!7 set flag AllowMetaCode. meta-transformNow { tok_standardBot } standard bot DiscordHelpEmbedTest { public S processSimplifiedLine(S s, O... _) { try answer super.processSimplifiedLine(s, _); if "embed test" { optPar MessageChannel channel; new EmbedBuilder eb; eb.setAuthor("MKLab FM Bot", null, null); eb.setTitle("Purpose", null); eb.setDescription("I play MKLab FM, the best Electronic Dance Music Radio, in a voice channel of your choice."); eb.addField("Syntax", "bla\nblubb\nmore", true); // small font footer eb.setFooter("Nobody reads the fine print", null); eb.setThumbnail(imageSnippetURL(#1102722)); // Any URL works channel.sendMessage(eb.build()).queue(); } null; } }