!7 concept Rule > ConceptWithGlobalID { S input, output, variables /* comma-separated */, flags, comment; sS _fieldOrder = "globalID input output variables flags comment"; Set vars() { ret asCISet(tok_splitAtComma(variables)); } Set flags() { ret asCISet(tok_splitAtComma(flags)); } } concept PossibleExample > ConceptWithGlobalID { Rule rule; S input, output; SS mapping; Bool good; sS _fieldOrder = "globalID rule good input output mapping"; } concept Input > ConceptWithGlobalID { S input; } p { db(); indexConceptFields(PossibleExample, 'rule); indexConceptFieldsCI(Input, 'input, Rule, 'input, PossibleExample, 'input); indexConceptFieldsOrdered(Rule, 'globalID); } static HCRUD rulesCRUD() { ret new HCRUD(rawLink("admin"), new HCRUD_Concepts(Rule) { void massageItemMapForList(Rule r, MapSO map) { Cl examples = conceptsWhere(PossibleExample, rule := r); PossibleExample goodExample = random(objectsWhere(examples, good := true)); map.put("Example Input" := goodExample != null ? goodExample.input : null); map.put("Example Output" := goodExample != null ? goodExample.output : null); map.put("Possible Examples" := l(examples)); replaceKey(map, "input", "Pattern"); replaceMap(map, putKeysFirst(map, "globalID", "Example Input", "Example Output", "Pattern")); } Cl listConcepts() { ret conceptsSortedByFieldCI(Rule, 'input); } } .fieldHelp(variables := "comma-separated") .fieldHelp(flags := "comma-separated") ) { S renderValue(S field, O value) { S html = super.renderValue(field, value); if (eq(field, 'globalID)) ret ahref(rawLink(str(value)), html); if (eqOneOf(field, 'input, "Pattern")) ret b(html); ret html; } }; } static HCRUD inputsCRUD() { ret new HCRUD(new HCRUD_Concepts(Input.class) { void massageItemMapForList(Input i, MapSO map) { map.put("Possible Examples" := l(conceptsWhereCI PossibleExample(input := i.input))); map.put("Cmds", HTML(ahref( appendQueryToURL("admin", cmd := "processInput", inputID := i.id), "process"))); } }); } static HCRUD possibleExamplesCRUD(S uri) { ret new HCRUD(new HCRUD_Concepts(PossibleExample.class) { void massageItemMapForList(PossibleExample e, MapSO map) { if (e.rule != null) map.put(rule := HTML(ahref(rawLink(e.rule.globalIDStr()), e.rule.globalID()))); map.put(Cmds := HTML( ahref(appendQueryToURL(rawLink(uri), cmd := "markGood", exampleID := e.id), "good") + " " + ahref(appendQueryToURL(rawLink(uri), cmd := "markBad", exampleID := e.id), "bad"))); } }); } set flag NoNanoHTTPD. html { long startTime = sysNow(); bool authed = webAuthed(params); if (empty(uri = dropSlashPrefix(uri))) ret htitle_h1("Rules") + (webAuthed(params) ? p(ahref(rawLink("admin"), "Admin")) : "") + ul_noEncode(map(list(Rule), r -> ahref(rawLink(r.globalIDStr()), htmlEncode2(r.input + " => " + r.output)))); if (eqic(uri, "wordClassExamples")) ret serveText(mapPairsToLines(multiSetMapToPairs(wordClassExamples()), (k, v) -> quote(v) + " is in word class " + quote(k))); // serve rule if (possibleGlobalID(uri)) { Rule r = conceptWhere(Rule, globalID := GlobalID(uri)); if (r == null) ret subBot_serve404("Rule not found"); S html = htitle_h1("Rule " + r.globalID) + htmlTable2(mapToTwoElementMaps("Field", "Value", litorderedmap("Input" := r.input, "Output" := r.output, "Variables" := r.variables, "Comment" := r.comment))); HCRUD peCRUD = possibleExamplesCRUD(uri); ((HCRUD_Concepts) peCRUD.data).addFilter(rule := r); html += h3("Possible Examples") + peCRUD.renderTable(false); //Cl examples = conceptsWhere PossibleExample(rule := r); //ret possibleExamplesCRUD().render(false, ) ret html; } new Matches m; if (swic_slash(uri, "admin", m)) { S _uri = uri; HMultiCRUD multi = new(rawLink("admin"), Rule, Input, PossibleExample) { HCRUD makeCRUD(S className) { if (eq(className, "Rule")) ret rulesCRUD(); if (eq(className, "Input")) ret inputsCRUD(); if (eq(className, "PossibleExample")) ret possibleExamplesCRUD(_uri); null; } LS naviComponents() { LS l = super.naviComponents(); if (mutationRights) l.add(ahref(appendQueryToURL(baseLink, cmd := "processInputs"), "process inputs")); l.add(ahref(rawLink("wordClassExamples"), "word class examples")); ret l; } } .mainTitle("Rules + Inputs") .mutationRights(authed); multi.downloadRights = authed; HAbstractRenderable.MakeFrame mf = multi.makeFrame; multi.makeFrame = (title, contents) -> mf.makeFrame(title, contents) + p(small(sysNow()-startTime + " ms"), align := "right"); S cmd = params.get('cmd); if (nempty(cmd)) { try object checkWebAuthed(params); if (eqOneOf(cmd, "markGood", "markBad")) { PossibleExample e = getConcept(PossibleExample, parseLong(params.get('exampleID))); cset(e, good := eq(cmd, "markGood")); } if (eq(cmd, "processInput")) { Input i = getConcept(Input, toLong(params.get('inputID))); ret serveText(hijackPrint_tee_pcall(() -> processInput(i.input))); } if (eq(cmd, "processInputs")) { time { for (Input i) processInput(i.input); } ret multi.refreshWithMsgs("Processed " + nInputs(countConcepts(Input)) + " in " + lastTiming() + " ms"); } } ret multi.renderPage(m.rest(), params); } ret subBot_serve404(); } static void processInput(S input) { for (Rule r) { new Set found; print("Combining input " + quote(input) + " with rule " + quote(r.input)); ITokenizer tokenizer = r.flags().contains("keep punctuation") ? lambda1 javaTokWithBrackets_cached : lambda1 javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_plusAsterisk_cached; //for (SS mapping : arbitraryVarsFlexMatchIC_iterator(r.vars(), r.input, input)) { for (SS mapping : arbitraryVarsFlexMatchIC_tok_iterator(r.vars(), Tok(tokenizer, r.input), Tok(tokenizer, input))) { print(" Have mapping: " + mapping); PossibleExample e = uniq PossibleExample(rule := r, +input, +mapping); found.add(e); S output = replaceVars_optRound2(r.output, mapping); output = applyTransformers(output); cset(found, +output); } deleteConcepts(listMinusSet(conceptsWhere(PossibleExample, rule := r, +input), found)); } } func transformers = mapGet_if1(litmap( nominativ := (IF1) lambda1 german_toNominativ, switcheroo := (IF1) lambda1 switcheroo )); sS applyTransformers(S s) { ret pcallOrKeep(s, () -> tok_applyCurlyTransformers(transformers(), s)); } static MultiSetMap wordClassExamples() { MultiSetMap mm = ciMultiCISetMap(); for (PossibleExample e : conceptsWhere PossibleExample(good := true)) for (S key, value : unnull(e.mapping)) mm.put(key, value); ret mm; }