/* How to: -set snippet IDs -call run() -Manually add lambdaMapLike etc to includeSnippetID -Transpile lib & then main -Check that things still work -TODO: rewritten class names */ sclass LoadableUtilsExpander { run { prepare(); doIt(); } S mainProgramSnippetID = #1033411; S loadableUtilsSnippetID = #1033505; S includeSnippetID = #1033506; S globalSnippetID = #1020737; transient Set requestedFunctions, requestedClasses; transient Set have, haveClasses; transient new Set blockedFunctions; transient new Set blockedClasses; transient Set newFunctions, newClasses; transient new Set imported; transient Set importedClasses; transient Set toImport, classesToImport; transient new SS modifiers; transient S transpilerOutput; void prepare { transpilerOutput = transpilerOutput(loadSnippet(mainProgramSnippetID)); LS transpilerLines = mapLines dropLeadingAngleBracketStuff(transpilerOutput); requestedFunctions = asSet(startingWithIC_dropAndTrim("Compiling function:", transpilerLines); requestedClasses = asSet(startingWithIC_dropAndTrim("Compiling class:", transpilerLines); print(n2(requestedFunctions, "requested function")); print(n2(requestedClasses, "requested class", "requested classes")); for (PairS p : parseColonPropertyPairs(lines(transpilerLines))) if (eqOneOf(p.a, "mapLike", "mapMethodLike", "nuLike", "lambdaMapLike", "curry1Like")) modifiers.put(p.b, p.a); print(n2(modifiers, "function modifier")); S text = loadSnippet(loadableUtilsSnippetID); have = asSet(lmap tok_lastIdentifier(jextractAll("please include function .", text))); haveClasses = asSet(lmap tok_lastIdentifier(jextractAll("please include class .", text))); print("Have " + n2(have, "function")); S includeSnippet = joinNemptiesWithEmptyLines( loadSnippet(includeSnippetID), loadSnippet(globalSnippetID)); new Matches m; for (S comment : trimAll(getJavaLineComments(text))) { if (find3("don't include function *", comment, m)) blockedFunctions.add($1); if (find3("don't include class *", comment, m)) blockedClasses.add($1); } for (S comment : trimAll(getJavaLineComments(includeSnippet))) if (swic(comment, "don't import ")) blockedFunctions.add(tok_lastIdentifier(comment)); for (S s : jextractAll(javaTok(includeSnippet), "please include function .")) blockedFunctions.add(tok_lastIdentifier(s)); print(n2(blockedFunctions, "blocked function") + ": " + blockedFunctions); print(n2(blockedClasses, "blocked class", "blocked classes") + ": " + blockedClasses); newFunctions = setMinusSet(setMinusSet(requestedFunctions, blockedFunctions), have); print(n2(newFunctions, "new function")); newClasses = setMinusSet(setMinusSet(requestedClasses, blockedClasses), haveClasses); print(n2(newClasses, "new class", "new classes")); for (S s : tlft(includeSnippet)) { s = simpleSpaces(s); if (startsWith(s, "import static ")) imported.add(tok_lastIdentifier(s)); } print(n2(imported, "imported function")); importedClasses = asSet(lmap tok_lastIdentifier(jextractAll("import loadableUtils.utils.;", includeSnippet))); print(n2(importedClasses, "imported class", "imported classes")); var negativeSet = joinSets(imported, blockedFunctions); var positiveSet = joinSets(have, newFunctions); toImport = setMinusSet(positiveSet, negativeSet); print(n2(toImport) + " function(s) to import"); classesToImport = setMinusSet(haveClasses, importedClasses); print(n2(classesToImport) + " class(es) to import"); } // appends to Loadable Utils snippet void appendThem { if (empty(newFunctions) && empty(newClasses)) ret with print("Nothing to do"); S text = loadSnippet(loadableUtilsSnippetID); text += "\n\n" + mapToLines(newFunctions, f -> "please include function " + f + ".") + mapToLines(newClasses, c -> "please include class " + c + "."); editSnippet(loadableUtilsSnippetID, text); } // appends to Compact Module Include void appendImported { if (empty(toImport) && empty(classesToImport)) ret with print("Nothing to do"); S text = loadSnippet(includeSnippetID); text += "\n\n" + mapToLines(toImport, f -> "import static loadableUtils.utils." + appendSpaceIfNempty(modifiers.get(f)) + f + ";") + mapToLines(classesToImport, c -> "import loadableUtils.utils." + c + ";"); editSnippet(includeSnippetID, text); } void doIt { appendThem(); appendImported(); } }