What do you think of cheese You -> think -> what of cheese? How long is the string "abc"? The string "abc" -> is -> how long? How many characters does the string "abcd" contain? The string "abcd" -> contains -> how many characters? Can you eat a goat? You -> can eat? -> a goat | You -> can? -> eat a goat The string "bla" contains 3 characters. The string "bla" -> contains -> 3 characters Let's make a date Let's -> make -> a date Is 5 bigger than 3? 5 -> is? -> bigger than 3 It usually is It -> usually is -> . Is honey a gooey substance? Honey -> is? -> a gooey substance Is Bill Gates an idiot? Bill Gates -> is? -> an idiot Is Bill Gates the richest man? Bill Gates -> is? -> the richest man Let me go! Let -> ! -> me go What does a category have A category -> has -> what? // Short stuff OK OK -> . -> . John! John -> ! -> . // Commands !word a pigeon !word -> , -> a pigeon !assume !assume -> .