!7 // only from machines that run #1020927 with postToServer=true cmodule ServerLoadsTrayIcon > DynPrintLog { int size = goodSystemTrayIconSize().x; // icon width+height transient double expiryTime = 10.0; transient TrayIcon trayIcon; transient Map loads = expiringMap(expiryTime); transient LS colors = ll("FF0000", "00FF00", "0000FF"); transient S status; srecord Load(int cores, double percent) {} start { ownResource(tempTrayIcon(trayIcon = installTrayIcon(whiteImage(size, size), "Server CPUs", rThread dm_activateOSAndModule))); doEvery(1.0, r updateIcon); dm_onRemoteSystemStatusPosted((computerID, msg) -> { LS l = regexpFirstGroupsIC([[System CPU: (\d+)% \((\d+) core]], msg); if (l == null) ret; loads.put(computerID, new Load(parseInt(second(l)), parseInt(first(l)))); }); } void updateIcon enter { Map map = cloneMap(loads); setField(status := joinMap(", ", map, (server, load) -> server + ": " + iround(load.percent/load.cores) + "%")); int cores = 0; for (Load l : values(map)) cores += l.cores; BufferedImage img; double totalLoad = 0; if (cores == 0) img = whiteImage(1, 1); else { img = whiteImage(cores, size); int x = 0, i = 0; // go alphabetical in computer IDs for (Load l : valuesSortedByKeys(map)) { totalLoad += l.percent; Color color = colorFromHex(colors.get((i++) % l(colors))); int h = iround(l.percent/l.cores/100*size); fillRect(img, x, size-h, l.cores, h, color); x += l.cores; } } setTrayIconImage(trayIcon, resizeImage(img, size, size)); trayIcon.setToolTip(nServers(map) + ", " + nCores(cores) + ", " + "total load: " + iround(totalLoad/cores) + "%"); } visual centerAndSouthWithMargins(super, jCenteredSection("Server loads", dm_fieldLabel status())); }