!747 m { static S sentence1 = "Yes is the opposite of no. No is the opposite of yes."; static S sentence2 = "Green is the opposite of white."; p { L tok1 = parse(sentence1); L tok2 = parse(sentence2); Map map = makeMapPrefix(tok1, tok2); if (map == null) print("No match."); else print(structure(map)); print(complete(sentence1, sentence2)); } static L parse(S s) { return tokensToLowerCase(javaTok(s)); } static S complete(S sentence1, S sentence2) { L tok1 = parse(sentence1); L tok2 = parse(sentence2); Map map = makeMapPrefix(tok1, tok2); if (map == null) return null; new L tok; tok.addAll(tok2.subList(0, tok2.size()-1)); for (int i = tok2.size()-1; i < tok1.size(); i++) { S t = tok1.get(i); S x = map.get(t); tok.add(x != null ? x : t); } return join(tok); } static Map makeMapPrefix(L tok1, L tok2) { if (tok1.size() < tok2.size()) return null; new Map map; for (int i = 1; i < tok2.size(); i += 2) { S t1 = tok1.get(i), t2 = tok2.get(i); if (!t1.equals(t2)) { S v = map.get(t1); if (v == null) map.put(t1, t2); else if (!v.equals(t2)) return null; // match fail } } // match succeeds return map; } }