!7 // See #1023660 for the older 99 lines version concept PhysicalSlice { new Ref slicePage; // page that describes this slice } concept Page { new Ref slice; // where are we stored S globalID = aGlobalID(); S url, q; } concept Entry { S globalID = aGlobalID(); new Ref page; int count; S key, value; S ip; new Ref signer; } concept Signer { S globalID = aGlobalID(); S publicKey; bool trusted; S approvedBy; } concept Session { S cookie; Page slicePage; } static SS searchTypeToText = litmap( leven := "Leven", literal := "Literal", scored := "Scored"); static int displayLength = 140; static int sideDisplayLength = 50; // when in side bar static int searchResultsToShow = 50; sS sideSearchType = 'literal; static int lines; sbool asyncSearch = false; sbool allowMultipleCasesInValues = true; sbool showSliceSelector = false; static ConceptFieldIndexDesc idx_latestEntries, idx_latestCreatedPages, idx_latestChangedPages; p { dbIndexingCI(Page, 'url, Page, 'q, Entry, 'key, Entry, 'value); dbIndexing(Signer, 'publicKey); dbIndexing(Session, 'cookie); // legacy conversions! //for (Page p) cset(p, q := p.url); moveSlicelessPagesToTheWildSlice(); idx_latestCreatedPages = new ConceptFieldIndexDesc(Page, 'created); idx_latestChangedPages = new ConceptFieldIndexDesc(Page, '_modified); idx_latestEntries = new ConceptFieldIndexDesc(Entry, 'created); // Approve this machine's key PKIKeyPair machineKey = agiBot_trustedKeyForMachine(); if (machineKey != null) { print("Approving this machine's key: " + machineKey.publicKey); cset(uniq_sync(Signer, publicKey := machineKey.publicKey), trusted := true, approvedBy := "local"); } lines = countLines(mySource()); } // DB functions sbool hasPage(S q) { ret hasConceptWhereIC(Page, +q); } sS getValue(Page page, S key) { ret page == null || empty(key) ? null : getString value(highestByField count(objectsWhereIC(findBackRefs(page, Entry), +key))); } sS getValue(S page, S key) { ret getValue(findPageFromQ(page), key); } sS pageDisplayName(Page page) { /*S name = getValue(page, "read as"); bool unnaturalName = nempty(name) && !eq(makeAGIDomain(name), page.url); ret unnaturalName ? name + " " + squareBracketed(page.url) : or2(name, unpackAGIDomainOpt(page.url));*/ ret page.q; } // Serve page set flag NoNanoHTTPD. html { ret new Request().serve(uri, params); } sclass Request { S cookie; Session session; S uri; SS params; // should also work for standalone bool isHomeDomain() { S domain = domain(); ret eqic(domain, "www.agi.blue") || !ewic(domain, ".agi.blue"); } O serve(S uri, SS params) { this.uri = uri; this.params = params; new Matches m; print(uri + " ? " + unnull(subBot_query())); cookie = cookieFromUser(); if (cookie != null) session = uniq_sync(Session, +cookie); else session = unlistedWithValues(Session); // Check for special URIs if (swic(uri, "/bot/")) ret serveBot(); // eleu appends a slash to the URI if it's a single identifier, so we drop it again S uri2 = dropTrailingSlash(uri); if (eqic(uri2, "/search")) ret serveScoredSearch(); if (eqic(uri2, "/literalSearch")) ret serveLiteralSearch(); if (eqic(uri2, "/levenSearch")) ret serveLevenSearch(); if (eqic(uri2, "/query")) ret serveQueryPage(); S selectSlice = params.get('slice); if (nempty(selectSlice)) cset(session, slicePage := pageFromQ(selectSlice)); S q = params.get('q); S domain = or2(params.get('domain), domain()); S raw = firstKeyWithValue("", params); // agi.blue?something if (nempty(raw) && empty(q)) q = raw; /*if (nempty(q)) { domain = makeAGIDomain(q); if (l(domain) > maximumDomainPartLength()) // escape with "domain=" ret hrefresh(agiBlueURL() + hquery(+domain, key := "read as", value := q)); ret hrefresh("http://" + domain + (eq(q, domain) ? "" : "/" + hquery(key := "read as", value := q))); //uri = "/"; replaceMapWithParams(params, key := "read as", value := q); }*/ S url = domain + dropTrailingSlash(uri); // domain to query //if (empty(q)) q = url; if (empty(q)) q = agiBlue_urlToQuery(url); Page page, bool newPage = unpair uniqCI2_sync(Page, +q); if (newPage) dbLog("New page", +q); //printStructs(+params, +raw, +q); S top = hcomment("cookie: " + takeFirst(4, session.cookie)) + hSilentComputatorWithFlag("agi.blue: " + q) + p(ahref(agiBlueURL(), hsnippetimg(#1101682, width := 565/5, height := 800/5, title := "Robot by Peerro @ DeviantArt"))) + p(small( b(ahref(agiBlueURL(), htmlEncode2(agiBlueName()))) + (agiBlue_isOriginal() ? "" : " " + targetBlank("http://agi.blue", "[original]")) + " | " + targetBlank(progLink(), "source code") + " of this web site (" + nLines(lines) + ") | " + targetBlank("https://gitter.im/agi-blue/community", "sponsor https?") + " | by " + targetBlank("https://BotCompany.de", "BC") + " | " + targetBlank("http://fiverr.tinybrain.de/", "Fiverr") + " | " + targetBlank("https://discordapp.com/invite/SEAjPqk", "Discord") + " | " + targetBlank("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6jtRdV3Ev8", "Video") + " | " + targetBlank("http://code.botcompany.de/1024233", "Notes") + " | " + ahref("/query", "Query") )); if (empty(params.get('q)) && empty(raw) && isHomeDomain()) { L pages = sortedByFieldDesc _modified(list(Page)); // TODO: use index int start = parseInt(params.get("start")), step = 100; S nav = pageNav2("/", l(pages), start, step, "start"); ret hhtml2(hhead_title("agi.blue Overview") // SERVE HOME PAGE + hbody(hfullcenterAndTopLeft(top + hform(b("GIVE ME INPUT:") + "

" + htextinput('q, autofocus := true) + " " + hsubmit("Ask")) + h1(htmlEncode2(agiBlueName()) + " has " + nPages(countConcepts(Page)) + " and " + nEntries(countConcepts(Entry))) + p(nav) + p_nemptyLines(map(pageToHTMLLink(), subList(pages, start, start+step))), !showSliceSelector ? "" : hform("Select reality slice: " + hselect_list(availableSlices(), getString q(session.slicePage), name := 'slice) + " " + hsubmit("Go")) ))); } S key = trim(params.get('key)), value = trim(params.get('value)); L entries = GetEntriesAndPost().go(page, params).entries; Set get = asCISet(nempties(subBot_paramsAsMultiMap().get('get))); //S get = params.get('get); if (nempty(get)) ret serveJSON(collect value(llNotNulls(firstThat(entries, e -> get.contains(e.key))))); S key2 = key, value2 = value; if (nempty(key) && nempty(value)) key2 = value2 = ""; // input reset bool withHidden = eq(params.get('withHidden), "1"); new Set hide; if (!withHidden) for (Entry e : entries) if (eqic(e.key, 'hide) && isSquareBracketedInt(e.value)) addAll(hide, e.count, parseInt(unSquareBracket(e.value))); new MultiMap mmMeta; for (Entry e : entries) if (isSquareBracketedInt(e.key)) mmMeta.put(parseInt(unSquareBracket(e.key)), e.value); new MultiMap mm; for (Entry e : entries) mm.put(e.key, e.value); //S name = or2(/* ouch */ last(mm.get("read as")), /* end ouch */ unpackAGIDomain(page.url), page.url); S name = page.q; // Find references L refs = concatLists(conceptsWhereIC Entry(value := name), conceptsWhereIC Entry(key := name)); Set refPages = asSet(ccollect page(refs)); refPages.remove(page); // don't list current page as reference // Search in page names (depending on default search type) L searchResults; if (eq(sideSearchType, 'leven)) searchResults = levenSearch(page.q, max := 50); else if (eq(sideSearchType, 'literal)) searchResults = literalSearch(page.q, max := 50); else searchResults = (L) dm_call('agiBlueSearch, 'search, page.q, maxResult := searchResultsToShow+1, agiBlueBotID := programID()); searchResults.remove(page); S mainContents = top + h1(ahref_unstyled("http://" + url + hquery(+q), htmlEncode2(shorten(displayLength, name))) + (newPage ? " [huh????]" : "")) + p_nemptyLines(map(entries, func(Entry e) -> S { !withHidden && (hide.contains(e.count) || eqic(e.key, "read as") && eqic(e.value, name)) ? "" : "[" + e.count + "] " + renderThing(e.key, false) + ": " + b(renderThing(e.value, cic(mmMeta.get(e.count), "is a URL"))) })) + hpostform(h3("Add an entry") + "Key: " + hinputfield(key := key2) + " Value: " + hinputfield(value := value2) + "

" + hsubmit("Add") ) + p(ahref(agiBlueURL() + "/literalSearch" + hquery(q := page.q), "[literal search]", title := "Search pages with a name containing this page's name literally") + " " + ahref(agiBlueURL() + "/levenSearch" + hquery(q := page.q), "[leven search 1]", title := "Search pages with a Levenshtein similarity of 1 containing this page's name literally") + " " + ahref(agiBlueURL() + "/search" + hquery(q := page.q), "[scored search]", title := "Search pages with ScoredSearch")); S sideContents = hform(b("GIVE ME INPUT:") + " " + htextinput('q) + " " + hsubmit("Ask", onclick := "document.getElementById('newInputForm').target = '';") + " " + hsubmit("+Tab", title := "Ask and show result in a new tab", onclick := "document.getElementById('newInputForm').target = '_blank';"), id := 'newInputForm) + h3("References (" + l(refPages) + ")") + p_nemptyLines_showFirst(10, map(pageToHTMLLink(displayLength := sideDisplayLength), refPages)) + h3(searchTypeToText.get(sideSearchType) + " search results (" + (l(searchResults) >= searchResultsToShow ? searchResultsToShow + "+" : str(l(searchResults))) + ")") + p_nemptyLines_showFirst(searchResultsToShow, map(pageToHTMLLink(displayLength := sideDisplayLength), searchResults)) + hdiv("", id := 'extraStuff); // TODO: sync search delivery with WebSocket creation if (asyncSearch) doLater(6.0, r { dm_call('agiBlueSearch, 'searchAndPost, page.q, agiBlueBotID := programID()) }); // serve a concept page ret hhtml2(hhead_title(pageDisplayName(page)) + hbody( tag('table, tr( td(mainContents, align := 'center, valign := 'top) + td(sideContents, align := 'right, valign := 'top)), width := "100%", height := "100%"))); } O servePagesToBot(Iterable pages) { ret serveListToBot(map(pageToMap(wrapMapAsParams(params)), pages)); } O serveListToBot(Collection l) { if (nempty(params.get('max))) l = takeFirst(parseInt(params.get('max)), l); ret serveJSON(l); } // uri starts with "/bot/" O serveBot() { S q = params.get('q); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/hello")) ret serveJSON("hello"); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/hasPage")) ret serveJSON(hasPage(q)); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/randomPageContaining")) { assertNempty(q); ret servePageToBot(random(filter(list(Page), p -> cic(p.q, q))), params); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/allPages")) ret servePagesToBot(list(Page)); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/allPagesStartingWith")) { assertNempty(q); ret servePagesToBot(filter(list(Page), p -> swic(p.q, q))); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/allPagesEndingWith")) { assertNempty(q); ret servePagesToBot(filter(list(Page), p -> ewic(p.q, q))); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/allPagesContaining")) { assertNempty(q); ret servePagesToBot(filter(list(Page), p -> cic(p.q, q))); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/allPagesContainingRegexp")) { assertNempty(q); Pattern pat = regexpIC(q); ret servePagesToBot(filter(list(Page), p -> regexpFindIC(pat, p.q))); } if (eqicOneOf(uri, "/bot/postSigned", "/bot/makePhysicalSlice", "/bot/approveTrustRequest")) { S text = rtrim(params.get('text)); S key = getSignerKey(text); if (empty(key)) ret subBot_serve500("Please include your public key"); if (!isSignedWithKey(text, key)) ret subBot_serve500("Signature didn't verify"); text = dropLastTwoLines(text); // drop signer + sig line Signer signer = uniq_sync Signer(publicKey := key); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/makePhysicalSlice")) { if (!signer.trusted) ret subBot_serve500("Untrusted signer"); Page page = findPageFromParams(jsonDecodeMap(text)); if (page == null) ret subBot_serve500("Page not found"); ret serveJSON(uniq2_sync(PhysicalSlice, slicePage := page).b ? "Slice made" : "Slice exists"); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/postSigned")) { new L out; for (S line : tlft(text)) { SS map = jsonDecodeMap(line); new GetEntriesAndPost x; x.signer = signer; Page page = findOrMakePageFromParams(map); if (page == null) continue with out.add("Invalid page reference"); x.go(page, map); out.add(x.newEntry ? "Saved" : x.entry != null ? "Entry exists" : "Need key and value"); } ret serveJSON(out); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/approveTrustRequest")) { if (!signer.trusted) ret subBot_serve500("Untrusted signer"); Signer toApprove = conceptWhere Signer(publicKey := trim(text)); if (toApprove == null) ret subBot_serve500("Signer to approve not found"); cset(toApprove, trusted := true, approvedBy := signer.globalID); ret serveJSON("Approved: " + trim(text)); } ret subBot_serve500("CONFUSION"); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/post")) { new GetEntriesAndPost x; x.go(pageFromQ(q), params); ret serveJSON(x.newEntry ? "Saved" : x.entry != null ? "Entry exists" : "Need key and value"); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/entriesOnPage")) ret serveJSON(map(entriesOnPage(findPageFromParams(params)), entryToMap(false))); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/lookup")) { S key = params.get('key); if (empty(key)) ret serveJSON("Need key"); S value = getValue(findPageFromParams(params), key); ret serveJSON(empty(value) ? "" : litmap(+value)); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/latestEntries")) ret serveJSON(map(takeFirst(10, idx_latestEntries.objectIterator()), entryToMap(true))); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/latestPages")) ret serveJSON(map(takeFirst(10, idx_latestCreatedPages.objectIterator()), pageToMap())); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/latestChangedPages")) ret serveJSON(map(takeFirst(10, idx_latestChangedPages.objectIterator()), pageToMap())); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/totalPageCount")) ret serveJSON(countConcepts(Page)); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/pageWithoutPhysicalSliceCount")) ret serveJSON(countConceptsWhere(Page, slice := null)); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/physicalSliceCount")) ret serveJSON(countConcepts(PhysicalSlice)); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/trustedSignersCount")) ret serveJSON(countConcepts(Signer, trusted := true)); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/valueSearch")) { S value = params.get('value); L entries = conceptsWhereIC Entry(+value); ret serveJSON(map(takeFirst(100, entries), entryToMap(true))); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/keyAndValueSearch")) { S key = params.get('key), value = params.get('value); Cl pages = pagesForKeyAndValue(key, value); ret servePagesToBot(pages); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/keyValuePairsByPopularity")) { L pairs = map(list(Entry), e -> pair(e.key, e.value)); LPair pairs2 = multiSetTopPairs(ciMultiSet(map pairToUglyStringForCIComparison(pairs))); ret serveJSON(map(pairs2, p -> { S key, value = unpair pairFromUglyString(p.a); ret litorderedmap(n := p.b, +key, +value); })); } if (eqic(uri, "/bot/allKeys")) ret serveListToBot(distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts Entry('key)); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/allKeysByPopularity")) ret serveListToBot(mapMultiSetByPopularity(distinctCIFieldValuesOfConcepts_multiSet Entry('key), (key, n) -> litorderedmap(+n, +key))); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/dbSize")) ret serveJSON(l(conceptsFile())); if (eqic(uri, "/bot/query")) { S query = params.get('query); L lines = agiBlue_parseQueryScript(query); SS vars = ciMap(); for (ALQLLine line : lines) { if (line cast ALQLReturn) ret serveJSON(ll(getOrKeep(vars, line.var))); else if (line cast ALQLTriple) { T3S t = line.triple; t = tripleMap(t, s -> getOrKeep(vars, s)); Cl pages; S var; if (isDollarVar(t.c)) { var = t.c; if (isDollarVar(t.a)) { if (isDollarVar(t.b)) todo(t); Entry e = random(conceptsWhereCI Entry(key := t.b)); if (e == null) ret serveJSON("No results for " + var); pages = pagesForKeyAndValue(t.b, t.c); vars.put(t.a, e.page->q); vars.put(t.c, e.value); continue; } else if (isDollarVar(t.b)) { Page page = findPageFromQ(t.a); Entry e = random(findBackRefs(page, Entry)); if (e == null) ret serveJSON("No results for " + var); vars.put(t.b, e.key); vars.put(t.c, e.value); continue; } else { S val = getValue(t.a, t.b); if (val == null) ret serveJSON("No results for " + var); pages = ll(pageFromQ(val)); } } else if (isDollarVar(t.b)) { var = t.b; if (isDollarVar(t.c)) todo(t); if (isDollarVar(t.a)) { L entries = conceptsWhereCI Entry(value := t.c); if (empty(entries)) ret serveJSON("No results for " + var); Entry e = random(entries); vars.put(t.a, e.page->q); vars.put(t.b, e.key); continue; } else { Cl keys = keysForPageAndValue(t.a, t.c); if (empty(keys)) ret serveJSON("No results for " + var); pages = map pageFromQ(keys); } } else { var = t.a; if (!isDollarVar(t.a)) todo(t); if (isDollarVar(t.b)) todo(t); if (isDollarVar(t.c)) todo(t); pages = pagesForKeyAndValue(t.b, t.c); } if (empty(pages)) ret serveJSON("No results for " + var); vars.put(var, random(pages).q); } else fail("Can't interpret: " + line); } ret serveJSON("No return statement"); } // end of serveBot() ret subBot_serve404(); } O serveLiteralSearch() { S q = params.get('q); L searchResults = literalSearch(q); ret serveSearchResults("literal search" , q, searchResultsToShow, searchResults); } L literalSearch(S q, O... _) { int searchResultsToShow = optPar max(_, 100); // quick search in random order //L searchResults = takeFirst(searchResultsToShow+1, filterIterator(iterator(list(Page)), p -> cic(p.q, q)); // full search, order by length ret takeFirst(searchResultsToShow+1, pagesSortedByLength(filter(list(Page), p -> cic(p.q, q)))); } O serveScoredSearch() { S q = params.get('q); L searchResults = (L) dm_call('agiBlueSearch, 'search, q); ret serveSearchResults("scored search" , q, searchResultsToShow, searchResults); } O serveLevenSearch() { S q = params.get('q); L searchResults = levenSearch(q); ret serveSearchResults("leven search with distance 1" , q, searchResultsToShow, searchResults); } L levenSearch(S q, O... _) { int searchResultsToShow = optPar max(_, 100); int maxEditDistance = 1; new Map map; for (Page p) { int distance = leven_limitedIC(q, p.q, maxEditDistance+1); if (distance <= maxEditDistance) map.put(p, distance); } ret takeFirst(searchResultsToShow+1, keysSortedByValue(map)); } O serveSearchResults(S searchType, S q, int searchResultsToShow, Collection searchResults) { S title = "agi.blue " + searchType + " for " + htmlEncode2(quote(q)) + " (" + (l(searchResults) >= searchResultsToShow ? searchResultsToShow + "+ results" : nResults(l(searchResults))) + ")"; ret hhtml2(hhead_title(htmldecode_dropAllTags(title)) + hbody(hfullcenter(//top + h3(title) + p_nemptyLines_showFirst(searchResultsToShow, map(pageToHTMLLink(), searchResults))))); } O serveQueryPage() { S query = params.get('query); if (query == null) query = loadSnippet(#1024258); S title = ahref("/", "agi.blue") + " | Execute a query script (" + targetBlank("http://code.botcompany.de/1024274", "ALQL") + ")"; ret hhtml2(hhead_title(htmldecode_dropAllTags(title)) + hbody(hfullcenter( h3(title) + form( htextarea(query, name := 'query, cols := 80, rows := 10, autofocus := true) + "

" + hsubmit("Execute"), action := "/bot/query") ))); } } // end of class Request svoid dbLog(O... params) { logStructure(programFile("db.log"), ll(params)); } static IF1 pageToMap(O... _) { optPar bool withEntries; bool nameOnly = eqOneOf(optPar nameOnly(_), "1", true); if (nameOnly) ret (IF1) p -> litmap(q := p.q); ret (IF1) p -> { L entries = findBackRefs(p, Entry); ret litorderedmap( q := p.q, nEntries := l(entries), created := p.created, modified := p._modified, entries := !withEntries ? null : map(entries, entryToMap(false))); }; } static IF1 entryToMap(bool withPage) { ret (IF1) e -> litorderedmap( created := e.created, i := e.count, key := e.key, value := e.value, q := withPage ? e.page->q : null, signer := getString globalID(e.signer!)); } sO servePageToBot(Page page, SS params) { if (page == null) ret serveJSON(null); params = asCIMap(params); Map map = pageToMap(withEntries := valueIs1 withEntries(params)).get(page); ret serveJSON(map); } sclass GetEntriesAndPost { L entries; Entry entry; bool newEntry; Signer signer; GetEntriesAndPost go(Page page, SS params) { S key = trim(params.get('key)), value = trim(params.get('value)); print("GetEntriesAndPost: " + quote(page.q) + ", " + quote(key) + " := " + quote(value)); withDBLock { entries = findBackRefs(page, Entry); if (nempty(key) && nempty(value)) { S ip = subBot_clientIP(); entry = firstThat(e -> eqic(e.key, key) && eq_icIf(!allowMultipleCasesInValues, e.value, value) && eq(e.ip, ip), entries); if (entry == null) { print("SAVING"); Entry e = cnew Entry(+page, +key, +value, +ip, count := l(entries) + 1, +signer); page.change(); // bump modification date entry = e; newEntry = true; entries.add(entry); dbLog("New entry", page := page.q, globalID := e.globalID, count := e.count, +key, +value); } } } sortByFieldInPlace created(entries); numberEntriesInConceptField count(entries); this; } } static Page findPageFromParams(Map map) { S q = getString q(map); ret empty(q) ? null : findPageFromQ(q); } static Page findOrMakePageFromParams(Map map) { ret pageFromQ(getString q(map)); } static Page findPageFromQ(S q) { ret conceptWhereCI Page(+q); } static Page pageFromQ(S q) { ret empty(q) ? null : uniqCI_sync Page(+q); } static F1 pageToHTMLLink(O... _) { optPar int displayLength = main.displayLength; ret func(Page p) -> S { S name = pageDisplayName(p); ret ahref(agiBlueURL() + hquery(q := p.q), htmlEncode2(shorten(displayLength, name)), title := name); }; } static Collection backSearch(S key, S value) { // we query the index for the value field because that yields fewer results ret map(conceptsWhereCI Entry(value := "a slice of reality", key := "is"), e -> e.page->q); } static Collection availableSlices() { ret moveElementToBeginningIC("the default slice", backSearch("is", "a slice of reality")); //ret ll("the default slice", "the everything slice", "the robot slice"); } static PhysicalSlice getOrMakePhysicalSlice(Page p) { PhysicalSlice slice = first(findBackRefs PhysicalSlice(p)); if (slice == null) slice = uniq_sync(PhysicalSlice, slicePage := p); ret slice; } static PhysicalSlice theWildSlice() { ret getOrMakePhysicalSlice(pageFromQ("the wild slice")); } svoid moveSlicelessPagesToTheWildSlice() { PhysicalSlice slice = theWildSlice(); for (Page p : conceptsWhere Page(slice := null)) { print("Moving to wild slice: " + p.q); cset_sync(p, +slice); } } sS renderThing(S s, bool forceURLDisplay) { ret forceURLDisplay || isURL(s) || isAGIDomain(s) ? ahref(fixAGILink(absoluteURL(s)), htmlencode2(shorten(displayLength, s))) : ahref(agiBlue_linkForPhrase(s), htmlencode2(shorten(displayLength, s))); } static L entriesOnPage(Page p) { ret p == null ? null : sortedByField count(findBackRefs(p, Entry)); } static L pagesSortedByLength(L l) { ret sortedByCalculatedField(l, p -> l(p.q)); } sS hhtml2(S contents) { ret hhtml(hAddToHead_fast(contents, hIncludeGoogleFont("Source Sans Pro") + hmobilefix() + hstylesheet("body { font-family: Source Sans Pro }"))); } static Set pagesForKeyAndValue(S key, S value) { L entries = conceptsWhereIC Entry(+value, +key); ret asSet(ccollect page(entries)); } static Cl keysForPageAndValue(S q, S value) { Page page = findPageFromQ(q); if (page == null) null; ret collect key(conceptsWhereIC Entry(+page, +value)); } sbool agiBlue_isOriginal() { ret amProgram(#1023558); } sS agiBlueURL() { ret agiBlue_isOriginal() ? "http://agi.blue" : myLink(""); } sS agiBlueName() { ret agiBlue_isOriginal() ? "agi.blue" : "agi.blue clone " + programID(); }