!7 sS alarmProgram = #1001096; p-substance { final JTextField tfHours = jTextField(hours()); final JTextField tfMinutes = jTextField(minutes()); showControls(jCenteredLine(jbutton("Test alarm", f testRing))); showForm("Hours", tfHours, "Minutes", tfMinutes, r-thread { int hours = parseInt(getTextTrim(tfHours)); int minutes = parseInt(getTextTrim(tfMinutes)); O prog = hotwire(alarmProgram); print("Alarm set to " + hours + ":" + minutes + "! (Current time: " + hours() + ":" + minutes() + ")"); waitUntilClockTime(hours, minutes); callMain(prog); }); } svoid testRing { nohupJavax(alarmProgram); // run with nohup so it is closable by user }