// This looks at a number of periods of a given frequency starting at a certain time in the audio // and returns an intensity value. // No phase adjustment here, so you have to call this twice to get meaningful (complex) results. srecord noeq SumOfVibrations(IAudioSample sample, int channel, double start, double freq, int periods) { double period, end; double rawSum() { period = sample.sampleRate()/freq; double sum = 0, t = start; for p to periods: { // Subtract an expected trough from an expected neighboring peak and add to overall sum. // Nota bene: Trough and peak have the same area (=length), so this is basically a Haar-like feature! // By the use of which we automatically get around nasty complications like DC offsets in the input data. sum += sample.sampleSum(channel, t, t+period/2) - sample.sampleSum(channel, t+period/2, t+period); t += period; } end = t; ret sum; } // alternate calculation adjusted for duration double sumDividedByDuration() { ret rawSum()/(end-start); } }