!747 m { static S botID = "#1001325"; // Heart (loud) static S dataID; // We alternate between two machines as a test. static S machine1 = "teubizvjbppd"; static S machine2 = "dhtvkmknsjym"; static int compressionLevel = 9; // highest! p { if (args.length != 0) botID = args[0]; S destMachine = getComputerID().equals(machine2) ? machine1 : machine2; botID = formatSnippetID(botID); print("Killing bot to move it..."); killProgramID(botID); print("OK, proceeding with zipping."); File zipPath = new File(getProgramDir(), botID + ".zip"); zipBot_compressionLevel = compressionLevel; zipBot(botID, zipPath); S title = "Data zip of " + botID + " on " + computerID() + " at " + now(); S gummipw = getProgramID(); dataID = uploadDataSuperHigh(gummipw, title, zipPath); sendToRemoteBot("Identity Manager", format3("* is now in state * with data * to machine *", botID, "moving", dataID, destMachine)); print("\nDone. Data ID: " + dataID); } }