!747 m { // These must be correctly indented. static S snippets = "#1001541 #1001437 #629 #1000985 #1001519"; static new L cases; static class TestCase { S name, input, output; *() {} *(S *name, S *input, S *output) {} } p { L lSnippets = codeTokensOnly(javaTokPlusPeriod(snippets)); for (S snippetID : lSnippets) { L text = toLines(loadSnippet(snippetID)); // TODO: better to load with wayback machine in case they change (Oct 23 2015, 19:57) L withoutIndent = removeIndent(text); cases.add(new TestCase(snippetID, fromLines(withoutIndent), fromLines(text))); } makeAndroid3("Indent Java Test Case Bot."); } static synchronized S answer(S s) { new Matches m; if (match3("solution * for case * by *", m)) { // TODO } } static L removeIndent(L text) { new L l; for (S line : text) l.add(ltrim(line)); ret l; } }