["1", "3", ":-", ":- test", "AisBisC", "DadJoke001", "DadJoke002", "DadJoke003", "HK", "IndexOfSentence", "Lasagna AI 1", "OneToTen", "PennyNickel", "YisX", "addition", "and", "and 3", "and 4", "asdf", "bgrgndzmul", "bit-bits", "blue", "brackets", "bus", "calc", "car", "computer/human", "crap", "cut test", "dad", "dang", "division", "double tasty test", "eq", "eq test", "eq test 2", "eval test squaring", "find yes", "first sentence", "foot-feet", "forall_impl", "forceEval", "good morning", "greatest", "guns", "human/computer", "ice cream", "if-user-says", "in list", "inch-inches", "is a theory", "is a, has a", "is a, has a (NL)", "is in list", "is-is-not", "isLeaf", "iter", "lasagna", "lenny", "list comp", "list fillers", "lolol", "mark", "mrshutco", "multiplication", "next", "not", "not test 1", "not test 2", "not v1", "number of theories", "number of theories 2", "onetwo", "or", "red", "simpler syntax test", "smartmul", "subtraction", "superior lasagna", "tasty list", "temp", "temp2", "temp3", "unified", "user says what is tasty", "usermul", "verify 1", "verify 2", "what is tasty", "x random test", "xor", "yes", "yes no", "yes-yeah"]