Wrote /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_661721993/main.java - 434 bytes (written=434, should be 434) javac=0, ecj=1, useJarBot=0 Checking ECJ at port 4898 at /root/jdk-17/bin/javac -source 11 -target 11 -nowarn -encoding utf8 -Xdiags:verbose -cp /root/.javax/x30.jar:/root/dexcompiler/android.jar:/root/dexcompiler/support-v4-22.2.1.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.base.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.graphics.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.swing.jar -d /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_1951932660 /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_661721993/main.java 2>&1
[Compilation Error]

Compiler errors. Medium transpile. Show Java sources. Show snippet. Edit.

/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_661721993/main.java:2: error: class, interface, or enum expected static bool onGlobalHotKey(S hotKey, fO r) { ^ /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_661721993/main.java:4: error: class, interface, or enum expected final Int keyCode = mapGet(jNativeHook_keyCodes(), upper(hotKey)); ^ /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_661721993/main.java:5: error: class, interface, or enum expected if (keyCode == null) ret false with print("Ignoring unknown hotkey: " + hotKey); ^ /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_661721993/main.java:6: error: class, interface, or enum expected onGlobalKeyPress(voidfunc(NativeKeyEvent e) { ^ /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_661721993/main.java:9: error: class, interface, or enum expected }); ^ /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_661721993/main.java:10: error: class, interface, or enum expected print("Hotkey registered: " + hotKey); ^ /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_661721993/main.java:11: error: class, interface, or enum expected true; ^ /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_661721993/main.java:12: error: class, interface, or enum expected } ^ 8 errors