import java.util.*; import*; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import*; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.lang.ref.*; import*; import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; import java.math.*; import*; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.awt.geom.*; class main { static ParameterizedSegmenter parameterizedSegmenterFromAGIBlue(String name) { ParameterizedSegmenter segmenter = new ParameterizedSegmenter(); List> values = agiBlue_lookupMultipleKeys(agiBlue_imageSegmentationSlice(), name, nonTransientNonStaticFieldNames(segmenter)); if (empty(values)) return null; // Page not found for (Pair __0 : values) { String key = pairA(__0); String value = pairB(__0); set(segmenter, key, safeUnstructureAllowingCertainClasses_plusUtils(value, "Rect", "DoubleRange")); } return segmenter; } static List> agiBlue_lookupMultipleKeys(String sliceID, String q, Collection keys) { return map((List>) agiBlue_loadBotPage("lookupMultipleKeys", paramsPlus_noOverwrite(paramsWithSameKey("key", keys), "slice" , sliceID, "q", q)), map -> pair(map.get("key"), map.get("value"))); } static String agiBlue_imageSegmentationSlice() { return "lgobeactljkewwtz"; } static Set nonTransientNonStaticFieldNames(Object o) { return allNonStaticNonTransientFields(o); } static boolean empty(Collection c) { return c == null || c.isEmpty(); } static boolean empty(CharSequence s) { return s == null || s.length() == 0; } static boolean empty(Map map) { return map == null || map.isEmpty(); } static boolean empty(Object[] o) { return o == null || o.length == 0; } static boolean empty(Object o) { if (o instanceof Collection) return empty((Collection) o); if (o instanceof String) return empty((String) o); if (o instanceof Map) return empty((Map) o); if (o instanceof Object[]) return empty((Object[]) o); if (o instanceof byte[]) return empty((byte[]) o); if (o == null) return true; throw fail("unknown type for 'empty': " + getType(o)); } static boolean empty(float[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(int[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(long[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(byte[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(short[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(File f) { return getFileSize(f) == 0; } static A pairA(Pair p) { return p == null ? null : p.a; } static B pairB(Pair p) { return p == null ? null : p.b; } static A set(A o, String field, Object value) { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) set((Class) o, field, value); else try { Field f = set_findField(o.getClass(), field); f.setAccessible(true); smartSet(f, o, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return o; } static void set(Class c, String field, Object value) { if (c == null) return; try { Field f = set_findStaticField(c, field); f.setAccessible(true); smartSet(f, null, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static Field set_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); throw new RuntimeException("Static field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName()); } static Field set_findField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field)) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); throw new RuntimeException("Field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName()); } static A safeUnstructureAllowingCertainClasses_plusUtils(String s, String... allowedClasses) { Set allowedClassesSet = new HashSet(); for (String name : unnull(allowedClasses)) { allowedClassesSet.add("main$" + name); allowedClassesSet.add("loadableUtils.utils$" + name); } Object classFinder = new F1() { Object get(String name) { try { if (!allowedClassesSet.contains(name)) throw fail("Class not allowed to unstructure: " + name); return classForName(name); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (!allowedClassesSet.contains(name)) fail(\"Class not allowed to unstructure..."; }}; return (A) unstructure(s, false, classFinder); } static List map(Iterable l, Object f) { return map(f, l); } static List map(Object f, Iterable l) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (Object o : l) x.add(callF(f, o)); return x; } static List map(Iterable l, F1 f) { return map(f, l); } static List map(F1 f, Iterable l) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (A o : l) x.add(callF(f, o)); return x; } static List map(IF1 f, Iterable l) { return map(l, f); } static List map(Iterable l, IF1 f) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (A o : l) x.add(f.get(o)); return x; } static List map(IF1 f, A[] l) { return map(l, f); } static List map(A[] l, IF1 f) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (A o : l) x.add(f.get(o)); return x; } static List map(Object f, Object[] l) { return map(f, asList(l)); } static List map(Object[] l, Object f) { return map(f, l); } static List map(Object f, Map map) { return map(map, f); } // map: func(key, value) -> list element static List map(Map map, Object f) { List x = new ArrayList(); if (map != null) for (Object _e : map.entrySet()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) _e; x.add(callF(f, e.getKey(), e.getValue())); } return x; } static Object agiBlue_loadBotPage(String cmd, Object... params) { return loadJSONPage(agiBlueURL() + "/bot" + addSlashPrefix(cmd) + hquery(params)); } static Object[] paramsPlus_noOverwrite(Object[] a1, Object... a2) { if (a2 == null || l(a2) == 2 && a2[0] == null) return a1; if (a1 == null) return a2; return concatArrays(assertEvenLength(a1), assertEvenLength(a2)); } static Object[] paramsWithSameKey(Object key, Collection values) { return paramsWithSameKey(key, asObjectArray(values)); } static Object[] paramsWithSameKey(Object key, Object... values) { int n = l(values); Object[] o = new Object[n*2]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { o[i*2] = key; o[i*2+1] = values[i]; } return o; } static Pair pair(A a, B b) { return new Pair(a, b); } static Pair pair(A a) { return new Pair(a, a); } static Set allNonStaticNonTransientFields(Object o) { TreeSet fields = new TreeSet(); Class _c = _getClass(o); do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if ((f.getModifiers() & (Modifier.STATIC|Modifier.TRANSIENT)) == 0) fields.add(f.getName()); _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return fields; } static RuntimeException fail() { throw new RuntimeException("fail"); } static RuntimeException fail(Throwable e) { throw asRuntimeException(e); } static RuntimeException fail(Object msg) { throw new RuntimeException(String.valueOf(msg)); } static RuntimeException fail(String msg) { throw new RuntimeException(msg == null ? "" : msg); } static RuntimeException fail(String msg, Throwable innerException) { throw new RuntimeException(msg, innerException); } static String getType(Object o) { return getClassName(o); } static long getFileSize(String path) { return path == null ? 0 : new File(path).length(); } static long getFileSize(File f) { return f == null ? 0 : f.length(); } static void smartSet(Field f, Object o, Object value) throws Exception { try { f.set(o, value); } catch (Exception e) { Class type = f.getType(); // take care of common case (long to int) if (type == int.class && value instanceof Long) value = ((Long) value).intValue(); if (type == LinkedHashMap.class && value instanceof Map) { f.set(o, asLinkedHashMap((Map) value)); return; } throw e; } } static String unnull(String s) { return s == null ? "" : s; } static Collection unnull(Collection l) { return l == null ? emptyList() : l; } static List unnull(List l) { return l == null ? emptyList() : l; } static Map unnull(Map l) { return l == null ? emptyMap() : l; } static Iterable unnull(Iterable i) { return i == null ? emptyList() : i; } static A[] unnull(A[] a) { return a == null ? (A[]) new Object[0] : a; } static BitSet unnull(BitSet b) { return b == null ? new BitSet() : b; } static Pt unnull(Pt p) { return p == null ? new Pt() : p; } //ifclass Symbol static Pair unnull(Pair p) { return p != null ? p : new Pair(null, null); } static Map classForName_cache = synchroHashMap(); static Class classForName(String name) { try { if (classForName_cache == null) return Class.forName(name); // in class init Class c = classForName_cache.get(name); if (c == null) classForName_cache.put(name, c = Class.forName(name)); return c; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static RuntimeException rethrow(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof Error) _handleError((Error) t); throw t instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) t : new RuntimeException(t); } static RuntimeException rethrow(String msg, Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(msg, t); } static Object unstructure(String text) { return unstructure(text, false); } static Object unstructure(String text, final boolean allDynamic) { return unstructure(text, allDynamic, null); } static int structure_internStringsLongerThan = 50; static int unstructure_unquoteBufSize = 100; static int unstructure_tokrefs; // stats abstract static class unstructure_Receiver { abstract void set(Object o); } // classFinder: func(name) -> class (optional) static Object unstructure(String text, boolean allDynamic, Object classFinder) { if (text == null) return null; return unstructure_tok(javaTokC_noMLS_iterator(text), allDynamic, classFinder); } static Object unstructure_reader(BufferedReader reader) { return unstructure_tok(javaTokC_noMLS_onReader(reader), false, null); } static Object unstructure_tok(final Producer tok, final boolean allDynamic, final Object _classFinder) { final boolean debug = unstructure_debug; final class X { int i = -1; final Object classFinder = _classFinder != null ? _classFinder : _defaultClassFinder(); HashMap refs = new HashMap(); HashMap tokrefs = new HashMap(); HashSet concepts = new HashSet(); HashMap classesMap = new HashMap(); List stack = new ArrayList(); String curT; char[] unquoteBuf = new char[unstructure_unquoteBufSize]; String unquote(String s) { return unquoteUsingCharArray(s, unquoteBuf); } // look at current token String t() { return curT; } // get current token, move to next String tpp() { String t = curT; consume(); return t; } void parse(final unstructure_Receiver out) { String t = t(); int refID = 0; if (structure_isMarker(t, 0, l(t))) { refID = parseInt(t.substring(1)); consume(); } final int _refID = refID; // if (debug) print("parse: " + quote(t)); final int tokIndex = i; parse_inner(refID, tokIndex, new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { if (_refID != 0) refs.put(_refID, o); if (o != null) tokrefs.put(tokIndex, o); out.set(o); } }); } void parse_inner(int refID, int tokIndex, final unstructure_Receiver out) { String t = t(); // if (debug) print("parse_inner: " + quote(t)); Class c = classesMap.get(t); if (c == null) { if (t.startsWith("\"")) { String s = internIfLongerThan(unquote(tpp()), structure_internStringsLongerThan); out.set(s); return; } if (t.startsWith("'")) { out.set(unquoteCharacter(tpp())); return; } if (t.equals("bigint")) { out.set(parseBigInt()); return; } if (t.equals("d")) { out.set(parseDouble()); return; } if (t.equals("fl")) { out.set(parseFloat()); return; } if (t.equals("sh")) { consume(); t = tpp(); if (t.equals("-")) { t = tpp(); out.set((short) (-parseInt(t))); return; } out.set((short) parseInt(t)); return; } if (t.equals("-")) { consume(); t = tpp(); out.set(isLongConstant(t) ? (Object) (-parseLong(t)) : (Object) (-parseInt(t))); return; } if (isInteger(t) || isLongConstant(t)) { consume(); //if (debug) print("isLongConstant " + quote(t) + " => " + isLongConstant(t)); if (isLongConstant(t)) { out.set(parseLong(t)); return; } long l = parseLong(t); boolean isInt = l == (int) l; out.set(isInt ? (Object) Integer.valueOf((int) l) : (Object) Long.valueOf(l)); return; } if (t.equals("false") || t.equals("f")) { consume(); out.set(false); return; } if (t.equals("true") || t.equals("t")) { consume(); out.set(true); return; } if (t.equals("-")) { consume(); t = tpp(); out.set(isLongConstant(t) ? (Object) (-parseLong(t)) : (Object) (-parseInt(t))); return; } if (isInteger(t) || isLongConstant(t)) { consume(); //if (debug) print("isLongConstant " + quote(t) + " => " + isLongConstant(t)); if (isLongConstant(t)) { out.set(parseLong(t)); return; } long l = parseLong(t); boolean isInt = l == (int) l; out.set(isInt ? (Object) Integer.valueOf((int) l) : (Object) Long.valueOf(l)); return; } if (t.equals("File")) { consume(); File f = new File(unquote(tpp())); out.set(f); return; } if (t.startsWith("r") && isInteger(t.substring(1))) { consume(); int ref = Integer.parseInt(t.substring(1)); Object o = refs.get(ref); if (o == null) throw fail("unsatisfied back reference " + ref); out.set(o); return; } if (t.startsWith("t") && isInteger(t.substring(1))) { consume(); int ref = Integer.parseInt(t.substring(1)); Object o = tokrefs.get(ref); if (o == null) throw fail("unsatisfied token reference " + ref + " at " + tokIndex); out.set(o); return; } if (t.equals("hashset")) { parseHashSet(out); return; } if (t.equals("lhs")) { parseLinkedHashSet(out); return; } if (t.equals("treeset")) { parseTreeSet(out); return; } if (t.equals("ciset")) { parseCISet(out); return; } if (eqOneOf(t, "hashmap", "hm")) { consume(); parseMap(new HashMap(), out); return; } if (t.equals("lhm")) { consume(); parseMap(new LinkedHashMap(), out); return; } if (t.equals("tm")) { consume(); parseMap(new TreeMap(), out); return; } if (t.equals("cimap")) { consume(); parseMap(ciMap(), out); return; } if (t.equals("ll")) { consume(); { parseList(new LinkedList(), out); return; } } if (t.equals("syncLL")) { consume(); { parseList(synchroLinkedList(), out); return; } } if (t.equals("sync")) { consume(); if (t().equals("tm")) { consume(); { parseMap(synchronizedTreeMap(), out); return; } } if (t().equals("[")) { parseList(synchroList(), out); return; } { parseMap(synchronizedMap(), out); return; } } if (t.equals("{")) { parseMap(out); return; } if (t.equals("[")) { this.parseList(new ArrayList(), out); return; } if (t.equals("bitset")) { parseBitSet(out); return; } if (t.equals("array") || t.equals("intarray")) { parseArray(out); return; } if (t.equals("ba")) { consume(); String hex = unquote(tpp()); out.set(hexToBytes(hex)); return; } if (t.equals("boolarray")) { consume(); int n = parseInt(tpp()); String hex = unquote(tpp()); out.set(boolArrayFromBytes(hexToBytes(hex), n)); return; } if (t.equals("class")) { out.set(parseClass()); return; } if (t.equals("l")) { parseLisp(out); return; } if (t.equals("null")) { consume(); out.set(null); return; } if (eq(t, "c")) { consume("c"); t = t(); assertTrue(isJavaIdentifier(t)); concepts.add(t); } } if (eq(t, "j")) { consume("j"); out.set(parseJava()); return; } if (c == null && !isJavaIdentifier(t)) throw new RuntimeException("Unknown token " + (i+1) + ": " + t); // any other class name (or package name) consume(); String className, fullClassName; // Is it a package name? if (eq(t(), ".")) { consume(); className = fullClassName = t + "." + assertIdentifier(tpp()); } else { className = t; fullClassName = "main$" + t; } if (c == null) { // First, find class if (allDynamic) c = null; else c = classFinder != null ? (Class) callF(classFinder, fullClassName) : findClass_fullName(fullClassName); if (c != null) classesMap.put(className, c); } // Check if it has an outer reference boolean hasBracket = eq(t(), "("); if (hasBracket) consume(); boolean hasOuter = hasBracket && eq(t(), "this$1"); DynamicObject dO = null; Object o = null; final String thingName = t; if (c != null) { o = hasOuter ? nuStubInnerObject(c, classFinder) : nuEmptyObject(c); if (o instanceof DynamicObject) dO = (DynamicObject) o; } else { if (concepts.contains(t) && (c = findClass("Concept")) != null) o = dO = (DynamicObject) nuEmptyObject(c); else dO = new DynamicObject(); dO.className = className; } // Save in references list early because contents of object // might link back to main object if (refID != 0) refs.put(refID, o != null ? o : dO); tokrefs.put(tokIndex, o != null ? o : dO); // NOW parse the fields! final LinkedHashMap fields = new LinkedHashMap(); // preserve order final Object _o = o; final DynamicObject _dO = dO; if (hasBracket) { stack.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (eq(t(), ")")) { consume(")"); objRead(_o, _dO, fields); out.set(_o != null ? _o : _dO); } else { final String key = unquote(tpp()); if (!eq(tpp(), "=")) throw fail("= expected, got " + t() + " after " + quote(key) + " in object " + thingName /*+ " " + sfu(fields)*/); stack.add(this); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object value) { fields.put(key, value); if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); } }); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (eq(t(), \")\")) {\r\n consume(\")\");\r\n objRead(_o, _dO, ..."; }}); } else { objRead(o, dO, fields); out.set(o != null ? o : dO); } } void objRead(Object o, DynamicObject dO, Map fields) { if (o != null) if (dO != null) { setOptAllDyn(dO, fields); } else { setOptAll_pcall(o, fields); } else for (String field : keys(fields)) dO.fieldValues.put(intern(field), fields.get(field)); if (o != null) pcallOpt_noArgs(o, "_doneLoading"); } void parseSet(final Set set, final unstructure_Receiver out) { this.parseList(new ArrayList(), new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { set.addAll((List) o); out.set(set); } }); } void parseLisp(final unstructure_Receiver out) { throw fail("class Lisp not included"); } void parseBitSet(final unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("bitset"); consume("{"); final BitSet bs = new BitSet(); stack.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (eq(t(), "}")) { consume("}"); out.set(bs); } else { stack.add(this); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { bs.set((Integer) o); if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); } }); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (eq(t(), \"}\")) {\r\n consume(\"}\");\r\n out.set(bs);\r\n ..."; }}); } void parseList(final List list, final unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("["); stack.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (eq(t(), "]")) { consume("]"); out.set(list); } else { stack.add(this); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { //if (debug) print("List element type: " + getClassName(o)); list.add(o); if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); } }); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (eq(t(), \"]\")) {\r\n consume(\"]\");\r\n out.set(list);\r\n ..."; }}); } void parseArray(final unstructure_Receiver out) { final String type = tpp(); consume("{"); final List list = new ArrayList(); stack.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (eq(t(), "}")) { consume("}"); out.set(type.equals("intarray") ? toIntArray(list) : list.toArray()); } else { stack.add(this); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { list.add(o); if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); } }); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (eq(t(), \"}\")) {\r\n consume(\"}\");\r\n out.set(type.equals(\"..."; }}); } Object parseClass() { consume("class"); consume("("); String name = unquote(tpp()); consume(")"); Class c = allDynamic ? null : classFinder != null ? (Class) callF(classFinder, name) : findClass_fullName(name); if (c != null) return c; DynamicObject dO = new DynamicObject(); dO.className = "java.lang.Class"; name = dropPrefix("main$", name); dO.fieldValues.put("name", name); return dO; } Object parseBigInt() { consume("bigint"); consume("("); String val = tpp(); if (eq(val, "-")) val = "-" + tpp(); consume(")"); return new BigInteger(val); } Object parseDouble() { consume("d"); consume("("); String val = unquote(tpp()); consume(")"); return Double.parseDouble(val); } Object parseFloat() { consume("fl"); String val; if (eq(t(), "(")) { consume("("); val = unquote(tpp()); consume(")"); } else { val = unquote(tpp()); } return Float.parseFloat(val); } void parseHashSet(unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("hashset"); parseSet(new HashSet(), out); } void parseLinkedHashSet(unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("lhs"); parseSet(new LinkedHashSet(), out); } void parseTreeSet(unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("treeset"); parseSet(new TreeSet(), out); } void parseCISet(unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("ciset"); parseSet(ciSet(), out); } void parseMap(unstructure_Receiver out) { parseMap(new TreeMap(), out); } Object parseJava() { String j = unquote(tpp()); Matches m = new Matches(); if (jmatch("java.awt.Color[r=*,g=*,b=*]", j, m)) return nuObject("java.awt.Color", parseInt(m.unq(0)), parseInt(m.unq(1)), parseInt(m.unq(2))); else { warn("Unknown Java object: " + j); return null; } } void parseMap(final Map map, final unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("{"); stack.add(new Runnable() { boolean v = false; Object key; public void run() { if (v) { v = false; stack.add(this); if (!eq(tpp(), "=")) throw fail("= expected, got " + t() + " in map of size " + l(map)); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object value) { map.put(key, value); if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); } }); } else { if (eq(t(), "}")) { consume("}"); out.set(map); } else { v = true; stack.add(this); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { key = o; } }); } } // if v else } // run() }); } /*void parseSub(unstructure_Receiver out) { int n = l(stack); parse(out); while (l(stack) > n) stack }*/ void consume() { curT =; ++i; } void consume(String s) { if (!eq(t(), s)) { /*S prevToken = i-1 >= 0 ? tok.get(i-1) : ""; S nextTokens = join(tok.subList(i, Math.min(i+2, tok.size()))); fail(quote(s) + " expected: " + prevToken + " " + nextTokens + " (" + i + "/" + tok.size() + ")");*/ throw fail(quote(s) + " expected, got " + quote(t())); } consume(); } void parse_x(unstructure_Receiver out) { consume(); // get first token parse(out); while (nempty(stack)) popLast(stack).run(); } } Boolean b = DynamicObject_loading.get(); DynamicObject_loading.set(true); try { final Var v = new Var(); X x = new X(); x.parse_x(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { v.set(o); } }); unstructure_tokrefs = x.tokrefs.size(); return v.get(); } finally { DynamicObject_loading.set(b); } } static boolean unstructure_debug = false; static ArrayList emptyList() { return new ArrayList(); //ret Collections.emptyList(); } static ArrayList emptyList(int capacity) { return new ArrayList(max(0, capacity)); } // Try to match capacity static ArrayList emptyList(Iterable l) { return l instanceof Collection ? emptyList(((Collection) l).size()) : emptyList(); } static ArrayList emptyList(Object[] l) { return emptyList(l(l)); } // get correct type at once static ArrayList emptyList(Class c) { return new ArrayList(); } static Map> callF_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static B callF(F1 f, A a) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } static B callF(IF1 f, A a) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } static void callF(VF1 f, A a) { if (f != null) f.get(a); } static Object callF(Object f, Object... args) { try { if (f instanceof String) return callMC((String) f, args); if (f instanceof Runnable) { ((Runnable) f).run(); return null; } if (f == null) return null; Class c = f.getClass(); ArrayList methods; synchronized(callF_cache) { methods = callF_cache.get(c); if (methods == null) methods = callF_makeCache(c); } int n = l(methods); if (n == 0) { throw fail("No get method in " + getClassName(c)); } if (n == 1) return invokeMethod(methods.get(0), f, args); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Method m = methods.get(i); if (call_checkArgs(m, args, false)) return invokeMethod(m, f, args); } throw fail("No matching get method in " + getClassName(c)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // used internally static ArrayList callF_makeCache(Class c) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); Class _c = c; do { for (Method m : _c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getName().equals("get")) { m.setAccessible(true); l.add(m); } if (!l.isEmpty()) break; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); callF_cache.put(c, l); return l; } static ArrayList asList(A[] a) { return a == null ? new ArrayList() : new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(a)); } static ArrayList asList(int[] a) { if (a == null) return null; ArrayList l = emptyList(a.length); for (int i : a) l.add(i); return l; } static ArrayList asList(float[] a) { if (a == null) return null; ArrayList l = emptyList(a.length); for (float i : a) l.add(i); return l; } static ArrayList asList(Iterable s) { if (s instanceof ArrayList) return (ArrayList) s; ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); if (s != null) for (A a : s) l.add(a); return l; } static ArrayList asList(Producer p) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); A a; if (p != null) while ((a = != null) l.add(a); return l; } static ArrayList asList(Enumeration e) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); if (e != null) while (e.hasMoreElements()) l.add(e.nextElement()); return l; } static Object loadJSONPage(String url) { return jsonDecode(loadPage(url)); } static boolean agiBlueURL_noHTTPS = false; static String agiBlueURL_url = ""; static String agiBlueURL() { return agiBlueURL_noHTTPS ? replacePrefix("https://", "http://", agiBlueURL_url) : agiBlueURL_url; } static String addSlashPrefix(String s) { return addPrefix("/", s); } static String hquery(Map params) { return htmlQuery(params); } static String hquery(Object... data) { return htmlQuery(data); } static int l(Object[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(boolean[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(byte[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(short[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(long[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(int[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(float[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(double[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(char[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(Collection c) { return c == null ? 0 : c.size(); } static int l(Iterator i) { return iteratorCount_int_close(i); } // consumes the iterator && closes it if possible static int l(Map m) { return m == null ? 0 : m.size(); } static int l(CharSequence s) { return s == null ? 0 : s.length(); } static long l(File f) { return f == null ? 0 : f.length(); } static int l(Object o) { return o == null ? 0 : o instanceof String ? l((String) o) : o instanceof Map ? l((Map) o) : o instanceof Collection ? l((Collection) o) : o instanceof Object[] ? l((Object[]) o) : o instanceof boolean[] ? l((boolean[]) o) : o instanceof byte[] ? l((byte[]) o) : o instanceof char[] ? l((char[]) o) : o instanceof short[] ? l((short[]) o) : o instanceof int[] ? l((int[]) o) : o instanceof float[] ? l((float[]) o) : o instanceof double[] ? l((double[]) o) : o instanceof long[] ? l((long[]) o) : (Integer) call(o, "size"); } static Object[] concatArrays(Object[]... arrays) { int l = 0; for (Object[] a : arrays) l += l(a); Object[] x = new Object[l]; int i = 0; for (Object[] a : arrays) if (a != null) { System.arraycopy(a, 0, x, i, l(a)); i += l(a); } return x; } static Object[] assertEvenLength(Object[] a) { assertTrue(even(l(a))); return a; } static Object[] asObjectArray(Collection l) { return toObjectArray(l); } static Class _getClass(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; // could optimize this } } static Class _getClass(Object o) { return o == null ? null : o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass(); } static Class _getClass(Object realm, String name) { try { return getClass(realm).getClassLoader().loadClass(classNameToVM(name)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; // could optimize this } } static RuntimeException asRuntimeException(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof Error) _handleError((Error) t); return t instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) t : new RuntimeException(t); } static String getClassName(Object o) { return o == null ? "null" : o instanceof Class ? ((Class) o).getName() : o.getClass().getName(); } static LinkedHashMap asLinkedHashMap(Map map) { if (map instanceof LinkedHashMap) return (LinkedHashMap) map; LinkedHashMap m = new LinkedHashMap(); if (map != null) synchronized(collectionMutex(map)) { m.putAll(map); } return m; } static Map emptyMap() { return new HashMap(); } static Map synchroHashMap() { return Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); } static void _handleError(Error e) { call(javax(), "_handleError", e); } static Producer javaTokC_noMLS_iterator(final String s) { return javaTokC_noMLS_iterator(s, 0); } static Producer javaTokC_noMLS_iterator(final String s, final int startIndex) { return new Producer() { final int l = s.length(); int i = startIndex; public String next() { if (i >= l) return null; int j = i; char c, d; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j+1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } i = j; if (i >= l) return null; c = s.charAt(i); d = i+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i+1); // scan for non-whitespace if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) == opener || s.charAt(j) == '\n') { // end at \n to not propagate unclosed string literal errors ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || "'".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) >= 0)); // for stuff like "don't" else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; // Long constants like 1L } else ++j; String t = quickSubstring(s, i, j); i = j; return t; } }; } static Producer javaTokC_noMLS_onReader(final BufferedReader r) { final class X implements Producer { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // stores from "i" char c, d, e = 'x'; // just not '\0' X() { // fill c, d and e nc(); nc(); nc(); } // get next character(s) into c, d and e void nc() { try { c = d; d = e; if (e == '\0') return; int i =; e = i < 0 ? '\0' : i == '\0' ? '_' // shouldn't happen anymore : (char) i; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } void ncSave() { if (c != '\0') { buf.append(c); nc(); } } public String next() { // scan for whitespace while (c != '\0') { if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') nc(); else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do nc(); while (c != '\0' && !(c == '*' && d == '/')); nc(); nc(); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do nc(); while (c != '\0' && "\r\n".indexOf(c) < 0); } else break; } if (c == '\0') return null; // scan for non-whitespace if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ncSave(); while (c != '\0') { if (c == opener || c == '\n') { // end at \n to not propagate unclosed string literal errors ncSave(); break; } else if (c == '\\') { ncSave(); ncSave(); } else ncSave(); } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ncSave(); while (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) || c == '\''); // for stuff like "don't" else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ncSave(); while (Character.isDigit(c)); if (c == 'L') ncSave(); // Long constants like 1L } else ncSave(); String t = buf.toString(); buf.setLength(0); return t; } } return new X(); } static Object _defaultClassFinder_value = defaultDefaultClassFinder(); static Object _defaultClassFinder() { return _defaultClassFinder_value; } static String unquoteUsingCharArray(String s, char[] buf) { if (s == null) return null; if (startsWith(s, '[')) { int i = 1; while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '=') ++i; if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '[') { String m = s.substring(1, i); if (s.endsWith("]" + m + "]")) return s.substring(i+1, s.length()-i-1); } } if (s.length() > 1) { char c = s.charAt(0); if (c == '\"' || c == '\'') { int l = endsWith(s, c) ? s.length()-1 : s.length(); if (l > buf.length) return unquote(s); // fallback int n = 0; for (int i = 1; i < l; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\') { char nextChar = (i == l - 1) ? '\\' : s.charAt(i + 1); // Octal escape? if (nextChar >= '0' && nextChar <= '7') { String code = "" + nextChar; i++; if ((i < l - 1) && s.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && s.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += s.charAt(i + 1); i++; if ((i < l - 1) && s.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && s.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += s.charAt(i + 1); i++; } } buf[n++] = (char) Integer.parseInt(code, 8); continue; } switch (nextChar) { case '\"': ch = '\"'; break; case '\\': ch = '\\'; break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case '\'': ch = '\''; break; // Hex Unicode: u???? case 'u': if (i >= l - 5) { ch = 'u'; break; } int code = Integer.parseInt( "" + s.charAt(i + 2) + s.charAt(i + 3) + s.charAt(i + 4) + s.charAt(i + 5), 16); char[] x = Character.toChars(code); int lx = x.length; for (int j = 0; j < lx; j++) buf[n++] = x[j]; i += 5; continue; default: ch = nextChar; // added by Stefan } i++; } buf[n++] = ch; } return new String(buf, 0, n); } } return s; // not quoted - return original } static boolean structure_isMarker(String s, int i, int j) { if (i >= j) return false; if (s.charAt(i) != 'm') return false; ++i; while (i < j) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c < '0' || c > '9') return false; ++i; } return true; } static int parseInt(String s) { return empty(s) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(s); } static int parseInt(char c) { return Integer.parseInt(str(c)); } static String internIfLongerThan(String s, int l) { return s == null ? null : l(s) >= l ? intern(s) : s; } static String unquote(String s) { if (s == null) return null; if (startsWith(s, '[')) { int i = 1; while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '=') ++i; if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '[') { String m = s.substring(1, i); if (s.endsWith("]" + m + "]")) return s.substring(i+1, s.length()-i-1); } } if (s.length() > 1) { char c = s.charAt(0); if (c == '\"' || c == '\'') { int l = endsWith(s, c) ? s.length()-1 : s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(l-1); for (int i = 1; i < l; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\') { char nextChar = (i == l - 1) ? '\\' : s.charAt(i + 1); // Octal escape? if (nextChar >= '0' && nextChar <= '7') { String code = "" + nextChar; i++; if ((i < l - 1) && s.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && s.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += s.charAt(i + 1); i++; if ((i < l - 1) && s.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && s.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += s.charAt(i + 1); i++; } } sb.append((char) Integer.parseInt(code, 8)); continue; } switch (nextChar) { case '\"': ch = '\"'; break; case '\\': ch = '\\'; break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case '\'': ch = '\''; break; // Hex Unicode: u???? case 'u': if (i >= l - 5) { ch = 'u'; break; } int code = Integer.parseInt( "" + s.charAt(i + 2) + s.charAt(i + 3) + s.charAt(i + 4) + s.charAt(i + 5), 16); sb.append(Character.toChars(code)); i += 5; continue; default: ch = nextChar; // added by Stefan } i++; } sb.append(ch); } return sb.toString(); } } return s; // not quoted - return original } static char unquoteCharacter(String s) { assertTrue(s.startsWith("'") && s.length() > 1); return unquote("\"" + s.substring(1, s.endsWith("'") ? s.length()-1 : s.length()) + "\"").charAt(0); } static double parseDouble(String s) { return Double.parseDouble(s); } static float parseFloat(String s) { return Float.parseFloat(s); } static boolean isLongConstant(String s) { if (!s.endsWith("L")) return false; s = s.substring(0, l(s)-1); return isInteger(s); } static long parseLong(String s) { if (empty(s)) return 0; return Long.parseLong(dropSuffix("L", s)); } static long parseLong(Object s) { return Long.parseLong((String) s); } static boolean isInteger(String s) { int n = l(s); if (n == 0) return false; int i = 0; if (s.charAt(0) == '-') if (++i >= n) return false; while (i < n) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c < '0' || c > '9') return false; ++i; } return true; } static boolean eqOneOf(Object o, Object... l) { for (Object x : l) if (eq(o, x)) return true; return false; } static TreeMap ciMap() { return caseInsensitiveMap(); } static List parseList(String s) { return (List) safeUnstructure(s); } static List synchroLinkedList() { return Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList()); } static SortedMap synchronizedTreeMap() { return synchroTreeMap(); } static List synchroList() { return Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); } static List synchroList(List l) { return Collections.synchronizedList(l); } static Map synchronizedMap() { return synchroMap(); } static Map synchronizedMap(Map map) { return synchroMap(map); } static byte[] hexToBytes(String s) { if (odd(l(s))) throw fail("Hex string has odd length: " + quote(shorten(10, s))); int n = l(s) / 2; byte[] bytes = new byte[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int a = parseHexChar(s.charAt(i*2)); int b = parseHexChar(s.charAt(i*2+1)); if (a < 0 || b < 0) throw fail("Bad hex byte: " + quote(substring(s, i*2, i*2+2)) + " at " + i*2 + "/" + l(s)); bytes[i] = (byte) ((a << 4) | b); } return bytes; } static boolean[] boolArrayFromBytes(byte[] a, int n) { boolean[] b = new boolean[n]; int m = min(n, l(a)*8); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) b[i] = (a[i/8] & 1 << (i & 7)) != 0; return b; } static boolean eq(Object a, Object b) { return a == null ? b == null : a == b || b != null && a.equals(b); } static void assertTrue(Object o) { if (!(eq(o, true) /*|| isTrue(pcallF(o))*/)) throw fail(str(o)); } static boolean assertTrue(String msg, boolean b) { if (!b) throw fail(msg); return b; } static boolean assertTrue(boolean b) { if (!b) throw fail("oops"); return b; } static boolean isJavaIdentifier(String s) { if (empty(s) || !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(s.charAt(0))) return false; for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(i))) return false; return true; } static String assertIdentifier(String s) { return assertIsIdentifier(s); } static String assertIdentifier(String msg, String s) { return assertIsIdentifier(msg, s); } static HashMap findClass_fullName_cache = new HashMap(); // returns null on not found // this is the simple version that is not case-tolerant static Class findClass_fullName(String name) { synchronized(findClass_fullName_cache) { if (findClass_fullName_cache.containsKey(name)) return findClass_fullName_cache.get(name); Class c; try { c = Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { c = null; } findClass_fullName_cache.put(name, c); return c; } } static A nuStubInnerObject(Class c) { return nuStubInnerObject(c, null); } static A nuStubInnerObject(Class c, Object classFinder) { try { Class outerType = getOuterClass(c, classFinder); Constructor m = c.getDeclaredConstructor(outerType); m.setAccessible(true); return (A) m.newInstance(new Object[] {null}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Map nuEmptyObject_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static A nuEmptyObject(Class c) { try { Constructor ctr; synchronized(nuEmptyObject_cache) { ctr = nuEmptyObject_cache.get(c); if (ctr == null) { nuEmptyObject_cache.put(c, ctr = nuEmptyObject_findConstructor(c)); ctr.setAccessible(true); } } try { return (A) ctr.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { if (empty(e.getMessage())) if ((c.getModifiers() & Modifier.ABSTRACT) != 0) throw fail("Can't instantiate abstract class " + className(c), e); else throw fail("Can't instantiate " + className(c), e); else throw rethrow(e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Constructor nuEmptyObject_findConstructor(Class c) { for (Constructor m : c.getDeclaredConstructors()) if (m.getParameterTypes().length == 0) return m; throw fail("No default constructor declared in " + c.getName()); } static HashMap findClass_cache = new HashMap(); // currently finds only inner classes of class "main" // returns null on not found // this is the simple version that is not case-tolerant static Class findClass(String name) { synchronized(findClass_cache) { if (findClass_cache.containsKey(name)) return findClass_cache.get(name); if (!isJavaIdentifier(name)) return null; Class c; try { c = Class.forName("main$" + name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { c = null; } findClass_cache.put(name, c); return c; } } static String quote(Object o) { if (o == null) return "null"; return quote(str(o)); } static String quote(String s) { if (s == null) return "null"; StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder((int) (l(s)*1.5+2)); quote_impl(s, out); return out.toString(); } static void quote_impl(String s, StringBuilder out) { out.append('"'); int l = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '\\' || c == '"') out.append('\\').append(c); else if (c == '\r') out.append("\\r"); else if (c == '\n') out.append("\\n"); else if (c == '\0') out.append("\\0"); else out.append(c); } out.append('"'); } static void setOptAllDyn(DynamicObject o, Map fields) { if (fields == null) return; HashMap fieldMap = instanceFieldsMap(o); for (Map.Entry e : fields.entrySet()) { String field = e.getKey(); Object val = e.getValue(); boolean has = fieldMap.containsKey(field); if (has) setOpt(o, field, val); else { o.fieldValues = syncMapPut2_createLinkedHashMap(o.fieldValues, intern(field), val); } } } static void setOptAll_pcall(Object o, Map fields) { if (fields == null) return; for (String field : keys(fields)) try { setOpt(o, field, fields.get(field)); } catch (Throwable __e) { print(exceptionToStringShort(__e)); } } static void setOptAll_pcall(Object o, Object... values) { //values = expandParams(c.getClass(), values); warnIfOddCount(values); for (int i = 0; i+1 < l(values); i += 2) { String field = (String) values[i]; Object value = values[i+1]; try { setOpt(o, field, value); } catch (Throwable __e) { print(exceptionToStringShort(__e)); } } } static Set keys(Map map) { return map == null ? new HashSet() : map.keySet(); } static Set keys(Object map) { return keys((Map) map); } static String intern(String s) { return fastIntern(s); } static void pcallOpt_noArgs(Object o, String method) { try { callOpt_noArgs(o, method); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } static List subList(List l, int startIndex) { return subList(l, startIndex, l(l)); } static List subList(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (l == null) return null; int n = l(l); startIndex = Math.max(0, startIndex); endIndex = Math.min(n, endIndex); if (startIndex >= endIndex) return ll(); if (startIndex == 0 && endIndex == n) return l; return l.subList(startIndex, endIndex); } static List subList(List l, IntRange r) { return subList(l, r.start, r.end); } static int[] toIntArray(List l) { int[] a = new int[l(l)]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = l.get(i); return a; } static String dropPrefix(String prefix, String s) { return s == null ? null : s.startsWith(prefix) ? s.substring(l(prefix)) : s; } static TreeSet ciSet() { return caseInsensitiveSet(); } static boolean jmatch(String pat, String s) { return jmatch(pat, s, null); } static boolean jmatch(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { if (s == null) return false; return jmatch(pat, javaTok(s), matches); } static boolean jmatch(String pat, List toks) { return jmatch(pat, toks, null); } static boolean jmatch(String pat, List toks, Matches matches) { List tokpat = javaTok(pat); String[] m = match2(tokpat, toks); //print(structure(tokpat) + " on " + structure(toks) + " => " + structure(m)); if (m == null) return false; else { if (matches != null) matches.m = m; return true; } } static Object nuObject(String className, Object... args) { try { return nuObject(classForName(className), args); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // too ambiguous - maybe need to fix some callers /*static O nuObject(O realm, S className, O... args) { ret nuObject(_getClass(realm, className), args); }*/ static A nuObject(Class c, Object... args) { try { if (args.length == 0) return nuObjectWithoutArguments(c); // cached! Constructor m = nuObject_findConstructor(c, args); m.setAccessible(true); return (A) m.newInstance(args); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Constructor nuObject_findConstructor(Class c, Object... args) { for (Constructor m : c.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (!nuObject_checkArgs(m.getParameterTypes(), args, false)) continue; return m; } throw fail("Constructor " + c.getName() + getClasses(args) + " not found" + (args.length == 0 && (c.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) == 0 ? " - hint: it's a non-static class!" : "")); } static boolean nuObject_checkArgs(Class[] types, Object[] args, boolean debug) { if (types.length != args.length) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter length: " + args.length + " vs " + types.length); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (!(args[i] == null || isInstanceX(types[i], args[i]))) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter " + i + ": " + args[i] + " vs " + types[i]); return false; } return true; } static boolean warn_on = true; static ThreadLocal> warn_warnings = new ThreadLocal(); static void warn(String s) { if (warn_on) print("Warning: " + s); } static void warn(String s, List warnings) { warn(s); if (warnings != null) warnings.add(s); addToCollection(warn_warnings.get(), s); } static boolean nempty(Collection c) { return !empty(c); } static boolean nempty(CharSequence s) { return !empty(s); } static boolean nempty(Object[] o) { return !empty(o); } static boolean nempty(byte[] o) { return !empty(o); } static boolean nempty(int[] o) { return !empty(o); } static boolean nempty(Map m) { return !empty(m); } static boolean nempty(Iterator i) { return i != null && i.hasNext(); } static boolean nempty(Object o) { return !empty(o); } static A popLast(List l) { return liftLast(l); } static int max(int a, int b) { return Math.max(a, b); } static int max(int a, int b, int c) { return max(max(a, b), c); } static long max(int a, long b) { return Math.max((long) a, b); } static long max(long a, long b) { return Math.max(a, b); } static double max(int a, double b) { return Math.max((double) a, b); } static float max(float a, float b) { return Math.max(a, b); } static double max(double a, double b) { return Math.max(a, b); } static int max(Collection c) { int x = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i : c) x = max(x, i); return x; } static double max(double[] c) { if (c.length == 0) return Double.MIN_VALUE; double x = c[0]; for (int i = 1; i < c.length; i++) x = Math.max(x, c[i]); return x; } static float max(float[] c) { if (c.length == 0) return Float.MAX_VALUE; float x = c[0]; for (int i = 1; i < c.length; i++) x = Math.max(x, c[i]); return x; } static byte max(byte[] c) { byte x = -128; for (byte d : c) if (d > x) x = d; return x; } static short max(short[] c) { short x = -0x8000; for (short d : c) if (d > x) x = d; return x; } static int max(int[] c) { int x = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int d : c) if (d > x) x = d; return x; } static Map newDangerousWeakHashMap() { return _registerDangerousWeakMap(synchroMap(new WeakHashMap())); } // initFunction: voidfunc(Map) - is called initially, and after clearing the map static Map newDangerousWeakHashMap(Object initFunction) { return _registerDangerousWeakMap(synchroMap(new WeakHashMap()), initFunction); } static HashMap> callMC_cache = new HashMap(); static String callMC_key; static Method callMC_value; // varargs assignment fixer for a single string array argument static Object callMC(String method, String[] arg) { return callMC(method, new Object[] {arg}); } static Object callMC(String method, Object... args) { try { Method me; if (callMC_cache == null) callMC_cache = new HashMap(); // initializer time workaround synchronized(callMC_cache) { me = method == callMC_key ? callMC_value : null; } if (me != null) try { return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't call " + me + " with arguments " + classNames(args), e); } List m; synchronized(callMC_cache) { m = callMC_cache.get(method); } if (m == null) { if (callMC_cache.isEmpty()) { callMC_makeCache(); m = callMC_cache.get(method); } if (m == null) throw fail("Method named " + method + " not found in main"); } int n = m.size(); if (n == 1) { me = m.get(0); synchronized(callMC_cache) { callMC_key = method; callMC_value = me; } try { return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't call " + me + " with arguments " + classNames(args), e); } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { me = m.get(i); if (call_checkArgs(me, args, false)) return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } throw fail("No method called " + method + " with matching arguments found in main"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void callMC_makeCache() { synchronized(callMC_cache) { callMC_cache.clear(); Class _c = (Class) mc(), c = _c; while (c != null) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) if ((m.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) { m.setAccessible(true); multiMapPut(callMC_cache, m.getName(), m); } c = c.getSuperclass(); } } } static Object invokeMethod(Method m, Object o, Object... args) { try { try { return m.invoke(o, args); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw rethrow(getExceptionCause(e)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage() + " - was calling: " + m + ", args: " + joinWithSpace(classNames(args))); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean call_checkArgs(Method m, Object[] args, boolean debug) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != args.length) { if (debug) print("Bad parameter length: " + args.length + " vs " + types.length); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { Object arg = args[i]; if (!(arg == null ? !types[i].isPrimitive() : isInstanceX(types[i], arg))) { if (debug) print("Bad parameter " + i + ": " + arg + " vs " + types[i]); return false; } } return true; } static boolean jsonDecode_useOrderedMaps = true; static Object jsonDecode(final String text) { final List tok = jsonTok(text); if (l(tok) == 1) return null; class Y { int i = 1; Object parse() { String t = tok.get(i); if (t.startsWith("\"")) { String s = unquote(tok.get(i)); i += 2; return s; } if (t.equals("{")) return parseMap(); if (t.equals("[")) return this.parseList(); // avoid loading standard function "parseList" if (t.equals("null")) { i += 2; return null; } if (t.equals("false")) { i += 2; return false; } if (t.equals("true")) { i += 2; return true; } boolean minus = false; if (t.equals("-")) { minus = true; i += 2; t = get(tok, i); } if (isInteger(t)) { i += 2; if (eq(get(tok, i), ".")) { String x = t + "." + get(tok, i+2); i += 4; double d = parseDouble(x); if (minus) d = -d; return d; } else { long l = parseLong(t); if (minus) l = -l; return l != (int) l ? new Long(l) : new Integer((int) l); } } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown token " + (i+1) + ": " + t + ": " + text); } Object parseList() { consume("["); List list = new ArrayList(); while (!tok.get(i).equals("]")) { list.add(parse()); if (tok.get(i).equals(",")) i += 2; } consume("]"); return list; } Object parseMap() { consume("{"); Map map = jsonDecode_useOrderedMaps ? new LinkedHashMap() : new TreeMap(); while (!tok.get(i).equals("}")) { String key = unquote(tok.get(i)); i += 2; consume(":"); Object value = parse(); map.put(key, value); if (tok.get(i).equals(",")) i += 2; } consume("}"); return map; } void consume(String s) { if (!tok.get(i).equals(s)) { String prevToken = i-2 >= 0 ? tok.get(i-2) : ""; String nextTokens = join(tok.subList(i, Math.min(i+4, tok.size()))); throw fail(quote(s) + " expected: " + prevToken + " " + nextTokens + " (" + i + "/" + tok.size() + ")"); } i += 2; } } return new Y().parse(); } static int loadPage_defaultTimeout = 60000; static ThreadLocal loadPage_charset = new ThreadLocal(); static boolean loadPage_allowGzip = true, loadPage_debug; static boolean loadPage_anonymous = false; // don't send computer ID static int loadPage_verboseness = 100000; static int loadPage_retries = 1; //60; // seconds static ThreadLocal loadPage_silent = new ThreadLocal(); static volatile int loadPage_forcedTimeout; // ms static ThreadLocal loadPage_forcedTimeout_byThread = new ThreadLocal(); // ms static ThreadLocal>> loadPage_responseHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal> loadPage_extraHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); public static String loadPageSilently(String url) { try { return loadPageSilently(new URL(loadPage_preprocess(url))); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String loadPageSilently(URL url) { try { if (url.getProtocol().equals("https")) disableCertificateValidation(); if (!networkAllowanceTest(str(url))) throw fail("Not allowed: " + url); IOException e = null; for (int tries = 0; tries < loadPage_retries; tries++) try { URLConnection con = loadPage_openConnection(url); return loadPage(con, url); } catch (IOException _e) { e = _e; if (loadPageThroughProxy_enabled) { print("Trying proxy because of: " + e); try { return loadPageThroughProxy(str(url)); } catch (Throwable e2) { print(" " + exceptionToStringShort(e2)); } } else if (loadPage_debug) print(exceptionToStringShort(e)); if (tries < loadPage_retries-1) sleepSeconds(1); } throw e; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String loadPage_preprocess(String url) { if (url.startsWith("tb/")) // don't think we use this anymore url = tb_mainServer() + "/" + url; if (url.indexOf("://") < 0) url = "http://" + url; return url; } static String loadPage(String url) { try { url = loadPage_preprocess(url); if (!isTrue(loadPage_silent.get())) printWithTime("Loading: " + hideCredentials(url)); return loadPageSilently(new URL(url)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String loadPage(URL url) { return loadPage(url.toExternalForm()); } static String loadPage(URLConnection con, URL url) throws IOException { return loadPage(con, url, true); } static String loadPage(URLConnection con, URL url, boolean addHeaders) throws IOException { Map extraHeaders = getAndClearThreadLocal(loadPage_extraHeaders); if (addHeaders) try { if (!loadPage_anonymous) setHeaders(con); if (loadPage_allowGzip) con.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); con.setRequestProperty("X-No-Cookies", "1"); for (String key : keys(extraHeaders)) con.setRequestProperty(key, extraHeaders.get(key)); } catch (Throwable e) {} // fails if within doPost vm_generalSubMap("URLConnection per thread").put(currentThread(), con); loadPage_responseHeaders.set(con.getHeaderFields()); InputStream in = null; try { in = urlConnection_getInputStream(con); //vm_generalSubMap("InputStream per thread").put(currentThread(), in); if (loadPage_debug) print("Put stream in map: " + currentThread()); String contentType = con.getContentType(); if (contentType == null) { //printStruct("Headers: ", con.getHeaderFields()); throw new IOException("Page could not be read: " + hideCredentials(url)); } //print("Content-Type: " + contentType); String charset = loadPage_charset == null ? null : loadPage_charset.get(); if (charset == null) charset = loadPage_guessCharset(contentType); if ("gzip".equals(con.getContentEncoding())) { if (loadPage_debug) print("loadPage: Using gzip."); in = newGZIPInputStream(in); } Reader r; try { r = new InputStreamReader(in, unquote(charset)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { print(toHex(utf8(charset))); throw e; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int n = 0; while (true) { int ch =; if (ch < 0) break; buf.append((char) ch); ++n; if ((n % loadPage_verboseness) == 0) print(" " + n + " chars read"); } return buf.toString(); } finally { if (loadPage_debug) print("loadPage done"); //vm_generalSubMap("InputStream per thread").remove(currentThread()); vm_generalSubMap("URLConnection per thread").remove(currentThread()); if (in != null) in.close(); } } static String loadPage_guessCharset(String contentType) { Matcher m = regexpMatcher("text/[a-z]+;\\s*charset=([^\\s]+)\\s*", contentType); String match = m.matches() ? : null; if (loadPage_debug) print("loadPage: contentType=" + contentType + ", match: " + match); /* If Content-Type doesn't match this pre-conception, choose default and hope for the best. */ //return or(match, "ISO-8859-1"); return or(match, "UTF-8"); } static URLConnection loadPage_openConnection(URL url) { URLConnection con = openConnection(url); int timeout = toInt(loadPage_forcedTimeout_byThread.get()); if (timeout == 0) timeout = loadPage_forcedTimeout; if (timeout != 0) setURLConnectionTimeouts(con, loadPage_forcedTimeout); else setURLConnectionDefaultTimeouts(con, loadPage_defaultTimeout); return con; } static String replacePrefix(String prefix, String replacement, String s) { if (!startsWith(s, prefix)) return s; return replacement + substring(s, l(prefix)); } static String addPrefix(String prefix, String s) { return s.startsWith(prefix) ? s : prefix + s; } static String htmlQuery(Map params) { return empty(params) ? "" : "?" + makePostData(params); } static String htmlQuery(Object... data) { return empty(data) ? "" : "?" + makePostData(data); } static int iteratorCount_int_close(Iterator i) { try { int n = 0; if (i != null) while (i.hasNext()) {; ++n; } if (i instanceof AutoCloseable) ((AutoCloseable) i).close(); return n; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object call(Object o) { return callF(o); } // varargs assignment fixer for a single string array argument static Object call(Object o, String method, String[] arg) { return call(o, method, new Object[] {arg}); } static Object call(Object o, String method, Object... args) { //ret call_cached(o, method, args); return call_withVarargs(o, method, args); } static boolean even(int i) { return (i & 1) == 0; } static boolean even(long i) { return (i & 1) == 0; } static Object[] toObjectArray(Collection c) { List l = asList(c); return l.toArray(new Object[l.size()]); } static Class getClass(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } static Class getClass(Object o) { return o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass(); } static Class getClass(Object realm, String name) { try { try { return getClass(realm).getClassLoader().loadClass(classNameToVM(name)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String classNameToVM(String name) { return name.replace(".", "$"); } static Object collectionMutex(List l) { return l; } static Object collectionMutex(Object o) { if (o instanceof List) return o; String c = className(o); if (eq(c, "java.util.TreeMap$KeySet")) c = className(o = getOpt(o, "m")); else if (eq(c, "java.util.HashMap$KeySet")) c = className(o = get_raw(o, "this$0")); if (eqOneOf(c, "java.util.TreeMap$AscendingSubMap", "java.util.TreeMap$DescendingSubMap")) c = className(o = get_raw(o, "m")); return o; } static Class javax() { return getJavaX(); } static String quickSubstring(String s, int i, int j) { if (i == j) return ""; return s.substring(i, j); } static Object defaultDefaultClassFinder() { return new F1() { Class get(String name) { try { Class c = findClass_fullName(name); if (c != null) return c; if (startsWith(name, "loadableUtils.utils$")) return findClass_fullName("main" + substring(name, 19)); return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Class c = findClass_fullName(name);\r\n if (c != null) ret c;\r\n if (start..."; }}; } static boolean startsWith(String a, String b) { return a != null && a.startsWith(b); } static boolean startsWith(String a, char c) { return nemptyString(a) && a.charAt(0) == c; } static boolean startsWith(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!startsWith(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] {substring(a, strL(b))}; return true; } static boolean startsWith(List a, List b) { if (a == null || listL(b) > listL(a)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < listL(b); i++) if (neq(a.get(i), b.get(i))) return false; return true; } static boolean endsWith(String a, String b) { return a != null && a.endsWith(b); } static boolean endsWith(String a, char c) { return nempty(a) && lastChar(a) == c; } static boolean endsWith(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!endsWith(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] {dropLast(l(b), a)}; return true; } static String str(Object o) { return o == null ? "null" : o.toString(); } static String str(char[] c) { return new String(c); } static String dropSuffix(String suffix, String s) { return s.endsWith(suffix) ? s.substring(0, l(s)-l(suffix)) : s; } static TreeMap caseInsensitiveMap() { return new TreeMap(caseInsensitiveComparator()); } static Object safeUnstructure(String s) { return unstructure(s, true); } static NavigableMap synchroTreeMap() { return Collections.synchronizedNavigableMap(new TreeMap()); } static Map synchroMap() { return synchroHashMap(); } static Map synchroMap(Map map) { return Collections.synchronizedMap(map); } static boolean odd(int i) { return (i & 1) != 0; } static boolean odd(long i) { return (i & 1) != 0; } static boolean odd(BigInteger i) { return odd(toInt(i)); } static int shorten_default = 100; static String shorten(String s) { return shorten(s, shorten_default); } static String shorten(String s, int max) { return shorten(s, max, "..."); } static String shorten(String s, int max, String shortener) { if (s == null) return ""; if (max < 0) return s; return s.length() <= max ? s : substring(s, 0, min(s.length(), max-l(shortener))) + shortener; } static String shorten(int max, String s) { return shorten(s, max); } static int parseHexChar(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return charDiff(c, '0'); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return charDiff(c, 'a')+10; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return charDiff(c, 'A')+10; return -1; } static String substring(String s, int x) { return substring(s, x, strL(s)); } static String substring(String s, int x, int y) { if (s == null) return null; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x >= s.length()) return ""; if (y < x) y = x; if (y > s.length()) y = s.length(); return s.substring(x, y); } static String substring(String s, IntRange r) { return r == null ? null : substring(s, r.start, r.end); } static int min(int a, int b) { return Math.min(a, b); } static long min(long a, long b) { return Math.min(a, b); } static float min(float a, float b) { return Math.min(a, b); } static float min(float a, float b, float c) { return min(min(a, b), c); } static double min(double a, double b) { return Math.min(a, b); } static double min(double[] c) { double x = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (double d : c) x = Math.min(x, d); return x; } static float min(float[] c) { float x = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (float d : c) x = Math.min(x, d); return x; } static byte min(byte[] c) { byte x = 127; for (byte d : c) if (d < x) x = d; return x; } static short min(short[] c) { short x = 0x7FFF; for (short d : c) if (d < x) x = d; return x; } static int min(int[] c) { int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int d : c) if (d < x) x = d; return x; } static String assertIsIdentifier(String s) { if (!isIdentifier(s)) throw fail("Not an identifier: " + quote(s)); return s; } static String assertIsIdentifier(String msg, String s) { if (!isIdentifier(s)) throw fail(msg + " - Not an identifier: " + quote(s)); return s; } static Class getOuterClass(Class c) { return getOuterClass(c, null); } static Class getOuterClass(Class c, Object classFinder) { try { String s = c.getName(); int i = s.lastIndexOf('$'); String name = substring(s, 0, i); if (classFinder != null) return (Class) callF(classFinder, name); return Class.forName(name); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String className(Object o) { return getClassName(o); } static HashMap instanceFieldsMap(Object o) { Class c = o.getClass(); HashMap map; synchronized(getOpt_cache) { map = getOpt_cache.get(c); if (map == null) map = getOpt_makeCache(c); } return map; } static Field setOpt_findField(Class c, String field) { HashMap map; synchronized(getOpt_cache) { map = getOpt_cache.get(c); if (map == null) map = getOpt_makeCache(c); } return map.get(field); } static void setOpt(Object o, String field, Object value) { try { if (o == null) return; Class c = o.getClass(); HashMap map; if (getOpt_cache == null) map = getOpt_makeCache(c); // in class init else synchronized(getOpt_cache) { map = getOpt_cache.get(c); if (map == null) map = getOpt_makeCache(c); } if (map == getOpt_special) { if (o instanceof Class) { setOpt((Class) o, field, value); return; } // It's probably a subclass of Map. Use raw method setOpt_raw(o, field, value); return; } Field f = map.get(field); if (f != null) smartSet(f, o, value); // possible improvement: skip setAccessible } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void setOpt(Class c, String field, Object value) { if (c == null) return; try { Field f = setOpt_findStaticField(c, field); if (f != null) smartSet(f, null, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static Field setOpt_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) { f.setAccessible(true); return f; } _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return null; } static LinkedHashMap syncMapPut2_createLinkedHashMap(LinkedHashMap map, A key, B value) { if (map != null && key != null) if (value != null) { if (map == null) map = new LinkedHashMap(); synchronized(collectionMutex(map)) { map.put(key, value); } } else synchronized(collectionMutex(map)) { map.remove(key); } return map; } static volatile StringBuffer local_log = new StringBuffer(); // not redirected static volatile Appendable print_log = local_log; // might be redirected, e.g. to main bot // in bytes - will cut to half that static volatile int print_log_max = 1024*1024; static volatile int local_log_max = 100*1024; static boolean print_silent = false; // total mute if set static Object print_byThread_lock = new Object(); static volatile ThreadLocal print_byThread; // special handling by thread - prefers F1 static volatile Object print_allThreads; static volatile Object print_preprocess; static void print() { print(""); } static A print(String s, A o) { print((endsWithLetterOrDigit(s) ? s + ": " : s) + o); return o; } // slightly overblown signature to return original object... static A print(A o) { ping_okInCleanUp(); if (print_silent) return o; String s = String.valueOf(o) + "\n"; print_noNewLine(s); return o; } static void print_noNewLine(String s) { Object f = getThreadLocal(print_byThread_dontCreate()); if (f == null) f = print_allThreads; if (f != null) // We do need the general callF machinery here as print_byThread is sometimes shared between modules if (isFalse( f instanceof F1 ? ((F1) f).get(s) : callF(f, s))) return; print_raw(s); } static void print_raw(String s) { if (print_preprocess != null) s = (String) callF(print_preprocess, s); s = fixNewLines(s); Appendable loc = local_log; Appendable buf = print_log; int loc_max = print_log_max; if (buf != loc && buf != null) { print_append(buf, s, print_log_max); loc_max = local_log_max; } if (loc != null) print_append(loc, s, loc_max); System.out.print(s); } static void print_autoRotate() { } static String exceptionToStringShort(Throwable e) { lastException(e); e = getInnerException(e); String msg = hideCredentials(unnull(e.getMessage())); if (msg.indexOf("Error") < 0 && msg.indexOf("Exception") < 0) return baseClassName(e) + prependIfNempty(": ", msg); else return msg; } static void warnIfOddCount(Object... list) { if (odd(l(list))) printStackTrace("Odd list size: " + list); } static Method fastIntern_method; static String fastIntern(String s) { try { if (s == null) return null; if (fastIntern_method == null) { fastIntern_method = findMethodNamed(javax(), "internPerProgram"); if (fastIntern_method == null) upgradeJavaXAndRestart(); } return (String) fastIntern_method.invoke(null, s); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Map> callOpt_noArgs_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static Object callOpt_noArgs(Object o, String method) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) return callOpt(o, method); // not optimized Class c = o.getClass(); HashMap map; synchronized(callOpt_noArgs_cache) { map = callOpt_noArgs_cache.get(c); if (map == null) map = callOpt_noArgs_makeCache(c); } Method m = map.get(method); return m != null ? m.invoke(o) : null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // used internally - we are in synchronized block static HashMap callOpt_noArgs_makeCache(Class c) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); Class _c = c; do { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && !reflection_isForbiddenMethod(m)) { m.setAccessible(true); String name = m.getName(); if (!map.containsKey(name)) map.put(name, m); } _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); callOpt_noArgs_cache.put(c, map); return map; } static volatile PersistableThrowable _handleException_lastException; static List _handleException_onException = synchroList(ll("printStackTrace2")); static void _handleException(Throwable e) { _handleException_lastException = persistableThrowable(e); Throwable e2 = innerException(e); if (e2.getClass() == RuntimeException.class && eq(e2.getMessage(), "Thread cancelled.") || e2 instanceof InterruptedException) return; for (Object f : cloneList(_handleException_onException)) try { callF(f, e); } catch (Throwable e3) { printStackTrace2(e3); // not using pcall here - it could lead to endless loops } } static List ll(A... a) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(a.length); if (a != null) for (A x : a) l.add(x); return l; } static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet() { return caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(); } static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet(Collection c) { return caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(c); } // TODO: extended multi-line strings static int javaTok_n, javaTok_elements; static boolean javaTok_opt = false; static List javaTok(String s) { ++javaTok_n; ArrayList tok = new ArrayList(); int l = s == null ? 0 : s.length(); int i = 0, n = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c, d; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j+1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } tok.add(javaTok_substringN(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); d = i+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i+1); // scan for non-whitespace // Special JavaX syntax: 'identifier if (c == '\'' && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(d) && i+2 < l && "'\\".indexOf(s.charAt(i+2)) < 0) { j += 2; while (j < l && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j))) ++j; } else if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { int c2 = s.charAt(j); if (c2 == opener || c2 == '\n' && opener == '\'') { // allow multi-line strings, but not for ' ++j; break; } else if (c2 == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || s.charAt(j) == '\'')); // for stuff like "don't" else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; // Long constants like 1L } else if (c == '[' && d == '[') { do ++j; while (j+1 < l && !s.substring(j, j+2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '[' && d == '=' && i+2 < l && s.charAt(i+2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j+2 < l && !s.substring(j, j+3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j+3, l); } else ++j; tok.add(javaTok_substringC(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); javaTok_elements += tok.size(); return tok; } static List javaTok(List tok) { return javaTokWithExisting(join(tok), tok); } // match2 matches multiple "*" (matches a single token) wildcards and zero or one "..." wildcards (matches multiple tokens) static String[] match2(List pat, List tok) { // standard case (no ...) int i = pat.indexOf("..."); if (i < 0) return match2_match(pat, tok); pat = new ArrayList(pat); // We're modifying it, so copy first pat.set(i, "*"); while (pat.size() < tok.size()) { pat.add(i, "*"); pat.add(i+1, ""); // doesn't matter } return match2_match(pat, tok); } static String[] match2_match(List pat, List tok) { List result = new ArrayList(); if (pat.size() != tok.size()) { return null; } for (int i = 1; i < pat.size(); i += 2) { String p = pat.get(i), t = tok.get(i); if (eq(p, "*")) result.add(t); else if (!equalsIgnoreCase(unquote(p), unquote(t))) // bold change - match quoted and unquoted now return null; } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } static Map nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static Object nuObjectWithoutArguments(String className) { try { return nuObjectWithoutArguments(classForName(className)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static A nuObjectWithoutArguments(Class c) { try { if (nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache == null) // in class init return (A) nuObjectWithoutArguments_findConstructor(c).newInstance(); Constructor m = nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache.get(c); if (m == null) nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache.put(c, m = nuObjectWithoutArguments_findConstructor(c)); return (A) m.newInstance(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Constructor nuObjectWithoutArguments_findConstructor(Class c) { for (Constructor m : c.getDeclaredConstructors()) if (empty(m.getParameterTypes())) { m.setAccessible(true); return m; } throw fail("No default constructor found in " + c.getName()); } static List getClasses(Object[] array) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : array) l.add(_getClass(o)); return l; } static boolean isInstanceX(Class type, Object arg) { if (type == boolean.class) return arg instanceof Boolean; if (type == int.class) return arg instanceof Integer; if (type == long.class) return arg instanceof Long; if (type == float.class) return arg instanceof Float; if (type == short.class) return arg instanceof Short; if (type == char.class) return arg instanceof Character; if (type == byte.class) return arg instanceof Byte; if (type == double.class) return arg instanceof Double; return type.isInstance(arg); } static boolean addToCollection(Collection c, A a) { return c != null && c.add(a); } static A liftLast(List l) { if (l.isEmpty()) return null; int i = l(l)-1; A a = l.get(i); l.remove(i); return a; } //static final Map> getOpt_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(f getOpt_special_init); static class getOpt_Map extends WeakHashMap { getOpt_Map() { if (getOpt_special == null) getOpt_special = new HashMap(); clear(); } public void clear() { super.clear(); //print("getOpt clear"); put(Class.class, getOpt_special); put(String.class, getOpt_special); } } static final Map> getOpt_cache = _registerDangerousWeakMap(synchroMap(new getOpt_Map())); //static final Map> getOpt_cache = _registerWeakMap(synchroMap(new getOpt_Map)); static HashMap getOpt_special; // just a marker /*static void getOpt_special_init(Map map) { map.put(Class.class, getOpt_special); map.put(S.class, getOpt_special); }*/ static Object getOpt_cached(Object o, String field) { try { if (o == null) return null; Class c = o.getClass(); HashMap map; synchronized(getOpt_cache) { map = getOpt_cache.get(c); if (map == null) map = getOpt_makeCache(c); } if (map == getOpt_special) { if (o instanceof Class) return getOpt((Class) o, field); /*if (o instanceof S) ret getOpt(getBot((S) o), field);*/ if (o instanceof Map) return ((Map) o).get(field); } Field f = map.get(field); if (f != null) return f.get(o); if (o instanceof DynamicObject) return mapGet2(((DynamicObject) o).fieldValues, field); return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // used internally - we are in synchronized block static HashMap getOpt_makeCache(Class c) { HashMap map; if (isSubtypeOf(c, Map.class)) map = getOpt_special; else { map = new HashMap(); if (!reflection_classesNotToScan().contains(c.getName())) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) { f.setAccessible(true); String name = f.getName(); if (!map.containsKey(name)) map.put(name, f); } _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); } } if (getOpt_cache != null) getOpt_cache.put(c, map); return map; } static Throwable printStackTrace2(Throwable e) { // we go to system.out now - system.err is nonsense print(getStackTrace2(e)); return e; } static void printStackTrace2() { printStackTrace2(new Throwable()); } static void printStackTrace2(String msg) { printStackTrace2(new Throwable(msg)); } static List _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList; static A _registerDangerousWeakMap(A map) { return _registerDangerousWeakMap(map, null); } static A _registerDangerousWeakMap(A map, Object init) { callF(init, map); if (init instanceof String) { final String f = (String) init; init = new VF1() { public void get(Map map) { try { callMC(f, map) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callMC(f, map)"; }}; } if (javax() == null) { // We're in class init if (_registerDangerousWeakMap_preList == null) _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList = synchroList(); _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList.add(pair(map, init)); return map; } call(javax(), "_registerDangerousWeakMap", map, init); return map; } static void _onLoad_registerDangerousWeakMap() { assertNotNull(javax()); if (_registerDangerousWeakMap_preList == null) return; for (Pair p : _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList) _registerDangerousWeakMap(p.a, p.b); _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList = null; } static List classNames(Collection l) { return getClassNames(l); } static List classNames(Object[] l) { return getClassNames(Arrays.asList(l)); } static Class mc() { return main.class; } static void multiMapPut(Map> map, A a, B b) { List l = map.get(a); if (l == null) map.put(a, l = new ArrayList()); l.add(b); } static Throwable getExceptionCause(Throwable e) { Throwable c = e.getCause(); return c != null ? c : e; } static String joinWithSpace(Collection c) { return join(" ", c); } static String joinWithSpace(String... c) { return join(" ", c); } static List jsonTok(String s) { List tok = new ArrayList(); int l = l(s); int i = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c; String cc; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); cc = s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (cc.equals("/*")) { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (cc.equals("//")) { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); // cc is not needed in rest of loop body // scan for non-whitespace (json strings, "null" identifier, numbers. everything else automatically becomes a one character token.) if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) == opener) { ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isLetter(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isLetter(s.charAt(j))); else if (Character.isDigit(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); else ++j; tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); return tok; } // get purpose 1: access a list/array/map (safer version of x.get(y)) static A get(List l, int idx) { return l != null && idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l.get(idx) : null; } // seems to conflict with other signatures /*static B get(Map map, A key) { ret map != null ? map.get(key) : null; }*/ static A get(A[] l, int idx) { return idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l[idx] : null; } // default to false static boolean get(boolean[] l, int idx) { return idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l[idx] : false; } // get purpose 2: access a field by reflection or a map static Object get(Object o, String field) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) return get((Class) o, field); if (o instanceof Map) return ((Map) o).get(field); Field f = getOpt_findField(o.getClass(), field); if (f != null) { f.setAccessible(true); return f.get(o); } if (o instanceof DynamicObject) return ((DynamicObject) o).fieldValues.get(field); } catch (Exception e) { throw asRuntimeException(e); } throw new RuntimeException("Field '" + field + "' not found in " + o.getClass().getName()); } static Object get_raw(String field, Object o) { return get_raw(o, field); } static Object get_raw(Object o, String field) { try { if (o == null) return null; Field f = get_findField(o.getClass(), field); f.setAccessible(true); return f.get(o); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object get(Class c, String field) { try { Field f = get_findStaticField(c, field); f.setAccessible(true); return f.get(null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static Field get_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); throw new RuntimeException("Static field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName()); } static Field get_findField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field)) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); throw new RuntimeException("Field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName()); } static Object get(String field, Object o) { return get(o, field); } public static String join(String glue, Iterable strings) { if (strings == null) return ""; if (strings instanceof Collection) { if (((Collection) strings).size() == 1) return str(first(((Collection) strings))); } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); Iterator i = strings.iterator(); if (i.hasNext()) { buf.append(; while (i.hasNext()) buf.append(glue).append(; } return buf.toString(); } public static String join(String glue, String... strings) { return join(glue, Arrays.asList(strings)); } static String join(Iterable strings) { return join("", strings); } static String join(Iterable strings, String glue) { return join(glue, strings); } public static String join(String[] strings) { return join("", strings); } static String join(String glue, Pair p) { return p == null ? "" : str(p.a) + glue + str(p.b); } static volatile boolean disableCertificateValidation_attempted = false; static void disableCertificateValidation() { try { if (disableCertificateValidation_attempted) return; disableCertificateValidation_attempted = true; try { // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() { public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return new X509Certificate[0]; } public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {} public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {} }}; // Ignore differences between given hostname and certificate hostname HostnameVerifier hv = new HostnameVerifier() { public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) { return true; } }; // Install the all-trusting trust manager SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new SecureRandom()); HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()); HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(hv); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean networkAllowanceTest(String url) { return isAllowed("networkAllowanceTest", url); } static final boolean loadPageThroughProxy_enabled = false; static String loadPageThroughProxy(String url) { return null; } static void sleepSeconds(double s) { if (s > 0) sleep(round(s*1000)); } static String tb_mainServer_default = ""; static Object tb_mainServer_override; // func -> S static String tb_mainServer() { if (tb_mainServer_override != null) return (String) callF(tb_mainServer_override); return trim(loadTextFile(tb_mainServer_file(), tb_mainServer_default)); } static File tb_mainServer_file() { return getProgramFile("#1001638", "mainserver.txt"); } static boolean tb_mainServer_isDefault() { return eq(tb_mainServer(), tb_mainServer_default); } static boolean isTrue(Object o) { if (o instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) o).booleanValue(); if (o == null) return false; if (o instanceof ThreadLocal) return isTrue(((ThreadLocal) o).get()); throw fail(getClassName(o)); } static A printWithTime(A a) { print(hmsWithColons() + ": " + a); return a; } static String hideCredentials(URL url) { return url == null ? null : hideCredentials(str(url)); } static String hideCredentials(String url) { try { if (startsWithOneOf(url, "http://", "https://") && isAGIBlueDomain(hostNameFromURL(url))) return url; } catch (Throwable e) { print("HideCredentials", e); } return url.replaceAll("([&?])(_pass|key)=[^&\\s\"]*", "$1$2="); } static String hideCredentials(Object o) { return hideCredentials(str(o)); } static A getAndClearThreadLocal(ThreadLocal tl) { A a = tl.get(); tl.set(null); return a; } static void setHeaders(URLConnection con) throws IOException { String computerID = getComputerID_quick(); if (computerID != null) try { con.setRequestProperty("X-ComputerID", computerID); con.setRequestProperty("X-OS", System.getProperty("") + " " + System.getProperty("os.version")); } catch (Throwable e) { //printShortException(e); } } static Map vm_generalSubMap(Object name) { synchronized(get(javax(), "generalMap")) { Map map = (Map) (vm_generalMap_get(name)); if (map == null) vm_generalMap_put(name, map = synchroMap()); return map; } } static Thread currentThread() { return Thread.currentThread(); } static InputStream urlConnection_getInputStream(URLConnection con) throws IOException { UnknownHostException lastException = null; for (int _repeat_312 = 0; _repeat_312 < 2; _repeat_312++) { try { if (con instanceof HttpURLConnection) if (((HttpURLConnection) con).getResponseCode() == 500) throw new IOException(joinNemptiesWithColonSpace("Server code 500", tryToReadErrorStreamFromURLConnection(((HttpURLConnection) con)))); return con.getInputStream(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { lastException = e; print("Retrying because of: " + e); continue; } } throw lastException; } static GZIPInputStream newGZIPInputStream(File f) { return gzInputStream(f); } static GZIPInputStream newGZIPInputStream(InputStream in) { return gzInputStream(in); } static String toHex(byte[] bytes) { return bytesToHex(bytes); } static String toHex(byte[] bytes, int ofs, int len) { return bytesToHex(bytes, ofs, len); } static byte[] utf8(String s) { return toUtf8(s); } static Matcher regexpMatcher(String pat, String s) { return compileRegexp(pat).matcher(unnull(s)); } static A or(A a, A b) { return a != null ? a : b; } static URLConnection openConnection(String url) { try { return openConnection(new URL(url)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static URLConnection openConnection(URL url) { try { ping(); callOpt(javax(), "recordOpenURLConnection", str(url)); return url.openConnection(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static int toInt(Object o) { if (o == null) return 0; if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).intValue(); if (o instanceof String) return parseInt((String) o); throw fail("woot not int: " + getClassName(o)); } static int toInt(long l) { if (l != (int) l) throw fail("Too large for int: " + l); return (int) l; } static URLConnection setURLConnectionTimeouts(URLConnection con, long timeout) { con.setConnectTimeout(toInt(timeout)); con.setReadTimeout(toInt(timeout)); if (con.getConnectTimeout() != timeout || con.getReadTimeout() != timeout) print("Warning: Timeouts not set by JDK."); return con; } static URLConnection setURLConnectionDefaultTimeouts(URLConnection con, long timeout) { if (con.getConnectTimeout() == 0) { con.setConnectTimeout(toInt(timeout)); if (con.getConnectTimeout() != timeout) print("Warning: URL connect timeout not set by JDK."); } if (con.getReadTimeout() == 0) { con.setReadTimeout(toInt(timeout)); if (con.getReadTimeout() != timeout) print("Warning: URL read timeout not set by JDK."); } return con; } static String makePostData(Map map) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry e : map.entrySet()) { String key = (String) (e.getKey()); Object val = e.getValue(); if (val != null) { String value = str(val); if (nempty(buf)) buf.append("&"); buf.append(urlencode(key)).append("=").append(urlencode(/*escapeMultichars*/(value))); } } return str(buf); } static String makePostData(Object... params) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int n = l(params); for (int i = 0; i+1 < n; i += 2) { String key = (String) (params[i]); Object val = params[i+1]; if (val != null) { String value = str(val); if (nempty(buf)) buf.append("&"); buf.append(urlencode(key)).append("=").append(urlencode(/*escapeMultichars*/(value))); } } return str(buf); } static Object call_withVarargs(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) o; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findStaticMethod(method, args); if (me != null) return invokeMethod(me, null, args); // try varargs List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; } { if (!(isStaticMethod(m))) continue; } Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args); if (newArgs != null) return invokeMethod(m, null, newArgs); } throw fail("Method " + c.getName() + "." + method + "(" + joinWithComma(classNames(args)) + ") not found"); } else { Class c = o.getClass(); _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(method, args); if (me != null) return invokeMethod(me, o, args); // try varargs List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; } Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args); if (newArgs != null) return invokeMethod(m, o, newArgs); } throw fail("Method " + c.getName() + "." + method + "(" + joinWithComma(classNames(args)) + ") not found in " + c); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object getOpt(Object o, String field) { return getOpt_cached(o, field); } static Object getOpt(String field, Object o) { return getOpt_cached(o, field); } static Object getOpt_raw(Object o, String field) { try { Field f = getOpt_findField(o.getClass(), field); if (f == null) return null; f.setAccessible(true); return f.get(o); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // access of static fields is not yet optimized static Object getOpt(Class c, String field) { try { if (c == null) return null; Field f = getOpt_findStaticField(c, field); if (f == null) return null; f.setAccessible(true); return f.get(null); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Field getOpt_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return null; } static Class __javax; static Class getJavaX() { try { return __javax; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean nemptyString(String s) { return s != null && s.length() > 0; } static int strL(String s) { return s == null ? 0 : s.length(); } static int listL(Collection l) { return l == null ? 0 : l.size(); } static boolean neq(Object a, Object b) { return !eq(a, b); } static char lastChar(String s) { return empty(s) ? '\0' : s.charAt(l(s)-1); } static String[] dropLast(String[] a, int n) { n = Math.min(n, a.length); String[] b = new String[a.length-n]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, b.length); return b; } static List dropLast(List l) { return subList(l, 0, l(l)-1); } static List dropLast(int n, List l) { return subList(l, 0, l(l)-n); } static List dropLast(Iterable l) { return dropLast(asList(l)); } static String dropLast(String s) { return substring(s, 0, l(s)-1); } static String dropLast(String s, int n) { return substring(s, 0, l(s)-n); } static String dropLast(int n, String s) { return dropLast(s, n); } static Comparator caseInsensitiveComparator() { return betterCIComparator(); } static int charDiff(char a, char b) { return (int) a-(int) b; } static int charDiff(String a, char b) { return charDiff(stringToChar(a), b); } static boolean isIdentifier(String s) { return isJavaIdentifier(s); } static void setOpt_raw(Object o, String field, Object value) { try { if (o == null) return; if (o instanceof Class) setOpt_raw((Class) o, field, value); else { Field f = setOpt_raw_findField(o.getClass(), field); if (f != null) { f.setAccessible(true); smartSet(f, o, value); } } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void setOpt_raw(Class c, String field, Object value) { try { if (c == null) return; Field f = setOpt_raw_findStaticField(c, field); if (f != null) { f.setAccessible(true); smartSet(f, null, value); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Field setOpt_raw_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return null; } static Field setOpt_raw_findField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field)) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return null; } static boolean endsWithLetterOrDigit(String s) { return s != null && s.length() > 0 && Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(s.length()-1)); } static void ping_okInCleanUp() { if (ping_pauseAll || ping_anyActions ) ping_impl(true); } // this syntax should be removed... static Object getThreadLocal(Object o, String name) { ThreadLocal t = (ThreadLocal) (getOpt(o, name)); return t != null ? t.get() : null; } static A getThreadLocal(ThreadLocal tl) { return tl == null ? null : tl.get(); } static A getThreadLocal(ThreadLocal tl, A defaultValue) { return or(getThreadLocal(tl), defaultValue); } static ThreadLocal print_byThread_dontCreate() { return print_byThread; } static boolean isFalse(Object o) { return eq(false, o); } static String fixNewLines(String s) { int i = indexOf(s, '\r'); if (i < 0) return s; int l = s.length(); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(l); out.append(s, 0, i); for (; i < l; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c != '\r') out.append(c); else { out.append('\n'); if (i+1 < l && s.charAt(i+1) == '\n') ++i; } } return out.toString(); } static void print_append(Appendable buf, String s, int max) { try { synchronized(buf) { buf.append(s); if (buf instanceof StringBuffer) rotateStringBuffer(((StringBuffer) buf), max); else if (buf instanceof StringBuilder) rotateStringBuilder(((StringBuilder) buf), max); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // PersistableThrowable doesn't hold GC-disturbing class references in backtrace static volatile PersistableThrowable lastException_lastException; static PersistableThrowable lastException() { return lastException_lastException; } static void lastException(Throwable e) { lastException_lastException = persistableThrowable(e); } static Throwable getInnerException(Throwable e) { if (e == null) return null; while (e.getCause() != null) e = e.getCause(); return e; } static Throwable getInnerException(Runnable r) { return getInnerException(getException(r)); } static String baseClassName(String className) { return substring(className, className.lastIndexOf('.')+1); } static String baseClassName(Object o) { return baseClassName(getClassName(o)); } static String prependIfNempty(String prefix, String s) { return empty(s) ? s : prefix + s; } static A printStackTrace(A e) { // we go to system.out now - system.err is nonsense print(getStackTrace(e)); return e; } static void printStackTrace() { printStackTrace(new Throwable()); } static void printStackTrace(String msg) { printStackTrace(new Throwable(msg)); } static void printStackTrace(String msg, Throwable e) { printStackTrace(new Throwable(msg, e)); } // This is a bit rough... finds static and non-static methods. static Method findMethodNamed(Object obj, String method) { if (obj == null) return null; if (obj instanceof Class) return findMethodNamed((Class) obj, method); return findMethodNamed(obj.getClass(), method); } static Method findMethodNamed(Class c, String method) { while (c != null) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getName().equals(method)) { m.setAccessible(true); return m; } c = c.getSuperclass(); } return null; } static void upgradeJavaXAndRestart() { run("#1001639"); restart(); sleep(); } static Object callOpt(Object o) { return callF(o); } static A callOpt(Object o, String method, Object... args) { return (A) callOpt_withVarargs(o, method, args); } static boolean reflection_isForbiddenMethod(Method m) { return m.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class && eqOneOf(m.getName(), "finalize", "clone", "registerNatives"); } static PersistableThrowable persistableThrowable(Throwable e) { return e == null ? null : new PersistableThrowable(e); } static Throwable innerException(Throwable e) { return getInnerException(e); } static ArrayList cloneList(Iterable l) { return l instanceof Collection ? cloneList((Collection) l) : asList(l); } static ArrayList cloneList(Collection l) { if (l == null) return new ArrayList(); synchronized(collectionMutex(l)) { return new ArrayList(l); } } static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet() { return new TreeSet(caseInsensitiveComparator()); } static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(Collection c) { return toCaseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(c); } static String javaTok_substringN(String s, int i, int j) { if (i == j) return ""; if (j == i+1 && s.charAt(i) == ' ') return " "; return s.substring(i, j); } static String javaTok_substringC(String s, int i, int j) { return s.substring(i, j); } static List javaTokWithExisting(String s, List existing) { ++javaTok_n; int nExisting = javaTok_opt && existing != null ? existing.size() : 0; ArrayList tok = existing != null ? new ArrayList(nExisting) : new ArrayList(); int l = s.length(); int i = 0, n = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c, d; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j+1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } if (n < nExisting && javaTokWithExisting_isCopyable(existing.get(n), s, i, j)) tok.add(existing.get(n)); else tok.add(javaTok_substringN(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); d = i+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i+1); // scan for non-whitespace // Special JavaX syntax: 'identifier if (c == '\'' && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(d) && i+2 < l && "'\\".indexOf(s.charAt(i+2)) < 0) { j += 2; while (j < l && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j))) ++j; } else if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) == opener /*|| s.charAt(j) == '\n'*/) { // allow multi-line strings ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || "'".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) >= 0)); // for stuff like "don't" else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; // Long constants like 1L } else if (c == '[' && d == '[') { do ++j; while (j+1 < l && !s.substring(j, j+2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '[' && d == '=' && i+2 < l && s.charAt(i+2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j+2 < l && !s.substring(j, j+3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j+3, l); } else ++j; if (n < nExisting && javaTokWithExisting_isCopyable(existing.get(n), s, i, j)) tok.add(existing.get(n)); else tok.add(javaTok_substringC(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); javaTok_elements += tok.size(); return tok; } static boolean javaTokWithExisting_isCopyable(String t, String s, int i, int j) { return t.length() == j-i && s.regionMatches(i, t, 0, j-i); // << could be left out, but that's brave } static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { return eqic(a, b); } static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(char a, char b) { return eqic(a, b); } static void clear(Collection c) { if (c != null) c.clear(); } static void put(Map map, A a, B b) { if (map != null) map.put(a, b); } static void put(List l, int i, A a) { if (l != null && i >= 0 && i < l(l)) l.set(i, a); } static B mapGet2(Map map, A a) { return map == null ? null : map.get(a); } static B mapGet2(A a, Map map) { return map == null ? null : map.get(a); } static boolean isSubtypeOf(Class a, Class b) { return b.isAssignableFrom(a); // << always hated that method, let's replace it! } static Set reflection_classesNotToScan_value = litset( "jdk.internal.loader.URLClassPath" ); static Set reflection_classesNotToScan() { return reflection_classesNotToScan_value; } static String getStackTrace2(Throwable e) { return hideCredentials(getStackTrace(unwrapTrivialExceptionWraps(e)) + replacePrefix("java.lang.RuntimeException: ", "FAIL: ", hideCredentials(str(innerException2(e)))) + "\n"); } static A assertNotNull(A a) { assertTrue(a != null); return a; } static A assertNotNull(String msg, A a) { assertTrue(msg, a != null); return a; } static List getClassNames(Collection l) { List out = new ArrayList(); if (l != null) for (Object o : l) out.add(o == null ? null : getClassName(o)); return out; } static Field getOpt_findField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field)) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return null; } static Object first(Object list) { return first((Iterable) list); } static A first(List list) { return empty(list) ? null : list.get(0); } static A first(A[] bla) { return bla == null || bla.length == 0 ? null : bla[0]; } static A first(Iterator i) { return i == null || !i.hasNext() ? null :; } static A first(Iterable i) { if (i == null) return null; Iterator it = i.iterator(); return it.hasNext() ? : null; } static Character first(String s) { return empty(s) ? null : s.charAt(0); } static A first(Pair p) { return p == null ? null : p.a; } static volatile Object isAllowed_function; // func(S, O[]) -> bool static volatile boolean isAllowed_all = true; static boolean isAllowed(String askingMethod, Object... args) { // check on VM level Object f = vm_generalMap_get("isAllowed_function"); if (f != null && !isTrue(callF(f, askingMethod, args))) return false; // check locally return isAllowed_all || isTrue(callF(isAllowed_function, askingMethod, args)); } static volatile boolean sleep_noSleep = false; static void sleep(long ms) { ping(); if (ms < 0) return; // allow spin locks if (isAWTThread() && ms > 100) throw fail("Should not sleep on AWT thread"); try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static void sleep() { try { if (sleep_noSleep) throw fail("nosleep"); print("Sleeping."); sleepQuietly(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static long round(double d) { return Math.round(d); } static String trim(String s) { return s == null ? null : s.trim(); } static String trim(StringBuilder buf) { return buf.toString().trim(); } static String trim(StringBuffer buf) { return buf.toString().trim(); } static String loadTextFile(String fileName) { return loadTextFile(fileName, null); } static String loadTextFile(File f, String defaultContents) { try { checkFileNotTooBigToRead(f); if (f == null || !f.exists()) return defaultContents; FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(f); InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(fileInputStream, "UTF-8"); return loadTextFile(inputStreamReader); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String loadTextFile(File fileName) { return loadTextFile(fileName, null); } static String loadTextFile(String fileName, String defaultContents) { return fileName == null ? defaultContents : loadTextFile(newFile(fileName), defaultContents); } static String loadTextFile(Reader reader) throws IOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); try { char[] buffer = new char[1024]; int n; while (-1 != (n = builder.append(buffer, 0, n); } finally { reader.close(); } return str(builder); } static File getProgramFile(String progID, String fileName) { if (new File(fileName).isAbsolute()) return new File(fileName); return new File(getProgramDir(progID), fileName); } static File getProgramFile(String fileName) { return getProgramFile(getProgramID(), fileName); } static String hmsWithColons() { return hmsWithColons(now()); } static String hmsWithColons(long time) { return new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(time); } static boolean startsWithOneOf(String s, String... l) { for (String x : l) if (startsWith(s, x)) return true; return false; } static boolean isAGIBlueDomain(String domain) { return domainIsUnder(domain, theAGIBlueDomain()); } static String hostNameFromURL(String url) { try { return new URL(url).getHost(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String getComputerID_quick() { return computerID(); } static Object vm_generalMap_get(Object key) { return vm_generalMap().get(key); } static Object vm_generalMap_put(Object key, Object value) { return mapPutOrRemove(vm_generalMap(), key, value); } static String joinNemptiesWithColonSpace(String... strings) { return joinNempties(": ", strings); } static String joinNemptiesWithColonSpace(Collection strings) { return joinNempties(": ", strings); } static String tryToReadErrorStreamFromURLConnection(URLConnection conn) { try { if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) return stream2string(((HttpURLConnection) conn).getErrorStream()); // TODO: ensure some max length return null; } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static int gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize = 65536; static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(File f) { try { return gzInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(File f, int bufferSize) { try { return gzInputStream(new FileInputStream(f), bufferSize); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(InputStream in) { return gzInputStream(in, gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize); } static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(InputStream in, int bufferSize) { try { return _registerIOWrap(new GZIPInputStream(in, gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize), in); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) { return bytesToHex(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes, int ofs, int len) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(len*2); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String s = "0" + Integer.toHexString(bytes[ofs+i]); stringBuilder.append(s.substring(s.length()-2, s.length())); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } static byte[] toUtf8(String s) { try { return s.getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Map compileRegexp_cache = syncMRUCache(10); static java.util.regex.Pattern compileRegexp(String pat) { java.util.regex.Pattern p = compileRegexp_cache.get(pat); if (p == null) { compileRegexp_cache.put(pat, p = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(pat)); } return p; } //sbool ping_actions_shareable = true; static volatile boolean ping_pauseAll = false; static int ping_sleep = 100; // poll pauseAll flag every 100 static volatile boolean ping_anyActions = false; static Map ping_actions = newWeakHashMap(); static ThreadLocal ping_isCleanUpThread = new ThreadLocal(); // always returns true static boolean ping() { if (ping_pauseAll || ping_anyActions ) ping_impl(true /* XXX */); //ifndef LeanMode ping_impl(); endifndef return true; } // returns true when it slept static boolean ping_impl(boolean okInCleanUp) { try { if (ping_pauseAll && !isAWTThread()) { do Thread.sleep(ping_sleep); while (ping_pauseAll); return true; } if (ping_anyActions) { // don't allow sharing ping_actions if (!okInCleanUp && !isTrue(ping_isCleanUpThread.get())) failIfUnlicensed(); Object action = null; synchronized(ping_actions) { if (!ping_actions.isEmpty()) { action = ping_actions.get(currentThread()); if (action instanceof Runnable) ping_actions.remove(currentThread()); if (ping_actions.isEmpty()) ping_anyActions = false; } } if (action instanceof Runnable) ((Runnable) action).run(); else if (eq(action, "cancelled")) throw fail("Thread cancelled."); } return false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String urlencode(String x) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(unnull(x), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static final Map callOpt_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static Object callOpt_cached(Object o, String methodName, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) o; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); // TODO: (super-rare) case where method exists static and non-static // with different args Method me = cache.findMethod(methodName, args); if (me == null || (me.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) return null; return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } else { Class c = o.getClass(); _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(methodName, args); if (me == null) return null; return invokeMethod(me, o, args); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static _MethodCache callOpt_getCache(Class c) { synchronized(callOpt_cache) { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_cache.get(c); if (cache == null) callOpt_cache.put(c, cache = new _MethodCache(c)); return cache; } } static boolean isStaticMethod(Method m) { return methodIsStatic(m); } static Object[] massageArgsForVarArgsCall(Method m, Object[] args) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); int n = types.length-1, nArgs = args.length; if (nArgs < n) return null; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (!argumentCompatibleWithType(args[i], types[i])) return null; Class varArgType = types[n].getComponentType(); for (int i = n; i < nArgs; i++) if (!argumentCompatibleWithType(args[i], varArgType)) return null; Object[] newArgs = new Object[n+1]; arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, n); Object[] varArgs = arrayOfType(varArgType, nArgs-n); arraycopy(args, n, varArgs, 0, nArgs-n); newArgs[n] = varArgs; return newArgs; } static String joinWithComma(Collection c) { return join(", ", c); } static String joinWithComma(String... c) { return join(", ", c); } static String joinWithComma(Pair p) { return p == null ? "" : joinWithComma(str(p.a), str(p.b)); } static betterCIComparator_C betterCIComparator_instance; static betterCIComparator_C betterCIComparator() { if (betterCIComparator_instance == null) betterCIComparator_instance = new betterCIComparator_C(); return betterCIComparator_instance; } static class betterCIComparator_C implements Comparator { public int compare(String s1, String s2) { if (s1 == null) return s2 == null ? 0 : -1; if (s2 == null) return 1; int n1 = s1.length(); int n2 = s2.length(); int min = Math.min(n1, n2); for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) { char c1 = s1.charAt(i); char c2 = s2.charAt(i); if (c1 != c2) { c1 = Character.toUpperCase(c1); c2 = Character.toUpperCase(c2); if (c1 != c2) { c1 = Character.toLowerCase(c1); c2 = Character.toLowerCase(c2); if (c1 != c2) { // No overflow because of numeric promotion return c1 - c2; } } } } return n1 - n2; } } static char stringToChar(String s) { if (l(s) != 1) throw fail("bad stringToChar: " + s); return firstChar(s); } static int indexOf(List l, A a, int startIndex) { if (l == null) return -1; int n = l(l); for (int i = startIndex; i < n; i++) if (eq(l.get(i), a)) return i; return -1; } static int indexOf(List l, int startIndex, A a) { return indexOf(l, a, startIndex); } static int indexOf(List l, A a) { if (l == null) return -1; return l.indexOf(a); } static int indexOf(String a, String b) { return a == null || b == null ? -1 : a.indexOf(b); } static int indexOf(String a, String b, int i) { return a == null || b == null ? -1 : a.indexOf(b, i); } static int indexOf(String a, char b) { return a == null ? -1 : a.indexOf(b); } static int indexOf(String a, int i, char b) { return indexOf(a, b, i); } static int indexOf(String a, char b, int i) { return a == null ? -1 : a.indexOf(b, i); } static int indexOf(String a, int i, String b) { return a == null || b == null ? -1 : a.indexOf(b, i); } static int indexOf(A[] x, A a) { int n = l(x); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (eq(x[i], a)) return i; return -1; } static void rotateStringBuffer(StringBuffer buf, int max) { try { if (buf == null) return; synchronized(buf) { if (buf.length() <= max) return; try { int newLength = max/2; int ofs = buf.length()-newLength; String newString = buf.substring(ofs); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("[...] ").append(newString); } catch (Exception e) { buf.setLength(0); } buf.trimToSize(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void rotateStringBuilder(StringBuilder buf, int max) { try { if (buf == null) return; synchronized(buf) { if (buf.length() <= max) return; try { int newLength = max/2; int ofs = buf.length()-newLength; String newString = buf.substring(ofs); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("[...] ").append(newString); } catch (Exception e) { buf.setLength(0); } buf.trimToSize(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Throwable getException(Runnable r) { try { callF(r); return null; } catch (Throwable e) { return e; } } static String getStackTrace(Throwable throwable) { lastException(throwable); return getStackTrace_noRecord(throwable); } static String getStackTrace_noRecord(Throwable throwable) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); throwable.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)); return hideCredentials(writer.toString()); } static String getStackTrace() { return getStackTrace_noRecord(new Throwable()); } static Class run(String progID, String... args) { Class main = hotwire(progID); callMain(main, args); return main; } static void restart() { Object j = getJavaX(); call(j, "cleanRestart", get(j, "fullArgs")); } static Object callOpt_withVarargs(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) o; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(method, args); if (me == null) { // TODO: varargs return null; } if ((me.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) return null; return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } else { Class c = o.getClass(); _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(method, args); if (me != null) return invokeMethod(me, o, args); // try varargs List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; } Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args); if (newArgs != null) return invokeMethod(m, o, newArgs); } return null; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static TreeSet toCaseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(Iterable c) { if (isCISet(c)) return (TreeSet) c; TreeSet set = caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(); addAll(set, c); return set; } static TreeSet toCaseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(String... x) { TreeSet set = caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(); addAll(set, x); return set; } static boolean eqic(String a, String b) { if ((a == null) != (b == null)) return false; if (a == null) return true; return a.equalsIgnoreCase(b); } static boolean eqic(char a, char b) { if (a == b) return true; char u1 = Character.toUpperCase(a); char u2 = Character.toUpperCase(b); if (u1 == u2) return true; return Character.toLowerCase(u1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2); } static HashSet litset(A... items) { return lithashset(items); } static Throwable unwrapTrivialExceptionWraps(Throwable e) { if (e == null) return e; while (e.getClass() == RuntimeException.class && e.getCause() != null && eq(e.getMessage(), str(e.getCause()))) e = e.getCause(); return e; } static Throwable innerException2(Throwable e) { if (e == null) return null; while (empty(e.getMessage()) && e.getCause() != null) e = e.getCause(); return e; } // TODO: test if android complains about this static boolean isAWTThread() { if (isAndroid()) return false; if (isHeadless()) return false; return isAWTThread_awt(); } static boolean isAWTThread_awt() { return SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread(); } static Object sleepQuietly_monitor = new Object(); static void sleepQuietly() { try { assertFalse(isAWTThread()); synchronized(sleepQuietly_monitor) { sleepQuietly_monitor.wait(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static ThreadLocal> checkFileNotTooBigToRead_tl = new ThreadLocal(); static void checkFileNotTooBigToRead(File f) { callF(checkFileNotTooBigToRead_tl.get(), f); } static File newFile(File base, String... names) { for (String name : names) base = new File(base, name); return base; } static File newFile(String name) { return name == null ? null : new File(name); } static File getProgramDir() { return programDir(); } static File getProgramDir(String snippetID) { return programDir(snippetID); } static String programID; static String getProgramID() { return nempty(programID) ? formatSnippetIDOpt(programID) : "?"; } // TODO: ask JavaX instead static String getProgramID(Class c) { String id = (String) getOpt(c, "programID"); if (nempty(id)) return formatSnippetID(id); return "?"; } static String getProgramID(Object o) { return getProgramID(getMainClass(o)); } static long now_virtualTime; static long now() { return now_virtualTime != 0 ? now_virtualTime : System.currentTimeMillis(); } static boolean domainIsUnder(String domain, String mainDomain) { return eqic(domain, mainDomain) || ewic(domain, "." + mainDomain); } static String theAGIBlueDomain() { return ""; } static String _computerID; static Lock computerID_lock = lock(); public static String computerID() { if (_computerID == null) { Lock __528 = computerID_lock; lock(__528); try { if (_computerID != null) return _computerID; File file = computerIDFile(); _computerID = loadTextFile(file.getPath()); if (_computerID == null) { // legacy load _computerID = loadTextFile(userDir(".tinybrain/computer-id")); if (_computerID == null) _computerID = makeRandomID(12, new SecureRandom()); saveTextFile(file, _computerID); } } finally { unlock(__528); } } return _computerID; } static Map vm_generalMap_map; static Map vm_generalMap() { if (vm_generalMap_map == null) vm_generalMap_map = (Map) get(javax(), "generalMap"); return vm_generalMap_map; } static B mapPutOrRemove(Map map, A key, B value) { if (map != null && key != null) if (value != null) return map.put(key, value); else return map.remove(key); return null; } static String joinNempties(String sep, String... strings) { return joinStrings(sep, strings); } static String joinNempties(String sep, Collection strings) { return joinStrings(sep, strings); } static String stream2string(InputStream in) { return utf8streamToString(in); } static A _registerIOWrap(A wrapper, Object wrapped) { return wrapper; } static Map syncMRUCache(int size) { return synchroMap(new MRUCache(size)); } static Map newWeakHashMap() { return _registerWeakMap(synchroMap(new WeakHashMap())); } static void failIfUnlicensed() { assertTrue("license off", licensed()); } static boolean methodIsStatic(Method m) { return (m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) != 0; } static boolean argumentCompatibleWithType(Object arg, Class type) { return arg == null ? !type.isPrimitive() : isInstanceX(type, arg); } static void arraycopy(Object[] a, Object[] b) { if (a != null && b != null) arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, min(a.length, b.length)); } static void arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int n) { if (n != 0) System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, n); } static A[] arrayOfType(Class type, int n) { return makeArray(type, n); } static A[] arrayOfType(int n, Class type) { return arrayOfType(type, n); } static char firstChar(String s) { return s.charAt(0); } static Class hotwire(String src) { assertFalse(_inCore()); Class j = getJavaX(); if (isAndroid()) { synchronized(j) { // hopefully this goes well... List libraries = new ArrayList(); File srcDir = (File) call(j, "transpileMain", src, libraries); if (srcDir == null) throw fail("transpileMain returned null (src=" + quote(src) + ")"); Object androidContext = get(j, "androidContext"); return (Class) call(j, "loadx2android", srcDir, src); } } else { Class c = (Class) (call(j, "hotwire", src)); hotwire_copyOver(c); return c; } } static A callMain(A c, String... args) { callOpt(c, "main", new Object[] {args}); return c; } static void callMain() { callMain(mc()); } static boolean isCISet(Iterable l) { return l instanceof TreeSet && ((TreeSet) l).comparator() == caseInsensitiveComparator(); } static void addAll(Collection c, Iterable b) { if (c != null && b != null) for (A a : b) c.add(a); } static boolean addAll(Collection c, Collection b) { return c != null && b != null && c.addAll(b); } static boolean addAll(Collection c, B... b) { return c != null && c.addAll(Arrays.asList(b)); } static Map addAll(Map a, Map b) { if (a != null) a.putAll(b); return a; } static String asString(Object o) { return o == null ? null : o.toString(); } static HashSet lithashset(A... items) { HashSet set = new HashSet(); for (A a : items) set.add(a); return set; } static int isAndroid_flag; static boolean isAndroid() { if (isAndroid_flag == 0) isAndroid_flag = System.getProperty("java.vendor").toLowerCase().indexOf("android") >= 0 ? 1 : -1; return isAndroid_flag > 0; } static Boolean isHeadless_cache; static boolean isHeadless() { if (isHeadless_cache != null) return isHeadless_cache; if (isAndroid()) return isHeadless_cache = true; if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) return isHeadless_cache = true; // Also check if AWT actually works. // If DISPLAY variable is set but no X server up, this will notice. try { SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread(); return isHeadless_cache = false; } catch (Throwable e) { return isHeadless_cache = true; } } static void assertFalse(Object o) { if (!(eq(o, false) /*|| isFalse(pcallF(o))*/)) throw fail(str(o)); } static boolean assertFalse(boolean b) { if (b) throw fail("oops"); return b; } static boolean assertFalse(String msg, boolean b) { if (b) throw fail(msg); return b; } static File programDir_mine; // set this to relocate program's data static File programDir() { return programDir(getProgramID()); } static File programDir(String snippetID) { boolean me = sameSnippetID(snippetID, programID()); if (programDir_mine != null && me) return programDir_mine; File dir = new File(javaxDataDir(), formatSnippetIDOpt(snippetID)); if (me) { String c = caseID(); if (nempty(c)) dir = newFile(dir, c); } return dir; } static File programDir(String snippetID, String subPath) { return new File(programDir(snippetID), subPath); } static String formatSnippetIDOpt(String s) { return isSnippetID(s) ? formatSnippetID(s) : s; } static String formatSnippetID(String id) { return "#" + parseSnippetID(id); } static String formatSnippetID(long id) { return "#" + id; } static Class getMainClass() { return mc(); } static Class getMainClass(Object o) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class && eq(((Class) o).getName(), "x30")) return (Class) o; return (o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass()).getClassLoader().loadClass("main"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean ewic(String a, String b) { return endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b); } static boolean ewic(String a, String b, Matches m) { return endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b, m); } static void lock(Lock lock) { try { ping(); if (lock == null) return; try { lock.lockInterruptibly(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { print("Locking interrupted! I probably deadlocked, oops."); printStackTrace(e); rethrow(e); } ping(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void lock(Lock lock, String msg) { print("Locking: " + msg); lock(lock); } static void lock(Lock lock, String msg, long timeout) { print("Locking: " + msg); lockOrFail(lock, timeout); } static ReentrantLock lock() { return fairLock(); } static File computerIDFile() { return javaxDataDir("Basic Info/computer-id.txt"); } static File userDir() { return new File(userHome()); } static File userDir(String path) { return new File(userHome(), path); } static String makeRandomID(int length) { return makeRandomID(length, defaultRandomGenerator()); } static String makeRandomID(int length, Random random) { char[] id = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) id[i] = (char) ((int) 'a' + random.nextInt(26)); return new String(id); } static String makeRandomID(Random r, int length) { return makeRandomID(length, r); } /** writes safely (to temp file, then rename) */ static File saveTextFile(String fileName, String contents) throws IOException { CriticalAction action = beginCriticalAction("Saving file " + fileName + " (" + l(contents) + " chars)"); try { File file = new File(fileName); mkdirsForFile(file); String tempFileName = fileName + "_temp"; File tempFile = new File(tempFileName); if (contents != null) { if (tempFile.exists()) try { String saveName = tempFileName + ".saved." + now(); copyFile(tempFile, new File(saveName)); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); } FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = newFileOutputStream(tempFile.getPath()); OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutputStream, "UTF-8"); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(outputStreamWriter); printWriter.print(contents); printWriter.close(); } if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) throw new IOException("Can't delete " + fileName); if (contents != null) if (!tempFile.renameTo(file)) throw new IOException("Can't rename " + tempFile + " to " + file); vmBus_send("wroteFile", file); return file; } finally { action.done(); } } static File saveTextFile(File fileName, String contents) { try { saveTextFile(fileName.getPath(), contents); return fileName; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void unlock(Lock lock, String msg) { if (lock == null) return; print("Unlocking: " + msg); lock.unlock(); } static void unlock(Lock lock) { if (lock == null) return; lock.unlock(); } static String joinStrings(String sep, String... strings) { return joinStrings(sep, Arrays.asList(strings)); } static String joinStrings(String sep, Collection strings) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : unnull(strings)) if (nempty(s)) { if (nempty(buf)) buf.append(sep); buf.append(s); } return str(buf); } static String utf8streamToString(InputStream in) { return readerToString(utf8bufferedReader(in)); } static List _registerWeakMap_preList; static A _registerWeakMap(A map) { if (javax() == null) { // We're in class init if (_registerWeakMap_preList == null) _registerWeakMap_preList = synchroList(); _registerWeakMap_preList.add(map); return map; } try { call(javax(), "_registerWeakMap", map); } catch (Throwable e) { printException(e); print("Upgrade JavaX!!"); } return map; } static void _onLoad_registerWeakMap() { assertNotNull(javax()); if (_registerWeakMap_preList == null) return; for (Object o : _registerWeakMap_preList) _registerWeakMap(o); _registerWeakMap_preList = null; } static volatile boolean licensed_yes = true; static boolean licensed() { if (!licensed_yes) return false; ping_okInCleanUp(); return true; } static void licensed_off() { licensed_yes = false; } static A[] makeArray(Class type, int n) { return (A[]) Array.newInstance(type, n); } static boolean _inCore() { return false; } static List hotwire_copyOver_after = synchroList(); static void hotwire_copyOver(Class c) { // TODO: make a mechanism for making such "inheritable" fields for (String field : ll("print_log", "print_silent", "androidContext", "_userHome")) setOptIfNotNull(c, field, getOpt(mc(), field)); setOptIfNotNull(c, "mainBot" , getMainBot()); setOpt(c, "creator_class" , new WeakReference(mc())); pcallFAll(hotwire_copyOver_after, c); } static boolean sameSnippetID(String a, String b) { if (!isSnippetID(a) || !isSnippetID(b)) return false; return parseSnippetID(a) == parseSnippetID(b); } static String programID() { return getProgramID(); } static String programID(Object o) { return getProgramID(o); } static File javaxDataDir_dir; // can be set to work on different base dir static File javaxDataDir() { return javaxDataDir_dir != null ? javaxDataDir_dir : new File(userHome(), "JavaX-Data"); } static File javaxDataDir(String... subs) { return newFile(javaxDataDir(), subs); } static volatile String caseID_caseID; static String caseID() { return caseID_caseID; } static void caseID(String id) { caseID_caseID = id; } public static boolean isSnippetID(String s) { try { parseSnippetID(s); return true; } catch (RuntimeException e) { return false; } } public static long parseSnippetID(String snippetID) { long id = Long.parseLong(shortenSnippetID(snippetID)); if (id == 0) throw fail("0 is not a snippet ID"); return id; } static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { int la = l(a), lb = l(b); return la >= lb && regionMatchesIC(a, la-lb, b, 0, lb); } static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] { substring(a, 0, l(a)-l(b)) }; return true; } static void lockOrFail(Lock lock, long timeout) { try { ping(); if (!lock.tryLock(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { String s = "Couldn't acquire lock after " + timeout + " ms."; if (lock instanceof ReentrantLock) { ReentrantLock l = (ReentrantLock) lock; s += " Hold count: " + l.getHoldCount() + ", owner: " + call(l, "getOwner"); } throw fail(s); } ping(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static ReentrantLock fairLock() { return new ReentrantLock(true); } static String _userHome; static String userHome() { if (_userHome == null) return actualUserHome(); return _userHome; } static File userHome(String path) { return new File(userDir(), path); } static Random defaultRandomGenerator() { return ThreadLocalRandom.current(); } static List beginCriticalAction_inFlight = synchroList(); static class CriticalAction { String description; CriticalAction() {} CriticalAction(String description) { this.description = description;} void done() { beginCriticalAction_inFlight.remove(this); } } static CriticalAction beginCriticalAction(String description) { ping(); CriticalAction c = new CriticalAction(description); beginCriticalAction_inFlight.add(c); return c; } static void cleanMeUp_beginCriticalAction() { int n = 0; while (nempty(beginCriticalAction_inFlight)) { int m = l(beginCriticalAction_inFlight); if (m != n) { n = m; try { print("Waiting for " + n2(n, "critical actions") + ": " + join(", ", collect(beginCriticalAction_inFlight, "description"))); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } sleepInCleanUp(10); } } public static File mkdirsForFile(File file) { File dir = file.getParentFile(); if (dir != null) { // is null if file is in current dir dir.mkdirs(); if (!dir.isDirectory()) if (dir.isFile()) throw fail("Please delete the file " + f2s(dir) + " - it is supposed to be a directory!"); else throw fail("Unknown IO exception during mkdirs of " + f2s(file)); } return file; } public static String mkdirsForFile(String path) { mkdirsForFile(new File(path)); return path; } public static void copyFile(File src, File dest) { try { FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(src.getPath()); FileOutputStream outputStream = newFileOutputStream(dest.getPath()); try { copyStream(inputStream, outputStream); inputStream.close(); } finally { outputStream.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(File path) throws IOException { return newFileOutputStream(path.getPath()); } static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(String path) throws IOException { return newFileOutputStream(path, false); } static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(File path, boolean append) throws IOException { return newFileOutputStream(path.getPath(), append); } static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(String path, boolean append) throws IOException { mkdirsForFile(path); FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(path, append); _registerIO(f, path, true); return f; } static void vmBus_send(String msg, Object... args) { Object arg = vmBus_wrapArgs(args); pcallFAll(vm_busListeners_live(), msg, arg); pcallFAll(vm_busListenersByMessage_live().get(msg), msg, arg); } static void vmBus_send(String msg) { vmBus_send(msg, (Object) null); } static String readerToString(Reader r) { try { try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int n = 0; while (true) { int ch =; if (ch < 0) break; buf.append((char) ch); ++n; //if ((n % loadPage_verboseness) == 0) print(" " + n + " chars read"); } return buf.toString(); } finally { r.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static BufferedReader utf8bufferedReader(InputStream in) { try { return bufferedReader(_registerIOWrap(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"), in)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static BufferedReader utf8bufferedReader(File f) { try { return utf8bufferedReader(newFileInputStream(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static A printException(A e) { printStackTrace(e); return e; } static void setOptIfNotNull(Object o, String field, Object value) { if (value != null) setOpt(o, field, value); } static Object mainBot; static Object getMainBot() { return mainBot; } static void pcallFAll(Collection l, Object... args) { if (l != null) for (Object f : cloneList(l)) pcallF(f, args); } static void pcallFAll(Iterator it, Object... args) { while (it.hasNext()) pcallF(, args); } static String shortenSnippetID(String snippetID) { if (snippetID.startsWith("#")) snippetID = snippetID.substring(1); String httpBlaBla = ""; if (snippetID.startsWith(httpBlaBla)) snippetID = snippetID.substring(httpBlaBla.length()); return "" + parseLong(snippetID); } static boolean regionMatchesIC(String a, int offsetA, String b, int offsetB, int len) { return a != null && a.regionMatches(true, offsetA, b, offsetB, len); } static String actualUserHome_value; static String actualUserHome() { if (actualUserHome_value == null) { if (isAndroid()) actualUserHome_value = "/storage/emulated/0/"; else actualUserHome_value = System.getProperty("user.home"); } return actualUserHome_value; } static File actualUserHome(String sub) { return newFile(new File(actualUserHome()), sub); } static String n2(long l) { return formatWithThousands(l); } static String n2(Collection l) { return n2(l(l)); } static String n2(double l, String singular) { return n2(l, singular, singular + "s"); } static String n2(double l, String singular, String plural) { if (fraction(l) == 0) return n2((long) l, singular, plural); else return l + " " + plural; } static String n2(long l, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l, singular, plural); } static String n2(long l, String singular) { return n_fancy2(l, singular, singular + "s"); } static String n2(Collection l, String singular) { return n2(l(l), singular); } static String n2(Collection l, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l, singular, plural); } static String n2(Map m, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(m, singular, plural); } static String n2(Map m, String singular) { return n2(l(m), singular); } static String n2(Object[] a, String singular) { return n2(l(a), singular); } static String n2(Object[] a, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(a, singular, plural); } static List collect(Collection c, String field) { return collectField(c, field); } static List collect(String field, Collection c) { return collectField(c, field); } /*ifclass Concept static L collect(Class c, S field) { ret collect(list(c), field); } endif TODO: make translator ignore stuff in ifclass until resolved */ static void sleepInCleanUp(long ms) { try { if (ms < 0) return; Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String f2s(File f) { return f == null ? null : f.getAbsolutePath(); } static String f2s(java.nio.file.Path p) { return p == null ? null : f2s(p.toFile()); } static void copyStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) { try { byte[] buf = new byte[65536]; while (true) { int n =; if (n <= 0) return; out.write(buf, 0, n); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void _registerIO(Object object, String path, boolean opened) { } static Object vmBus_wrapArgs(Object... args) { return empty(args) ? null : l(args) == 1 ? args[0] : args; } static Set vm_busListeners_live_cache; static Set vm_busListeners_live() { if (vm_busListeners_live_cache == null) vm_busListeners_live_cache = vm_busListeners_live_load(); return vm_busListeners_live_cache; } static Set vm_busListeners_live_load() { return vm_generalIdentityHashSet("busListeners"); } static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache; static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live() { if (vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache == null) vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache = vm_busListenersByMessage_live_load(); return vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache; } static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live_load() { return vm_generalHashMap("busListenersByMessage"); } static BufferedReader bufferedReader(Reader r) { return r instanceof BufferedReader ? (BufferedReader) r : _registerIOWrap(new BufferedReader(r), r); } static FileInputStream newFileInputStream(File path) throws IOException { return newFileInputStream(path.getPath()); } static FileInputStream newFileInputStream(String path) throws IOException { FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(path); _registerIO(f, path, true); return f; } static Object pcallF(Object f, Object... args) { return pcallFunction(f, args); } static B pcallF(F1 f, A a) { try { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static void pcallF(VF1 f, A a) { try { if (f != null) f.get(a); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } static String formatWithThousands(long l) { return formatWithThousandsSeparator(l); } static double fraction(double d) { return d % 1; } static String n_fancy2(long l, String singular, String plural) { return formatWithThousandsSeparator(l) + " " + trim(l == 1 ? singular : plural); } static String n_fancy2(Collection l, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l(l), singular, plural); } static String n_fancy2(Map m, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l(m), singular, plural); } static String n_fancy2(Object[] a, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l(a), singular, plural); } static List collectField(Collection c, String field) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (Object a : c) l.add(getOpt(a, field)); return l; } static List collectField(String field, Collection c) { return collectField(c, field); } static Set vm_generalIdentityHashSet(Object name) { synchronized(get(javax(), "generalMap")) { Set set = (Set) (vm_generalMap_get(name)); if (set == null) vm_generalMap_put(name, set = syncIdentityHashSet()); return set; } } static Map vm_generalHashMap(Object name) { synchronized(get(javax(), "generalMap")) { Map m = (Map) (vm_generalMap_get(name)); if (m == null) vm_generalMap_put(name, m = syncHashMap()); return m; } } static Object pcallFunction(Object f, Object... args) { try { return callFunction(f, args); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return null; } static String formatWithThousandsSeparator(long l) { return NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("en_US")).format(l); } static Set syncIdentityHashSet() { return (Set) synchronizedSet(identityHashSet()); } static Map syncHashMap() { return synchroHashMap(); } static Object callFunction(Object f, Object... args) { return callF(f, args); } static Set synchronizedSet() { return synchroHashSet(); } static Set synchronizedSet(Set set) { return Collections.synchronizedSet(set); } static Set identityHashSet() { return Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap()); } static Set synchroHashSet() { return Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet()); } // immutable, has strong refs final static class _MethodCache { final Class c; final HashMap> cache = new HashMap(); _MethodCache(Class c) { this.c = c; _init(); } void _init() { Class _c = c; while (_c != null) { for (Method m : _c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (!reflection_isForbiddenMethod(m)) multiMapPut(cache, m.getName(), makeAccessible(m)); _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } // add default methods - this might lead to a duplication // because the overridden method is also added, but it's not // a problem except for minimal performance loss. for (Class intf : allInterfacesImplementedBy(c)) for (Method m : intf.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.isDefault() && !reflection_isForbiddenMethod(m)) multiMapPut(cache, m.getName(), makeAccessible(m)); } // Returns only matching methods Method findMethod(String method, Object[] args) { try { List m = cache.get(method); if (m == null) return null; int n = m.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Method me = m.get(i); if (call_checkArgs(me, args, false)) return me; } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } Method findStaticMethod(String method, Object[] args) { try { List m = cache.get(method); if (m == null) return null; int n = m.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Method me = m.get(i); if (isStaticMethod(me) && call_checkArgs(me, args, false)) return me; } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } }static abstract class VF1 implements IVF1 { public abstract void get(A a); }// elements are put to front when added (not when accessed) static class MRUCache extends LinkedHashMap { int maxSize = 10; MRUCache() {} MRUCache(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize;} protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) { return size() > maxSize; } }static interface Producer { public A next(); }static ThreadLocal DynamicObject_loading = new ThreadLocal(); static class DynamicObject { String className; // just the name, without the "main$" /*new XXX - not initializing anymore - may cause problems in the odd legacy program */ LinkedHashMap fieldValues; DynamicObject() {} // className = just the name, without the "main$" DynamicObject(String className) { this.className = className;} Map _map() { return fieldValues; } }static class Matches { String[] m; Matches() {} Matches(String... m) { this.m = m;} String get(int i) { return i < m.length ? m[i] : null; } String unq(int i) { return unquote(get(i)); } String fsi(int i) { return formatSnippetID(unq(i)); } String fsi() { return fsi(0); } String tlc(int i) { return unq(i).toLowerCase(); } boolean bool(int i) { return "true".equals(unq(i)); } String rest() { return m[m.length-1]; } // for matchStart int psi(int i) { return Integer.parseInt(unq(i)); } public String toString() { return "Matches(" + joinWithComma(quoteAll(asList(m))) + ")"; } public int hashCode() { return _hashCode(toList(m)); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof Matches && arraysEqual(m, ((Matches) o).m); } } static interface IF1 { B get(A a); }static class Var implements IVar { Var() {} Var(A v) { this.v = v;} A v; // you can access this directly if you use one thread public synchronized void set(A a) { if (v != a) { v = a; notifyAll(); } } public synchronized A get() { return v; } public synchronized boolean has() { return v != null; } public synchronized void clear() { v = null; } public String toString() { return str(get()); } }static class PersistableThrowable { String className; String msg; String stacktrace; PersistableThrowable() {} PersistableThrowable(Throwable e) { if (e == null) className = "Crazy Null Error"; else { className = getClassName(e).replace('/', '.'); msg = e.getMessage(); stacktrace = getStackTrace_noRecord(e); } } public String toString() { return nempty(msg) ? className + ": " + msg : className; } }static abstract class F1 { abstract B get(A a); }static class ParameterizedSegmenter implements IF1> { String filter = "blur"; int filterLevel; boolean distanceFromColor = false; int dc_r, dc_g, dc_b; float dc_gain = 5f; float contrastThreshold = 0.5f; int gridSize = 2; DoubleRange widthRange = new DoubleRange(0, 1); DoubleRange heightRange = new DoubleRange(0, 1); DoubleRange xRange = new DoubleRange(0, 1); DoubleRange yRange = new DoubleRange(0, 1); transient BufferedImage image; // output transient BufferedImage filteredImage; transient List segments; public void run() { BufferedImage image = this.image; int w = image.getWidth(), h = image.getHeight(); filteredImage = null; if (filterLevel != 0) if (eq(filter, "blur")) image = filteredImage = new BoxBlurFilter(filterLevel).filter(image, null); else if (eq(filter, "min")) image = filteredImage = new MinimumFilter(filterLevel).filter(image, null); else print("Unknown filter type: " + filter); AutoSegmenter as = new AutoSegmenter(); as.g = gridSize; as.contrastThreshold = contrastThreshold; BWImage bw; if (distanceFromColor) { bw = img_distanceFromColor_withGain(image, rgbFromInts(dc_r, dc_g, dc_b), dc_gain); filteredImage = bw.getBufferedImage(); } else bw = new BWImage(image); segments = as.go(bw); IntRange wr = doubleToIntRange_endPlus1(w, widthRange); IntRange hr = doubleToIntRange_endPlus1(h, heightRange); IntRange xr = doubleToIntRange_endPlus1(w, xRange); IntRange yr = doubleToIntRange_endPlus1(h, yRange); segments = filterRectsByWidthRange(segments, wr); segments = filterRectsByHeightRange(segments, hr); segments = filterRectsByCenterXRange(segments, xr); segments = filterRectsByCenterYRange(segments, yr); } public List get(BufferedImage img) { image = img; run(); return segments; } }static class Pair implements Comparable> { A a; B b; Pair() {} Pair(A a, B b) { this.b = b; this.a = a;} public int hashCode() { return hashCodeFor(a) + 2*hashCodeFor(b); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof Pair)) return false; Pair t = (Pair) o; return eq(a, t.a) && eq(b, t.b); } public String toString() { return "<" + a + ", " + b + ">"; } public int compareTo(Pair p) { if (p == null) return 1; int i = ((Comparable) a).compareTo(p.a); if (i != 0) return i; return ((Comparable) b).compareTo(p.b); } } static class Rect { int x, y, w, h; Rect() {} Rect(Rectangle r) { x = r.x; y = r.y; w = r.width; h = r.height; } Rect(int x, int y, int w, int h) { this.h = h; this.w = w; this.y = y; this.x = x;} Rect(Pt p, int w, int h) { this.h = h; this.w = w; x = p.x; y = p.y; } Rect(Rect r) { x = r.x; y = r.y; w = r.w; h = r.h; } Rectangle getRectangle() { return new Rectangle(x, y, w, h); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return stdEq2(this, o); } public int hashCode() { return stdHash2(this); } public String toString() { return x + "," + y + " / " + w + "," + h; } int x2() { return x + w; } int y2() { return y + h; } boolean contains(Pt p) { return contains(p.x, p.y); } boolean contains(int _x, int _y) { return _x >= x && _y >= y && _x < x+w && _y < y+h; } boolean empty() { return w <= 0 || h <= 0; } }// from /* Copyright 2006 Jerry Huxtable Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ static class BoxBlurFilter extends AbstractBufferedImageOp { int hRadius; int vRadius; int iterations = 1; BoxBlurFilter() {} BoxBlurFilter(int radius) { hRadius = vRadius = radius; } BoxBlurFilter(int hRadius, int vRadius) { this.vRadius = vRadius; this.hRadius = hRadius;} public BufferedImage filter(BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst) { int width = src.getWidth(); int height = src.getHeight(); if ( dst == null ) dst = createCompatibleDestImage( src, null ); int[] inPixels = new int[width*height]; int[] outPixels = new int[width*height]; getRGB( src, 0, 0, width, height, inPixels ); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++ ) { blur( inPixels, outPixels, width, height, hRadius ); blur( outPixels, inPixels, height, width, vRadius ); } setRGB( dst, 0, 0, width, height, inPixels ); return dst; } static void blur( int[] in, int[] out, int width, int height, int radius ) { int widthMinus1 = width-1; int tableSize = 2*radius+1; int divide[] = new int[256*tableSize]; for ( int i = 0; i < 256*tableSize; i++ ) divide[i] = i/tableSize; int inIndex = 0; for ( int y = 0; y < height; y++ ) { int outIndex = y; int ta = 0, tr = 0, tg = 0, tb = 0; for ( int i = -radius; i <= radius; i++ ) { int rgb = in[inIndex + clamp(i, 0, width-1)]; ta += (rgb >> 24) & 0xff; tr += (rgb >> 16) & 0xff; tg += (rgb >> 8) & 0xff; tb += rgb & 0xff; } for ( int x = 0; x < width; x++ ) { out[ outIndex ] = (divide[ta] << 24) | (divide[tr] << 16) | (divide[tg] << 8) | divide[tb]; int i1 = x+radius+1; if ( i1 > widthMinus1 ) i1 = widthMinus1; int i2 = x-radius; if ( i2 < 0 ) i2 = 0; int rgb1 = in[inIndex+i1]; int rgb2 = in[inIndex+i2]; ta += ((rgb1 >> 24) & 0xff)-((rgb2 >> 24) & 0xff); tr += ((rgb1 & 0xff0000)-(rgb2 & 0xff0000)) >> 16; tg += ((rgb1 & 0xff00)-(rgb2 & 0xff00)) >> 8; tb += (rgb1 & 0xff)-(rgb2 & 0xff); outIndex += height; } inIndex += width; } } }final static class IntRange { int start, end; IntRange() {} IntRange(int start, int end) { this.end = end; this.start = start;} public boolean equals(Object o) { return stdEq2(this, o); } public int hashCode() { return stdHash2(this); } int length() { return end-start; } static String _fieldOrder = "start end"; public String toString() { return "[" + start + ";" + end + "]"; } }static interface IVF1 { void get(A a); }static class AutoSegmenter { int g = 3; List clips; boolean[] grid; int gw, gh; boolean diag = false; // merge diagonally too BWImage img; // contrastMethod2 = look at local contrast regardless of absolute brightness boolean contrastMethod2 = true, blackBG; float contrastThreshold = 0.5f, brightnessThreshold = 0.5f; int overlap = 1; AutoSegmenter() {} AutoSegmenter(int g) { this.g = g;} List go(RGBImage img) { return go(new BWImage(img)); } List go(BWImage img) { this.img = img; int w = img.getWidth(), h = img.getHeight(); gw = w/g; gh = h/g; // width & height of grid step1(); List result = new ArrayList(); clips = new ArrayList(); for (int y = 0; y < gh; y++) for (int x = 0; x < gw; x++) if (grid[y*gw+x]) { Rect r = fill(x, y); r = scaleRect(r, g); r = blackBG ? autoCropOfBWImage_blackBG(img, r, brightnessThreshold) : autoCropOfBWImage(img, r, brightnessThreshold); clips.add(r); } return clips; } void step1() { int w = img.getWidth(), h = img.getHeight(); grid = new boolean[gw*gh]; for (int gy = 0; gy <= h- g; gy += g) next: for (int gx = 0; gx <= w- g; gx += g) { float min = 1, max = 0; int y2 = min(h, gy + g + overlap); int x2 = min(w, gx + g + overlap); for (int y = gy; y < y2; y++) for (int x = gx; x < x2; x++) { float b = img.getPixel(x, y); min = Math.min(min, b); max = Math.max(max, b); if (contrastMethod2 ? max-min >= contrastThreshold : min < brightnessThreshold && max > brightnessThreshold) { grid[(gy / g) * gw + (gx / g)] = true; continue next; } } } } // with virtual stack Rect fill(int x, int y) { Rect r = null; List stack = new ArrayList(); stack.add(new Pt(x, y)); while (nempty(stack)) { Pt p = popLast(stack); x = p.x; y = p.y; if (!(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= gw || y >= gh)) { int idx = y*gw+x; if (grid[idx]) { grid[idx] = false; Rect me = new Rect(x, y, 1, 1); if (r == null) r = me; else r = rectUnion(r, me); stack.add(new Pt(x-1, y)); stack.add(new Pt(x+1, y)); stack.add(new Pt(x, y-1)); stack.add(new Pt(x, y+1)); } } } return r; } float visualizeGrid_darkening = 0.0f; BWImage visualizeGrid() { step1(); BWImage im = new BWImage(img); for (int y = 0; y < gh; y++) for (int x = 0; x < gw; x++) { if (grid[y*gw+x]) continue; darkenBWImagePart(im, new Rect(x*g, y*g, g, g), visualizeGrid_darkening); } return im; } }static interface IVar { void set(A a); A get(); boolean has(); void clear(); }// from /* Copyright 2006 Jerry Huxtable Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /** * A filter which replcaes each pixel by the mimimum of itself and its eight neightbours. */ static class MinimumFilter extends WholeImageFilter { int hRadius; int vRadius; MinimumFilter() { this(1); } MinimumFilter(int radius) { hRadius = vRadius = radius; } MinimumFilter(int hRadius, int vRadius) { this.vRadius = vRadius; this.hRadius = hRadius;} protected int[] filterPixels( int width, int height, int[] inPixels, Rectangle transformedSpace ) { int index = 0; int[] outPixels = new int[width * height]; int y1 = -vRadius/2, y2 = y1+vRadius; int x1 = -hRadius/2, x2 = x1+hRadius; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int pixel = 0xffffffff; for (int dy = y1; dy <= y2; dy++) { int iy = y+dy; int ioffset; if (0 <= iy && iy < height) { ioffset = iy*width; for (int dx = x1; dx <= x2; dx++) { int ix = x+dx; if (0 <= ix && ix < width) { pixel = PixelUtils.combinePixels(pixel, inPixels[ioffset+ix], PixelUtils.MIN); } } } } outPixels[index++] = pixel; } } return outPixels; } }static final class BWImage implements MakesBufferedImage, IBWImage { int width, height; byte[] pixels; // color returned when getPixel is called with a position outside the actual image float borderColor = 0.0f; // for unstructure() BWImage() {} // BLACK! BWImage(int width, int height) { this.height = height; this.width = width; pixels = new byte[width*height]; } BWImage(int width, int height, float brightness) { this.height = height; this.width = width; pixels = new byte[width*height]; fillArrayUnlessZero(pixels, _toByte(brightness)); } BWImage(int width, int height, float[] pixels) { this.pixels = new byte[pixels.length]; this.height = height; this.width = width; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) this.pixels[i] = _toByte(pixels[i]); } public BWImage(int width, int height, byte[] pixels) { this.height = height; this.width = width; this.pixels = pixels; } public BWImage(BWImage image) { width = image.getWidth(); height = image.getHeight(); byte[] pixels = this.pixels = new byte[width*height]; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) pixels[y*width+x] = image.getByte(x, y); } // TODO: optimize! BWImage(RGBImage image) { width = image.getWidth(); height = image.getHeight(); byte[] pixels = this.pixels = new byte[height*width]; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { RGB rgb = image.getRGB(x, y); pixels[y*width+x] = BWImage._toByte(rgb.getBrightness()); } } /*public BWImage(BufferedImage image) { this(new RGBImage(image)); }*/ BWImage(BufferedImage image) { try { width = image.getWidth(); height = image.getHeight(); int[] pixels = new int[width*height]; byte[] bytePixels = this.pixels = new byte[width*height]; PixelGrabber pixelGrabber = new PixelGrabber(image, 0, 0, width, height, pixels, 0, width); if (!pixelGrabber.grabPixels()) throw fail("Could not grab pixels"); int n = width*height; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { //bytePixels[i] = pixelToByte(pixels[i]); int packed = pixels[i]; /*float r = ((packed >> 16) & 0xFF)/255f; float g = ((packed >> 8) & 0xFF)/255f; float b = (packed & 0xFF)/255f; bytePixels[i] = (byte) iround((r+g+b)/3.0f*255f);*/ int r = ((packed >> 16) & 0xFF); int g = ((packed >> 8) & 0xFF); int b = (packed & 0xFF); bytePixels[i] = (byte) ((r+g+b+1)/3); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // TODO: does it exactly match the other method? (asRGB+getBrightness+_toByte) static byte pixelToByte(int packed) { /*int r = (packed >> 16) & 0xFF; int g = (packed >> 8) & 0xFF; int b = packed & 0xFF; ret (byte) ((r+g+b)/3.0f);*/ float r = ((packed >> 16) & 0xFF)/255f; float g = ((packed >> 8) & 0xFF)/255f; float b = (packed & 0xFF)/255f; return (byte) ((r+g+b)/3.0f*255f); } public byte getByte(int x, int y) { return inRange(x, y) ? getByte_noRangeCheck(x, y) : _toByte(borderColor); } public double averageBrightness() { double sum = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) sum += getPixel(x, y); return (sum/(double) (height*width)); } public float minimumBrightness() { float min = 1; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) min = Math.min(min, getPixel(x, y)); return min; } public float maximumBrightness() { float max = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) max = Math.max(max, getPixel(x, y)); return max; } float getPixel(int x, int y) { return inRange(x, y) ? _toFloat(getByte(x,y )) : borderColor; } public float getFloatPixel(int x, int y) { return getPixel(x, y); } float getPixel(Pt p) { return getPixel(p.x, p.y); } static byte _toByte(float pixel) { return (byte) (pixel*255f); } static float _toFloat(byte pixel) { return (((int) pixel) & 255)/255f; } private boolean inRange(int x, int y) { return x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height; } public int getWidth() { return width; } int w() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } int h() { return height; } public RGBImage toRGB() { int[] rgbs = new int[width*height]; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int b = getByte(x, y) & 0xFF; rgbs[y*width+x] = 0xFF000000 | b*0x010101; } return new RGBImage(width, height, rgbs); } public RGBImage toRGB_slow() { RGB[] rgbs = new RGB[width*height]; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { float p = getPixel(x, y); rgbs[y*width+x] = new RGB(p, p, p); } return new RGBImage(width, height, rgbs); } public BWImage clip(int x, int y, int w, int h) { return clip(new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)); } private Rectangle fixClipRect(Rectangle r) { return r.intersection(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)); } BWImage clip(Rect r) { return clip(r.getRectangle()); } /** this should be multithread-safe */ public BWImage clip(Rectangle r) { r = fixClipRect(r); byte[] newPixels = new byte[r.height*r.width]; for (int y = 0; y < r.height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < r.width; x++) newPixels[y*r.width+x] = getByte(r.x+x, r.y+y); return new BWImage(r.width, r.height, newPixels); } public void setPixel(int x, int y, float brightness) { setByte(x, y, _toByte(fixPixel(brightness))); } // i = 0 to 255 public void setInt(int x, int y, int i) { setByte(x, y, (byte) limitToUByte(i)); } public void setByte(int x, int y, byte b) { if (x >= 0 && x < width && y >= 0 && y < height) pixels[y*width+x] = b; } byte getByte_noRangeCheck(int x, int y) { return pixels[y*width+x]; } public void setByte(int x, int y, int brightness) { setByte(x, y, (byte) brightness); } private float fixPixel(float pixel) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, pixel)); } public float getBorderColor() { return borderColor; } public void setBorderColor(float borderColor) { this.borderColor = borderColor; } public boolean anyPixelBrighterThan(double threshold) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) if (getPixel(x, y) > threshold) return true; return false; } public BufferedImage getBufferedImage() { //ret toRGB().getBufferedImage(); // TYPE_BYTE_GRAY is buggy - see #1015235 BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, /*BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY*/BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int b = ((int) getByte(x, y) & 0xFF); bufferedImage.setRGB(x, y, b*0x010101); } return bufferedImage; } byte[] getBytes() { return pixels; } } static interface IBWImage { int getWidth(); int getHeight(); float getFloatPixel(int x, int y); }static class Pt { int x, y; Pt() {} Pt(Point p) { x = p.x; y = p.y; } Pt(int x, int y) { this.y = y; this.x = x;} Point getPoint() { return new Point(x, y); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return stdEq2(this, o); } public int hashCode() { return stdHash2(this); } public String toString() { return x + ", " + y; } } abstract static class AbstractBufferedImageOp implements BufferedImageOp, Cloneable { public BufferedImage createCompatibleDestImage(BufferedImage src, ColorModel dstCM) { if ( dstCM == null ) dstCM = src.getColorModel(); return new BufferedImage(dstCM, dstCM.createCompatibleWritableRaster(src.getWidth(), src.getHeight()), dstCM.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null); } public Rectangle2D getBounds2D( BufferedImage src ) { return new Rectangle(0, 0, src.getWidth(), src.getHeight()); } public Point2D getPoint2D( Point2D srcPt, Point2D dstPt ) { if ( dstPt == null ) dstPt = new Point2D.Double(); dstPt.setLocation( srcPt.getX(), srcPt.getY() ); return dstPt; } public RenderingHints getRenderingHints() { return null; } /** * A convenience method for getting ARGB pixels from an image. This tries to avoid the performance * penalty of BufferedImage.getRGB unmanaging the image. * @param image a BufferedImage object * @param x the left edge of the pixel block * @param y the right edge of the pixel block * @param width the width of the pixel arry * @param height the height of the pixel arry * @param pixels the array to hold the returned pixels. May be null. * @return the pixels * @see #setRGB */ public int[] getRGB( BufferedImage image, int x, int y, int width, int height, int[] pixels ) { int type = image.getType(); if ( type == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB || type == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB ) return (int [])image.getRaster().getDataElements( x, y, width, height, pixels ); return image.getRGB( x, y, width, height, pixels, 0, width ); } /** * A convenience method for setting ARGB pixels in an image. This tries to avoid the performance * penalty of BufferedImage.setRGB unmanaging the image. * @param image a BufferedImage object * @param x the left edge of the pixel block * @param y the right edge of the pixel block * @param width the width of the pixel arry * @param height the height of the pixel arry * @param pixels the array of pixels to set * @see #getRGB */ public void setRGB( BufferedImage image, int x, int y, int width, int height, int[] pixels ) { int type = image.getType(); if ( type == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB || type == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB ) image.getRaster().setDataElements( x, y, width, height, pixels ); else image.setRGB( x, y, width, height, pixels, 0, width ); } public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch ( CloneNotSupportedException e ) { return null; } } }static class RGB { public float r, g, b; // can't be final cause persistence RGB() {} public RGB(float r, float g, float b) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; } public RGB(double r, double g, double b) { this.r = (float) r; this.g = (float) g; this.b = (float) b; } public RGB(int rgb) { this(new Color(rgb)); } public RGB(double brightness) { this.r = this.g = this.b = max(0f, min(1f, (float) brightness)); } public RGB(Color color) { this.r = color.getRed()/255f; this.g = color.getGreen()/255f; this.b = color.getBlue()/255f; } public RGB(String hex) { int i = l(hex)-6; r = Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(i, i+2), 16)/255f; g = Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(i+2, i+4), 16)/255f; b = Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(i+4, i+6), 16)/255f; } public float getComponent(int i) { return i == 0 ? r : i == 1 ? g : b; } public Color getColor() { return new Color(r, g, b); } public static RGB newSafe(float r, float g, float b) { return new RGB(Math.max(0, Math.min(1, r)), Math.max(0, Math.min(1, g)), Math.max(0, Math.min(1, b))); } int asInt() { return getColor().getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF; } int getInt() { return getColor().getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF; } public float getBrightness() { return (r+g+b)/3.0f; } public String getHexString() { return Integer.toHexString(asInt() | 0xFF000000).substring(2).toUpperCase(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof RGB)) return false; RGB rgb = (RGB) o; if (, b) != 0) return false; if (, g) != 0) return false; if (, r) != 0) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = (r != +0.0f ? Float.floatToIntBits(r) : 0); result = 31 * result + (g != +0.0f ? Float.floatToIntBits(g) : 0); result = 31 * result + (b != +0.0f ? Float.floatToIntBits(b) : 0); return result; } public boolean isBlack() { return r == 0f && g == 0f && b == 0f; } public boolean isWhite() { return r == 1f && g == 1f && b == 1f; } public String toString() { return getHexString(); } int redInt() { return iround(r*255); } int greenInt() { return iround(g*255); } int blueInt() { return iround(b*255); } }static class RGBImage implements MakesBufferedImage { transient BufferedImage bufferedImage; File file; int width, height; int[] pixels; RGBImage() {} RGBImage(BufferedImage image) { this(image, null); } RGBImage(BufferedImage image, File file) { this.file = file; bufferedImage = image; width = image.getWidth(); height = image.getHeight(); pixels = new int[width*height]; PixelGrabber pixelGrabber = new PixelGrabber(image, 0, 0, width, height, pixels, 0, width); try { if (!pixelGrabber.grabPixels()) throw new RuntimeException("Could not grab pixels"); cleanPixels(); // set upper byte to 0 } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** We assume it's a file name to load from */ RGBImage(String file) throws IOException { this(new File(file)); } RGBImage(Dimension size, Color color) { this(size.width, size.height, color); } RGBImage(Dimension size, RGB color) { this(size.width, size.height, color); } private void cleanPixels() { for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) pixels[i] &= 0xFFFFFF; } RGBImage(int width, int height, int[] pixels) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.pixels = pixels; } RGBImage(int w, int h, RGB[] pixels) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this.pixels = asInts(pixels); } public static int[] asInts(RGB[] pixels) { int[] ints = new int[pixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) ints[i] = pixels[i] == null ? 0 : pixels[i].getColor().getRGB(); return ints; } public RGBImage(int w, int h) { this(w, h,; } RGBImage(int w, int h, RGB rgb) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this.pixels = new int[w*h]; int col = rgb.asInt(); if (col != 0) for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) pixels[i] = col; } RGBImage(RGBImage image) { this(image.width, image.height, copyPixels(image.pixels)); } RGBImage(int width, int height, Color color) { this(width, height, new RGB(color)); } RGBImage(File file) throws IOException { this(; } private static int[] copyPixels(int[] pixels) { int[] copy = new int[pixels.length]; System.arraycopy(pixels, 0, copy, 0, pixels.length); return copy; } public int getIntPixel(int x, int y) { if (inRange(x, y)) return pixels[y * width + x]; else return 0xFFFFFF; } public static RGB asRGB(int packed) { int r = (packed >> 16) & 0xFF; int g = (packed >> 8) & 0xFF; int b = packed & 0xFF; return new RGB(r / 255f, g / 255f, b / 255f); } public RGB getRGB(int x, int y) { if (inRange(x, y)) return asRGB(pixels[y * width + x]); else return new RGB(0xFFFFFF); } /** alias of getRGB - I kept typing getPixel instead of getRGB all the time, so I finally created it */ RGB getPixel(int x, int y) { return getRGB(x, y); } RGB getPixel(Pt p) { return getPixel(p.x, p.y); } public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } int w() { return width; } int h() { return height; } /** Attention: cached, i.e. does not change when image itself changes */ /** @NotNull */ public BufferedImage getBufferedImage() { if (bufferedImage == null) { bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); //bufferedImage.setData(Raster.createRaster(new SampleModel())); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) bufferedImage.setRGB(x, y, pixels[y*width+x]); } return bufferedImage; } RGBImage clip(Rect r) { return r == null ? null : clip(r.getRectangle()); } RGBImage clip(Rectangle r) { r = fixClipRect(r); if (r.x == 0 && r.y == 0 && r.width == width && r.height == height) return this; int[] newPixels; try { newPixels = new int[r.width*r.height]; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.out.println(r); throw e; } for (int y = 0; y < r.height; y++) { System.arraycopy(pixels, (y+r.y)*width+r.x, newPixels, y*r.width, r.width); } return new RGBImage(r.width, r.height, newPixels); } private Rectangle fixClipRect(Rectangle r) { r = r.intersection(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)); if (r.isEmpty()) r = new Rectangle(r.x, r.y, 0, 0); return r; } public File getFile() { return file; } /** can now also do GIF (not just JPEG) */ public static RGBImage load(String fileName) { return load(new File(fileName)); } /** can now also do GIF (not just JPEG) */ public static RGBImage load(File file) { try { BufferedImage bufferedImage =; return new RGBImage(bufferedImage); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public int getInt(int x, int y) { return pixels[y * width + x]; } public void save(File file) throws IOException { String name = file.getName().toLowerCase(); String type; if (name.endsWith(".png")) type = "png"; else if (name.endsWith(".jpg") || name.endsWith(".jpeg")) type = "jpeg"; else throw new IOException("Unknown image extension: " + name); javax.imageio.ImageIO.write(getBufferedImage(), type, file); } public static RGBImage dummyImage() { return new RGBImage(1, 1, new int[] {0xFFFFFF}); } public int[] getPixels() { return pixels; } void setPixel(int x, int y, int r, int g, int b) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) pixels[y*width+x] = (limitToUByte(r) << 16) | (limitToUByte(g) << 8) | limitToUByte(b); } public void setPixel(int x, int y, RGB rgb) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) pixels[y*width+x] = rgb.asInt(); } public void setPixel(int x, int y, Color color) { setPixel(x, y, new RGB(color)); } void setInt(int x, int y, int rgb) { setPixel(x, y, rgb); } public void setPixel(int x, int y, int rgb) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) pixels[y*width+x] = rgb; } void setPixel(Pt p, RGB rgb) { setPixel(p.x, p.y, rgb); } void setPixel(Pt p, Color color) { setPixel(p.x, p.y, color); } public RGBImage copy() { return new RGBImage(this); } public boolean inRange(int x, int y) { return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height; } public Dimension getSize() { return new Dimension(width, height); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; RGBImage rgbImage = (RGBImage) o; if (height != rgbImage.height) return false; if (width != rgbImage.width) return false; if (!Arrays.equals(pixels, rgbImage.pixels)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = width; result = 31 * result + height; result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(pixels); return result; } public String getHex(int x, int y) { return getPixel(x, y).getHexString(); } public RGBImage clip(int x, int y, int width, int height) { return clip(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height)); } public RGBImage clipLine(int y) { return clip(0, y, width, 1); } public int numPixels() { return width*height; } } /* Copyright 2006 Jerry Huxtable Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /** * Some more useful math functions for image processing. * These are becoming obsolete as we move to Java2D. Use MiscComposite instead. */ static class PixelUtils { public final static int REPLACE = 0; public final static int NORMAL = 1; public final static int MIN = 2; public final static int MAX = 3; public final static int ADD = 4; public final static int SUBTRACT = 5; public final static int DIFFERENCE = 6; public final static int MULTIPLY = 7; public final static int HUE = 8; public final static int SATURATION = 9; public final static int VALUE = 10; public final static int COLOR = 11; public final static int SCREEN = 12; public final static int AVERAGE = 13; public final static int OVERLAY = 14; public final static int CLEAR = 15; public final static int EXCHANGE = 16; public final static int DISSOLVE = 17; public final static int DST_IN = 18; public final static int ALPHA = 19; public final static int ALPHA_TO_GRAY = 20; private static Random randomGenerator = new Random(); /** * Clamp a value to the range 0..255 */ static int _clamp(int c) { if (c < 0) return 0; if (c > 255) return 255; return c; } public static int interpolate(int v1, int v2, float f) { return _clamp((int)(v1+f*(v2-v1))); } public static int brightness(int rgb) { int r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff; int g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff; int b = rgb & 0xff; return (r+g+b)/3; } public static boolean nearColors(int rgb1, int rgb2, int tolerance) { int r1 = (rgb1 >> 16) & 0xff; int g1 = (rgb1 >> 8) & 0xff; int b1 = rgb1 & 0xff; int r2 = (rgb2 >> 16) & 0xff; int g2 = (rgb2 >> 8) & 0xff; int b2 = rgb2 & 0xff; return Math.abs(r1-r2) <= tolerance && Math.abs(g1-g2) <= tolerance && Math.abs(b1-b2) <= tolerance; } private final static float hsb1[] = new float[3];//FIXME-not thread safe private final static float hsb2[] = new float[3];//FIXME-not thread safe // Return rgb1 painted onto rgb2 public static int combinePixels(int rgb1, int rgb2, int op) { return combinePixels(rgb1, rgb2, op, 0xff); } public static int combinePixels(int rgb1, int rgb2, int op, int extraAlpha, int channelMask) { return (rgb2 & ~channelMask) | combinePixels(rgb1 & channelMask, rgb2, op, extraAlpha); } public static int combinePixels(int rgb1, int rgb2, int op, int extraAlpha) { if (op == REPLACE) return rgb1; int a1 = (rgb1 >> 24) & 0xff; int r1 = (rgb1 >> 16) & 0xff; int g1 = (rgb1 >> 8) & 0xff; int b1 = rgb1 & 0xff; int a2 = (rgb2 >> 24) & 0xff; int r2 = (rgb2 >> 16) & 0xff; int g2 = (rgb2 >> 8) & 0xff; int b2 = rgb2 & 0xff; switch (op) { case NORMAL: break; case MIN: r1 = Math.min(r1, r2); g1 = Math.min(g1, g2); b1 = Math.min(b1, b2); break; case MAX: r1 = Math.max(r1, r2); g1 = Math.max(g1, g2); b1 = Math.max(b1, b2); break; case ADD: r1 = _clamp(r1+r2); g1 = _clamp(g1+g2); b1 = _clamp(b1+b2); break; case SUBTRACT: r1 = _clamp(r2-r1); g1 = _clamp(g2-g1); b1 = _clamp(b2-b1); break; case DIFFERENCE: r1 = _clamp(Math.abs(r1-r2)); g1 = _clamp(Math.abs(g1-g2)); b1 = _clamp(Math.abs(b1-b2)); break; case MULTIPLY: r1 = _clamp(r1*r2/255); g1 = _clamp(g1*g2/255); b1 = _clamp(b1*b2/255); break; case DISSOLVE: if ((randomGenerator.nextInt() & 0xff) <= a1) { r1 = r2; g1 = g2; b1 = b2; } break; case AVERAGE: r1 = (r1+r2)/2; g1 = (g1+g2)/2; b1 = (b1+b2)/2; break; case HUE: case SATURATION: case VALUE: case COLOR: Color.RGBtoHSB(r1, g1, b1, hsb1); Color.RGBtoHSB(r2, g2, b2, hsb2); switch (op) { case HUE: hsb2[0] = hsb1[0]; break; case SATURATION: hsb2[1] = hsb1[1]; break; case VALUE: hsb2[2] = hsb1[2]; break; case COLOR: hsb2[0] = hsb1[0]; hsb2[1] = hsb1[1]; break; } rgb1 = Color.HSBtoRGB(hsb2[0], hsb2[1], hsb2[2]); r1 = (rgb1 >> 16) & 0xff; g1 = (rgb1 >> 8) & 0xff; b1 = rgb1 & 0xff; break; case SCREEN: r1 = 255 - ((255 - r1) * (255 - r2)) / 255; g1 = 255 - ((255 - g1) * (255 - g2)) / 255; b1 = 255 - ((255 - b1) * (255 - b2)) / 255; break; case OVERLAY: int m, s; s = 255 - ((255 - r1) * (255 - r2)) / 255; m = r1 * r2 / 255; r1 = (s * r1 + m * (255 - r1)) / 255; s = 255 - ((255 - g1) * (255 - g2)) / 255; m = g1 * g2 / 255; g1 = (s * g1 + m * (255 - g1)) / 255; s = 255 - ((255 - b1) * (255 - b2)) / 255; m = b1 * b2 / 255; b1 = (s * b1 + m * (255 - b1)) / 255; break; case CLEAR: r1 = g1 = b1 = 0xff; break; case DST_IN: r1 = _clamp((r2*a1)/255); g1 = _clamp((g2*a1)/255); b1 = _clamp((b2*a1)/255); a1 = _clamp((a2*a1)/255); return (a1 << 24) | (r1 << 16) | (g1 << 8) | b1; case ALPHA: a1 = a1*a2/255; return (a1 << 24) | (r2 << 16) | (g2 << 8) | b2; case ALPHA_TO_GRAY: int na = 255-a1; return (a1 << 24) | (na << 16) | (na << 8) | na; } if (extraAlpha != 0xff || a1 != 0xff) { a1 = a1*extraAlpha/255; int a3 = (255-a1)*a2/255; r1 = _clamp((r1*a1+r2*a3)/255); g1 = _clamp((g1*a1+g2*a3)/255); b1 = _clamp((b1*a1+b2*a3)/255); a1 = _clamp(a1+a3); } return (a1 << 24) | (r1 << 16) | (g1 << 8) | b1; } }static interface MakesBufferedImage { BufferedImage getBufferedImage(); int getWidth(); int getHeight(); }/* Copyright 2006 Jerry Huxtable Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /** * A filter which acts as a superclass for filters which need to have the whole image in memory * to do their stuff. */ static abstract class WholeImageFilter extends AbstractBufferedImageOp { /** * The output image bounds. */ protected Rectangle transformedSpace; /** * The input image bounds. */ protected Rectangle originalSpace; /** * Construct a WholeImageFilter. */ public WholeImageFilter() { } public BufferedImage filter( BufferedImage src, BufferedImage dst ) { int width = src.getWidth(); int height = src.getHeight(); int type = src.getType(); WritableRaster srcRaster = src.getRaster(); originalSpace = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); transformedSpace = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); transformSpace(transformedSpace); if ( dst == null ) { ColorModel dstCM = src.getColorModel(); dst = new BufferedImage(dstCM, dstCM.createCompatibleWritableRaster(transformedSpace.width, transformedSpace.height), dstCM.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null); } WritableRaster dstRaster = dst.getRaster(); int[] inPixels = getRGB( src, 0, 0, width, height, null ); inPixels = filterPixels( width, height, inPixels, transformedSpace ); setRGB( dst, 0, 0, transformedSpace.width, transformedSpace.height, inPixels ); return dst; } /** * Calculate output bounds for given input bounds. * @param rect input and output rectangle */ protected void transformSpace(Rectangle rect) { } /** * Actually filter the pixels. * @param width the image width * @param height the image height * @param inPixels the image pixels * @param transformedSpace the output bounds * @return the output pixels */ protected abstract int[] filterPixels( int width, int height, int[] inPixels, Rectangle transformedSpace ); } static Field makeAccessible(Field f) { f.setAccessible(true); return f; } static Method makeAccessible(Method m) { m.setAccessible(true); return m; } static Set allInterfacesImplementedBy(Class c) { if (c == null) return null; HashSet set = new HashSet(); allInterfacesImplementedBy_find(c, set); return set; } static void allInterfacesImplementedBy_find(Class c, Set set) { if (c.isInterface() && !set.add(c)) return; do { for (Class intf : c.getInterfaces()) allInterfacesImplementedBy_find(intf, set); } while ((c = c.getSuperclass()) != null); } static Method findMethod(Object o, String method, Object... args) { return findMethod_cached(o, method, args); } static boolean findMethod_checkArgs(Method m, Object[] args, boolean debug) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != args.length) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter length: " + args.length + " vs " + types.length); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (!(args[i] == null || isInstanceX(types[i], args[i]))) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter " + i + ": " + args[i] + " vs " + types[i]); return false; } return true; } static Method findStaticMethod(Class c, String method, Object... args) { Class _c = c; while (c != null) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!m.getName().equals(method)) continue; if ((m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0 || !findStaticMethod_checkArgs(m, args)) continue; return m; } c = c.getSuperclass(); } return null; } static boolean findStaticMethod_checkArgs(Method m, Object[] args) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != args.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (!(args[i] == null || isInstanceX(types[i], args[i]))) return false; return true; } static String fsi(String id) { return formatSnippetID(id); } static List quoteAll(Collection l) { List x = new ArrayList(); for (String s : l) x.add(quote(s)); return x; } static int _hashCode(Object a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.hashCode(); } static ArrayList toList(A[] a) { return asList(a); } static ArrayList toList(int[] a) { return asList(a); } static ArrayList toList(Set s) { return asList(s); } static ArrayList toList(Iterable s) { return asList(s); } static boolean arraysEqual(Object[] a, Object[] b) { if (a.length != b.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (neq(a[i], b[i])) return false; return true; } static BWImage img_distanceFromColor_withGain(RGBImage img, RGB color, float gain) { int w = img.getWidth(), h = img.getHeight(); int col = color.getInt(); BWImage bw = new BWImage(w, h); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) bw.setPixel(x, y, rgbDiff(img.getInt(x, y), col)*gain); return bw; } static BWImage img_distanceFromColor_withGain(BufferedImage img, RGB color, float gain) { return img_distanceFromColor_withGain(new RGBImage(img), color, gain); } static RGB rgbFromInts(int r, int g, int b) { return RGB.newSafe(r/255f, g/255f, b/255f); } static IntRange doubleToIntRange_endPlus1(double factor, DoubleRange r) { return r == null ? null : intRange(iround(r.start*factor), iround(r.end*factor)+1); } static List filterRectsByWidthRange(Collection l, IntRange range) { return filter(l , new F1() { Boolean get(Rect r) { try { return intRangeContains(range, r.w); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "intRangeContains(range, r.w)"; }}); } static List filterRectsByHeightRange(Collection l, IntRange range) { return filter(l , new F1() { Boolean get(Rect r) { try { return intRangeContains(range, r.h); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "intRangeContains(range, r.h)"; }}); } static List filterRectsByCenterXRange(Collection l, IntRange range) { return filter(l , new F1() { Boolean get(Rect r) { try { return intRangeContains(range, rectCenterX(r)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "intRangeContains(range, rectCenterX(r))"; }}); } static List filterRectsByCenterYRange(Collection l, IntRange range) { return filter(l , new F1() { Boolean get(Rect r) { try { return intRangeContains(range, rectCenterY(r)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "intRangeContains(range, rectCenterY(r))"; }}); } static int hashCodeFor(Object a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.hashCode(); } static boolean stdEq2(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null) return b == null; if (b == null) return false; if (a.getClass() != b.getClass()) return false; for (String field : allFields(a)) if (neq(getOpt(a, field), getOpt(b, field))) return false; return true; } static int stdHash2(Object a) { if (a == null) return 0; return stdHash(a, toStringArray(allFields(a))); } static boolean contains(Collection c, Object o) { return c != null && c.contains(o); } static boolean contains(Object[] x, Object o) { if (x != null) for (Object a : x) if (eq(a, o)) return true; return false; } static boolean contains(String s, char c) { return s != null && s.indexOf(c) >= 0; } static boolean contains(String s, String b) { return s != null && s.indexOf(b) >= 0; } static boolean contains(BitSet bs, int i) { return bs != null && bs.get(i); } static List filter(Iterable c, Object pred) { if (pred instanceof F1) return filter(c, (F1) pred); List x = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (Object o : c) if (isTrue(callF(pred, o))) x.add(o); return x; } static List filter(Object pred, Iterable c) { return filter(c, pred); } static List filter(Iterable c, F1 pred) { List x = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (B o : c) if (pred.get(o)) x.add(o); return x; } static List filter(F1 pred, Iterable c) { return filter(c, pred); } //ifclass IF1 static List filter(Iterable c, IF1 pred) { List x = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (B o : c) if (pred.get(o)) x.add(o); return x; } static List filter(IF1 pred, Iterable c) { return filter(c, pred); } //endif static float clamp(float x, float a, float b) { return x < a ? a : x > b ? b : x; } static double clamp(double x, double a, double b) { return x < a ? a : x > b ? b : x; } static int clamp(int x, int a, int b) { return x < a ? a : x > b ? b : x; } static void fill(RGBImage img, String col) { RGB rgb = new RGB(col); int w = img.getWidth(), h = img.getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) img.setPixel(x, y, rgb); } static Rect scaleRect(Rect r, double factorX, double factorY) { return new Rect(iround(r.x*factorX), iround(r.y*factorY), iround(r.w*factorX), iround(r.h*factorY)); } static Rect scaleRect(Rect r, double factor) { return scaleRect(r, factor, factor); } static float autoCropOfBWImage_blackBG_threshold = 0.2f; static Rect autoCropOfBWImage_blackBG(BWImage img) { return autoCropOfBWImage(img, new Rect(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())); } static Rect autoCropOfBWImage_blackBG(BWImage img, Rect r) { return autoCropOfBWImage(img, r, autoCropOfBWImage_blackBG_threshold); } // r = initial rectangle static Rect autoCropOfBWImage_blackBG(BWImage img, Rect r, float threshold) { int x1 = r.x, y1 = r.y, x2 = r.x2(), y2 = r.y2(); // left side end1: while (x1 < x2) { for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++) if (img.getPixel(x1, y) >= threshold) break end1; x1++; } // top side end2: while (y1 < y2) { for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) if (img.getPixel(x, y1) >= threshold) break end2; y1++; } // right side end3: while (x2 > x1) { for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++) if (img.getPixel(x2-1, y) >= threshold) break end3; x2--; } // bottom side end4: while (y2 > y1) { for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) if (img.getPixel(x, y2-1) >= threshold) break end4; y2--; } if (x2 <= x1 || y2 <= y1) return r; else return new Rect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); } static float autoCropOfBWImage_threshold = 0.9f; static Rect autoCropOfBWImage(BWImage img) { return autoCropOfBWImage(img, new Rect(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight())); } static Rect autoCropOfBWImage(BWImage img, Rect r) { return autoCropOfBWImage(img, r, autoCropOfBWImage_threshold); } // r = initial rectangle static Rect autoCropOfBWImage(BWImage img, Rect r, float threshold) { int x1 = r.x, y1 = r.y, x2 = r.x2(), y2 = r.y2(); // left side end1: while (x1 < x2) { for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++) if (img.getPixel(x1, y) <= threshold) break end1; x1++; } // top side end2: while (y1 < y2) { for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) if (img.getPixel(x, y1) <= threshold) break end2; y1++; } // right side end3: while (x2 > x1) { for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++) if (img.getPixel(x2-1, y) <= threshold) break end3; x2--; } // bottom side end4: while (y2 > y1) { for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) if (img.getPixel(x, y2-1) <= threshold) break end4; y2--; } if (x2 <= x1 || y2 <= y1) return r; else return new Rect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); } static Rect rectUnion(Rect a, Rect b) { if (a == null) return b; if (b == null) return a; int x = min(a.x, b.x), y = min(a.y, b.y); int x2 = max(a.x+a.w, b.x+b.w), y2 = max(a.y+a.h, b.y+b.h); return new Rect(x, y, x2-x, y2-y); } static void darkenBWImagePart(BWImage img, Rect r) { darkenBWImagePart(img, r, 0.8f); } static void darkenBWImagePart(BWImage img, Rect r, float factor) { int x2 = r.x2(), y2 = r.y2(); for (int y = r.y; y < y2; y++) for (int x = r.x; x < x2; x++) img.setPixel(x, y, img.getPixel(x, y)*factor); } static void fillArrayUnlessZero(byte[] a, byte value) { if (value != 0) Arrays.fill(a, value); } static void fillArrayUnlessZero(int[] a, int value) { if (value != 0) Arrays.fill(a, value); } static void fillArrayUnlessZero(float[] a, float value) { if (value != 0) Arrays.fill(a, value); } static boolean inRange(int x, int n) { return x >= 0 && x < n; } static boolean inRange(int x, int a, int b) { return x >= a && x < b; } static double averageBrightness(BufferedImage img) { return new BWImage(img).averageBrightness(); } static int limitToUByte(int i) { return max(0, min(255, i)); } static int asInt(Object o) { return toInt(o); } static int iround(double d) { return (int) Math.round(d); } static int iround(Number n) { return iround(toDouble(n)); } static Method findMethod_cached(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(((Class) o)); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) for (Method m : methods) if (isStaticMethod(m) && findMethod_checkArgs(m, args, false)) return m; return null; } else { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(o.getClass()); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) for (Method m : methods) if (findMethod_checkArgs(m, args, false)) return m; return null; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static float rgbDiff(RGB a, RGB b) { return (float) (Math.abs(a.r-b.r) + Math.abs(a.g-b.g) + Math.abs(a.b-b.b))/3; } // 0xRRGGBB - result is between 0 and 1 static float rgbDiff(int a, int b) { int r1 = (a >> 16) & 0xFF; int g1 = (a >> 8) & 0xFF; int b1 = a & 0xFF; int r2 = (b >> 16) & 0xFF; int g2 = (b >> 8) & 0xFF; int b2 = b & 0xFF; return (Math.abs(r1-r2) + Math.abs(g1-g2) + Math.abs(b1-b2))/(3f*255); } static IntRange intRange(int start, int end) { return new IntRange(start, end); } static boolean intRangeContains(IntRange r, int i) { return r != null && i >= r.start && i < r.end; } static Integer rectCenterX(Rect r) { return r == null ? null : r.x+r.w/2; } static Integer rectCenterY(Rect r) { return r == null ? null : r.y+r.h/2; } static Set allFields(Object o) { TreeSet fields = new TreeSet(); Class _c = _getClass(o); do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) fields.add(f.getName()); _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return fields; } static int stdHash(Object a, String... fields) { if (a == null) return 0; int hash = getClassName(a).hashCode(); for (String field : fields) hash = hash*2+hashCode(getOpt(a, field)); return hash; } static String[] toStringArray(Collection c) { String[] a = new String[l(c)]; Iterator it = c.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < l(a); i++) a[i] =; return a; } static String[] toStringArray(Object o) { if (o instanceof String[]) return (String[]) o; else if (o instanceof Collection) return toStringArray((Collection) o); else throw fail("Not a collection or array: " + getClassName(o)); } static double toDouble(Object o) { if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).doubleValue(); if (o instanceof BigInteger) return ((BigInteger) o).doubleValue(); if (o == null) return 0.0; throw fail(o); } static int hashCode(Object a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.hashCode(); } final static class DoubleRange { double start, end; DoubleRange() {} DoubleRange(double start, double end) { this.end = end; this.start = start;} public boolean equals(Object o) { return stdEq2(this, o); } public int hashCode() { return stdHash2(this); } double length() { return end-start; } static String _fieldOrder = "start end"; public String toString() { return "[" + start + ";" + end + "]"; } } static int length(Object[] array) { return array == null ? 0 : array.length; } static int length(List list) { return list == null ? 0 : list.size(); } static int length(String s) { return s == null ? 0 : s.length(); } }