!7 //lib 1005011 // mochadoom lib 1400282 // mochadoom with key mapping static int escapeKeyCode = KeyEvent.VK_END; // put zero to not remap sS defaultCfg = [[ alwaysrun true chatmacro0 "No" chatmacro1 "I'm ready to kick butt!" chatmacro2 "I'm OK." chatmacro3 "I'm not looking too good!" chatmacro4 "Help!" chatmacro5 "You suck!" chatmacro6 "Next time, scumbag..." chatmacro7 "Come here!" chatmacro8 "I'll take care of it." chatmacro9 "Yes" detaillevel 0 fullscreen true joyb_fire 0 joyb_speed 2 joyb_strafe 1 joyb_use 3 key_fire 97 // 157 key_left 172 key_right 174 key_speed 182 key_strafe 184 key_strafeleft 105 // 97 key_straferight 106 // 100 key_up 103 // 119 key_down 108 // 115 key_use 57 // 32 mb_used 2 mouse_sensitivity 5 mouseb_fire 0 mouseb_forward 2 mouseb_strafe 1 music_volume 8 screenblocks 10 sfx_volume 8 show_messages true snd_channels 3 use_joystick false use_mouse true usegamma 0 ]]; public static void main(S[] args) ctex { renameConsole("Mocha DOOM!"); File iwad = loadLibrary(#1005008); File iwad2 = prepareProgramFile("doom1.wad"); copyFile(iwad, iwad2); File iwad3 = new File(iwad2.getName()); if (!iwad3.exists()) { if (eq(first(args), "CDed")) fail("Can't move to correct directory! " + f2s(iwad3.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile()) + " (should be " + f2s(programDir()) + ")"); else { classicNohupJavaxWithChdir(programID() + " CDed " + smartJoin(args)); System.exit(0); } } File cfgFile = prepareProgramFile("mochadoom.cfg"); if (!cfgFile.exists() || cic(args, "-overwritecfg")) { args = toStringArray(listMinus(toList(args), "-overwritecfg")); saveTextFile(cfgFile, trimAllLines(dropJavaComments(defaultCfg)); } S[] argz = eq(first(args), "CDed") ? dropFirst(args) : args; if (!cic(argz, "-iwad")) argz = concatStringArrays(new S[] {"-iwad", f2s(iwad2)}, argz); printStructure(argz); g.Signals.keyToMapToEscape = escapeKeyCode; mochadoom.Engine.main(argz); }