[4] [3] Usr: Hey Robot! Let's do some GMail. [3] Bot: Sure. What's the email address? [2] Usr: bla.x@gmail.com [1] [Bot sets email address to "bla.x@gmail.com".] [1] [good] [1] [Bot sets email address to "abc@gmail.com".] [1] [bad] [1] Usr: abc@gmail.com [1] [Bot sets email address to "abc@gmail.com".] [1] Bot: Alrighty. Please enter the password. [1] [Bot starts password saver.] [1] [Bot runs inbox counter. => 123] [1] Bot: OK, I think you have 123 mails in the inbox. [1] [good] [1] Usr: let's do gmail [1] Bot: Sure. What's the email address? [1] [...] [1] [good]