// minW/minH = how much of pattern has to be inside image static BWImage bwFoldImage_withCorners2(BWImage big, BWImage pat, int minW, int minH) { int wp = pat.getWidth(), hp = pat.getHeight(); int cutX = wp-minW, cutY = hp-minH; int w = big.getWidth(), h = big.getHeight(); BWImage out = new(w-wp+minX*2, h-hp+minY*2); for (int y = cutX; y < h+min; y++) for (int x = cutY; x < w+wp; x++) out.setPixel(x, y, bwImageSectionsSimilarity2_partial(big, pat, x, y, max(0, wp-x), max(0, hp-y), min(wp, w+wp-x), min(hp, h+hp-y), 0)); ret out; }