// not synchronized yet persistable sclass OptimizedMultiSet is IMultiSet { new Map map; // outer tree map for sorting // inner linked hash set for reproducability (HashSet ordering sucks) transient MultiSetMap byCount = multiSetMap_innerLinkedHashSet_outerRevTreeMap(); int size; public int add(A a) { ret add(a, 1); } int add(A a, int count) { if (count <= 0) ret 0; size += count; Int i = map.get(a); if (i != null) byCount.remove(i += count, a); else i = count; map.put(a, i); byCount.add(i, a); ret i; } // remove one occurrence of a (decrease its count) void remove(A a) { Int i = map.get(a); if (i != null) { --size; byCount.remove(i, a); if (--i > 0) { map.put(a, i); byCount.add(i, a); } else map.remove(a); } } // remove all occurrences of a void removeAll(A a) { Int i = map.get(a); if (i == null) ret; map.remove(a); byCount.remove(i, a); size -= i; } public bool isEmpty() { ret map.isEmpty(); } toString { ret str(map); } A getMostPopularEntry() { ret firstValue(byCount); } // returns first of least popular entries if there is a tie A leastPopularEntry() { ret first(lastValue(castMultiSetMapToNavigableMap(byCount)); } void _doneLoading { rebuildByCount(); } // internal void rebuildByCount { byCount.clear(); for (A entry, int count : map) byCount.put(count, entry); } public int get(A a) { ret map.get(a); } public int size() { ret size; } int uniqueSize() { ret map.size(); } L highestFirst aka getSortedListDescending() { ret asList(multiSetMapValuesIterator(byCount)); } // drop least popular items until at or below maxSize of (distinct) entries void truncate(int maxSize) { assertTrue(maxSize >= 0); while (uniqueSize() > maxSize) removeAll(leastPopularEntry()); } public synchronized Set keySet() { return map.keySet(); } }