!7 cmodule IWantYouToBePrelude > DynPrintLog { transient Set facts = tlft_ciSet([[ Computery is usery's assistant It is impossible that {Computery is usery's mother} ]]); transient MultiMap rulesForSpace = litmultimap( MultiSpaceReasoning1.userSpace, ll(wordTokReplacerRule( "I want you to be my assistant", "assistant", "I want that {you are my assistant}")), MultiSpaceReasoning1.objectiveSpace, ll(new WordTokRule("Usery wants that X", "X") { // { debug = true; } run { S x_simplified = simpleSpaces_nTok(getVar("X")); if (contains(facts, x_simplified)) emit("But " + x_simplified + " already"); else if (contains(facts, "It is impossible that " + curly(x_simplified))) emit("No way brother"); else if (debug) print("Can't decide on: " + x_simplified); } }) ); start-thread-printDone { new MultiSpaceReasoning1 mr; mr.addRules(rulesForSpace); for (S input : ll("I want you to be my mother", "I want you to be my assistant")) { print_nlBefore(input); Collection outputs = mr.reason_inputToAnswer(ll(ext(input))); pnlIndent("Bot space > ", outputs); } } }