sclass ChessOCR_SquareImagesCollector { new Set imageMD5s; L allImages = syncList(); VF2 onBoardFound; // image name, board rects void loadImagesFromAGIBlue { for (S name, fen : unpair agiBlue_chess_trainingImagesWithPositions()) { SS map = pairsToCIMap(agiBlue_lookupMultipleKeys(agiBlue_chessBoardRecognitionTrainingImagesSliceID(), name, ll("Input image", "Segmenter used", "Chess board found", "Board location"))); if (!isYes(map.get("Chess board found"))) continue with print("Chess board not found, skipping"); BufferedImage img = loadImage2(parseImageSnippetURL(map.get("input image"))); Rect r = safeUnstructRect(map.get("Board location")); if (r == null) continue with print("No board? Skipping"); print("Board: " + r.w + "*" + r.h); callF(onBoardFound, name, r); if (abs(r.w-r.h) > 3) continue with print("Board not square, skipping"); BufferedImage board = clipBufferedImage(img, r); LS position = chess_parseFEN(fen); printStruct(+position); LL squareImages = map2 cloneBufferedImage(bufferedImageMNGrid(board, 8, 8)); for row to 8: { S fenLine = position.get(row); L images = squareImages.get(row); for col to 8: if (imageMD5s.add(imageMD5(images.get(col)))) allImages.add(new ChessOCR_PieceImage( chess_xyToSquare(col, row), chess_parseFENSymbol(fenLine.charAt(col)), images.get(col))); } } print("Have " + n2(allImages, "chess square image")); } LPair allImages() { ret map(cloneList(allImages), i -> pair(i.piece, i.img)); } }