Theory "chess". There is 1 board. There are 64 squares. There are 2 colors: white, black. There are 2 shades: light, dark. There are 32 pieces. A piece has a color. A square has a shade. There are 8 columns: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h. There are 8 rows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. A square has a column and a row. The board has all squares. One piece is called "white king". Another piece is called "black king". Another piece is called "white queen". Another piece is called "black queen". // TODO... A piece can "be on" a square. Only one piece can "be on" a square. A piece with a color of white is called "white piece". A piece with a color of black is called "black piece". A square with a shade of light is called "light square". A square with a shade of dark is called "dark square".