static class SlackMsg { S user, botName; // one of these is going to be set S userName; // looked up if user != null S type, text, ts; O reactions; S channelID; } static L slackReadChannel(S channelID, S token, int limit) { ret slackReadChannel(channelID, token, limit, null); } static L slackReadChannel(S channelID, S token, int limit, S oldest) { S url = ""; S postData = "token=" + urlencode(token) + "&channel=" + urlencode(channelID) + "&count=" + limit + (oldest != null ? "&oldest=" + urlencode(oldest) : ""); S data = doPostWithTimeout(postData, url, slackSetTimeout_get()); Map map = cast jsonDecode(data); if (!isTrue(map.get("ok"))) fail(structure(map)); List _msgs = cast map.get("messages"); new L msgs; for (Map msg : reversedList(_msgs)) { new SlackMsg m; m.type = (S) msg.get("type"); m.user = (S) msg.get("user"); m.botName = (S) msg.get("username"); m.text = htmldecode((S) msg.get("text")); m.ts = (S) msg.get("ts"); m.reactions = msg.get("reactions"); m.channelID = channelID; m.userName = slackGetUserName(token, m.user); msgs.add(m); //print(structure(m)); } //print(l(msgs) + " messages sucked from slack channel."); ret msgs; }