static SS test_AI_DatesBot_entries = parseDoubleRightArrowLinkedHashMap([[ first of april => 2019/04/01 3rd of april => 2019/04/03 what about the second of march => 2019/03/02 september 12th => 2019/09/12 ]]); static Scorer test_AI_DatesBot() { AI_DatesBot bot = nu AI_DatesBot(now := parseYMD("2019/01/02")); print(test_AI_DatesBot_entries); new Scorer scorer; for (S in, S output : test_AI_DatesBot_entries) { new LS out; bot.say = vfAddToCollection(out); bot.addInput(in); assertEqualsVerbose(scorer, ll(output), out); } ret print(scorer); }