!7 cmodule UserSelfInfoBot > DynTalkBot { switchable S sliceID; start { myName = "UserSelfInfoBot"; sliceID = "phcrwqpsrrmxdqft"; } S processSimplifiedLine(S s, O... _) { optPar long userID; S user = discordAt(userID); if "what's your name" ret myName; if (containsOneOfTheWords(s, ai_backReferencingWords())) ret null with print("Contains back-referencing word"); S objective = switcheroo_iToName(user, s); print("Objective >> " + objective); if (!contains(objective, user)) ret null with print("No I found"); if (agiBlue_postInSlice_trueIfNew(sliceID, user, "fact", objective)) ret "Thanks, I will store this. " + user; else ret "Yes I know, " + user; } }