(IVF1 processObject) { return dm_rstMulti(dm_current_mandatory(), processObject); } static public ReliableSingleThread_Multi dm_rstMulti(DynModule mod, IVF1 processObject) { return dm_rstMulti(mod, new ReliableSingleThread_Multi<>(processObject)); } static public ReliableSingleThread_Multi dm_rstMulti(int delay, IVF1 processObject) { return dm_rstMulti(dm_current_mandatory(), delay, processObject); } static public ReliableSingleThread_Multi dm_rstMulti(DynModule mod, int delay, IVF1 processObject) { return dm_rstMulti(mod, new ReliableSingleThread_Multi<>(delay, processObject)); } static public ReliableSingleThread_Multi dm_rstMulti(DynModule mod, ReliableSingleThread_Multi rst) { rst.setEnter(dm_rEnter(mod)); return rst; } static public Set syncLinkedHashSet() { return synchroLinkedHashSet(); } static public void quickImportMainConcepts(Object oldConcepts) { quickImportMainConcepts(oldConcepts, null); } static public void quickImportMainConcepts(Object oldConcepts, IF0 enabled) { if (!shortNameIs(oldConcepts, "Concepts")) return; Concepts concepts = db_mainConcepts(); concepts.miscMapPut("dbGrabber", new F0() { public Boolean get() { try { concepts.miscMapRemove("dbGrabber"); try { if (isFalse(callF(enabled))) return false; concepts.idCounter = getLong("idCounter", oldConcepts); printVars_str("idCounter", concepts.idCounter); Map oldMap = (Map) (_get("concepts", oldConcepts)); printVars_str("oldMap", oldMap); RealmCopy rc = new RealmCopy(); rc.nonTransientOnly = true; rc.fullCopy = true; rc.overrideCollectionOrMapCopy = o -> { rc.classMap.put(_getClass(o), _getClass(o)); return false; }; { AutoCloseable __1 = tempSetTL(dynamicObjectIsLoading_threadLocal(), true); try { concepts.concepts.putAll((Map) rc.copy(oldMap)); } finally { _close(__1); } } pnl("quickImportDB", mapSortedByFunctionOnKey(__68 -> str(__68), rc.classMap)); concepts.assignConceptsToUs(); print(nConcepts(countConcepts()) + " quick-imported"); return true; } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "concepts.miscMapRemove(\"dbGrabber\");\r\n pcall {\r\n if (isFalse(callF(en..."; } }); } static public String vmClassNameToSubPath(String className) { return empty(className) ? null : replace(className, ".", "/") + ".class"; } static public boolean classLoaderContainsByteCodePath(ClassLoader cl, File byteCodePath) { return contains(filesFromClassLoader_new(cl), byteCodePath); } static public boolean fileExistsInInDirOrZip(File location, String subPath) { try { if (location.isDirectory()) { File f = new File(location, subPath); return f.exists(); } else if (location.isFile()) { return zipContainsFile(location, subPath); } return false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public void printVars(Object... params) { printVars_str(params); } static public boolean addByteCodePathToClassLoader(ClassLoader cl, File bytecode) { try { print("Adding byte code path " + bytecode + " to " + cl); return isTrue(call(cl, "addFile", bytecode)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public void db() { conceptsAndBot(); } static public void db(Integer autoSaveInterval) { conceptsAndBot(autoSaveInterval); } static public ClassLoader dm_moduleClassLoader() { return dm_moduleClassLoader(dm_current_mandatory_generic()); } static public ClassLoader dm_moduleClassLoader(Object mod) { return getClassLoader(dm_getModule(mod)); } static public void setFieldToIF1Proxy(Object o, String field, IF1 target) { setFieldToSingleMethodProxy(o, field, target, "get"); } static public Object _defaultClassFinder_value = defaultDefaultClassFinder(); static public Object _defaultClassFinder() { return _defaultClassFinder_value; } static public String mcName() { return mc().getName(); } static public String dotToDollar(String s) { return replace(s, ".", "$"); } static public Class classLoader_loadClass(Object realm, String name) { try { ClassLoader cl = classLoader(realm); return cl == null ? null : cl.loadClass(name); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public void fixConceptIDs() { fixConceptIDs(db_mainConcepts()); } static public void fixConceptIDs(Concepts cc) { if (cc == null) return; for (Map.Entry __0 : _entrySet(cc.concepts)) { long id = __0.getKey(); Concept c = __0.getValue(); if (id == 0) { print("0 concept key: " + c); continue; } if (c.id == id) continue; print("Fixing concept ID: " + c.id + " => " + id + ": " + c); c.id = id; } } static public PrintWriter filePrintWriter_append(File f) { return printWriter(bufferedFileOutputStream_append(f)); } static public void printAllConceptChanges() { printAllConceptChanges(db_mainConcepts()); } static public void printAllConceptChanges(Concepts cc) { cc.addConceptIndex(new IConceptIndex() { public void update(Concept c) { print("Updated: " + c); } public void remove(Concept c) { print("Removed: " + c); } }); cc.onAllChanged.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { print("General concepts change"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "print(\"General concepts change\");"; } }); } static public Map parseEqualsProperties(String text) { return parseEqualsProperties(text, new HashMap()); } static public Map parseEqualsProperties(String text, Map map) { for (String s : tlft(text)) { int i = indexOf(s, '='); if (i > 0) map.put(trimSubstring(s, 0, i), trimSubstring(s, i + 1)); } return map; } static public String joinNemptiesWithEmptyLines(List l) { return joinWithEmptyLines(nempties(l)); } static public String joinNemptiesWithEmptyLines(String... l) { return joinNemptiesWithEmptyLines(asList(l)); } static public String actualMCDollar() { return actualMC().getName() + "$"; } static public Object defaultDefaultClassFinder() { return new F1() { public Class get(String name) { Class c = get2(name); return c; } public Class get2(String name) { if (eq(name, "
")) return mc(); { Class c = findClass_fullName(name); if (c != null) return c; } if (startsWithAny(name, "loadableUtils.utils$", "main$", mcDollar())) for (String pkg : ll("loadableUtils.utils$", mcDollar())) { String newName = pkg + afterDollar(name); { Class c = findClass_fullName(newName); if (c != null) return c; } } return null; } }; } static public String mcDollar() { return mcName() + "$"; } static public void assertSameVerbose(Object x, Object y) { assertSameVerbose((String) null, x, y); } static public void assertSameVerbose(String msg, Object x, Object y) { if (x != y) throw fail((msg != null ? msg + ": " : "") + sfu(y) + " !== " + sfu(x)); else print("OK: " + sfu(x)); } static public String renderConceptClassesWithCount(Concepts cc) { MultiSet ms = new MultiSet(); for (Concept c : values(cc.concepts)) ms.add(dynamicShortName(c)); return renderMultiSet(ms); } static public void dm_onSnippetTranspiled(VF1 r) { dm_requireSnippetUpdatesModule(); final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); dm_vmBus_onMessage("snippetUpdate", new VF1() { public void get(final List l) { try { m.q().add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { String uri = getString(l, 1); Matches m = new Matches(); if (swic(uri, "/transpileOK/", m)) { String snippetID = fsI(firstIntAsString(m.rest())); callF(r, snippetID); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "String uri = getString(l, 1);\r\n new Matches m;\r\n if (swic(uri, \"/transp..."; } }); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "switch to m.q();\r\n S uri = getString(l, 1);\r\n new Matches m;\r\n if (s..."; } }); } static public void dm_onSnippetTranspiled(String snippetID, Runnable r) { if (empty(snippetID) || r == null) return; dm_onSnippetTranspiled(new VF1() { public void get(String snippetID2) { try { if (sameSnippetID(snippetID, snippetID2)) r.run(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (sameSnippetID(snippetID, snippetID2))\r\n r.run();"; } }); } static public void dm_reloadModule(Object module) { dm_reloadModuleInBackground(module); } static public void dm_reloadModule() { dm_reloadModuleInBackground(); } static public AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_answerToMessage(String msg, final IF0 f) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_ownResource(vmBus_addListener_basic(msg, new F2() { public Object get(String _msg, Object arg) { try { AutoCloseable __1 = m.enter(); try { return callF(f); } finally { _close(__1); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp m.enter();\r\n ret callF(f);"; } })); } static public AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_answerToMessage(String msg, final F0 f) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_ownResource(vmBus_addListener_basic(msg, new F2() { public Object get(String _msg, Object arg) { try { AutoCloseable __2 = m.enter(); try { return callF(f); } finally { _close(__2); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp m.enter();\r\n ret callF(f);"; } })); } static public AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_answerToMessage(String msg, final F1 f) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_ownResource(vmBus_addListener_basic(msg, new F2() { public Object get(String _msg, Object arg) { try { AutoCloseable __3 = m.enter(); try { return callF(f, arg); } finally { _close(__3); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp m.enter();\r\n ret callF(f, arg);"; } })); } static public AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_answerToMessage(String msg, F2 f) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_ownResource(vmBus_addListener_basic(msg, new F2() { public Object get(String _msg, Object arg) { try { if (arg instanceof Object[]) { if (((Object[]) arg).length != 2) return null; AutoCloseable __4 = m.enter(); try { return callF(f, ((Object[]) arg)[0], ((Object[]) arg)[1]); } finally { _close(__4); } } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (arg cast O[]) {\r\n if (arg.length != 2) null;\r\n temp m.enter();\r..."; } })); } static public AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_answerToMessage(String msg, F3 f) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_ownResource(vmBus_addListener_basic(msg, new F2() { public Object get(String _msg, Object arg) { try { if (arg instanceof Object[]) { if (((Object[]) arg).length != 3) return null; AutoCloseable __5 = m.enter(); try { return callF(f, ((Object[]) arg)[0], ((Object[]) arg)[1], ((Object[]) arg)[2]); } finally { _close(__5); } } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (arg cast O[]) {\r\n if (arg.length != 3) null;\r\n temp m.enter();\r..."; } })); } static public String nemptyLinesLL(Object... l) { return nemptyLines(ll(l)); } static public void indexConceptClass(Class c) { indexConceptClass(db_mainConcepts(), c); } static public void indexConceptClass(Concepts cc, Class c) { ensureConceptClassIsIndexed(cc, c); } static public ConceptFieldIndexCI_withTopTen indexConceptFieldCIWithTopTen(Class c, String field) { return indexConceptFieldCIWithTopTen(db_mainConcepts(), c, field); } static public ConceptFieldIndexCI_withTopTen indexConceptFieldCIWithTopTen(Concepts cc, Class c, String field) { var idx = getConceptFieldCIIndex(cc, c, field); if (idx instanceof ConceptFieldIndexCI_withTopTen) return ((ConceptFieldIndexCI_withTopTen) idx); if (idx != null) cc.removeCIFieldIndex(c, field); return new ConceptFieldIndexCI_withTopTen(cc, c, field); } static public String pre_htmlEncode(Object contents, Object... params) { return pre_htmlencode(contents, params); } static public String renderStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] st) { return stackTraceToString(st); } static public String renderStackTrace(Throwable e) { return stackTraceToString(e); } static public String hjs_selectizeClickable() { return hjs("\r\n Selectize.define('clickable', function(options) {\r\n var self = this;\r\n var setup = self.setup;\r\n this.setup = function() {\r\n setup.apply(self, arguments);\r\n \r\n var clicking = false;\r\n \r\n // Detect click on a .clickable\r\n self.$dropdown_content.on('mousedown click', function(e) {\r\n if ($(e.target).hasClass('clickable')) {\r\n if (e.type === 'mousedown') {\r\n clicking = true;\r\n self.isFocused = false; // awful hack to defuse the document mousedown listener\r\n } else {\r\n self.isFocused = true;\r\n setTimeout(function() {\r\n clicking = false; // wait until blur has been preempted\r\n });\r\n }\r\n } else { // cleanup in case user right-clicked or dragged off the element\r\n clicking = false;\r\n self.isFocused = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n \r\n // Intercept default handlers\r\n self.$dropdown.off('mousedown click', '[data-selectable]').on('mousedown click', '[data-selectable]', function() {\r\n if (!clicking) {\r\n return self.onOptionSelect.apply(self, arguments);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n self.$control_input.off('blur').on('blur', function() {\r\n if (!clicking) {\r\n return self.onBlur.apply(self, arguments);\r\n }\r\n });\r\n }\r\n });\r\n "); } static public boolean jMatchStart(String pat, String s) { return jMatchStart(pat, s, null); } static public boolean jMatchStart(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { if (s == null) return false; return jMatchStart(pat, javaTok(s), matches); } static public boolean jMatchStart(String pat, List toks) { return jMatchStart(pat, toks, null); } static public boolean jMatchStart(String pat, List toks, Matches matches) { List tokpat = jfind_preprocess(javaTok(pat)); if (toks.size() < tokpat.size()) return false; String[] m = match2x(tokpat, toks.subList(0, tokpat.size())); if (m == null) return false; if (matches != null) { matches.m = new String[m.length + 1]; arraycopy(m, matches.m); matches.m[m.length] = join(toks.subList(tokpat.size(), toks.size())); } return true; } static public String nItems(long n) { return n2(n, "item"); } static public String nItems(Collection l) { return nItems(l(l)); } static public String nItems(Map map) { return nItems(l(map)); } static public Throwable pcall(Runnable r) { try { r.run(); return null; } catch (Throwable e) { return e; } } static public Object pcall(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { return call(o, method, args); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static public A pcall(IF0 f) { try { return f == null ? null : f.get(); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static public List llNempties(String... a) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(a.length); if (a != null) for (String x : a) if (nempty(x)) l.add(x); return l; } static public boolean hasMethodNamed(Object obj, String method) { if (obj == null) return false; if (obj instanceof Class) return hasMethodNamed((Class) obj, method); return hasMethodNamed(obj.getClass(), method); } static public boolean hasMethodNamed(Class c, String method) { while (c != null) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getName().equals(method)) return true; c = c.getSuperclass(); } return false; } static public List methodsSortedByNameIC(Collection l) { return sortedByCalculatedFieldIC(l, m -> m.getName()); } static public List allLiveMethodsBelowClass(Object o, Class base) { Class c = _getClass(o); boolean isInstance = c != o; List methods = new ArrayList(); while (c != null && c != base) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (isInstance != isStaticMethod(m)) methods.add(m); c = c.getSuperclass(); } return methods; } static public List objectsWhereNotIC(Collection c, Object... data) { if (c == null) return null; List l = new ArrayList(); for (A x : c) if (!checkFieldsIC(x, data)) l.add(x); return l; } static public List tok_integersAsLongs(String s) { return map(__69 -> parseLong(__69), tok_integers(s)); } static public A cgetOpt(Class type, Concept c, String field) { return optCast(type, cget(c, field)); } static public List> bitSetStreaksAndNonStreaks(BitSet bs, int n) { int start = 0; Boolean last = null; List> out = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Boolean result = bs.get(i); if (last != null && neq(result, last)) { out.add(pair(intRange(start, i), last)); start = i; } last = result; } if (start < n) out.add(pair(intRange(start, n), last)); return out; } static public String aname(String anchor, Object contents, Object... params) { return tag("a", contents, concatArrays(new Object[] { "name", anchor }, params)); } static public String htmlEncode2_str(Object o) { return htmlEncode2_gen(o); } static public IF0 call_optional(Object o, String method, String[] arg) { return call_optional(o, method, new Object[] { arg }); } static public IF0 call_optional(Object o, String method, Object... args) { if (!canCallWithVarargs(o, method, args)) return null; return if0_const(call(o, method, args)); } static public A assertNempty(A a) { return assertNempty("empty", a); } static public A assertNempty(String msg, A a) { if (empty(a)) throw fail(msg + ": " + a); return a; } static public List assertStringList(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof List)) throw fail("Not a list: " + className(o)); List l = (List) o; for (Object x : l) if (!(x instanceof String)) throw fail("Not a string: " + className(x)); return l; } static public void dm_reloadModuleIn(double seconds) { Object mod = dm_current_generic(); if (mod == null) return; print("Reloading module in " + seconds); doAfter(seconds, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { dm_reloadModule(mod); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "dm_reloadModule(mod)"; } }); } static public Timed returnTimed(IF0 f) { long time = nanos(); A a = f.get(); time = nanos() - time; return new Timed(a, nsToMS(time)); } static public Timed returnTimed(Runnable r) { return returnTimed(runnableToIF0(r)); } static public String ul_htmlEncode2(String... list) { return ul_htmlEncode(list); } static public String ul_htmlEncode2(Collection list, Object... params) { return ul_htmlEncode(list, params); } static public List allConceptShadows() { return allConceptShadows(db_mainConcepts()); } static public List allConceptShadows(Concepts cc) { if (cc == null) return null; List l = asList(cc.allConcepts()); assertTrue("Concepts are sorted by id", isSortedListByCalculatedField(__70 -> conceptID(__70), l)); return lmap(__71 -> conceptShadow(__71), l); } static public List> diffConceptShadows(List l1, List l2) { List> diffs = new ArrayList(); int i1 = 0, i2 = 0; while (i1 < l(l1) && i2 < l(l2)) { ConceptShadow s1 = l1.get(i1), s2 = l2.get(i2); long id1 = s1.id(), id2 = s2.id(); if (id1 < id2) { diffs.add(new CreatedDeletedChanged.Deleted(s1)); ++i1; } else if (id1 > id2) { diffs.add(new CreatedDeletedChanged.Created(s2)); ++i2; } else { if (!eq(s1, s2)) diffs.add(new CreatedDeletedChanged.Changed(s1, s2)); ++i1; ++i2; } } while (i1 < l(l1)) diffs.add(new CreatedDeletedChanged.Deleted(l1.get(i1++))); while (i2 < l(l2)) diffs.add(new CreatedDeletedChanged.Created(l2.get(i2++))); return diffs; } static public Object subBot_serveText(Object s) { return call(getMainBot(), "serveByteArray", toUtf8(str(s)), "text/plain; charset=utf8"); } static public String nDiffs(long n) { return n2(n, "diff"); } static public String nDiffs(Collection l) { return nDiffs(l(l)); } static public String nDiffs(Map map) { return nDiffs(l(map)); } static public List regexpExtractGroups(String pat, String s) { return regexpFirstGroups(pat, s); } static public String hijackPrintPlusResult_text(IF0 f) { Var var = new Var(); String out = hijackPrint(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { var.set(f.get()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "var.set(f.get())"; } }); return lines_rtrim(ll(out, str(var))); } static public Object subBot_serveFileWithName(File file) { return subBot_serveFileWithName(file, file.getName()); } static public Object subBot_serveFileWithName(File file, String name) { return call(getMainBot(), "serveFileWithName", file, name); } static public Object subBot_serveFileWithName(String name, File file) { return subBot_serveFileWithName(file, name); } static public Object subBot_serveFileWithName(File file, String name, String mimeType) { return call(getMainBot(), "serveFileWithName", file, name, mimeType); } static public File transpilerErrorSourceFile() { return javaxCachesDir("error-source.java"); } static public String profileThisThreadToString(Runnable r) { poorMansProfiling(currentThread()); try { r.run(); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return poorMansProfiling_stopAndRenderResults(); } static public Pair profileThisThreadToString(IF0 f) { Var var = new Var(); String profile = profileThisThreadToString(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { var.set(callF(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "var.set(callF(f))"; } }); return pair(var.get(), profile); } static public String lastTiming_formatted() { return renderElapsedTimePleasantly(lastTiming()); } static public A inlineSwappable(String fieldName, Object host, IF0 defaultCalculation) { if (nempty(fieldName)) { IF0 replacement = (IF0) (getOpt(host, fieldName)); if (replacement != null) return replacement.get(); } return defaultCalculation.get(); } static public boolean containsStars(String s) { return containsStars(javaTok_cached(s)); } static public boolean containsStars(List tok) { for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) if (eq(tok.get(i), "*")) return true; return false; } static public String unicode_thumbsUp() { return unicodeFromCodePoint(0x1F44D); } static public String unicode_thumbsDown() { return unicodeFromCodePoint(0x1F44E); } static public A unlistedCopyToClass_withConverter_pcall(Class c, Concept a) { if (a == null) return null; A b = unlisted(c); ccopyFields_withConverter_pcall(a, b); return b; } static public A replaceConceptAndUpdateRefs(Concept a, A b) { assertTrue("object to replace with must be unlisted", isUnlisted(b)); Concepts cc = a.concepts(); assertTrue("object to replace must be listed", cc != null); List refs = allBackRefObjects(a); b.id = a.id; deleteConcept(a); cc.register_phase2(b); cset(a, "meta_migratedTo", b); for (Concept.Ref ref : refs) ref.set(b); return b; } static public A stepAllAndGet(SteppableAndIF0 s) { stepAll(s); return s.get(); } static public void dm_mediumRefreshTranspiler() { dm_call(dm_moduleOfType("#1017065/Transpiler"), "mediumRefresh"); } static public void assertSame(Object a, Object b) { assertSame("", a, b); } static public void assertSame(String msg, Object a, Object b) { if (a != b) throw fail(joinNemptiesWithColon(msg, a + " != " + b + " (" + identityHash(a) + "/" + identityHash(b) + ")")); } static public int nCodeTokens(String s) { return countCodeTokens(s); } static public int nCodeTokens(List tok) { return countCodeTokens(tok); } static public int jfind_any(String src, String... patterns) { return jfind_any(javaTok(src), patterns); } static public int jfind_any(List tok, String... patterns) { int i = -1; for (String pat : patterns) i = minUnlessMinus1(i, jfind(tok, pat)); return i; } static public int jfind(String s, String in) { return jfind(javaTok(s), in); } static public int jfind(List tok, String in) { return jfind(tok, 1, in); } static public int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, String in) { return jfind(tok, startIdx, in, null); } static public int jfind(List tok, String in, Object condition) { return jfind(tok, 1, in, condition); } static public int jfind(List tok, String in, ITokCondition condition) { return jfind(tok, 1, in, condition); } static public int jfind(List tok, int startIndex, String in, ITokCondition condition) { return jfind(tok, startIndex, in, toTokCondition(condition)); } static public int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, String in, Object condition) { return jfind(tok, startIdx, javaTokForJFind_array(in), condition); } static public int jfind(List tok, List tokin) { return jfind(tok, 1, tokin); } static public int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, List tokin) { return jfind(tok, startIdx, tokin, null); } static public int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, String[] tokinC, Object condition) { return findCodeTokens(tok, startIdx, false, tokinC, condition); } static public int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, List tokin, Object condition) { return jfind(tok, startIdx, codeTokensAsStringArray(tokin), condition); } static public List jfind_preprocess(List tok) { for (String type : litlist("quoted", "id", "int")) replaceSublist(tok, ll("<", "", type, "", ">"), ll("<" + type + ">")); replaceSublist(tok, ll("\\", "", "*"), ll("\\*")); return tok; } static public long parseFirstLong_regexp(String s) { return firstLong_regexp(s); } static public List filesFromClassLoader(Class c) { return filesFromClassLoader(getClassLoader(c)); } static public List filesFromClassLoader(ClassLoader cl) { Collection l = filesFromClassLoader_new(cl); return l == null ? null : asList(l); } static public ThreadLocal transpileAndCompileForHotwiring_src = new ThreadLocal(); static public File transpileAndCompileForHotwiring(String src) { return transpileAndCompileForHotwiring(src, null); } static public File transpileAndCompileForHotwiring(String src, List libs) { transpileAndCompileForHotwiring_src.set(null); if (libs == null) libs = new ArrayList(); src = transpileRaw(src); transpileAndCompileForHotwiring_src.set(src); src = findTranslators2(src, libs); String dehlibs = join(" ", libs); File bytecode = javaCompile_overInternalBot(src, dehlibs); print("bytecode", bytecode); print("Files: " + listZip(bytecode)); return bytecode; } static public List tok_identifiers(String s) { return tok_identifiersInOrder(s); } static public List tok_identifiers(List tok) { return tok_identifiersInOrder(tok); } static public long regexpToLongIC(String regexp, String input) { return parseLong(regexpFirstGroupIC(regexp, input)); } static public Concept getConceptOrMarkMissingObject(Class requiredClass, long id) { return getConceptOrMarkMissingObject(db_mainConcepts(), requiredClass, id); } static public Concept getConceptOrMarkMissingObject(Concepts cc, Class requiredClass, long id) { if (cc == null) return null; Concept c = getConcept(cc, id); if (isInstanceOf(c, requiredClass)) return c; if (c instanceof CMissingObject) return c; if (c != null) throw fail("Can't cast: " + toStringWithClassName(c) + "/" + requiredClass); Lock __0 = dbLock(cc); lock(__0); try { if (getConcept(cc, id) == null) return cnew(cc, CMissingObject.class); return null; } finally { unlock(__0); } } static public boolean renameFileVerbose(File a, File b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; boolean result = a.renameTo(b); print("Renaming " + f2s(a) + " to " + f2s(b) + "? " + yesNo2(result)); return result; } static public boolean renameFileVerbose(File a, String newName) { return renameFileVerbose(a, fileInSameDir(a, newName)); } static public File byteCodePathForClass(Class c) { if (c == null) return null; ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(c); Collection files = (Collection) (getOpt(cl, "files")); if (files != null) { String name = c.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class"; for (File location : files) if (dirOrZipContainsPath(location, name)) return location; throw fail(name + " not found in: " + files); } return null; } static public File byteCodePathForClass(Object o) { return byteCodePathForClass(_getClass(o)); } static public List regexpGroups(String pat, String s) { return regexpFirstGroups(pat, s); } static public List setMinus_inPlace(List l, int i) { return removeAndReturnCollection(l, i); } static public > B setMinus_inPlace(B l, A a) { return removeAndReturnCollection(l, a); } static public void dm_addByteCodePathToModuleClassLoader(File bytecode) { try { ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(dm_current_mandatory_generic()); print("Adding to class loader " + cl + ": " + bytecode); call(cl, "addFile", bytecode); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public String formatGMTWithMilliseconds_24() { return formatGMTWithMilliseconds_24(now()); } static public String formatGMTWithMilliseconds_24(long time) { var sdf = simpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss''SSSS", TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); return sdf.format(time) + " GMT"; } static public A unlistedCopyToClass_withConverter(Class c, Concept a) { if (a == null) return null; A b = unlisted(c); ccopyFields_withConverter(a, b); return b; } static public Class findClassThroughDefaultClassFinder(String shortName) { return shortName == null ? null : (Class) callF(_defaultClassFinder(), "main$" + shortName); } static public String leadingAngleBracketStuff(String s) { if (!startsWith(s, ']')) return null; return substring(s, 1, smartIndexOf(s, ']')); } static public long parseDateWithMillisecondsGMT(String s) { try { return simpleDateFormat_GMT("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss''SSSS").parse(dropSuffix(" GMT", s)).getTime(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public Object realMC() { return getThreadLocal(realMC_tl()); } static public Class mc() { return main.class; } static public A routeThroughAll(Iterable> processors, A a) { for (var processor : unnullForIteration(cloneList(processors))) { try { a = processor.get(a); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } return a; } static public String nObjects(long n) { return n2(n, "object"); } static public String nObjects(Collection l) { return nObjects(l(l)); } static public String nObjects(Map m) { return nObjects(l(m)); } static public List regexpFirstGroups(String pat, String s) { if (s == null) return null; Matcher m = regexp(pat, s); return m.find() ? regexpGetGroups(m) : null; } static public A fourth(List l) { return _get(l, 3); } static public A fourth(A[] bla) { return bla == null || bla.length <= 3 ? null : bla[3]; } static public String dropDotSuffix(String s) { return dropTrailingDot(s); } static public String joinWithDot(Iterable l) { return join(".", l); } static public String joinWithDot(A... l) { return joinWithDot(asList(l)); } static public List splitAtSpace_trim(String s) { return nempties(trimAll(splitAtSpace(s))); } static public boolean addLibrariesToClassLoader(ClassLoader cl, Collection libIDs) { boolean change = false; for (String libID : unnullForIteration(libIDs)) change |= addLibraryToClassLoader(cl, libID); return change; } static public boolean getBoolOpt(Object o, String field) { return getBoolOpt(o, field, false); } static public boolean getBoolOpt(Object o, String field, boolean defaultValue) { return getBoolOpt(field, o, defaultValue); } static public boolean getBoolOpt(String field, Object o) { return getBoolOpt(field, o, false); } static public boolean getBoolOpt(String field, Object o, boolean defaultValue) { Object val = getOpt(o, field); return defaultValue ? !eq(Boolean.FALSE, val) : eq(Boolean.TRUE, val); } static public String shortenStr(Object o) { return shorten_str(o); } static public String shortenStr(Object o, int max) { return shorten_str(o, max); } static public List listPlusItems_inPlace(List l, A... more) { addAll(l, more); return l; } static public int classLoaderPathsCount(Class c) { return classLoaderPathsCount(getClassLoader(c)); } static public int classLoaderPathsCount(ClassLoader cl) { return l(filesFromClassLoader_new(cl)); } static public A findConcept(Class c, Object... params) { return findConceptWhere(c, params); } static public A findConcept(Concepts concepts, Class c, Object... params) { return findConceptWhere(concepts, c, params); } static public LinkedHashSet mapToLinkedHashSet(Object f, Iterable l) { LinkedHashSet x = new LinkedHashSet(l(l)); if (l != null) for (Object o : l) x.add(callF(f, o)); return x; } static public LinkedHashSet mapToLinkedHashSet(IF1 f, Iterable l) { return mapToLinkedHashSet((Object) f, l); } static public List tok_integers(String s) { return tok_integersInOrder(s); } static public Object cCall(Concept.Ref ref, String method, Object... args) { return ccall(ref, method, args); } static public Object cCall(Object object, String method, Object... args) { return ccall(object, method, args); } static public Object cCallOpt(Concept.Ref ref, String method, Object... args) { return ccallOpt(ref, method, args); } static public Object cCallOpt(Object object, String method, Object... args) { return ccallOpt(object, method, args); } static public Object cPcall(Concept.Ref ref, String method, Object... args) { return pcallWithEnter(cDeref(ref), method, args); } static public Object cPcall(Object object, String method, Object... args) { return pcallWithEnter(object, method, args); } static public List deleteConceptsWhereIC(Class c, Object... params) { return deleteConceptsWhereCI(c, params); } static public Object[] prependParamIfOddCount(Object x, Object[] params) { if (odd(l(params))) return itemPlusObjectArray(x, params); return params; } static public AutoCloseable combineAutoCloseables(final AutoCloseable a, final AutoCloseable b) { return a == null ? b : b == null ? a : new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "pClose(a); pClose(b);"; } public void close() throws Exception { pClose(a); pClose(b); } }; } static public AutoCloseable combineAutoCloseables(AutoCloseable a, AutoCloseable b, AutoCloseable c, AutoCloseable... more) { return combineAutoCloseables(concatLists(ll(a, b, c), asList(more))); } static public AutoCloseable combineAutoCloseables(Iterable l) { return foldl(new F2() { public AutoCloseable get(AutoCloseable a, AutoCloseable b) { try { return combineAutoCloseables(a, b); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "combineAutoCloseables(a,b)"; } }, null, l); } static public String shorten_str(Object o) { return shorten(str(o)); } static public String shorten_str(Object o, int max) { return shorten(str(o), max); } static public Set syncCompactSet() { return new CompactHashSet(); } static public String dynShortClassName(Object o) { return shortDynamicClassName(o); } static public String structure_convertTokenMarkersToExplicit(String s) { return join(structure_convertTokenMarkersToExplicit(javaTokForStructure(s))); } static public List structure_convertTokenMarkersToExplicit(List tok) { TreeSet refs = new TreeSet(); for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) { String t = tok.get(i); if (t.startsWith("t") && isInteger(t.substring(1))) { refs.add(parseInt(t.substring(1))); tok.set(i, "r" + substring(t, 1)); } } if (empty(refs)) return tok; for (int i : refs) { int idx = i * 2 + 1; if (idx >= l(tok)) continue; String t = ""; if (endsWithLetterOrDigit(tok.get(idx - 1))) t = " "; tok.set(idx, t + "m" + i + " " + tok.get(idx)); } return tok; } static public Map keysAndValuesToString(Map map) { return mapKeysAndValues(__72 -> str(__72), map); } static public String fixHTML(Object contents) { String s = str(contents); return hhtml(hbody(s)); } static public java.util.regex.Pattern compileRegexpPossiblyIC_unicodeCase(String pat, boolean ic) { return ic ? compileRegexpIC_unicodeCase(pat) : compileRegexp(pat); } static public String regexpReplace_directWithRefs(String s, String pat, String replacement) { Matcher m = regexp(pat, s); return regexpReplace_direct(m, replacement); } static public String regexpReplace_directWithRefs(Matcher m, String replacement) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) m.appendReplacement(buf, replaceDollarVars2_dyn(replacement, v -> !isInteger(v) ? null : matcherGroup(m, parseInt(v)))); m.appendTail(buf); return str(buf); } static public String format_quoted(String pat, Object... args) { return format_quoteAll(pat, args); } static public String nPatterns(long n) { return n2(n, "pattern"); } static public String nPatterns(Collection l) { return nPatterns(l(l)); } static public String nPatterns(Map map) { return nPatterns(l(map)); } static public void waitForQToEmpty(Q q) { if (q == null || inQ(q)) return; Flag flag = new Flag(); q.add(flag); flag.waitUntilUp(); } static public boolean inQ(Q q) { return isInQ(q); } static public String combinePrintParameters(String s, Object o) { return (endsWithLetterOrDigit(s) ? s + ": " : s) + o; } static public void truncateListFromStart(List l, int n) { if (l(l) <= n) return; removeSubList(l, 0, l(l) - n); } static public int getIntOpt(List c, int i) { return toIntOpt(get(c, i)); } static public int getIntOpt(Map map, Object key) { return toIntOpt(mapGet(map, key)); } static public int getIntOpt(Object o, String field) { return getIntOpt(o, field, 0); } static public int getIntOpt(Object o, String field, int defaultValue) { return toIntOpt(getOpt(o, field), defaultValue); } static public int getIntOpt(String field, Object o) { return getIntOpt(field, o, 0); } static public int getIntOpt(String field, Object o, int defaultValue) { return getIntOpt(o, field, defaultValue); } static public Concepts newConceptsWithClassFinder(String progID) { Concepts cc = new Concepts(progID); cc.classFinder = _defaultClassFinder(); return cc; } static public List immutableEmptyList() { return Collections.emptyList(); } static public Map immutableEmptyMap() { return Collections.emptyMap(); } static public void flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_honorPunctuation_noBrackets_iterate(String pat, String input, VF1> onMatch) { List vars = new ArrayList(); String starsPat = angleBracketVarsToStars(pat, vars); flexMatchIC_iterate(starsPat, javaTok(starsPat), javaTok(input), new VF1() { public void get(Matches m) { try { Map map = matchesToMapUsingVarList_ciMap(m, vars); if (map != null) callF(onMatch, map); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "SS map = matchesToMapUsingVarList_ciMap(m, vars);\r\n if (map != null) callF..."; } }); } static public String td_top(Object contents, Object... params) { return tdTop(contents, params); } static public void tokAppend(List tok, int i, String s) { tok.set(i, tok.get(i) + s); } static public Map mapToKeys(Iterable l, IF1 f) { if (l == null) return null; HashMap map = new HashMap(); for (A a : l) map.put(f.get(a), a); return map; } static public Map mapToKeys(IF1 f, Iterable l) { return mapToKeys(l, f); } static public MultiSet ciMultiSet() { MultiSet ms = new MultiSet(); ms.map = ciMap(); return ms; } static public MultiSet ciMultiSet(Iterable l) { return asCIMultiSet(l); } static public String dropNumberPrefix(String s) { return dropFirst(s, indexOfNonDigit(s)); } static public List mcAndUtils() { return llNonNulls(mc(), findClass_fullName("loadableUtils.utils")); } static public Set synchroLinkedHashSet() { return Collections.synchronizedSet(new CompactLinkedHashSet()); } static public boolean shortNameIs(String name, Object o) { return isShortNamed(name, o); } static public boolean shortNameIs(Object o, String name) { return shortNameIs(name, o); } static public long getLong(Object o, String field) { return toLong(getOpt(o, field)); } static public long getLong(String field, Object o) { return getLong(o, field); } static public LinkedHashMap mapSortedByFunctionOnKey(IF1 f, Map map) { List l = new ArrayList(map.keySet()); sortInPlaceByCalculatedField(l, f); LinkedHashMap map2 = new LinkedHashMap(); for (A a : l) map2.put(a, map.get(a)); return map2; } static public Collection filesFromClassLoader_new(Class c) { return filesFromClassLoader(getClassLoader(c)); } static public Collection filesFromClassLoader_new(ClassLoader cl) { return (Collection) getOpt(cl, "files"); } static public boolean zipContainsFile(File inZip, String fileName) { try { ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(inZip); try { return zip.getEntry(fileName) != null; } finally { _close(zip); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } volatile static public boolean conceptsAndBot_running = false; static public boolean conceptsAndBot_thinOnStart = true; static public void conceptsAndBot() { conceptsAndBot(null); } static public void conceptsAndBot(Integer autoSaveInterval) { if (conceptsAndBot_running) return; conceptsAndBot_running = true; Concepts cc = db_mainConcepts(); try { if (cc.useFileLock) { if (!cc.fileLock().tryToLock()) { ensureDBNotRunning(dbBotStandardName()); cc.fileLock().forceLock(); } } else ensureDBNotRunning(dbBotStandardName()); } catch (Throwable _e) { cc.dontSave = true; throw rethrow(_e); } cc.persist(autoSaveInterval); dbBot(false); if (conceptsAndBot_thinOnStart) { try { thinAProgramsBackups(getDBProgramID(), true); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } } static public void setFieldToSingleMethodProxy(Object o, String field, Object target, String methodName) { if (o == null || target == null) return; Class type = fieldType(o, field); if (type == null) throw fail("Field " + field + " not found in " + className(o)); set(o, field, singleObjectMethodProxy(type, target, methodName)); } static public ClassLoader classLoader(Object o) { return classLoaderForObject(o); } static public PrintWriter printWriter(OutputStream out) { return newPrintWriter(out); } static public PrintWriter printWriter(Writer out) { return newPrintWriter(out); } static public BufferedOutputStream bufferedFileOutputStream_append(File f) { try { return bufferedOutputStream(newFileOutputStream_append(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public String joinWithEmptyLines(Iterable l) { return join("\n\n", map(__73 -> rtrim(__73), l)); } static public String joinWithEmptyLines(String... l) { return joinWithEmptyLines(asList(l)); } static public Class actualMC() { return or((Class) realMC(), mc()); } static public Object get2(Object o, String field1, String field2) { return get(get(o, field1), field2); } static public HashMap findClass_fullName_cache = new HashMap(); static public Class findClass_fullName(String name) { synchronized (findClass_fullName_cache) { if (findClass_fullName_cache.containsKey(name)) return findClass_fullName_cache.get(name); Class c; try { c = Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { c = null; } findClass_fullName_cache.put(name, c); return c; } } static public boolean startsWithAny(String a, Collection b) { for (String prefix : unnullForIteration(b)) if (startsWith(a, prefix)) return true; return false; } static public boolean startsWithAny(String a, String... b) { if (b != null) for (String prefix : unnullForIteration(b)) if (startsWith(a, prefix)) return true; return false; } static public boolean startsWithAny(String a, Collection b, Matches m) { for (String prefix : unnullForIteration(b)) if (startsWith(a, prefix, m)) return true; return false; } static public String afterDollar(String s) { return substring(s, smartIndexOf(s, '$') + 1); } static public String dynamicShortName(Object o) { return shortDynamicClassName(o); } static public String renderMultiSet(MultiSet ms) { if (ms == null) return "-"; List l = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : ms.highestFirst()) l.add(str(o) + " (" + ms.get(o) + ")"); return joinWithComma(l); } static public String renderMultiSet(Iterable l) { return renderMultiSet(toMultiSet(l)); } static public void dm_requireSnippetUpdatesModule() { if (!dm_subOSConnectorToChannel("snippetUpdates")) dm_requireModule("#1019239/SnippetUpdates"); } static public String firstIntAsString(String s) { return jextract("", s); } static public void dm_reloadModuleInBackground(Object module) { dm_callOS("reloadModuleInBackground", dm_getStem(module)); } static public void dm_reloadModuleInBackground() { dm_reloadModuleInBackground(dm_current_mandatory_generic()); } static public AutoCloseable vmBus_addListener_basic(String msg, Object listener) { Map map = vm_busListenersByMessage_live(); synchronized (map) { Set listeners = map.get(msg); if (listeners == null) map.put(msg, listeners = syncIdentityHashSet()); return tempAdd(listeners, listener); } } static public String nemptyLines(Iterable l) { return lines(nempties(allToStrOrNull(l))); } static public String stackTraceToString(StackTraceElement[] st) { return lines(st); } static public String stackTraceToString(Throwable e) { return getStackTrace_noRecord(e); } static public String[] match2x(List pat, List tok) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); if (pat.size() != tok.size()) return null; for (int i = 1; i < pat.size(); i += 2) { String p = pat.get(i), t = tok.get(i); boolean match = false; if (eq(p, "*")) match = true; else if (eq(p, "")) match = isQuoted(t); else if (eq(p, "")) match = isIdentifier(t); else if (eq(p, "")) match = isInteger(t); else { if (!eq(p, t)) return null; continue; } if (!match) return null; result.add(t); } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } static public List sortedByCalculatedFieldIC(Iterable c, Object f) { return sortByCalculatedFieldIC(c, f); } static public List sortedByCalculatedFieldIC(Object f, Iterable c) { return sortedByCalculatedFieldIC(c, f); } static public List sortedByCalculatedFieldIC(IF1 f, Iterable c) { return sortedByCalculatedFieldIC((Object) f, c); } static public List sortedByCalculatedFieldIC(Iterable c, IF1 f) { return sortedByCalculatedFieldIC((Object) f, c); } static public boolean canCallWithVarargs(Object o, String method, Object... args) { if (o == null) return false; if (o instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) o; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); if (cache.findStaticMethod(method, args) != null) return true; List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs() && isStaticMethod(m))) continue; } if (massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args) != null) return true; } } else { Class c = o.getClass(); _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); if (cache.findMethod(method, args) != null) return true; List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; } if (massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args) != null) return true; } } return false; } static public IF0 if0_const(final A a) { return () -> a; } static public long nanos() { return nanoTime(); } static public double nsToMS(double nanoseconds) { return nanoseconds / 1e6; } static public IF0 runnableToIF0(Runnable r) { return r == null ? null : () -> { r.run(); return null; }; } static public boolean isSortedListByCalculatedField(Collection l, IF1 f) { return isSortedListByComparator(l, (a, b) -> cmp(f.get(a), f.get(b))); } static public boolean isSortedListByCalculatedField(IF1 f, Collection l) { return isSortedListByCalculatedField(l, f); } static public ConceptShadow conceptShadow(Concept c) { if (c == null) return null; return new ConceptShadow(c); } static public MultiSet poorMansProfiling_results = new MultiSet(); static public int poorMansProfiling_samples; static public java.util.Timer poorMansProfiling_timer; static public Lock poorMansProfiling_lock = lock(); static public int poorMansProfiling_defaultInterval = 100; static public Thread poorMansProfiling_threadToSample; static public void poorMansProfiling() { poorMansProfiling(poorMansProfiling_defaultInterval); } static public void poorMansProfiling(Thread thread) { poorMansProfiling(poorMansProfiling_defaultInterval, thread); } static public void poorMansProfiling(int interval) { poorMansProfiling(interval, null); } static public void poorMansProfiling(int interval, Thread thread) { Lock __0 = poorMansProfiling_lock; lock(__0); try { poorMansProfiling_threadToSample = thread; poorMansProfiling_stop(); poorMansProfiling_clear(); poorMansProfiling_timer = doEvery_daemon(interval, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Map map = poorMansProfiling_threadToSample != null ? litmap(poorMansProfiling_threadToSample, poorMansProfiling_threadToSample.getStackTrace()) : runnableThreadsWithStackTraces(); Lock __1 = poorMansProfiling_lock; lock(__1); try { poorMansProfiling_samples++; for (Thread t : keys(map)) { { if (isSystemThread(t)) continue; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (StackTraceElement e : map.get(t)) buf.append(e).append("\n"); poorMansProfiling_results.add(str(buf)); } } finally { unlock(__1); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Map map =\r\n poorMansProfiling_threadToSampl..."; } }); } finally { unlock(__0); } } static public void poorMansProfiling_stop() { Lock __2 = poorMansProfiling_lock; lock(__2); try { if (poorMansProfiling_timer != null) { stopTimer(poorMansProfiling_timer); poorMansProfiling_timer = null; } } finally { unlock(__2); } } static public void poorMansProfiling_clear() { Lock __3 = poorMansProfiling_lock; lock(__3); try { poorMansProfiling_results.clear(); poorMansProfiling_samples = 0; } finally { unlock(__3); } } static public MultiSet poorMansProfiling_results() { return new MultiSet(poorMansProfiling_results); } static public MultiSet poorMansProfiling_stopAndGetResults() { Lock __4 = poorMansProfiling_lock; lock(__4); try { poorMansProfiling_stop(); return poorMansProfiling_results(); } finally { unlock(__4); } } static public String poorMansProfiling_stopAndRenderResults() { return poorMansProfiling_renderFullResults(poorMansProfiling_stopAndGetResults()); } static public String renderElapsedTimePleasantly(long ms) { double secs = toSeconds(ms); if (secs >= 1) return formatDouble(secs, 3) + " s"; return ms + " ms"; } static public String renderElapsedTimePleasantly(Runnable r) { long time = sysNow(); { if (r != null) r.run(); } return renderElapsedTimePleasantly(sysNow() - time); } static public long lastTiming() { return getLastTiming(); } static public Map> javaTok_cached_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(100); static public List javaTok_cached(String s) { List tok = javaTok_cached_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) javaTok_cached_cache.put(s, tok = javaTok(s)); return tok; } static public A ccopyFields_withConverter_pcall(Concept x, A y, String... fields) { if (x == null || y == null) return y; if (empty(fields)) { for (String field : conceptFields(x)) pcallF(() -> cSmartSetField_withConverter(y, field, cget(x, field))); } else for (String field : fields) { Object o = cget(x, field); if (o != null) pcallF(() -> cSmartSetField_withConverter(y, field, o)); } return y; } static public boolean isUnlisted(Concept c) { return c != null && c.concepts() == null; } static public List allBackRefObjects(Concept c) { return cloneList(c == null ? null : c.backRefs); } static public void stepAll(Steppable s) { if (s != null) while (s.step()) { ping(); } } static public Object dm_moduleOfType(String type) { return first(dm_modulesOfType(type)); } static public int identityHash(Object o) { return identityHashCode(o); } static public int countCodeTokens(String s) { return countTokens(s); } static public int countCodeTokens(List tok) { return countTokens(tok); } static public int minUnlessMinus1(int a, int b) { return a == -1 ? b : b == -1 ? a : min(a, b); } static public long firstLong_regexp(String s) { return parseLongOr0(regexpExtract("\\d+", s)); } static public String toStringWithClassName(Object o) { return toStringWithClass(o); } static public String yesNo2(Boolean b) { return eq(b, true) ? "Yes" : eq(b, false) ? "No" : "Unknown"; } static public boolean dirOrZipContainsPath(File location, String subPath) { try { if (location.isDirectory()) { return new File(location, subPath).exists(); } else if (location.isFile()) { return zipFileContains_falseOnError(location, subPath); } return false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public List removeAndReturnCollection(List l, int i) { remove(l, i); return l; } static public > B removeAndReturnCollection(B l, A a) { remove(l, a); return l; } static public A ccopyFields_withConverter(Concept x, A y, String... fields) { if (x == null || y == null) return y; if (empty(fields)) { for (String field : conceptFields(x)) cSmartSetField_withConverter(y, field, cget(x, field)); } else for (String field : fields) { Object o = cget(x, field); if (o != null) cSmartSetField_withConverter(y, field, o); } return y; } static public SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat_GMT(String format) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format); sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); return sdf; } static public List regexpGetGroups(Matcher matcher) { int n = matcher.groupCount(); List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) l.add(matcher.group(i)); return l; } static public List regexpGetGroups(String pat, String s) { Matcher m = regexpMatcher(pat, s); if (m.find()) return regexpGetGroups(m); return null; } static public String dropTrailingDot(String s) { return dropSuffix(".", s); } static public boolean addLibraryToClassLoader(ClassLoader cl, String libraryID) { try { return addByteCodePathToClassLoader(cl, loadLibraryOrSrcLib(libraryID)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public Object ccall(Concept.Ref ref, String method, Object... args) { return callWithEnter(cDeref(ref), method, args); } static public Object ccall(Object object, String method, Object... args) { return callWithEnter(object, method, args); } static public Object ccallOpt(Concept.Ref ref, String method, Object... args) { return callOptWithEnter(cDeref(ref), method, args); } static public Object ccallOpt(Object object, String method, Object... args) { return callOptWithEnter(object, method, args); } static public Object pcallWithEnter(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { return callWithEnter(o, method, args); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static public A cDeref(Concept.Ref ref) { return ref == null ? null : ref.get(); } static public List deleteConceptsWhereCI(Class c, Object... params) { List l = cloneList(findConceptsWhereCI(c, params)); deleteConcepts(l); return l; } static public Object[] itemPlusObjectArray(Object a, Object[] l) { Object[] out = new Object[l(l) + 1]; out[0] = a; arraycopy(l, 0, out, 1, l(l)); return out; } static public void pClose(AutoCloseable c) { close_pcall(c); } static public A foldl(F2 f, A seed, Iterable l) { A a = seed; if (l != null) for (B b : l) a = callF(f, a, b); return a; } static public A foldl(F2 f, A seed, B[] l) { A a = seed; if (l != null) for (B b : l) a = callF(f, a, b); return a; } static public A foldl(Object f, A seed, B[] l) { A a = seed; if (l != null) for (B b : l) a = (A) callF(f, a, b); return a; } static public String shortDynamicClassName(Object o) { if (o instanceof DynamicObject && ((DynamicObject) o).className != null) return ((DynamicObject) o).className; return shortClassName(o); } static public Map mapKeysAndValues(Object f, Map map) { return mapKeysAndValues(f, f, map); } static public Map mapKeysAndValues(Object fKey, Object fValue, Map map) { if (map == null) return null; Map m = similarEmptyMap(map); for (Map.Entry __1 : _entrySet((Map) map)) { Object key = __1.getKey(); Object val = __1.getValue(); m.put(callF(fKey, key), callF(fValue, val)); } return m; } static public Map mapKeysAndValues(IF1 f, Map map) { return mapKeysAndValues(f, f, map); } static public Map mapKeysAndValues(IF1 fKey, IF1 fValue, Map map) { if (map == null) return null; Map m = similarEmptyMap(map); for (Map.Entry __0 : _entrySet(map)) { A key = __0.getKey(); B val = __0.getValue(); m.put(fKey.get(key), fValue.get(val)); } return m; } static public Map compileRegexpIC_unicodeCase_cache = syncMRUCache(10); static public java.util.regex.Pattern compileRegexpIC_unicodeCase(String pat) { java.util.regex.Pattern p = compileRegexpIC_unicodeCase_cache.get(pat); if (p == null) { try { compileRegexpIC_unicodeCase_cache.put(pat, p = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(pat, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE)); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { throw rethrow(wrapPatternSyntaxException(e)); } } return p; } static public String regexpReplace_direct(String s, String pat, String replacement) { Matcher m = regexp(pat, s); return regexpReplace_direct(m, replacement); } static public String regexpReplace_direct(Matcher m, String replacement) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) m.appendReplacement(buf, replacement); m.appendTail(buf); return str(buf); } static public String replaceDollarVars2_dyn(String s, IF1 f) { if (f == null) return s; return regexpReplace(s, "\\$(\\w+)|\\$\\{(.+?)\\}", matcher -> { String var = or(matcher.group(1), matcher.group(2)); String val = f.get(var); return val == null ? matcher.group() : str(val); }); } static public String matcherGroup(java.util.regex.Matcher m, int n) { return m != null && n >= 1 && n <= m.groupCount() ? m.group(n) : null; } static public String format_quoteAll(String pat, Object... args) { if (args.length == 0) return pat; List tok = javaTok(pat); int argidx = 0; for (int i = 1; i < tok.size(); i += 2) if (tok.get(i).equals("*")) tok.set(i, quote(argidx < args.length ? args[argidx++] : "null")); return join(tok); } static public int toIntOpt(Object o) { return toIntOpt(o, 0); } static public int toIntOpt(Object o, int defaultValue) { if (o == null) return defaultValue; if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).intValue(); if (o instanceof String) return parseIntOpt((String) o); return defaultValue; } static public int indexOfNonDigit(String s) { int n = l(s); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (!isDigit(s.charAt(i))) return i; return -1; } static public boolean isShortNamed(String name, Object o) { return eq(shortClassName(o), name); } static public List sortInPlaceByCalculatedField(List l, final F1 f) { sort(l, new Comparator() { public int compare(A a, A b) { return stdcompare(f.get(a), f.get(b)); } }); return l; } static public List sortInPlaceByCalculatedField(List l, final IF1 f) { sort(l, new Comparator() { public int compare(A a, A b) { return stdcompare(f.get(a), f.get(b)); } }); return l; } static public ClassLoader classLoaderForObject(Object o) { if (o instanceof ClassLoader) return ((ClassLoader) o); if (o == null) return null; return _getClass(o).getClassLoader(); } static public PrintWriter newPrintWriter(OutputStream out) { return new PrintWriter(outputStreamToWriter(out)); } static public PrintWriter newPrintWriter(Writer out) { return new PrintWriter(out); } static public BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out) { if (out == null) return null; if (out instanceof BufferedOutputStream) return ((BufferedOutputStream) out); return new BufferedOutputStream(out, defaultBufferedOutputStreamSize()); } static public FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream_append(File path) { try { return newFileOutputStream(path, true); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream_append(String path) { try { return newFileOutputStream(path, true); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public MultiSet toMultiSet(Iterable l) { return asMultiSet(l); } static public boolean dm_subOSConnectorToChannel(String channel) { if (hasMethodNamed(dm_os(), "subConnectorToChannel")) return false; dm_osCall("subConnectorToChannel", channel); return true; } static public String dm_requireModule(String moduleLibID) { return dm_makeModule(moduleLibID); } static public List allToStrOrNull(Iterable c) { return lmap(__74 -> strOrNull(__74), c); } static public List allToStrOrNull(Object[] c) { return lmap(__75 -> strOrNull(__75), c); } static public String getStackTrace(Throwable throwable) { lastException(throwable); return getStackTrace_noRecord(throwable); } static public String getStackTrace_noRecord(Throwable throwable) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); throwable.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)); return hideCredentials(writer.toString()); } static public String getStackTrace() { return getStackTrace_noRecord(new Throwable()); } static public List sortByCalculatedFieldIC(Iterable c, final Object f) { List l = cloneList(c); sort(l, new Comparator() { public int compare(A a, A b) { return compareIC((String) callF(f, a), (String) callF(f, b)); } }); return l; } static public long nanoTime() { return System.nanoTime(); } static public boolean isSortedListByComparator(Collection l, Comparator cmp) { Iterator it = iterator(l); if (!it.hasNext()) return true; A a = it.next(); while (it.hasNext()) { A b = it.next(); if (cmp.compare(a, b) > 0) return false; a = b; } return true; } static public FixedRateTimer doEvery_daemon(long delay, final Object r) { return doEvery_daemon(defaultTimerName(), delay, r); } static public FixedRateTimer doEvery_daemon(String timerName, long delay, final Object r) { return doEvery_daemon(timerName, delay, delay, r); } static public FixedRateTimer doEvery_daemon(long delay, long firstDelay, final Object r) { return doEvery_daemon(defaultTimerName(), delay, firstDelay, r); } static public FixedRateTimer doEvery_daemon(String timerName, long delay, long firstDelay, final Object r) { FixedRateTimer timer = new FixedRateTimer(true); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(smartTimerTask(r, timer, delay), firstDelay, delay); return timer; } static public FixedRateTimer doEvery_daemon(double delaySeconds, final Object r) { return doEvery_daemon(toMS(delaySeconds), r); } static public Map runnableThreadsWithStackTraces() { Map map = filterMap((__77, __78) -> isThreadRunnable_x(__77, __78), Thread.getAllStackTraces()); map.remove(currentThread()); return map; } static public boolean isSystemThread(Thread t) { ThreadGroup g = t.getThreadGroup(); return g != null && g.getName().equals("system"); } static public void stopTimer(java.util.Timer timer) { if (timer != null) timer.cancel(); } static public ThreadLocal poorMansProfiling_renderFullResults_backwards = new ThreadLocal(); static public String poorMansProfiling_renderFullResults(final MultiSet traces) { int samples = poorMansProfiling_samples; boolean backwards = isTrue(getAndClearThreadLocal(poorMansProfiling_renderFullResults_backwards)); final int n = traces.size(); int percent = ratioToIntPercent(l(traces), samples); return (samples == 0 ? "Nothing sampled" : percent + "% core activity [" + n2(samples, "sample") + " taken]") + "\n\n" + joinMap(backwards ? traces.lowestFirst() : traces.highestFirst(), new F1() { public Object get(String trace) { try { return traces.get(trace) + "/" + n + "\n" + trace + "\n\n"; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "traces.get(trace) + \"/\" + n + \"\\n\" + trace + \"\\n\\n\""; } }); } static public long getLastTiming() { ThreadLocal tl = saveTiming_tl(); if (tl == null) return -1; Long l = tl.get(); return l == null ? -1 : l; } static public boolean cSmartSetField_withConverter(Concept c, String field, Object value) { return cSmartSetField_withConverter(c, field, value, false); } static public boolean cSmartSetField_withConverter(Concept c, String field, Object value, boolean verbose) { return cSmartSetField_withConverter(c, field, value, new DefaultValueConverterForField(), verbose); } static public boolean cSmartSetField_withConverter(Concept c, String field, Object value, ValueConverterForField converter) { return cSmartSetField_withConverter(c, field, value, converter, false); } static public boolean cSmartSetField_withConverter(Concept c, String field, Object value, ValueConverterForField converter, boolean verbose) { try { Field f = setOpt_findField(c.getClass(), field); if (f != null) { if (verbose) print("cSmartSetField_withConverter: setting " + f + " = " + value); if (converter != null && value != null) { OrError result = converter.convertValue(c, f, value); if (result == null) throw fail("Unknown conversion " + className(value) + " => " + f); if (!result.ok()) throw fail("Unknown conversion " + className(value) + " => " + f + ": " + result.error()); value = result.get(); } if (verbose) print("cSmartSetField_withConverter: converted value=" + value); if (value instanceof List && f.getType() == Concept.RefL.class) { Concept.RefL l = (Concept.RefL) (f.get(c)); if (verbose) print("cSmartSetField_withConverter: RefL=" + l); l.replaceWithList((List) value); if (verbose) print("cSmartSetField_withConverter: backrefs=" + c.backRefs); return true; } if (value instanceof Concept && f.getType() == Concept.Ref.class) return ((Concept.Ref) f.get(c)).set((Concept) value); } return _csetField(c, field, value); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public List dm_modulesOfType(String type) { List l = splitAtSlash(type); if (l(l) == 2) return filterByProgramIDAndShortClassName(dm_listModules(), first(l), second(l)); else return filterByShortClassName(dm_listModules(), type); } static public long parseLongOr0(String s) { return parseLong(s); } static public long parseLongOr0(Object s) { return parseLong(s); } static public String regexpExtract(String pat, String s) { if (s == null) return null; Matcher m = regexpMatcher(pat, s); return m.find() ? m.group() : null; } static public String toStringWithClass(Object o) { return o == null ? null : className(o) + " - " + o; } static public boolean zipFileContains_falseOnError(File inZip, String fileName) { try { return zipFileContains(inZip, fileName); } catch (Throwable e) { return false; } } static public Object callWithEnter(Object o, String method, String[] arg) { return callWithEnter(o, method, new Object[] { arg }); } static public Object callWithEnter(Object o, String method, Object... args) { if (o == null) return null; AutoCloseable __1 = tempEnter(o); try { return call_withVarargs(o, method, args); } finally { _close(__1); } } static public Object callOptWithEnter(Object o, String method, String[] arg) { return callOptWithEnter(o, method, new Object[] { arg }); } static public Object callOptWithEnter(Object o, String method, Object... args) { if (o == null) return null; AutoCloseable __1 = tempEnter(o); try { return callOpt_withVarargs(o, method, args); } finally { _close(__1); } } static public Writer outputStreamToWriter(OutputStream out) { try { return new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public int defaultBufferedOutputStreamSize() { return 65536; } static public MultiSet asMultiSet(Iterable l) { return new MultiSet(l); } static public Object dm_osCall(String functionName, Object... args) { return dm_callOS(functionName, args); } static public Map filterMap(Map map, Object f) { if (map == null) return null; Map m2 = similarEmptyMap(map); for (A a : keys(map)) { B b = map.get(a); if (isTrue(callF(f, a, b))) m2.put(a, b); } return m2; } static public Map filterMap(Object f, Map map) { return filterMap(map, f); } static public Map filterMap(Map map, IF2 f) { return filterMap(f, map); } static public Map filterMap(IF2 f, Map map) { return filterMap(map, (Object) f); } static public Set isThreadRunnable_x_exclude = lithashset("Java.lang.Thread.start0", "java.lang.Object.wait", "java.net.Inet6AddressImpl.lookupAllHostAddr", "java.io.FileInputStream.readBytes", "jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park", "sun.misc.Unsafe.park", "java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0", "java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect", "java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketAccept", "sun.awt.X11.XToolkit.waitForEvents", "java.net.DualStackPlainSocketImpl.accept0", "org.jnativehook.GlobalScreen$NativeHookThread.enable", "java.lang.Thread.sleep", "sun.nio.ch.EPollArrayWrapper.epollWait", "com.ibm.lang.management.internal.MemoryNotificationThread.processNotificationLoop", "com.ibm.tools.attach.target.IPC.waitSemaphore", "sun.nio.ch.Net.poll", "sun.nio.ch.Net.accept", "sun.nio.ch.Net.connect0", "sun.nio.ch.EPoll.wait", "sun.nio.ch.SocketDispatcher.read0", "sun.nio.fs.LinuxWatchService.poll", "java.lang.ref.Reference.waitForReferencePendingList", "com.sun.java.accessibility.internal.AccessBridge.runDLL"); static public boolean isThreadRunnable_x(Thread t, StackTraceElement[] trace) { { Boolean __1 = (Boolean) vmBus_query("isThreadRunnable_x", t, trace); if (__1 != null) return __1; } if (t.getState() != Thread.State.RUNNABLE) return false; StackTraceElement e = first(trace); if (e == null) return false; String s = e.getClassName() + "." + e.getMethodName(); return !isThreadRunnable_x_exclude.contains(s); } static public int ratioToIntPercent(double x, double y) { return roundToInt(x * 100 / y); } static public boolean _csetField(Concept c, String field, Object value) { try { Field f = setOpt_findField(c.getClass(), field); if (value instanceof RC) value = c._concepts.getConcept((RC) value); value = deref(value); if (value instanceof String && l((String) value) >= concepts_internStringsLongerThan) value = intern((String) value); if (f == null) { assertIdentifier(field); Object oldVal = mapGet(c.fieldValues, field); if (value instanceof Concept) { if (oldVal instanceof Concept.Ref) return ((Concept.Ref) oldVal).set(((Concept) value)); else { dynamicObject_setRawFieldValue(c, field, c.new Ref(((Concept) value))); c.change(); return true; } } else { if (oldVal instanceof Concept.Ref) ((Concept.Ref) oldVal).unindexAndDrop(); if (eq(oldVal, value)) return false; if (isConceptList(value)) { dynamicObject_setRawFieldValue(c, field, c.new RefL(((List) value))); c.change(); return true; } if (value == null) { dynamicObject_dropRawField(c, field); } else { if (!isPersistable(value)) throw fail("Can't persist: " + c + "." + field + " = " + value); dynamicObject_setRawFieldValue(c, field, value); } c.change(); return true; } } else if (isSubtypeOf(f.getType(), Concept.Ref.class)) { ((Concept.Ref) f.get(c)).set((Concept) derefRef(value)); c.change(); return true; } else if (isSubtypeOf(f.getType(), Concept.RefL.class)) { ((Concept.RefL) f.get(c)).replaceWithList(lmap(__76 -> derefRef(__76), (List) value)); c.change(); return true; } else { Object old = f.get(c); if (neq(value, old)) { boolean isTransient = isTransient(f); if (!isTransient && !isPersistable(value)) throw fail("Can't persist: " + c + "." + field + " = " + value); f.set(c, value); if (!isTransient) c.change(); return true; } } return false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public List splitAtSlash(String s) { return trimAll(asList(s.split("/"))); } static public List filterByProgramIDAndShortClassName(Iterable l, String progID, String className) { List out = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : unnull(l)) if (shortClassNameIs(o, className) && sameSnippetID(getProgramID(o), progID)) out.add(o); return out; } static public List dm_listModules() { return (List) dm_callOS("listModules"); } static public List filterByShortClassName(Iterable l, String name) { List out = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : unnull(l)) if (shortClassNameIs(o, name)) out.add(o); return out; } static public boolean zipFileContains(File inZip, String fileName) { try { ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(inZip); try { return zipFileContains(zip, fileName); } finally { zip.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public boolean zipFileContains(ZipFile zip, String fileName) { try { return zip.getEntry(fileName) != null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public AutoCloseable tempEnter(Object o) { return o == null ? null : optCast(AutoCloseable.class, rcallOpt("enter", o)); } static public Object callOpt_withVarargs(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) o; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(method, args); if (me == null) { return null; } if ((me.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) return null; return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } else { Class c = o.getClass(); _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(method, args); if (me != null) return invokeMethod(me, o, args); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; } Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args); if (newArgs != null) return invokeMethod(m, o, newArgs); } return null; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static public void dynamicObject_setRawFieldValue(DynamicObject o, Object key, Object value) { if (o == null) return; synchronized (o) { o.fieldValues = syncMapPut2_createLinkedHashMap((LinkedHashMap) o.fieldValues, key, value); } } static public void dynamicObject_dropRawField(DynamicObject o, Object key) { if (o == null) return; synchronized (o) { o.fieldValues = (LinkedHashMap) syncMapRemove_deleteMapIfEmpty((Map) o.fieldValues, key); } } static public boolean isPersistable(Object o) { return !isInAnonymousClass(o); } static public boolean isTransient(Field f) { return (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.TRANSIENT) != 0; } static public Object rcallOpt(String method, Object o, Object... args) { return callOpt_withVarargs(o, method, args); } static public > C syncMapRemove_deleteMapIfEmpty(C map, A key) { if (map != null && key != null) synchronized (collectionMutex(map)) { map.remove(key); if (map.isEmpty()) return null; } return map; } static public boolean isInAnonymousClass(Object o) { if (o == null) return false; return isAnonymousClassName(className(o)); } static public boolean isAnonymousClassName(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < l(s); i++) if (s.charAt(i) == '$' && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i + 1))) return true; return false; } static public class TimedCache { public long timeout; volatile public A value; public Object function; public long set; public Lock lock = lock(); public boolean keepValueWhileCalculating = false; public int stores, fails, hits; public TimedCache(double timeoutSeconds, IF0 function) { this(function, timeoutSeconds); } public TimedCache(double timeoutSeconds, Object function) { this(function, timeoutSeconds); } public TimedCache(Object function, double timeoutSeconds) { this(timeoutSeconds); this.function = function; } public TimedCache(double timeoutSeconds) { timeout = toMS(timeoutSeconds); } public A set(A a) { Lock __0 = lock; lock(__0); try { ++stores; value = a; set = now(); return a; } finally { unlock(__0); } } public boolean has() { Lock __1 = lock; lock(__1); try { clean(); if (set != 0) { ++hits; return true; } ++fails; return false; } finally { unlock(__1); } } public A get() { Lock __2 = lock; lock(__2); try { if (function != null) return get(function); clean(); if (set != 0) ++hits; else ++fails; return value; } finally { unlock(__2); } } public A get(Object makerFunction) { Lock __3 = lock; lock(__3); try { if (keepValueWhileCalculating) { if (value == null || shouldClean()) set((A) callF(makerFunction)); return value; } else { return this.has() ? getNoClean() : set((A) callF(makerFunction)); } } finally { unlock(__3); } } public A getNoClean() { Lock __4 = lock; lock(__4); try { return value; } finally { unlock(__4); } } public void clean() { Lock __5 = lock; lock(__5); try { if (shouldClean()) clear(); } finally { unlock(__5); } } public boolean shouldClean() { return timeout > 0 && now() > set + timeout; } public void clear() { Lock __6 = lock; lock(__6); try { set = 0; value = null; } finally { unlock(__6); } } public String stats() { return "Stores: " + stores + ", hits: " + hits + ", fails: " + fails; } public A peek() { return value; } } static public class CompactLinkedHashSet extends AbstractSet { public UnsynchronizedCompactHashSet> entries = new UnsynchronizedCompactHashSet(); public Entry head, tail; static public class Entry { public A value; public Entry prev, next; public int hashCode() { return loadableUtils.utils.hashCode(value); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return o == this || eq(value, o); } } public boolean add(A a) { if (entries.contains(a)) return false; Entry n = new Entry(); n.value = a; n.prev = tail; if (tail != null) tail.next = n; tail = n; if (head == null) head = n; entries.add(n); return true; } public boolean remove(Object a) { return remove(entries.find(a)); } public boolean remove(Entry node) { if (node == null) return false; if (node.next != null) node.next.prev = node.prev; else tail = node.prev; if (node.prev != null) node.prev.next = node.next; else head = node.next; entries.remove(node); return true; } public int size() { return entries.size(); } public IterableIterator iterator() { return new IterableIterator() { public Entry entry = head, prev = null; public boolean hasNext() { return entry != null; } public A next() { A a = entry.value; prev = entry; entry = entry.next; return a; } public void remove() { if (prev == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); CompactLinkedHashSet.this.remove(prev); prev = null; } }; } public void clear() { entries.clear(); head = tail = null; } public boolean contains(Object a) { return entries.contains(a); } public A find(Object o) { Entry e = entries.find(o); return e == null ? null : e.value; } public A prevElement(A a) { Entry e = entries.find(a); if (e == null || e.prev == null) return null; return e.prev.value; } public A nextElement(A a) { Entry e = entries.find(a); if (e == null || e.next == null) return null; return e.next.value; } public A first() { return head == null ? null : head.value; } public A last() { return tail == null ? null : tail.value; } public boolean removeIfSame(Object o) { A value = find(o); if (value == o) { remove(value); return true; } return false; } } static abstract public class F3 { abstract public D get(A a, B b, C c); } static public class CompactHashSet extends java.util.AbstractSet { final static public int INITIAL_SIZE = 0; final static public int FIRST_INCREMENT = 3; public final static double LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75; final static public Object nullObject = new Object(); final static public Object deletedObject = new Object(); public int elements; public int freecells; public A[] objects; public int modCount; public CompactHashSet() { this(INITIAL_SIZE); } public CompactHashSet(int size) { objects = (A[]) (size == 0 ? emptyObjectArray() : new Object[size]); elements = 0; freecells = objects.length; modCount = 0; } public CompactHashSet(Collection c) { this(c.size()); addAll(c); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return new CompactHashIterator(); } @Override public int size() { return elements; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return elements == 0; } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return find(o) != null; } synchronized public A find(Object o) { if (objects.length == 0) return null; if (o == null) o = nullObject; int hash = o.hashCode(); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; int offset = 1; while (objects[index] != null && !(objects[index].hashCode() == hash && objects[index].equals(o))) { index = ((index + offset) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; offset = offset * 2 + 1; if (offset == -1) offset = 2; } return objects[index]; } public boolean removeIfSame(Object o) { A value = find(o); if (value == o) { remove(value); return true; } return false; } @Override synchronized public boolean add(Object o) { if (objects.length == 0) rehash(FIRST_INCREMENT); if (o == null) o = nullObject; int hash = o.hashCode(); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; int offset = 1; int deletedix = -1; while (objects[index] != null && !(objects[index].hashCode() == hash && objects[index].equals(o))) { if (objects[index] == deletedObject) deletedix = index; index = ((index + offset) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; offset = offset * 2 + 1; if (offset == -1) offset = 2; } if (objects[index] == null) { if (deletedix != -1) index = deletedix; else freecells--; modCount++; elements++; objects[index] = (A) o; if (1 - (freecells / (double) objects.length) > LOAD_FACTOR) rehash(); return true; } else return false; } @Override synchronized public boolean remove(Object o) { if (objects.length == 0) return false; if (o == null) o = nullObject; int hash = o.hashCode(); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; int offset = 1; while (objects[index] != null && !(objects[index].hashCode() == hash && objects[index].equals(o))) { index = ((index + offset) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; offset = offset * 2 + 1; if (offset == -1) offset = 2; } if (objects[index] != null) { objects[index] = (A) deletedObject; modCount++; elements--; return true; } else return false; } @Override synchronized public void clear() { elements = 0; for (int ix = 0; ix < objects.length; ix++) objects[ix] = null; freecells = objects.length; modCount++; } @Override synchronized public Object[] toArray() { Object[] result = new Object[elements]; Object[] objects = this.objects; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) if (objects[i] != null && objects[i] != deletedObject) { if (objects[i] == nullObject) result[pos++] = null; else result[pos++] = objects[i]; } return result; } @Override synchronized public T[] toArray(T[] a) { int size = elements; if (a.length < size) a = (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), size); A[] objects = this.objects; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) if (objects[i] != null && objects[i] != deletedObject) { if (objects[i] == nullObject) a[pos++] = null; else a[pos++] = (T) objects[i]; } return a; } public void rehash() { int garbagecells = objects.length - (elements + freecells); if (garbagecells / (double) objects.length > 0.05) rehash(objects.length); else rehash(objects.length * 2 + 1); } public void rehash(int newCapacity) { int oldCapacity = objects.length; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") A[] newObjects = (A[]) new Object[newCapacity]; for (int ix = 0; ix < oldCapacity; ix++) { Object o = objects[ix]; if (o == null || o == deletedObject) continue; int hash = o.hashCode(); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % newCapacity; int offset = 1; while (newObjects[index] != null) { index = ((index + offset) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % newCapacity; offset = offset * 2 + 1; if (offset == -1) offset = 2; } newObjects[index] = (A) o; } objects = newObjects; freecells = objects.length - elements; } public class CompactHashIterator implements Iterator { public int index; public int lastReturned = -1; public int expectedModCount; @SuppressWarnings("empty-statement") public CompactHashIterator() { synchronized (CompactHashSet.this) { for (index = 0; index < objects.length && (objects[index] == null || objects[index] == deletedObject); index++) ; expectedModCount = modCount; } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { synchronized (CompactHashSet.this) { return index < objects.length; } } @SuppressWarnings("empty-statement") @Override public T next() { synchronized (CompactHashSet.this) { int length = objects.length; if (index >= length) { lastReturned = -2; throw new NoSuchElementException(); } lastReturned = index; for (index += 1; index < length && (objects[index] == null || objects[index] == deletedObject); index++) ; if (objects[lastReturned] == nullObject) return null; else return (T) objects[lastReturned]; } } @Override public void remove() { synchronized (CompactHashSet.this) { if (modCount != expectedModCount) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); if (lastReturned == -1 || lastReturned == -2) throw new IllegalStateException(); if (objects[lastReturned] != null && objects[lastReturned] != deletedObject) { objects[lastReturned] = (A) deletedObject; elements--; modCount++; expectedModCount = modCount; } } } } synchronized public int capacity() { return objects.length; } synchronized public boolean shrinkToFactor(double factor) { if (factor > LOAD_FACTOR) throw fail("Shrink factor must be equal to or smaller than load factor: " + factor + " / " + LOAD_FACTOR); int newCapacity = max(INITIAL_SIZE, iround(size() / factor)); if (newCapacity >= capacity()) return false; rehash(newCapacity); return true; } } static public class UnsynchronizedCompactHashSet extends java.util.AbstractSet { final static public int INITIAL_SIZE = 3; public final static double LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75; final static public Object nullObject = new Object(); final static public Object deletedObject = new Object(); public int elements; public int freecells; public A[] objects; public int modCount; public UnsynchronizedCompactHashSet() { this(INITIAL_SIZE); } public UnsynchronizedCompactHashSet(int size) { objects = (A[]) new Object[(size == 0 ? 1 : size)]; elements = 0; freecells = objects.length; modCount = 0; } public UnsynchronizedCompactHashSet(Collection c) { this(c.size()); addAll(c); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { return new CompactHashIterator(); } @Override public int size() { return elements; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return elements == 0; } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { return find(o) != null; } public A find(Object o) { if (o == null) o = nullObject; int hash = o.hashCode(); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; int offset = 1; while (objects[index] != null && !(objects[index].hashCode() == hash && objects[index].equals(o))) { index = ((index + offset) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; offset = offset * 2 + 1; if (offset == -1) offset = 2; } return objects[index]; } public boolean removeIfSame(Object o) { A value = find(o); if (value == o) { remove(value); return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean add(Object o) { if (o == null) o = nullObject; int hash = o.hashCode(); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; int offset = 1; int deletedix = -1; while (objects[index] != null && !(objects[index].hashCode() == hash && objects[index].equals(o))) { if (objects[index] == deletedObject) deletedix = index; index = ((index + offset) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; offset = offset * 2 + 1; if (offset == -1) offset = 2; } if (objects[index] == null) { if (deletedix != -1) index = deletedix; else freecells--; modCount++; elements++; objects[index] = (A) o; if (1 - (freecells / (double) objects.length) > LOAD_FACTOR) rehash(); return true; } else return false; } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { if (o == null) o = nullObject; int hash = o.hashCode(); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; int offset = 1; while (objects[index] != null && !(objects[index].hashCode() == hash && objects[index].equals(o))) { index = ((index + offset) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % objects.length; offset = offset * 2 + 1; if (offset == -1) offset = 2; } if (objects[index] != null) { objects[index] = (A) deletedObject; modCount++; elements--; return true; } else return false; } @Override public void clear() { elements = 0; for (int ix = 0; ix < objects.length; ix++) objects[ix] = null; freecells = objects.length; modCount++; } @Override public Object[] toArray() { Object[] result = new Object[elements]; Object[] objects = this.objects; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) if (objects[i] != null && objects[i] != deletedObject) { if (objects[i] == nullObject) result[pos++] = null; else result[pos++] = objects[i]; } return result; } @Override public T[] toArray(T[] a) { int size = elements; if (a.length < size) a = (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), size); A[] objects = this.objects; int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) if (objects[i] != null && objects[i] != deletedObject) { if (objects[i] == nullObject) a[pos++] = null; else a[pos++] = (T) objects[i]; } return a; } public void rehash() { int garbagecells = objects.length - (elements + freecells); if (garbagecells / (double) objects.length > 0.05) rehash(objects.length); else rehash(objects.length * 2 + 1); } public void rehash(int newCapacity) { int oldCapacity = objects.length; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") A[] newObjects = (A[]) new Object[newCapacity]; for (int ix = 0; ix < oldCapacity; ix++) { Object o = objects[ix]; if (o == null || o == deletedObject) continue; int hash = o.hashCode(); int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % newCapacity; int offset = 1; while (newObjects[index] != null) { index = ((index + offset) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % newCapacity; offset = offset * 2 + 1; if (offset == -1) offset = 2; } newObjects[index] = (A) o; } objects = newObjects; freecells = objects.length - elements; } public class CompactHashIterator implements Iterator { public int index; public int lastReturned = -1; public int expectedModCount; @SuppressWarnings("empty-statement") public CompactHashIterator() { for (index = 0; index < objects.length && (objects[index] == null || objects[index] == deletedObject); index++) ; expectedModCount = modCount; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return index < objects.length; } @SuppressWarnings("empty-statement") @Override public T next() { int length = objects.length; if (index >= length) { lastReturned = -2; throw new NoSuchElementException(); } lastReturned = index; for (index += 1; index < length && (objects[index] == null || objects[index] == deletedObject); index++) ; if (objects[lastReturned] == nullObject) return null; else return (T) objects[lastReturned]; } @Override public void remove() { if (modCount != expectedModCount) throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); if (lastReturned == -1 || lastReturned == -2) throw new IllegalStateException(); if (objects[lastReturned] != null && objects[lastReturned] != deletedObject) { objects[lastReturned] = (A) deletedObject; elements--; modCount++; expectedModCount = modCount; } } } public int capacity() { return objects.length; } public boolean shrinkToFactor(double factor) { if (factor > LOAD_FACTOR) throw fail("Shrink factor must be equal to or smaller than load factor: " + factor + " / " + LOAD_FACTOR); int newCapacity = max(INITIAL_SIZE, iround(size() / factor)); if (newCapacity >= capacity()) return false; rehash(newCapacity); return true; } } static public String find(String pattern, String text) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) return matcher.group(1); return null; } static public A find(Collection c, Object... data) { for (A x : c) if (checkFields(x, data)) return x; return null; } }