!1000805 // awt !636 // to process next line - yes it's hacky... !include #1000915 // Flag // must be called from a non-awt thread! static S slte(final S description) { return slte(description, ""); } // must be called from a non-awt thread! static S slte(final S description, final S defaultInput) { final new Flag done; final Class prog = hotwire("#1000897"); awt { set(prog, "input", defaultInput); set(prog, "description", description); setOpt(prog, "_noExit", true); set(prog, "onOK", runnable { done.raise(); }); set(prog, "onCancel", runnable { done.raise(); }); callMain(prog); } done.waitUntilUp(); return (Boolean) get(prog, "ok") ? (S) get(prog, "input") : null; }