!7 static double interval = 1.0; static new LatestAppearance latest; sS tooltip; static RectAndMD5 mouse; static Rect rectShown; static int maxClipWidth = min(600, screenWidth()/2); static int maxClipHeight = min(300, screenHeight()/2); p-subst { autoRestart(); startBotHere("Screen Segmenter.", #1015121); onGlobalKeyPress(voidfunc(NativeKeyEvent e) { mechAppend_noUniq_inQ("Key log", "User pressed key " + e.getKeyCode() + " with modifiers " + e.getModifiers()); }); onGlobalMousePress(voidfunc(NativeMouseEvent e) { lock defaultLock(); int x = e.getX(), y = e.getY(); makeToolTip(Pt(x, y)); S text; if (mouse == null) text = "User clicked at " + x + "/" + y + " (" + screenWidth() + "x" + screenHeight() + ")"; else text = "User clicked on " + (empty(tooltip) ? "uncommented object of size " + mouse.r.w + "x" + mouse.r.h : multiLineQuote(tooltip)) + " at " + x + "/" + y + " (screen: " + screenWidth() + "x" + screenHeight() + ", rect: " + mouse.r + ", md5: " + mouse.md5 + ")"; mechAppend_noUniq_inQ("Mouse log", text); }); S tooltip = ""; // mouse repeat with sleep interval { time2 { L list = latest.recordAndSort(thingsOnScreen2()); makeToolTip(mousePt()); } print(localDateWithSeconds() + ": Found: " + list); consoleTitle(l(list) + " " + joinWithComma(list)); } } svoid makeToolTip(Pt mousePt) { lock defaultLock(); L rects = segmentedScreenFromCacheFile_last; mouse = firstRectAndMD5Containing(rects, mousePt); S name = ""; if (mouse != null) name = unnull(thingsOnScreenDefinitions().get(mouse.md5)); if (neq(name, tooltip)) flatInfoBox_topRightCorner(tooltip = name, 1.0); Rect r = mouse == null ? null : mouse.r; if (r != null && empty(name) && neq(r, rectShown) && r.w <= maxClipWidth && r.h <= maxClipHeight) { double zoom = 1; int x = max(r.w, r.h); if (x < 30) zoom = 3.0; else if (x < 100) zoom = 2.0; ImageSurface is = zoomedImageSurface(shootScreenArea_possiblyBroken(mouse.r), zoom); showWindowInTopRightCorner(is, 3.0); } rectShown = r; }