Tokenizing ---------- Functions: javaTok, wordTok, javaTokWithBrackets, javaTokNoQuotes, ... All functions take a string return a string list in "CNC" format. CNC, when counting from 1, has whitespace in odd positions and "real" tokens in even positions. Add a "C" to any function name to drop the white space elements, e.g. "javaTokC". Nouns ----- Mech Lists: "Nouns" Functions: isNoun Adjectives ---------- Mech Lists: "Adjectives", "Adjectives and comparatives" Functions: isAdjective, adjectiveToAdverb Snippets: #1011077 (List of adjectives) Adverbs ------- Mech Lists: "Adverbs", "Adverbial phrases" Functions: ai_dropLeadingAdverbs, adjectiveToAdverb, isAdverb Determiners ----------- Mech Lists: "Determiners" Functions: isDeterminer, ai_groupSimplestNounPhrases Fillers ------- ("like", "uh", "maybe", ...) Mech Lists: "Fillers", "Not fillers" (exceptions to first list) Functions: ai_dropFillers, ai_dropFillers_*