scope renderLineCompedSingleLevels_raw_v2. static int[][] renderLineCompedSingleLevels_raw_v2(LineCompedSingle lc) { int n = lcLength(lc); // each matrix element is the symbol starting position for the character+1 (or 0 for empty) L rows = new AutoCreateList<>(() -> new int[n]); fill(lc, rows, 0, 0, lc.main); ret toArray(rows, int[].class); } // returns new x static int #fill(LineCompedSingle lc, L rows, int x, int y, L symbols) { //printVars_str fill(+x, +y, +symbols); for (int idx : symbols) { if (idx < l(lc.literals)) { rows.get(y)[x] = x+1; x++; } else { int newX = fill(lc, rows, x, y+1, intPairToList(lc.getPair(idx))); int x1 = x; while (x < newX) rows.get(y)[x++] = x1+1; } } ret x; } end scope