sbool signWithComputerIDAndDate_verbose; sbool signWithComputerIDAndDate_verify; // appends a new line with computer id and signature static S signWithComputerIDAndDate(S s, O... _) { bool verbose = optPar verbose(_, signWithComputerIDAndDate_verbose); S computerID = getComputerID(); s = rtrim(s) + "\n\n" + "-" + computerID() + ", " + localDateWithMilliseconds() + " (" + localTimeZone().getDisplayName(false, TimeZone.SHORT) + ")"; s = fromLines(toLines(s)); if (verbose) print("Signing text: " + shorten(quote(s))); S signed = s + "sig: " + getMySignatureForText(s); signed = fromLines(toLines(signed)); if (optPar verify(_, signWithComputerIDAndDate_verify)) assertEqualsOptionalVerbose(verbose, "My own signature", computerID(), getAuthorOfSignedText(signed)); ret signed; }